OCTOBER 16, 2007

Chairman Collyard called the Special Town Board Meeting to order at 5:34PM. The final draft of the budget was passed out to the Board members. Brustad said in order to make the budget work she added the long term debt amount for the highway loan of $164,144.00 to the levy. This was allowed last year but not added into the levy because cash reserves were enough to cover additional expenses. It is still unsure what the state will allow since their budget is not set yet. She has checked with the Wisconsin Town's Association to see what they recommend for municipalities setting their budget. They are saying that a 2% to 4% increase in the levy will most likely be allowed. There is a contingency of $53,795.00 in the budget for unexpected expenses. This is recommended by the Wisconsin Town's Association especially when budgets are so tight. The Board then talked about the rates being charged for services at the transfer site. Waste Management, our refuse hauler, has increased their rates for the upcoming year 3%. Current budgeted figures for waste removal expense is $55,000.00. Rate increases will be discussed and approved at the November Town Board meeting. Motion(Webb/Porter) to adjourn the Special Town Board Meeting of October 16, 2007. The Clerk will contact the Town's Association to see what to do if the State doesn't pass their budget soon. She will post and publish the Budget Hearing Notice 15 days in advance of the meeting on November 8, 2007. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 6:15PM.

Chairman Collyard called the Regular Town Board meeting to order at 6:30PM. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. A roll Call to establish a quorum/Verification of Public Notice/Motion to approve the October Agenda was done. McGee-here, Porter-here, Webb-here, Meinke-here, Collyard-here. Motion (Meinke/McGee) to approve the October agenda. Motion carried. The Agenda is as follows:


Call the Special Town Board Meeting to order at 5:30PM.

Review budget items for 2008

Adjourn Special Town Board Meeting

Call the Regular Board Meeting to order at 6:30PM

Pledge Allegiance to the Flag

Roll Call to establish a quorum/Verification of Public Notice/Motion to approve the October Agenda

Approve minutes of the Last Regular Board Meeting and Motion to dispense with reading of the minutes.

Treasurer's Report

Voucher's Approval

Clerk Correspondence

Wisconsin Town's Association Survey on Health Benefits

Comments or suggestions on establishment of a County Industrial Development Agency

Department Head Reports:


Discussion on possible resolution to abandon South Call O Wild Road


Fire and Ambulance Department

Approval of Fire Inspector salary for 2007 and 2008

Discussion on replacement of Dale Ahlvin as Fire Inspector and approval of appointment of Jim Prickett and Ken Wilk as Fire Inspectors


Committee and Commission Reports:

Eurasian Water Milfoil Committee

Recreation Committee

New Town Hall Complex Committee

Land Use Planning Commission


1) Special Use Permit request for a residence in a commercial zoning district on property owned by Charles and Darla Humpal, 50280 Point O Pines Road

2) Special Use Permit request for a home based business to sell hay, straw, corn. I.E. Feed Mill on property owned by Deborah Anclam.

Introduction of Jill Schartner, area DNR warden

Approval of Trap House to be built at the Rifle Range

Discussion on request by Dan Cobb to abandon Rabbit Hutch Road

Proposals received for floor refinishing in Town Hall

Resolution between Bayfield County & Town of Barnes for Coordinated development of a Comprehensive Plan

Employee Policy Handbook Revisions and Addition of Personnel Status Change Form

Adoption of ATV Resolution amendment

Recycling Ordinance Adoption

Operator License Approval - 1 year new license for Sandra Paulson

Public Comment Session - 5 minute limit for those not on the Agenda

Issues Timeline Update

All Department Heads are encouraged to be at the Regular Board Meetings

All Department Heads and Committee Heads are to submit a written report to the clerk

by Friday evening prior to the Board Meeting.

The Town Board reserves the right to solicit information from

Department heads and Committee heads only, without opening the floor to discussion.

Any persons requiring special needs for handicap services please contact the Clerk-Treasurer

Elaine J. BrustadBarnes Town Clerk-Treasurer

Dated this 11th Day of October, 2007

Collyard then asked for a motion to approve the minutes of the Last Regular Board Meeting and Motion to dispense with reading of the minutes. Motion (Porter/McGee) to approve the minutes of the last regular board meeting and to dispense with the reading of the minutes. Motion carried.

