FEBRUARY 12, 2008


Chairman Dick Collyard called the Regular Board Meeting to order at 6:30PM. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was said.  A Roll Call to establish a quorum/Verification of Public Notice/Motion to approve the February Agenda was done: Meinke-here, Porter-here, McGee-here, Webb-here, Collyard-here, quorum established.  Brustad verified the Notice with agenda was posted.  Motion (Meinke/McGee) to approve the February agenda. Motion carried.

The agenda is as follows:






Call the Regular Board Meeting to order at 6:30PM

Pledge Allegiance to the Flag

Roll Call to establish a quorum/Verification of Public Notice/Motion to approve the February Agenda

Approve minutes of the Last Regular Board Meeting and Motion to dispense with reading of the minutes.

Treasurer’s Report

                Discussion on Financial reports available to the Board

Voucher’s Approval

Clerk Correspondence

Open Bids for fire tanker

Department Head Reports:



                Fire and Ambulance Department

                                Discussion and possible budget amendments to 2007 budget                            


Committee and Commission Reports:         

                Recreation Committee

                                Parade Coordinator activities

                New Town Community Center Committee

                Gene Ratzel, BADC – request for new members 

                Land Use Planning Commission

Zoning   1) Special Exception and variance request to build a garage reducing the setback to 10 feet on the south side and 51 feet from centerline of Silverwolf Drive

Mike Furtak, Bayfield County Zoning Administrator Assistant – zoning regulations for parking RV’s on private property and other discussion regarding zoning

Approval to disperse tables and chairs from the Town Hall

Discussion and possible action on Grant related activities

                Request to attend Grant Writing Workshop by Ron Pearson

Public Comment Session – 5 minute limit for those not on the Agenda

Issues Timeline Update

All Department Heads are encouraged to be at the Regular Board Meetings

All Department Heads and Committee Heads are to submit a written report to the clerk

by Friday evening prior to the Board Meeting.

The Town Board reserves the right to solicit information from

Department heads and Committee heads only, without opening the floor to discussion.

Any persons requiring special needs for handicap services please contact the Clerk-Treasurer

Elaine J. Brustad Barnes Town Clerk-Treasurer

Dated this 11th Day of February, 2008


Motion (Porter/Meinke) to approve minutes of the Last Regular Board Meeting and Motion to dispense with reading of the minutes. Motion Carried.


Treasurer’s Report

Checking Balance from last meeting









Check #'s 22362-22440




January Tax Payment & other direct payments-Ck# 302,303


Service Charge January




Interest Earned January





















Money Market Gen'l Fund Balance from Last Meeting


Interest earned January

YTD Interest $5066.13


Ck #' 1071,1072

refund of overpayment-taxes


Ck#'s 1068-1070

January settlement of taxes


Deposit - Bayfield County Forestry




Deposits - Taxes






Sub-Total Money Market Gen'l Funds


Highway Dept. Sinking Fund




BES Sinking Fund





Park Savings

Deposit-Aluminum cans $323.68


Ski Trail Savings





Parade-Event-Calendar Fund




Town Hall Complex Fund

Dep 7,907.12 Cobb


Act 102 Fund






Sub-Total Money Market sub accounts


Total all Money Market Funds





















Motion (Meinke/Webb) to approve the Treasurer’s report as read. Motion carried.


                Discussion on Financial reports available to the Board  Brustad had printed off a transaction register which the auditor had suggested would supply the Board with the information they had requested.  She said since this would be done at month end, would it be better for the Board if she did her Treasurer’s report and printed the other reports as of each month end also.  This would be easier for them to tie everything in.  Webb agreed.  Brustad said she would start at the next Board meeting and give her report as of February 29th. 


Voucher’s Approval

Motion (Porter/McGee) to approve the voucher’s as presented. Motion carried.


Clerk Correspondence

Clerk-Treasurer wanted to let the Board know the loan payment is due March 15th so she would need to be paying that before the next board meeting if that was ok with them.

There were received 2 Notices to Cut on property owned by Plum Creek

Clerk read a memo from the Lakes Community Health Center and their ribbon cutting ceremony for Friday the 15th at 4:00PM in Iron River.

