Monday, October 1, 2007
The Board will go over budget figures for the 2008
Closed Session. The Town Board will go into closed
session pursuant to State Statute 19.85(c) for considering employment,
promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee
over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility.
The Board will then reconvene to the regular session following the closed
Chairman Collyard called the
Special Town Board Meeting to order at 5:07PM.
All Board Members were present along with the Clerk-Treasurer. Fire
Chief/Ambulance Director Tom Renz was present also. The Board continued to go over budget items
for the 2008 year. The board had
questions on the fire department expenditures for 2007 so for the next meeting
the Clerk-Treasurer will pull copies of the detail for that. Renz presented his budget for the Fire
Department and Ambulance. The fire truck
loan will be paid in full in 2008. He proposed buying a new tanker in 2008 and
also an addition onto the ambulance side of the garage for housing the
ambulance. The new fire truck then would
be able to be housed inside. Approximate
cost for the new tanker would be $150,000.00.
The addition would be around $45,000.00 to $55,000.00. Webb thought that the capital expenditures
would have to be approved by resolution at the Budget Meeting. The Clerk-Treasurer will check out to make
sure what would need to be done. The Clerk-Treasurer was asked to get
information on available grants, if any, for bridges. Collyard thought there was none available at
this time. She will also check with
Pamela Toshner on the $75,000.00 grant we will be getting next year and what
costs we will have for that.
McGee asked if it was
possible to put any balance left from the Eurasian Water Milfoil budget into a
separate fund to be used in the future for treatments or Aquatic Species
expenses. Webb said a resolution was
needed to put monies aside into a sinking fund and can be presented at the
Budget Meeting where the townspeople vote.
Motion (Meinke/Porter) to go into
closed session pursuant to State Statute 19.85(c) for considering employment,
promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee
over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility.
This is to discuss the performance evaluations of the salaried employees and
possible increases for employees for the 2008 budget. Roll call vote taken: Meinke-yes, Webb-yes,
Porter-yes, McGee-yes, Collyard-yes. Motion carried. Only the Board
members were present during the closed session. There were no decisions made
during the closed session and discussion was limited to the noticed closed
session topic.
Motion (Webb/McGee) to end the
closed session and return to the open session.
Motion carried.
The Board members returned
to the Open Session at 8:30PM. Motion
(Webb/McGee)to adjourn the Special Town Board Meeting of October 1, 2007. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:30PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Elaine J. Brustad,
Barnes Town Clerk-Treasurer
September 21, 2007