MAY 20, 2008


Chairman Collyard called the Regular Board Meeting to order at 6:30PM. The Pledge of  Allegiance to the Flag was said. Collyard called for a Roll Call to establish a quorum/Verification of Public Notice/Motion to approve the May Agenda:


Roll call vote: Meinke-here, Webb-here, Porter-here, McGee-here, Collyard-here, quorum is established.  Motion(McGee/Porter) to approve the May agenda. Motion carried.  The agenda is printed as follows:




MAY 20TH AT 6:30PM


Call the Regular Board Meeting to order at 6:30PM

Pledge Allegiance to the Flag

Roll Call to establish a quorum/Verification of Public Notice/Motion to approve the May Agenda

Approve minutes of the Last Regular Board Meeting and Motion to dispense with reading of the minutes.

Open Bids for Island Lake Road LRIP Project

Treasurer’s Report

Voucher’s Approval

Clerk Correspondence

                Set Board of Review Dates

Citizen’s Request for Action:

1)       ATV Trail amendment to Ordinance request by Mike and Suzette Trembley for E. Idlewild Lake Road

2)       Discussion on request for clean-up on Felix Road

3)       Request for pothole in Webster Road to be fixed (8/10 mile north of Island Lake Road and Barnes road intersection.)

4)       Request by several residents for blacktop on Lynx and Silverwolf Roads, request for member of Potawatomi on Road Committee & request to adopt an equitable road policy 

Department Head Reports:



                Fire and Ambulance Department

                                Review and adoption of completed SOG’s                  


Committee and Commission Reports:         

                Recreation Committee     

                EWM Committee

                                Approval of New Hires for Boat Landing Coordinator and Monitors                    

                Land Use Planning Commission                   

Adoption of Ordinance for Barnes Area Development Corporation

Approval of Lease to Superior Fuel in Barnes Industrial Park

Operator License Renewals: 2 Year License for Nina G. Krob, Sam Kurth, Douglas Brierly, Joan Brierly and Russell Boheim

Public Comment Session – 5 minute limit for those not on the Agenda

Issues Timeline Update

All Department Heads are encouraged to be at the Regular Board Meetings

All Department Heads and Committee Heads are to submit a written report to the clerk

by Friday evening prior to the Board Meeting.

The Town Board reserves the right to solicit information from

Department heads and Committee heads only, without opening the floor to discussion.

Any persons requiring special needs for handicap services please contact the Clerk-Treasurer

Elaine J. Brustad Barnes Town Clerk-Treasurer

Dated this 16th Day of May, 2008



Collyard then asked for a motion to approve minutes of the Last Regular Board Meeting and Motion to dispense with reading of the minutes.

Motion( Porter/McGee) to approve the minutes of the last Regular Town Board meeting and to dispense with the reading of the minutes. Motion carried.


Open Bids for Island Lake Road LRIP Project

There was one bid received for the Road project, from Northwoods paving.  The bid amount was $187, 536.30.  A separate option was for shouldering, which was 9.13/ton or $5,231.49 with using 573 ton of Town gravel.  A bid was received from Antczak Construction for the shouldering in the amount of 7.55/ton with an 800 ton minimum or $6,040.00.  Jerry Witt wanted to looks at the shouldering bids himself to compare and will decide on the shouldering at a later time. 


Motion (McGee/Porter) to accept the bid submitted by Northwoods Paving for $187,536.30.  Witt said the large increase from the planned amount of around $158,000.00 was due to the rising costs of fuel.  Jon Humberg talked about that as well, and stated it also was due to some additional materials that would be needed for the Barnes road interchange and others.    Motion carried.


Treasurer’s Report

Checking Balance from last meeting









Check #'s 22506-22586




April Direct tax payment ck # 306




Service Charge April





Interest Earned April






















Money Market Gen'l Fund Balance from Last Meeting


Interest earned April


YTD Interest $14471.71



Sub-Total Money Market Gen'l Funds


Highway Dept. Sinking Fund




BES Sinking Fund





Park Savings





Ski Trail Savings


Deposit $29.00


Parade-Event-Calendar Fund




Town Hall Complex Fund




Act 102 Fund


Ck # 1082 $2,524.86



Sub-Total Money Market sub accounts


Total all Money Market Funds























Motion ( Meinke/Porter) to approve the Treasurer’s report as read.  Motion carried.