Clerk-Treasurer read a letter noting three vacancies on the WITC Board.  A meeting of the Appointment Committee will be held on Friday, April 4th at 10:00AM at the Administrative Office in Shell Lake.

Clerk-Treasurer read a notice of Public Hearing for the Bayfield County Planning and Zoning Committee for February 21, 2008 at 1:00 PM, in Washburn.  A petition by David Good, Clerk for the Town of Bayfield is requesting text amendments to the Bayfield County Ordinance.


Open Bids for fire tanker  Collyard said he wanted to give the bids to Fire Chief Renz after opening for him to study the bids.  The Board will then decide at a later date after Renz gives his recommendations. There will be a Special Town Board Meeting scheduled for this.

1. Pomasyl Fire Equipment               Total Bid:               $162,885.00

2. Welch Fire Equipment   Total Bid:               $162,898.00

3. Stainless & Repair, Inc. Three bids:           $ 63,989.00

                                                                                                $ 76,407.00

                                                                                                $ 67,386.00

4. FAST (Formerly Elite)                     Total Bid:               $179,244.00

5. W.S. Darley                                       Total Bid:               $169,963.00

6. Custom Fire                                     Total Bid:               $193,980.00

7. Rosenbauer (Jefferson Fire)        Total Bid:               $157,717.00



Department Head Reports:


The grader repair budget took a major hit of almost 1900 dollars this past month. The radiator on the 140H  had been leaking slightly for the past two years, but the source could not be verified. The last time the grader was used it went through over two gallons of antifreeze. The radiator was taken to R&R radiator, he recommended replacement.

The other budget to take a major hit this past month has been our sand and salt budget. The ice we received the last week in January has been a real problem on all of our plowed roads. Temperatures have stayed below the working level of the salt in the sand, so it gets blown off of our blacktops very easily.

The past two months I have been going to school on tractors and boom mowers. A minimum specification’s list is being sent to interested bidders. Bid opening will be at the Town Board meeting on Tuesday, March 18, 2008.

 My full time employee has been having health issues this past month. Dave Schiess has been filling in for him as needed.

The hockey rink is in excellent condition, and I would like to thank the gentleman for the good work he has done getting the ice on the rink.

Also Colin Nowaczyk from the DNR said the Town would be getting a hazard mitigation grant again this year for $5,000.00.  This will be used to improve access/egress on needed roads.  Plans are to use the monies to rent a back-hoe.  


                Cemetery Bud Pease said there was a burial on December 20th for Schleppenbach, on January 18th he sold 2 lots to Carol Kulpa and Jean Steitz, then on January 28th there was a burial for Carol Kulpa.  


                Fire and Ambulance Department

Ambulance :  Since the last meeting we have had two ambulance calls.  1 to Hayward and 1 intercepted with Gold Cross and transported to Duluth. 

We presently have 9 members on the Ambulance Service.   We are looking for more people to become members but it is slow that way.  I would like to suggest to the Town Board that we offer some type of Bonus offer after they complete the class and pass national registry and become licensed.

Fire: We have had one fire Run since the last meeting.  That was a Mutual aid call to Gordon Fire Department at a structure fire on Barron Road.  There was on Fatality to the owner of the residence.  No injuries to any of the Fire fighters. 

I would like to request from the Town Board there are benches along the walls of the Town Hall.  I would like to take one of them to the Fire Hall to place between the lockers so Fire Fighters can sit down.   Collyard said that would be fine, and if we would need them for a large meeting we can get them back for the meeting.


                                Discussion and possible budget amendments to 2007 budget   Renz said most of the overages were from items such as utilities and insurance which he has no control over. Webb was wondering if it was too late to do any amendments for 2007 since the auditor was almost done with her audit.  The total amount off is around $15,000.00.  Clerk-Treasurer will call her to find out and come up with the actual amendment for the Board to do if still needed.  Renz wanted to know if she could copy him and Jerry in on the transaction report each month also.  She can do that with just the department amounts for each of them.  


                Constable Mike O’Keefe was not present so the Clerk-Treasurer read his report: 2 alarms from the Sheriff, 2 assist motorists, 1 welfare check, 2 ATV ordinance violations, issued warnings, 1 trespass complaint, fisherman on private property.  He is also continuing to check homes of those out of town residents when requested to do so.