Treasurers Report
Checking Balance from last meeting




Transfer from Money Market Account


Check #'s 21965-22058


September Tax Payment & other direct payments-Ck# 296


Service Charge September


Interest Earned September




Money Market Gen'l Fund Balance from Last Meeting


Interest earned September YTD Interest $29,381.55


Ck# 1059 Transfer to Genl Fund


Sub-Total Money Market Gen'l Funds


Highway Dept. Sinking Fund


BES Sinking Fund


Park Savings Deposits (3) $742.39


Ski Trail Savings


Parade-Event-Calender Fund


Town Hall Complex Fund


Act 102 Fund


Sub-Total Money Market sub accounts


Total all Money Market Funds




Motion (Webb/Meinke) to accept the Treasurer's report as read. Motion carried.

Voucher's Approval

Motion (Webb/McGee) to accept the voucher's as presented. Motion carried.

Clerk Correspondence

Wisconsin Town's Association Survey on Health Benefits. Brustad said she received a survey by email from the Wisconsin Town's Association asking to have the Board fill it out in regard to employee benefits. She had copied the survey for the Board members. Webb said it looked to her that Brustad could just go ahead and fill everything out.

Comments or suggestions on establishment of a County Industrial Development Agency. Brustad received a letter from the County Clerk, Scott Fibert, regarding establishing an Industrial Development Agency within Bayfield County. A copy of the Resolution and articles and bylaws were included with the letter. Bayfield County Board of Supervisors will address this matter again at their meeting on October 30, 2007. The Board was asked to comment or give them their suggestions, if any.

Brustad had received an email from John Reindl, Council on Recycling regarding compact fluorescent lamps. She had reported last month that they contained mercury and needed to be recycled during the Clean Sweep program as hazardous material. There are some retailers who take them in the area. You can find them at the website: http://www.focusonenergy.com/embed.jsp?pageid=648. Under store type choose the listing for CFL Recycler. She has the list posted on the bulletin board outside her office if anyone wants to see it.

Department Head Reports:


Garage report

In the past month we have been doing many spot repairs on town road trouble spots to get ready for the winter snowplowing.

This past week we have been busy repairing some of our sand roads that have been heavily damaged by logging trucks. Wilderness Lake Rd, North Kaufman, and Weldon Rd have been heavily damaged in areas. Anyone traveling in these areas should be aware of heavy truck traffic, and also be aware of many soft spots on these three roads.

The new key system for the fuel delivery system was installed on Monday.

The Island Lk Road project is nearly completed. Weather dependent, we are tentatively going to open it to traffic possibly Thursday the 18th.

South Shore Sand & Gravel has been delivering our sand and salt for the winter.

2 weeks ago I sent a worker out to South Call O Wild Road to brush 2 swathes on the side of the road. The road was difficult to plow last year because there was no place to push the snow, and tree branches were hitting the plow truck. Leslie Hall, a resident on that road stopped the brusher about 50 feet on the road and asked him to stop brushing. She said she would lay down in front of the brusher if need be. I told the worker to stop brushing and return to the shop. I called Leslie from the office and explained to her I am responsible for the safety of town roads and this road needs to be brushed to make it safer. I told her if she continued to stop the worker I would have no alternative but to seek abandonment of the road. State law dictates that a town board is liable and responsible to keep a certified public road safe and passable. State law also states that the town board can give this liability and responsibility to a road foreman. At this time I would like to give back the responsibility and liability of South Call of the Wild Road to the Town Board and recommend the possible abandonment of this road as a town road. Collyard said he had spoken with Leslie today, and also explained to her the reasons for keeping the right of ways clear. She wasn't able to attend the meeting this evening but did write a letter to the board. Jerry also was given a copy of her letter. She felt the three people on her road were all interested in having the road abandoned, but wanted to wait until one owner returned from a trip to make sure. She wanted to go on record as saying she had no intention of laying down in front of the brusher, that she had been joking. Collyard said he and Jerry take every threat such as that as serious, and they wanted her to know that if she stops the worker again they will have no choice but to call the Sheriff. Collyard tried to convince her that if they give up the town road they will be giving up a huge convenience, because they will be responsible for snow plowing and maintenance then. Webb said the road should be brushed as it is supposed to be according to the DOT regulations and statutes. If it isn't then we will need to consider abandoning the road. Jerry said this road doesn't even meet our minimum road standards. It doesn't even meet our minimum DRIVEWAY standards. Webb asked what the minimum driveway standards were. They are 24 feet minimum width with 14 feet height clearance and 16 feet driveway surface. Minimum road standards is 50 feet width. The Board all agreed to support Jerry in doing his job as he is required to do, and the other alternative is to start the process to abandon the road at the next meeting. Collyard said the attorney told him if one resident doesn't want to have the road abandoned they cannot do it.