Voucher’s Approval

Motion(Porter/McGee) to approve the vouchers.  Motion carried.



Clerk Correspondence

Clerk has received Notices to Cut on Plum Creek property in Section 5, 6,  & 28 of  Township 43, Section 22, 23 and 32 of Township 44 North, and Section 29 of 45 North.

Brustad received some flyers to post for the Clean Sweep collection on Thursday, June 5th at the Cable Community Center from 3:00pm to 4:30pm.  There are others happening in the area throughout the summer months.

She reported there had been an incident at the Transfer Site where someone had tripped on the platform in front of the compactor.  She talked with him after the incident and he said he was ok, just bruised. 

The Fire Inspectors inspected the Town Hall and buildings on the 13th.  A few items need to be fixed.  The storage room needs to be cleaned out so there is access to the electrical panel box and the box itself needs to have the knock outs replaced.  The grease screen on the vent in the kitchen needs to be installed.  One is missing.  The cooler in the kitchen needs to be looked at by an electrician.  Also they are checking on the statutes but think we need to have an Ansell system installed since we have 2 stoves.  Collyard said they are working on getting the storage area in the kitchen cleared out so Elaine can put some of the boxes from her storage room there.  The kitchen screen on the vent has been ordered.  The cooler will be taken out since only a few use it, and one of the stoves will be taken out also since no one uses two at one time. 


                Set Board of Review Dates Brustad said Charlotte Johnson, the Assessor said she would be ready for Board of Review the end of July.  It is legal now to have Open Book on the same day so would like the 28th if possible.  Brustad said the Board of Review will have to meet between the 13th of May through the 10th of June as is required by State Statutes.  She has to post the meeting for 15 days so would need to set the first meeting for the 5th through the 10th of June.  It was decided to have the first meeting on June 5th at 7:00am to adjourn to the 28th day of July from 5:00PM to 7:00PM.  The Open Book will be on that same day.

Brustad also said the Ordinance appointing alternates for the Board of Review hadn’t been addressed for a few years.  She wanted to know if the Board wanted to change anything.  Currently the 1st alternate is herself, then Gene Ratzel and Lu Peet as the other two.  Motion (Webb/Porter) to appoint Elaine Brustad as the first alternate again for the Board of Review, then leave the other two also as alternates.  Motion carried.


Citizen’s Request for Action:  Collyard explained this was a new item on the agenda and will be a regular item each time someone fills out the form for action.

1) ATV Trail amendment to Ordinance request by Mike and Suzette Trembley for E. Idlewild Lake Road  The request from the Trembleys had included 75 road also but the Clerk had not put that on the agenda and so the Board will address 75 road at the next Town Board meeting.

                Motion(Webb/McGee) to approve the resolution to add E. Idlewild Lake Road as approved        ATV route.  Brustad will correct the Ordinance amendment adding 75 road (she had 73 road) and         it will be                 signed and adopted at the next Board meeting. 


2) Discussion on request for clean-up on Felix Road  A request by one of the neighbors was received to address the junk and garbage in the yard at 4150 Felix Road.  Discussion by the Board decided on Collyard going to the offender’s home with a written letter requesting her to clean it up.  A copy should go to the County zoning and health departments. Collyard should also talk with zoning on any stipulations given with the permit when the new home was built.


3) Request for pothole in Webster Road to be fixed (8/10 mile north of Island Lake Road and Barnes road intersection.) Collyard said this was already done by the highway crew.