Committee and Commission Reports:         

                Recreation Committee  The committee will be meeting next week, they will be sending thank-you’s out to Jay Mitchell and Dave Schiess.

                                Parade Coordinator activities  Melissa Driscoll, the new parade coordinator, was available at the meeting.  She wanted to clarify the theme, “ Holiday Magic” .  People can select one holiday or use all holidays, whatever they want to do.  Also she wanted to let the Board know the Conservation Club has been housing the float and do not want to do that anymore.  She was looking for alternatives to store the float.  Collyard asked if it needed to be inside and she thought it did because it was pre-decorated.  She found nothing on rules for the Grand Marshall, did he or she have to be a resident?  She asked because she has a friend who is a Gunnery Sergeant in the Marine Corp who has been to Iraq 2 or 3 times and was wondering if that would be ok to have him as the Grand Marshall. She thought the float could incorporate some of the local people who are in the military also.  Webb said there were no rules from the Board on that but traditionally it has been someone local.  She thought Melissa might want to consider having someone from the town also as Co- Grand Marshall or something like that.  Webb wanted to know if there was a list of who had been the Grand Marshall, and Melissa said there was one.  Melissa wanted to know what the budget was for the parade and Collyard said there is one, he thought around $1800.00.  Melissa thought she also would be moving the judges table to the town hall parking lot because the floats look better at the beginning of the parade. 


                New Town Community Center Committee Brustad said the committee had met on February 5th.  Tori Hugo from SEH, the Engineering Firm who worked on the Hayward library, the Drummond library and Drummond Civic Center, spoke about new construction costs versus remodeling costs and possible available grants. They hope to have their presentation ready for the March meeting, then the Board can decide what they want the committee to do.   Collyard said that would be good and to make sure we publish something in the Shopper about that so people are aware that the committee will be talking about their findings at the Board meeting.  Webb said the Board wanted to make sure everyone is aware that it will be presented to the people at the Annual meeting and they will be able to vote on it.  Brustad said this could also be on a referendum where everyone would be able to vote on it also.  Webb said that is how it should be done.  She felt there was a lot of misinformation out there and the Board wants to make sure people get the story straight.  Brustad asked if she could talk about one item that seemed to be blown out of proportion.  The committee was formed to research possibilities of having a new Town Community Center.  We have been asking people in the community how they feel about that.  For instance Brustad had sent out with the taxes a question about how everyone felt about a new town Community Center.  She has been asking people she sees at the Town Hall and other committee members have been polling people they see about that also. Although there has been many negative responses, about 1/3 have responded positively.  Since we are at least a 20 minute drive anywhere, most of the people who responded positively mentioned needing a place in town for exercise and possibly a community pool.   We felt it our duty to research that since there were quite a few who mentioned the pool idea.   We talked with Tori Hugo about that and she was going to check for us if there were any grants out there for that.   The committee also discussed that no area schools had a pool, and they might be interested in participating in the costs.  So the pool issue is basically being researched just because there were quite a few townspeople who had indicated that is what they would like to see in a community center.  Meinke asked how many replies were received from the questionnaire in the taxes. Brustad thought around 20-25 replies from there.  Melissa Driscoll from the audience thought we needed a daycare in town also.  Brustad said that had been mentioned as a need in the town also.  Driscoll said she lives 2 miles from work but has to go 20 miles one way for day care first.   Collyard said he had heard Potawatomi was going to build a community center for its residents.


                Gene Ratzel, BADC – request for new members  Gene Ratzel said the Barnes Area Development Corporation was established in 2000 as a separate non-profit organization to develop the Business Park.  They presently have openings for a Treasurer and 3 directors.  They are non-paid positions and at the present there has been no activity but they need these positions filled in order to keep their non-profit status and to keep the organization going.  If anyone is interested in filling these positions please contact him or Elaine at the Town Hall.


                Land Use Planning Commission – Chairman Ratzel said the Commission recommended approval of the Special Exception and Variance request by Mark Holm.


Zoning   1) Special Exception and variance request to build a garage reducing the setback to 10 feet on the south side and 51 feet from centerline of Silverwolf Drive

Motion (Porter/Meinke) to approve the application by Mark Holm as it meets with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan best use application.  Motion carried.