Cemetery Bud Pease was not present but had given the Clerk-Treasurer his report which she read to the audience. There was no activity at the Cemetery this past month except cutting of the dead trees and removable of pulp.

Fire and Ambulance Department

No Fire reports to the report this month. Entry Level class is in full swing. I have one firefighter to approve. Jeremy Gohde. Jeremy is senor at Drummond High School, lives on Catherine Lake Road and is already attending Entry Level Class in Hayward.

Gene Miller has officially turned in his gear which will be passed on to Jeremy Gohde. I have appointed Sherry Craft as the new Secretary - Treasurer.


The ambulance Department has purchased a new training dummy to replace the old Annie that the arms were falling off of. The new dummy is programmable for airway management and heart rhythm. It will also allow for training with certain types of injections such as Glucogon. This was purchased through the Departments fund raiser account for $2400. 00.

The ambulance Department is also completing its bi-annual refresher course which for the first time in years is being done right here in Barnes, so no traveling required.

We have had four ambulance runs since the last meeting, 3 to Hayward and one to Duluth.

A new EMT class is beginning in November for anyone interested please contact me. Also we have just received 9 new digital portable pager/radios from the grant. 75% will be received on the Homeland Security Grant, and 25% will come from the NW Regional Trauma Council.

Discussion on replacement of Dale Ahlvin as Fire Inspector and approval of appointment of Jim Prickett and Ken Wilk as Fire Inspectors.

Motion(Webb/Porter) to approve the appointment of Jim Prickett and Ken Wilk as fire inspectors.

Approval of Fire Inspector salary for 2007 and 2008. Webb thought this item should be placed first on the agenda over the Fire Inspector salary so they could discuss the replacement of Dale Ahlvin. A letter should be sent to Mr. Ahlvin as soon as possible. Tom Renz thought it should come from the Board, not from him. Dick will prepare a letter to send to him in the morning. Motion carried.

Motion (Meinke/McGee) to approve the fire inspector's salary at $900.00 per year to be prorated for 2007. Clerk-Treasurer to ask Renz what the start date is. Motion carried.


2 Alarms ( from alarm companies ), 1 Alarm ( from Sheriff ) indoor sensor, 4 firearm complaints ( hunters near but not on private property ), 2 assist stranded boaters ( on middle ) engine problems, no ATV complaints received, 1 assist motorist ( on hwy 27 ) vehicle stalled, 2 dogs running loose on island lake road ( unable to locate ), 1 suspicious vehicle on Murray Lake road ( reported by homeowner, found owner of truck hunting nearby ), 1 juvenile complaint ( contacted by child's father who said his 12 year old child ran-away for the second time in a 24 hour period. Earlier that morning the juvenile was found and returned home by sheriff's department. An hour after phone contact with father the child came to my home asking for help and refused to return home. I contacted sheriff, child/family services who were aware of situation. I also contacted child's father. The juvenile was returned home that evening but removed by sheriff the following day. No warning citations written.

Committee and Commission Reports:

Eurasian Water Milfoil Committee The Committee met last night passing a Resolution asking the Board to issue an Ordinance for no-wake lake on Tomahawk Lake.

Recreation Committee Webb spoke about the committee getting information to put 2 light poles across from the Town Hall in order to put Christmas Lights up during the holiday. Dahlberg quoted $750.00 for the two poles, and then there would be a monthly bill. They will most likely just decorate around the building. There will be a new person flooding the ice rink this year. She will see if he can attend the committee meeting Wednesday evening.