4) Request by several residents for blacktop on Lynx and Silverwolf Roads, request for member of Potawatomi on Road Committee & request to adopt an equitable road policy Jerry Witt addressed the request by stating his hands are tied because he only has so much money to work with since the Board determines how money he has in the budget for road work.  There are many more roads in Barnes with higher traffic counts that need blacktop than Lynx and Silverwolf.  Witt said the Island Lake Road project was implemented by him because of three major reasons: Potawatomi is the most dangerous area for a potential forest fire and Island Lake Road is needed because it is imperative that there be a speedy and efficient egress from a fire if one should come.  It is needed to reduce traffic from George Lake Road, and because Potawatomi has the highest density of structures in the Town of Barnes.  But according to the state Paser ware system, the amount of money we spend each year can only maintain what we’ve got already.  And especially with the high cost of blacktop now we’ll have to limit blacktop to the major arteries in Barnes. Webb also mentioned the committee hasn’t be meeting now for about a year, but if they start again, it will be published so anyone can join if they would like.  They are always looking for committee members.   Motion (McGee/Meinke) to open the floor to discussion. Motion carried. 

John Kudlas said this wasn’t an attempt to slam Jerry or his staff, he really appreciates what Jerry has done.  This request was because people were asking him whatever happened to the proposed project to blacktop these roads.  He felt it was necessary to develop a policy then follow it.  Collyard said they follow what the state advises and Jerry bases his decisions on that and what he feels is the most important to get done.  Kudlas said he looked at the website but the committee’s notes weren’t there that he could find.  Webb said the committee did develop a policy and that should be on there as well as the meetings.  Brustad said she was fairly sure nothing had gotten deleted from there and all the minutes as well as the policy should be on the web.  She will check and let John Kudlas know.  Motion (Porter/McGee) to close the floor to discussion.  Motion carried.   


Department Head Reports:


The sander rebuild project has been completed for the 97 dump truck.

I have repaired logging damage to sand roads in the north portion of town. Approximately 8 miles of sand roads needed to be repaired with aggressive grading to shore them up from the heavy traffic they have seen this past spring from the logging industry.

I have also been doing some aggressive grading on Sweet Lake Rd, Jones Rd, and Pickerel Lake Rd.

Two and one half days were spent brushing out the ski trail to widen it out.

Spillage of salt and sand has deteriorated the base frame of the Quonset Hut to the point where it will not pass the next State inspection. Work is being done to stop the corrosion, and the sides are being lined with green plywood to prevent further corrosion.

I met with Gary Ruzic, owner of Ruzic Construction this past week. He was highly recommended to me by NWBE, an engineering firm from Hayward. His expertise in bridge and Dam building is well documented across the state. After looking at the wing wall problem at the locks bridge, his proposal would be to close the road for one to two days, remove the blacktop from the east wing wall, remove fill from the wing wall area, drive a deadman piling, attach anchor cables between the leaning pilings and the deadman piling to pull them straight and to anchor them, backfill and compact. The area would then be graveled and at a later date would be hard surfaced. With the bridge inspection report from last year stating that the east wing wall be repaired or replaced ASAP, I am going to treat this as an emergency repair, and will not be bidding it out. Estimated price for this work will be between five and ten thousand dollars. At this time the work is estimated to take place just after the fourth of July. The pile driving equipment presently in use on the highway 2 project in Ashland, will be passing through this area at this time. 



There was a cremation in Block 3, Lot 10, site 9 on May 2nd.


                Fire and Ambulance Department

Since the last Town board meeting the ambulance has had six ambulance calls. 

1 – transport to Hayward

1 -  False Alarm

1 – no transport - Deceased

3 – respond with Fire Department

The new Radio has been installed in ambulance this was purchased with a $3500.00 grant and

$800.00 from our Department off of ACT 102 funds. 

Fourth of July plans are underway and moving forward.  Dr. Wesley was here last Friday and certified everyone in their advance Skills.  We also discussed the new protocols that he has presented.

Since the last meeting we have had three Fire runs. 

1 – wildland fire on Robinson Lake Road

1 – wildland fire on Martin road

1 – Power Line down on Kelly Lake Road

SOG’s are done and waiting for your approval.


