November 20, 2007


Chairman Collyard called the Regular Board Meeting to order at 6:30PM.  The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited.

Roll Call to establish a quorum/Verification of Public Notice/Motion to approve the November Agenda: Porter-absent (arrived 7:45), McGee-here, Webb-here, Meinke-absent, Collyard-here. Quorum established.

Motion (Webb/McGee) to approve the November agenda. Motion carried.  The agenda is as follows:




NOVEMBER 20, 2007 AT 6:30PM



Call the Regular Board Meeting to order at 6:30PM

Pledge Allegiance to the Flag

Roll Call to establish a quorum/Verification of Public Notice/Motion to approve the November Agenda

Approve minutes of the Last Regular Board Meeting and Motion to dispense with reading of the minutes.

Approve the 2008 Budget

Treasurer’s Report

Voucher’s Approval

Clerk Correspondence    

Department Head Reports:


                                TRIP Grant

                                Discussion and approval of 2008 Transfer Site rates


                Fire and Ambulance Department

                                Approval of new EMT


Committee and Commission Reports:

                Eurasian Water Milfoil Committee

                Recreation Committee

                New Town Hall Complex Committee

                Land Use Planning Commission


1)       Special Use Permit request –David Koransky and Scott Swift, 46310 State Highway 27, construct a residence in a Forestry 1 zoning district

2)       Special Use Permit request – Dale and Colleen Peterson, Robinson Lake Road, construct a residence in a Forestry 1 zoning district

3)       Special Use Permit request – Mike and Suzette Tremblay, 51130 East Idlewild Lake Road, Home based business for food plots and trails.

Recycling Ordinance Adoption (tabled from last meeting)

Discussion and decision on proposals received for janitorial services

Discussion and possible approval for purchase of chairs and tables for the Town Hall

BAHA – Dave Pease – request to lease land from the Town

Public Comment Session – 5 minute limit for those not on the Agenda

Issues Timeline Update


All Department Heads are encouraged to be at the Regular Board Meetings

All Department Heads and Committee Heads are to submit a written report to the clerk

by Friday evening prior to the Board Meeting.


The Town Board reserves the right to solicit information from

Department heads and Committee heads only, without opening the floor to discussion.

Any persons requiring special needs for handicap services please contact the Clerk-Treasurer

Elaine J. Brustad Barnes Town Clerk-Treasurer

Dated this 8th Day of November, 2007



Approve minutes of the Last Regular Board Meeting and Motion to dispense with reading of the minutes.

Motion (McGee/Webb) to approve the minutes of the last Regular Board meeting and to dispense with the reading of the minutes.


Approve the 2008 Budget

Motion (McGee/Webb) to approve the 2008 Budget as proposed. Roll call vote taken: Webb-yes, Collyard-yes, McGee-yes.


Treasurer’s Report

Checking Balance from last meeting









Transfer from Money Market Account



Check #'s 22059-22166




October Tax Payment & other direct payments-Ck# 297-298


Service Charge October




Interest Earned October





















Money Market Gen'l Fund Balance from Last Meeting


Interest earned October

YTD Interest $32075.38


Ck# 1060,1061  Transfer to Genl Fund



transfer previous bal to ACT 102 fund per Ambulance Dept



Sub-Total Money Market Gen'l Funds


Highway Dept. Sinking Fund




BES Sinking Fund





Park Savings





Ski Trail Savings


Deposit $25.00


Parade-Event-Calendar Fund




Town Hall Complex Fund




Act 102 Fund


Deposit $2015.38



Sub-Total Money Market sub accounts


Total all Money Market Funds
















Motion ( Webb/McGee) to approve the Treasurer’s report as read. Motion carried.


Voucher’s Approval

Motion (McGee/Webb) to approve the vouchers. Motion carried.


Clerk Correspondence

Brustad received 3 Notices to Cut on property owned by Wausau Paper in Sections 6 and 7 of Township 44, Range 9 West.

She received another donation from the Property Owners Association in the amount of $650.00.

Today she received an email from Paul Becker.  His father owns a hunting cabin off Rabbit Hutch road. They would like Rabbit Hutch road designated as an ATV route because the road is impassable certain times of the year by truck.  Collyard also spoke with Richard Becker, who plans on being here at the meeting tonight.


Department Head Reports:

                Highway This past month, the Island Lake Rd project was finished with the completion of the erosion control work.

We have been doing various maintenance work to get ready for the upcoming winter season on our roads, including blowing leaves off the roads and graveling bad spots on sand roads. I have also been widening out and crowning up many of our sand roads including Pickerel, East Idlewild, and Idlewild to help with drainage problems in the spring and to make them more efficient to plow snow off of.

The park has been winterized for the season, and the leaves around the playground area and the hockey rink have been blown into the woods.

The stay poles have been installed on the Upper channel and the Middle channel pilings for the winter. Also, all the docks have been taken out at this time.

                                TRIP Grant Collyard reported  he had joined the committee and they awarded the town a grant in the amount of $50,697.00 . The monies will be used for the blacktopping of Island Lake Road and hopefully there will be money left then to redo Martin Road and any others on the list.   