New Town Hall Complex Committee Brustad said the committee will be meeting also on Wednesday evening at 6:00PM.

Land Use Planning Commission Gene Ratzel submitted his report, the commission approving both zoning applications.


3) Special Use Permit request for a residence in a commercial zoning district on property owned by Charles and Darla Humpal, 50280 Point O Pines Road

Motion( Webb/Porter) to approve the Special Use Permit request by Charles and Darla Humpal as recommended by the CLUPC as it meets County Zoning requirements and Barnes Comprehensive Land Use Plan. Motion carried.

4) Special Use Permit request for a home based business to sell hay, straw, corn. I.E. Feed Mill on property owned by Deborah Anclam.

Motion(McGee/Webb) to approve the Special Use Permit Application from Deborah Anclam as recommended by the CLUPC as it meets County zoning requirements and Barnes Comprehensive Land Use Plan, but want conditional approval to revisit in two years. Board members were concerned about the cleanliness and would like to know what amount of goods would be stored there onsite. If it remains clean, after two years they will approve with no conditions. They wanted to also recommend the driveway access to be on Robinson Lake Road instead of County N for safety reasons. Motion carried.

Introduction of Jill Schartner, area DNR warden Collyard introduced Jill Schartner to the audience. Schartner said she was happy to come and meet the Board, she had called Collyard to discuss the yellow "Closed Area" signs that she had been getting inquiries on. She found out the Ordinance had been repealed in 2004, but many of the signs are still up in the area. Schartner said she grew up in Door County and has been up north here in the area for almost a year. She has office hours at the Drummond Library on Mondays from 8:00AM until 7:00PM. If anyone has any questions or concerns they can call her. She appreciates the help of citizens because she has such a large area to cover. We are her eyes and voice so if anyone sees anything they can always call her. Collyard mentioned the Clerk-Treasurer had received a call about a "Slow-No Wake sign posted between Schunenberg and Smith Lake. She said these pop up from time to time and it is not a legal sign unless the Town has an ordinance for it. To her knowledge there are only two she knows of, one "slow-no wake" on the channel between the lower and middle Eau Claire lakes that should have 13 markers posting it but only about three are up, and a hazardous swimming area below the dam off South Shore Road. She did bring paperwork with her in case the Town or anyone wanted the information on how to create an ordinance and what the procedures are for approval by the DNR. She brought some handouts for feeding of deer also. The Clerk-Treasurer will put some out in her office.

Approval of Trap House to be built at the Rifle Range George Martin was available for questions, if any. He had presented this to the Board at a Special Town Board meeting and the Board wanted to make the decision at a Regular Board meeting in case there was any opposition.

Motion(McGee/Meinke) to approve the Barnes Shooters building of a trap house at the rifle range. Motion carried.

Discussion on request by Dan Cobb to abandon Rabbit Hutch Road Collyard asked for a motion to open the floor. Motion (Webb/Porter) to open the floor to discussion. Motion carried. Collyard said he spoke with Bayfield county regarding Dan Cobb's request to abandon the road. They would not be agreeable to doing that as they use the road to access their land. Collyard said the town would not be agreeable to do that as well. Cobb should talk with Jill Schartner of the DNR to possibly find the poachers.

Cobb spoke on his reasons for wanting only a portion of the road to be closed. He didn't want the whole road closed. Motion(Webb/Porter) to close the floor. Motion carried.

Proposals received for floor refinishing in Town Hall Brustad said she had received 2 bids on the floor refinishing. The first one was from Vanderploeg Floors, 4 coat finish $4,852.00, 3 coat finish $ 4,187.00. His bid includes sanding the floor, which he felt was necessary because the floor had been waxed. The second bid was from Hayward Floor Cleaning and Refinishing, out of Elgin, Illinois. They have a cabin here in Barnes. Their bid did not include actual sanding, they use a product that cleans and chemically sands the floor to get it ready for the finish. Their bid was for 3 coats $3,957.00 and if a 4th coat is needed it would be applied for free. Motion(Webb/Porter) to accept the lowest bid from Hayward for $3,957.00. Collyard thought it was good they would do the 4th coat for free if needed. Board decided on a semi-gloss finish. Roll call vote taken: Porter-yes, McGee-yes, Webb-yes, Meinke-yes, Collyard-yes. Motion carried.