Mike Furtak, Bayfield County Zoning Administrator Assistant – zoning regulations for parking RV’s on private property and other discussion regarding zoning  Collyard said Ron Pearson had brought up at the last meeting what exactly is the zoning requirement for RV’s on the lake.  Furtak said on an undeveloped lot a RV or travel trailer can be placed there for up to 21 days.  If it will be there for more than 21 days then they need a RV Placement Permit and must have some type of sanitation.  If they have a well, and the water is under pressure to the RV then they must have a septic system to treat the waste water.  For longer than 4 months they would need to apply for a Special Use permit for a RV extension.  It then comes before the Town Board for approval.  If the Town denies the permit, then the applicant can pay extra monies and come before the zoning committee to plead their case.  They can also build a permanent structure on the property such as a garage, or cabin then they are allowed to leave it there permanently.  They still would have to provide sanitation, it must meet all setbacks required and it cannot be used as a permanent residence. This is true of any lot, whether on a lake or not. There is no grandfather clause either, if the RV has been there for many years it still needs to have the proper permit.  Webb said so people should not hesitate to contact the county if they feel a RV has been on someone’s property longer than 21 days.  Furtak said to make sure they have the address of the property and call zoning and we’ll go out and check it. 

Furtak also wanted to mention again the Maintenance and Tracking system for all septic systems in the County.  We started this a few years ago sending out the yellow cards to people notifying them to have their septic either inspected or pumped. It is a requirement by the state to have systems pumped or inspected every three years. That law has been in effect since the 1980’s, but Bayfield and the surrounding counties didn’t participate in the program.  Because they didn’t participate the county wasn’t eligible for state funding for low income people for replacing failing septic systems.  Now funding will be available if needed.  Furtak wanted to tell the Board that Barnes is the best in the County for the zoning process.  Barnes has its Land Use Plan in place, the Plan Commission is up and running, they meet each month and make recommendations to the Board for all zoning issues.  The Board listens to their recommendations and makes their determinations based on the land use plan in place. He wanted to let the Board know he felt they were doing an excellent job. 


Approval to disperse tables and chairs from the Town Hall – Collyard said they have checked with the various organizations and if anyone else is interested he felt we should ask for a donation of around $10.00 per table and around $5.00 a chair.  We can put an ad in the Shopper once the new tables are in also.  

Discussion and possible action on Grant related activities  Collyard talked about a grant informational memo he received about building bike and pedestrian trails.  Collyard talked with a Glen Landis and the program is approved by a committee made up of people from Madison, so he didn’t feel they would be very receptive to give us anything.  Webb said it would be nice to have some sort of walking and biking trail behind the hall here, especially if we are able to get the property further in back from Mosinee.  Another grant Collyard talked about was for electronic hazardous waste and he did talk with Tim Kane at the County about that one.  It didn’t sound like we would be able to do anything with that one either. 

                Request to attend Grant Writing Workshop by Ron Pearson  Pearson had asked Collyard about the town paying for him to attend a Grant Writing Workshop being held next week.  The amount of the workshop was $115.00. 

Motion (Webb/Porter) that while the Board encourages person to attend such educational seminars the town cannot set precedence by paying for this request.  Motion carried.



Public Comment Session – 5 minute limit for those not on the Agenda

There was no one who wished to speak


Issues Timeline Update

Town Owned Land -work in progress

Fire Department – Webb said they will meet on March 1st

Heliport – can be taken off, it is complete and the FAA has approved

Cemetery – Attorney will be working on it this month

Constable –work in progress

Health insurance – rep is to send information to Collyard

The RV extensions were done going back 2 years and will be part of the timeline to be reviewed each month.  Elaine will put on the agenda to review each one as it comes up for renewal or review.  They discussed also putting on M and M Greenhouse, Barnes Auto Lube and Anclam’s Feed Mill.  Furtak will get copies for Elaine of the two older ones.


Motion ( Meinke/McGee) to adjourn the meeting of February 12, 2008. Motion carried.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:12PM.



Respectfully Submitted,




Elaine J. Brustad,


Dated this 28th day of February, 2008