                                Discussion and approval of 2008 Transfer Site rates

Collyard read the proposed Transfer Site increases for 2008.  The sheet will be included in the taxes.

Motion (Collyard/McGee) to approve the new transfer site rates as presented.  Collyard said the rates were increased because last year alone the difference between the grant ,what revenues we take in and the expenses to run the Transfer Site was over $16,000.00.  They had talked with Waste Management and other Transfer Sites in the area and we are way undercharging.  Also Waste Management has increased their rates again by 3% this year. Jerry Witt also mentioned he has spoken with the guy who picks up the compactor each time and the attendants are not cycling it enough.  Jerry talked with Tom and Harry and told them to push it harder.  When the gauge says it is full it really isn’t yet so they needed to keep pushing it.  McGee said the guys from Waste Management were going to come out and check the compactor for us.  Motion carried.


                Cemetery Clerk-Treasurer Brustad read the Cemetery Sexton’s report: 1 grave site was sold in Block 2, Lot 10, Site 9 to Mary Larson. No other activity. 


                Fire and Ambulance Department Fire Chief/Ambulance Director Renz was not present and no report was sent to be read.   


                Constable Brustad read the Constable’s report in his absence: 3) alarms ( from Sheriff ).........( 1 ) suspicious vehicle seen road hunting ( with crossbow ) on east shore road. plate # came back as expired and stolen. unable to locate vehicle. contacted DNR and Sheriff...........( 3 ) trespass complaints ( Hunters parking vehicles on private property )........( 1 ) Firearm complaint. Landowner complained that hunters on land next door to his, were shooting in his direction..........( 1 ) suspicious person complaint at cabin store and possible discharge of firearm in parking lot. subject left scene. Sheriff contacted by employee......( 1 ) Open door on unoccupied home. ( door left open by construction workers ).......( 1 )....Excessive noise complaint at buck-n-bass resort. ( Hunters in campground playing music outside cabin at 4:00 am )

Collyard said he and Mike had looked at some vehicles last week and received 3 bids from various auto dealers.  From Link brothers they found a 2006 with 11,000 miles for $23,000.00  At Gillis motors a new vehicle with a topper was $28,419.00.  Don Johnson had a 2007 with 5700 miles for 28,200.00 with the topper.  Collyard felt the 2006 at Links brothers was the better deal.  Webb said they couldn’t  vote on it tonight because it wasn’t on the agenda.  They could set up a Special Town Board meeting next week for it.


Committee and Commission Reports:

                Eurasian Water Milfoil Committee – The committee won’t be meeting until February.  Collyard said he had signed the grant request and sent it off last week. 


                Recreation Committee Webb said she thought the committee was meeting tomorrow evening.  She said they still needed more people to join the committee.


                New Town Hall Complex Committee Brustad said at the last meeting of the committee they voted on changing the committee’s name to the Town Community Center Committee because the committee felt it gave a better description of the committee’s purpose.  It also was felt it would sound better to the townspeople and its purpose would be better understood. 


                Land Use Planning Commission Commission Chair Gene Ratzel said the commission had met last Thursday and all three zoning requests were recommended for approval.  It was recommended the Tremblay’s store all their equipment inside a garage or storage building. 




4)       Special Use Permit request –David Koransky and Scott Swift, 46310 State Highway 27, construct a residence in a Forestry 1 zoning district

Motion(McGee/Webb) to approve the special use permit for David Koransky and Scott Swift to construct a residence in a Forestry 1 zoning District as it meets with county zoning requirements and the comprehensive land use plan.




5)       Special Use Permit request – Dale and Colleen Peterson, Robinson Lake Road, construct a residence in a Forestry 1 zoning district

Motion(Webb/McGee) to approve the Special Use Permit request by Dale and Colleen Peterson to construct a residence in a Forestry 1 zoning district, as it meets county zoning requirements and the Comprehensive Land Use plan.  Motion carried.


6)       Special Use Permit request – Mike and Suzette Tremblay, 51130 East Idlewild Lake Road, Home based business for food plots and trails.

Motion (Webb/McGee ) to approve the Special Use Permit request by Mike and Suzette Tremblay for a home based business as it meets with county zoning requirements and the Comprehensive Land Use Plan.  The Board recommends they store their equipment in a garage or storage building.


Recycling Ordinance Adoption (tabled from last meeting) Brustad said Chairman Collyard had contacted the Attorney after last meeting and he stated the items listed in the ordinance for recycling, although not always being done here are per state requirements.  The hauler would be the one who would separate per the ordinance so the wording was left as is. 

Motion(Collyard/Webb) to approve the Recycling Ordinance as presented. Motion carried.  The Recycling Ordinance in its entirety can be viewed in the Ordinance book in the Clerk-Treasurer’s office.