Resolution between Bayfield County & Town of Barnes for Coordinated development of a Comprehensive Plan Collyard read the letter from Sheldon Johnson regarding the Resolution. " Approval of the Resolution commits the town to participating with Bayfield County and adjoining jurisdictions (Cable, Drummond, Delta, and Hughes) if they develope a comprehensive plan. There is no financial commitment from the town or grant application being submitted by Bayfield County as the town has a plan and does not plan to make any amendments." The Board members all had copies of the Resolution to read.

Motion(Collyard/Webb) to approve the Resolution R-07-7 as presented. Motion carried. The Resolution is as follows:


WHEREAS, the Town of Barnes hereby requests financial assistance under s.287.23, Wis.Stats, Chapters NR 542, 544 and 549, Wis. Admin. Code, for the purpose of planning, constructing or operating a recycling program with one or more componants specified in s. 287.11(2)(a) to(h), Wis. Stats.,

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, THAT THE Town of Barnes HEREBY AUTHORIZES Elaine J. Brustad, Clerk-Treasurer, an employee of the Town of Barnes, to act on its behalf to:

Submit an application to the Department of Natural Resources for financial assistance under s. 287.23 WIS. Stats., Chapters NR 542, 544 and 549, Wis. Admin. Code;

Sign necessary documents; and

Submit a final report.

Adopted this 18th day of September, 2007.

____________________________ __________________________

Dick Collyard, Chairperson Jack Meinke, Supervisor

____________________________ __________________________

Christine Webb, Supervisor Donna Porter, Supervisor


Mitch McGee, Supervisor

I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution # 07-07 was duly adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Barnes at a legal meeting on the 17th day of September, 2007.


Elaine J. Brustad, Clerk-Treasurer

Employee Policy Handbook Revisions and Addition of Personnel Status Change Form Collyard said the Board wanted to change the policy for performance evaluations on page 20 of the book. Instead of "Performance evaluations are scheduled every 6 months. ", it would be changed to "Performance evaluations are done after the first year of employment after which periodic reviews should be performed. "

He said Brustad had wanted to add a form for status changes to inform her of new hires, change in an employee's status such as new hire, firing, quiting, laying off, and change in their rate of pay. She introduced a form she thought would be adequate for that. The employee also can inform her of address changes and the like. This form will be mentioned also on page 17 under Personnel Data Changes.

Motion(Meinke/Porter) to approve the revision to page 20 of the policy handbook and also the addition of the status change form in the forms section. Motion carried.

Adoption of ATV Resolution amendment Russ Carter was present to answer questions on the additions.

Motion (McGee/Webb) to open the floor for discussion. Motion carried. Carter said the majority of the additions were in the northern section of the town and people on those roads were unable to access a trail from their homes. There had been many requests of the club to get these roads open for ATV's. There are many using the roads as routes already and Carter had monitored each road request to see how many ATV tracks were on the roads. The Denver road will be removed from the original Ordinance on this also.

Motion (McGee/Porter) to close the floor to discussion. Motion carried.

Motion(Webb/McGee) to adopt the amendment of the ATV ordinance as presented. The attached is the Ordinance amendment as adopted.



ATV Resolution

(New Routes underlined)The town board of the Town of Barnes, Bayfield County, Wisconsin, by this resolution, adopted on proper notice with a quorum and by a roll call vote of a majority of the town board present and voting resolves and orders as follows: Chapter Eleven (11), Section Eleven (11) - Four (4) of the Town of Barnes ordinances shall be amended to read: The following roads are designated for the operating of ATV's and shall be marked by uniform marking signs:

(a) Barnes Road from trail to County Highway N.

(b) Bingo Road from Blue Lake Road to East Bingo Road and East to Moore Road.

(c) Birch Lake Road from Lake Road north to Pickerel Lake Road.

(d) Junction Birch Lake Road & Moen Road, north 0.3 miles to Trail 14 east.