                                Review and adoption of completed SOG’s

Chairman Collyard said Tom had emailed everyone with the completed SOG’s for their review.  Chris Webb had been involved with the SOG’s from the start and if anyone had questions they could ask her or Tom.  He felt they should be adopted now, and if there were any changes they could be amended from time to time.

Motion(Webb/McGee) to adopt the SOG’s presented for the Fire Department.  Motion carried.


                Constable Clerk-Treasurer Brustad read the Constable’s report:

2 Alarms from sheriff.........2 deer hits on hwy 27...........1 check welfare on overdue camper........4 animal complaints..........1 chapter 13 complaint ( Excessive junk / trash on property.............2 assist stranded boaters on middle............1 suspicious person outside Drummond bank.


Committee and Commission Reports:         

                Recreation Committee  Webb said they hadn’t found anyone for swimming lessons, they doubted they would be able to have them this year.  They didn’t meet last month because of the snowstorm but planned on meeting on Wednesday night to walk the park.


                EWM Committee Ingemar Ekstrom  said the “Clean Boats Clean Waters” program is off to a good start.  The employees they have are doing a good job so far.  The treatment of Tomahawk Lake was today.  Because of the cold weather we have been having it may take a little longer for the chemical to go away, maybe through the month of June.  Signs are up and 2 volunteers are monitoring the two lakes.

                                Approval of New Hires for Boat Landing Coordinator and Monitors

Motion(Meinke/McGee) to approve the new hires, Jack Conklin as Coordinator, Charles Corlett, Scott Bell, Robert Higgins, and Kenneth Higgins as the Boat landing monitors. 


Land Use Planning Commission The Plan Commission did not meet because there were no zoning requests submitted for this month.


Adoption of Ordinance for Barnes Area Development Corporation Brustad said this was dropped when the ordinances were codified in 2004.  They now have some interest in the park with an application submitted from Superior Fuel so need to have the ordinance re-submitted.


Motion(Meinke/McGee) to adopt the BADC Ordinance, Chapter 21 as presented. Motion carried.

Gene Ratzel said they are still in need of volunteers for director positions in the Barnes Area Development Corporation.  Collyard said we should re-advertise.


Approval of Lease to Superior Fuel in Barnes Industrial Park  Superior Fuel had requested to lease a lot for construction of a bulk storage facility in the Industrial Park.  The BADC still needs to run power to the park, and will find out the approximate costs to do so.  The park had a similar request a few years ago from another customer but that didn’t work out.  Motion (Porter/McGee) to approve the lease for Superior Fuel in the Barnes Industrial Park.  Motion carried.


Operator License Renewals: 2 Year License for Nina G. Krob, Sam Kurth, Douglas Brierly, Joan Brierly and Russell Boheim  Brustad said these were all renewals. Motion (Porter/Meinke) to approve the 2 year license renewals for Nina Krob, Sam Kurth, Douglas Brierly, Joan Brierly and Russell Boheim.  Motion carried.


Public Comment Session – 5 minute limit for those not on the Agenda

John Kudlas talked about the upcoming events for the Riverfest Celebration June 13th and 14th. 

Patti Joswick said her road, Carney Road, was not being plowed and was told it wasn’t a public road.  She wanted to find out if that could change or how she could get the Town to plow it.  Collyard said he would check for sure if it was a private road or public road and get back to her.  He also would get the information to her about what would be needed to have the road added as a town road.

Ingemar Ekstrom wanted to mention he hoped the weather would warm up as the chemical that was applied to Tomahawk Lake this week doesn’t bio-degrade until the temps warm up.  This means the chemical will be in the lake longer.


Issues Timeline Update

Town owned land – Trees from Town Hall property should be done soon.

Fire Dept-SOG’s – these are complete, can be taken off

Health Insurance – Meeting is on Friday with Steve Matushak

Re-appointments - Ongoing


                slow-no wake – take off, Town Board decided against an ordinance for this

Records storage – On going


Motion (Porter/Meinke) to adjourn the Town Board Meeting of May 20, 2008.  Motion carried.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:40PM



Respectfully submitted,





Elaine J. Brustad,


dated this 28th day of May, 2008