Discussion and decision on proposals received for janitorial services Brustad had received three proposals. All three had received a list of duties to be done on a weekly basis. Patti Jacob, the current janitor bid $15.00 per hour, with the same amount of hours as previous. Joel Hayward, of Hayward Rug Cleaning, bid $13.25 per hour with an average of 8-10 hours per week.  The third bid was received from Bob Brennan, at a rate of $13.95 per hour.  Hayward and Patti Jacob had insurance certificates on file.  Brennan would provide if he was awarded the bid. 

Motion (McGee/Webb) to approve the proposal by Joel Hayward for $13.25 per hour as it is the lowest bid. Motion carried.


Discussion and possible approval for purchase of chairs and tables for the Town Hall  Brustad asked for a bid from Tri-State Business Systems for tables and chairs to replace the old heavy tables and chairs currently being used in the hall.  The current tables are very heavy to set up, some scratch the surface of the floor also.  The chairs being used are the metal ones which are very cold during the winter.  Tri-State can order for a 5-6 week delivery time making it much cheaper.  Price per carton of 4 for the chairs would be $220.00, chair carts would be $190.00 a piece.  8 foot tables are $179.00 each, 6 foot tables are 159.00 a piece.  We currently have 100 chairs, and 4 eight foot tables and 10 six foot tables. The monies were put in the 2008 budget to replace 50 chairs and 14 tables.   

Motion (Collyard/McGee) to authorize the purchase from Tri-State for 50 chairs and 14 tables for pre-order. The tables purchased will be in the same sizes and quantities as we currently have. Roll call vote taken: McGee-yes, Webb-yes, Collyard-yes, Porter-absent, Meinke-absent. Motion carried.

Motion(Webb/McGee) to open the floor for discussion. Motion carried.  Lu Peet  and Carol Pease wanted to know what the town would be doing with the old tables and chairs.  Collyard said they would offer them to the organizations in town and if any were left they would bid them out.  Peet said BAHA would be interested some of the tables with chairs.  Motion (Webb/McGee) to close the floor to discussion. Motion carried.


BAHA – Dave Pease – request to lease land from the Town  Dave Pease, Carol Pease and Lu Peet representing BAHA (Barnes Area Historical Association) wanted to make a formal request to lease ten acres from the Town behind the Town Hall.  Pease said this way the land would return to the Town if ever there was a situation that BAHA would no longer be viable. They currently need to put up a structure to store the historical pieces they have acquired so far.  They also need a piece of land in order to apply for grants and to get an artist’s rendering.  They felt with leasing the land they could give it back to the town if they decided to build elsewhere or trade for a piece elsewhere on the property if the town purchased the additional land behind going to Ellison Lake Road from Mosinee.  Collyard said he felt the Town should continue to try to buy the land behind the hall as that would give us space all the way back to Ellison lake road. Mosinee had told him they would consider selling in another two years once they have logged off the trees.  BAHA eventually wants to build a museum, but that won’t be for quite a while. Collyard asked if they were planning on being a part of the Town Community Center.  Peet said they wanted to put a revolving display in the center, but  long term plans were to build their own building for the museum.  Currently what they need most is a building for storage and a work area.  It won’t be a storefront.  Collyard thought instead of leasing the 10 acres they could build a storage building like the Conservation Club’s on the Town property closer to the Hall or maybe even build something in the Industrial Park.  He felt if they built a building on the 10 acres behind the park area it wouldn’t be such a secure area.  He thought it would be better to build a building closer to the Town hall where it would be seen easier to discourage theft or a break-in.  Webb thought the Board should table the request until the full board was present.  Motion (Webb/McGee) to table until the next meeting to have the full board present for discussion and possibly ask the townspeople their feelings.  Motion carried.


Public Comment Session – 5 minute limit for those not on the Agenda

Richard Becker wanted to ask the Board to approve Rabbit Hutch Road open to ATV traffic.  He has a cabin off Rabbit Hutch Road and certain times of the year the road is impassable by truck or other vehicle so they have to load everything up on their ATV’s to get to their cabin.  Collyard gave Becker Jill Schartner’s phone number and also told him to contact Russ Carter of the ATV club to get their approval first. 

Carol Pease said on the Pease Road across from Tars Pond road Ed Columbe has placed large rocks along the road on the right-of-way. She felt it was a safety hazard.  Collyard said he would let Jerry know.


Issues Timeline Update

Town Owned LandTown crew are cutting trees and the logger will be picking up on the Town Hall property

Fire Department – SOG’s & Fire Billing Policy– Webb said her and Renz will be setting a date in January to meet

Heliport for Landing Zone – The FAA will be coming to the site soon to approve it. 

Cemetery –Work in progress


Collyard asked when the Board would be available for a Special Town Board meeting to discuss and approve the purchase of a constable vehicle.  It was decided to meet the following Tuesday (11-27) at 5:00PM.  Collyard asked for a motion to adjourn. Motion (McGee/Webb) to adjourn the meeting of the Regular Town Board Meeting of November 20, 2007.  Motion carried.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:05PM.



Respectfully Submitted,




Elaine J. Brustad,


Dated this 27th day of November, 2007