(e) Blue Lake Road from Island Lake Road to Douglas County Line.

(f) Bony Lake Road from Birch Lake Road to Highway 27.

(g) County Fire Break from Weldon Road west to Moore Road.

(h) Eight Mile Lake Road east from Webster Road to East Eight Mile Lake Road.

(i) George Lake Road from Gronemus Road to Island Drive, Island Drive to Island Lake Road, Island Lake Road to the Moore Road.

(j) Gronemus Road from George Lake Road to Loon Lake Road.

(k) Halfway Road from County A west to Douglas County line.

(l) Hall Road from County A west to Kaufman Road.

(m) All of Hans Road crossing County N to existing trail.

(n) Huffgard Road from West Church Road north to Halfway Road.

(o) Idlewild Lake Road to West Idlewild Lake Road to Lake Road.

(p) Kaufman Road from County Fire Break south to Kelly Lake Road.

(q) Kelly Lake Road from County Road A to Kaufman Road.

(r) All of Lake Road from County Highway Y to County Highway N.

(s) Moore Road from Ellison Lake Road north to one (1) mile north of Halfway Road.

(t) Mulligan Creek Road from Pease Road south to junction of Trail 5 north.

(u) Outlet Bay Road from Lake Road south to Big Pines (Hwy 27).

(v) Pease Road from County N, south to Mulligan Creek Road.

(w) Pickerel Lake Road from Highway 27 to Lake Road and Lake Road from Pickerel Lake Road to the existing route on Lake Road at Buck N Bass.

(x) River Road from the Lake Road to South Shore Road to the Enchanted Inn Campground area.

(y) All of Robinson Lake Road.

(z) Roy Dick Road from County N north to junction of Trail 7 west.

(aa) South Shore Road from Highway 27 west to River Road.

(bb) Tars Pond Road from Pease Road to Drummond Town line.

(cc) Webster Road from Island Lake Road north to Halfway Road.

(dd) Weldon Road from Hall Road north to County Fire Break.

(ee) West Church Road from Douglas County Line east to North Church Road then north to Hughes Town Line Road.

(ff) All of Witches Bay Road crossing County N to existing trail. The town clerk shall properly post or publish this resolution as required under s. 60.80, Wis. stats.

   Town of Barnes

_________________________________ ________________________________

Richard Collyard -Town Chairman Christine M. Webb-Town Supervisor

_________________________________ ________________________________

Jack Meinke - Supervisor Donna Porter - Supervisor


Mitch McGee - Supervisor

Adopted: October 16, 2007

Published: __________________ Posted: ___________________

Attest:_________________________________ Dated:_________________

Elaine J. Brustad-Town Clerk-Treasurer

Recycling Ordinance Adoption Brustad explained the attorney had sent the ordinance to her for Board review.

Motion(Webb/McGee) to table this request until the board has an opportunity to review it. Webb said she had just received it today and hadn't had time to review it. Porter said the collection of recyclable materials listed here was not how it is done at the transfer site. She was concerned that if this was passed people would have to do it the way it was in the ordinance. Motion carried.

Operator License Approval - 1 year new license for Sandra Paulson Brustad said the fee had been paid, a background check was ok, and she presented her beverage server certificate.

Motion(McGee/Porter) to approve the 1 year Operator license for Sandra Paulson. Motion carried.

Public Comment Session - 5 minute limit for those not on the Agenda

Russ Carter thanked the Board for working with the ATV club.

Issues Timeline Update

Town Owned Land - Cobb has cut the Cemetery, Town Park, and area across from the Transfer Site.

Fire Dept SOG's - Work in Progress

Fire Billing Policy - Get input from Townspeople at Annual Meeting

Heliport - waiting for blacktop

Cemetery - Work in Progress

Constable - Get input form townspeople at Annual Meeting

Ski Trails - Dave Schiess will be new groomer

Motion (Webb/Meinke) to adjourn the Regular Board Meeting of October 16, 2007. Porter wanted to thank Gene Miller again for all his hard work on the Ambulance, Fire Department and Ski Trail. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:35PM

Respectfully Submitted,

Elaine J. Brustad,

Clerk Treasurer

Dated this 26th day of October, 2007