Collyard called the Regular Board Meeting to order at
The agenda
is as follows:
Call the Regular Board Meeting to
order at
Pledge Allegiance to the Flag
Roll Call to establish a
quorum/Verification of Public Notice/Motion to approve the April Agenda
Approve minutes of the Last Regular
Board Meeting and Motion to dispense with reading of the minutes.
Treasurer’s Report
Voucher’s Approval
Clerk Correspondence
Department Head Reports:
and Ambulance Department
to borrow money for new fire truck
to purchase stairs chair from Strykers through ACT 102 funds
of new firefighter applications from Ronald
of employee of the year nominations
Committee and Commission Reports:
committee on hiatus until further notice
Use Planning Commission
re-appointments and reassignments
Zoning 1) Special Use Permit request for re-establishment of home-based
real estate business at
Special Use Permit request to place a mobile home in a F-1 Zoning District on property owned by Denny Zingsheim on
ATV Trail Amendments to Ordinance
Request by ATV Club
Discussion of No wake Ordinance on
Discussion of records storage
Public Comment Session – 5 minute
limit for those not on the Agenda
Issues Timeline Update
All Department Heads are encouraged
to be at the Regular Board Meetings
All Department Heads and Committee
Heads are to submit a written report to the clerk
by Friday evening prior to the Board
The Town Board reserves
the right to solicit information from
Department heads and
Committee heads only, without opening the floor to discussion.
Any persons requiring
special needs for handicap services please contact the Clerk-Treasurer
Elaine J. Brustad Barnes Town Clerk-Treasurer
Dated this 21th
Day of April, 2008
(Porter/Meinke) to approve the minutes of the last regular board meeting and to
dispense with the reading of those minutes.
Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report
Balance from last meeting |
$18,948.79 |
Receipts |
$22,751.21 |
Check #'s
22506-22586 |
($37,905.20) |
Direct tax payment ck # 305 |
($3,662.92) |
from Money Market Account |
$50,000.00 |
Charge March |
($13.41) |
Earned March |
$18.16 |
$50,136.63 |
Market Gen'l Fund Balance from Last Meeting |
$652,823.80 |
earned March |
Interest $12,575.44 |
$2,241.40 |
to General Fund |
($50,000.00) |
Ck#' 1079 |
($651.11) |
Money Market Gen'l Funds |
$604,414.09 |
Dept. Sinking Fund |
$31,072.92 |
Sinking Fund |
$52,677.07 |
Savings |
$13,021.85 |
Ski Trail
Savings |
$726.61 |
Fund |
$1,842.60 |
Town Hall
Complex Fund |
$19,298.20 |
Act 102
Fund |
Ck # 1080
$291.49 |
$5,611.05 |
Money Market sub accounts |
$124,250.28 |
all Money Market Funds |
$728,664.37 |
$778,801.00 |
Motion (Porter/McGee)
to approve the Treasurer’s report as read.
wanted to comment on the interest earned each month which was a substantial
amount added to the revenues. Collyard
said yes and it was never done before Elaine came on board and with the change
it has added quite a large sum of money each year. Motion carried.
Voucher’s Approval
Motion (Mcgee/Meinke)
to approve the voucher’s. Motion carried.
Clerk Correspondence
Brustad said
she received a check from the Barnstormers Snowmobile Club for $200.00 for a
contribution towards the purchase of a Burning Torch.
She read an
email from Paul Becker regarding access to his property from
announced the town has been awarded a grant in the amount of $6,499.89 for
their recycling grant this year. This is
considerably larger than they have received in the past.
Brustad also
announced she had been awarded the designation of Wisconsin Certified Municipal
Clerk. She is planning on attending the
Institute again this year for the Treasurer’s completion course and hopes to become
a certified Municipal Treasurer as well.
She received
6 Notices to Cut in Sections 3, 10, 26
and 32 of 43, Range 9 and 6, 7, and 18 of Township 44, Range 9. Jerry Witt wanted to know if it noted which
roads would be used during the cutting.
It would be helpful to get a head’s up on which roads he would have to
be grading when they are cutting.
Brustad said there is the Ordinance for the road permit, but they don’t
seem to notifiy her. Webb thought we
should send out a form letter to the companies when we receive a Notice. Collyard said the problem with that is they
usually are already cutting when we get the notice.
Department Head Reports:
Since the last board meeting we have cleared
approximately 250 trees off the right of way on the
Bud Pease
reported there had been no activity since the last meeting.
Fire and Ambulance Department
to borrow $103,000.00 for fire truck
Brustad said the loan was tentatively approved from the Commissioner of Public
Lands. A Resolution needed to be signed
by the Board for the loan.
(Porter/McGee) to borrow $103,000.00 from the Commissioner of Public Lands and
sign the resolution for the loan. Roll call vote taken: Porter-yes, McGee-yes,
Webb-yes, Meinke-yes, Collyard-yes. Motion carried.
Since the
last Town board meeting the ambulance has had five ambulance calls.
1 –
transport to
1 - transport to Helicopter pad and transferred
to St. Lukes helicopter
1 – no
2 – respond
with Fire Department
ambulance department has purchased a new stairs chair from Strykers to replace
the old one that came over on the Mayflower.
The cost was $2524.86. This was
purchased out of the ACT 102 funds.
Because the amount is over $1500.00 I do not know if this purchase needs
to be approved by the Town Board as it is coming out of the ACT 102 funds and
not the Town Budget, so if it needs to be approved by the Town Board it will
give me direction this time and next time from the Town Board. Brustad said the current Act 102 funds are
set up with the Town’s money market account so these items from Act 102 funds
need to be put into the budget unless we set up a separate account for the ACT
102 funds. Webb thought the account
should be separate and Renz agreed.
Brustad will set up a separate account for the funds. If this is done then the Board would not have
to approve the purchases. Renz said he
will still report on what he is spending through the account.
There is sky
warn spotter training in
Since the
last meeting we have had three Fire runs.
1 – set up
landing zone
1 –
unattended brush fire on
1 – wild
land fire on
I am
presently working with the
We have also
had to do furnace repairs at the Fire Hall.
We came in one night to find the furnace leaking water all over the
floor. Two valves had plugged up with
sediment cause by either not having any water treatment in the system or having
poor quality of treatment in the water.
Arch came down and took care of it and replaced the valves. They also put a high quality water treatment
into the system.
I also have
an application for 2 new firefighters: Ronald Cairns and Mary Davidson. Ron is from
Motion (Webb/Porter)
to approve the two new firefighter applications from Ronald
Renz also
wanted to report that the US Forestry Service had asked for a cooperative Fire
agreement between them and the Barnes Fire Department. Renz said although they don’t have land in
the Town of
Motion (Webb/Meinke)
to allow the Fire Chief to sign the agreement between the Fire Department and
Approval of employee of the year
Renz had one
nomination, one that he had nominated himself.
It was for Jim Prickett. He read
his reason for the nomination: “Jim took
over Fire Inspections without a whole lot of information. He is always willing
to ask questions and find the right answer on his own if needed. Jim is very dependable and doesn’t need to be
checked on to get the job done. “
(Meinke/Porter) to approve Jim Prickett as the employee of the year for
2007. Motion carried.
Webb wanted to let everyone know that any taxpayer can nominate someone for
Employee of the Year also.
Constable Clerk-Treasurer Brustad read the Constable’s report:
There were 2 alarms, 1 assist
Committee and Commission Reports:
Recreation Committee Chris Webb said they didn’t meet this month
because of the weather. They had planned
on walking the park to see what needed to be done then the snow came. She was going to call the Lion’s Club to see
if they would be willing to help with the installation of the fence at the ball
Donna Porter
was checking on replacement trees and also trying to find a swim instructor for
the swimming lessons. So far they had no
Brustad said
she wanted to thank the members of the committee for all their hard work. Collyard said he planned on putting the
committee on hiatus until further notice.
If they wanted to continue meeting they could do so but wouldn’t be
under the Board’s direction. Webb asked
that thank you notes be sent out on behalf of the Board. She thought the committee’s name should be
changed to “Town Community Center Committee” and drop off the “new”. If they wanted to continue meeting they
should and if any new information came up they could present it to the
Board. Meinke said the money in the fund should be
kept separate and wanted to make a motion as such and to use the money for
repair and maintenance of the town hall and offices only. Webb said this could be something the
Committee might want to work on, but Collyard thought they already knew what
needed to be done to the Hall for maintenance.
Meinke/Porter) to keep the funds in the Town Hall Complex Fund separate from
the general funds and use it only for maintenance and repair of the Town hall
and offices. Roll call vote taken: Meinke-yes,
Porter-yes, Collyard-yes, Webb-yes, McGee-yes.
Motion carried.
EWM Committee Collyard said
last meeting they talked about a slow no-wake ordinance for
Land Use Planning Commission Chair Gene Ratzel gave his report to
the Board members approving both zoning issues on the agenda for tonight.
Commission re-appointments and
reassignments Chairman Collyard said he planned on putting Supervisor
Zoning 1) Special Use Permit request for re-establishment of home-based
real estate business at
Motion( Webb/Meinke
) to approve the Special Use Permit request for a home-based business at
2) Special Use Permit request to place a mobile home in a F-1 Zoning
District on property owned by Denny Zingsheim on
Motion (McGee/Meinke)
to place a mobile home in a F-1 Zoning District on property owned by Denny
Zingsheim on
ATV Trail Amendments to Ordinance
Request by ATV Club
Motion (Webb/Meinke)
to approve the Ordinance amendment adding
Discussion of No wake Ordinance on
lakes Collyard said
this was just a discussion only. He
spoke with Jill Shartner, the local
Discussion of records storage Collyard said the Board had been
talking about putting the records in the storage area on disk so there would be
more room. There are firms we can hire
but would be very expensive to do that.
Meinke thought we could put it out for bid and get someone local to do
it. Brustad said the State recommends we
have an ordinance for record retention, and currently we don’t have that. There are some records such as minutes,
ordinances and such that need to be retained permanently. Tax rolls and Assessment rolls they recommend
15 years then to notify the State Historical Society first before destroying
the records. Other records such as
accounts payable and receivable records normally are 7 years. Some of the records in the room could
possible be destroyed. We would need to
go through each box to mark a destroy date on them. Collyard said we needed to have a
procedure. Webb said she has done some
of that for Chequamegon Telephone and could get the prices. She remembers it was quite costly. Collyard
said we needed to put this on the timeline.
Webb said it will have to be put into the budget so we can study this
now and be ready to do something next year.
Public Comment Session – 5 minute
limit for those not on the Agenda
Janine Watts
first wanted to commend Elaine Brustad for getting the certification as she
knew that was part of the recommendation for her hire. She suggested putting the town buildings on
the Timeline for their maintenance issues since there was already one for the
roads, town forested lands and emergency equipment.
Issues Timeline Update
Department SOG’s and Fire Billing –Webb and Renz meeting tomorrow evening, the
Fire Billing item can be taken off.
Constable –
Can be taken off
Insurance – Work in progress, Collyard will call Matusek to meet in closed
session with the Board
– done for this year
Issues – Barnes Lube is closed permanently, check with Furtak on if permit is
revoked. Next two items for June, Liesch and O’Neil for July will check with
Furtak also if something has been constructed yet.
Motion (Webb/Meinke)
to adjourn the meeting of
Elaine J.
Dated this 2nd
Day of May, 2008