SEPTEMBER 18, 2007 AT 6:30PM



Chairman Collyard called the Regular Board Meeting to order at 6:30PM. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was said. 

Roll Call to establish a quorum/Verification of Public Notice/Motion to approve the September Agenda  Roll Call: Meinke-here, Porter-here, Webb-here, McGee-here, Collyard-here. Quorum is established.

Motion(Porter/McGee) to approve the September agenda.  Motion carried.

The agenda is as follows:




SEPTEMBER 18, 2007 AT 6:30PM


Call the Regular Board Meeting to order.

Pledge Allegiance to the Flag

Roll Call to establish a quorum/Verification of Public Notice/Motion to approve the September Agenda

Approve minutes of the Last Regular Board Meeting and Motion to dispense with reading of the minutes.

Treasurer’s Report

Voucher’s Approval

Clerk Correspondence

                Approval by Board for Treasurer to reduce erroneous tax bill on Greg Trapp property 

Department Head Reports:


                                Budget amendment to add $5,592.66 for Highway Capital Outlay per proposal for new card reader on the pumps.


                Fire and Ambulance Department                                  


Committee and Commission Reports:

                Eurasian Water Milfoil Committee

                Recreation Committee

                New Town Hall Complex Committee

                Land Use Planning Commission


1)       Shoreland Grading permit on property owned by Robert Cochrane and Denise Scharlemann, 3450 Twin Bay Road

2)       Rezone from R-2 to F-2 per land exchange on property owned by Earl and Linda Gregoire

3)       Rezone from F-2 to R-2 per land exchange on property owned by Bayfield County


Introduction of Melissa Driscoll as new 4th of July Parade Coordinator

Discussion and possible adoption of Town of Barnes Grievance Form and Policy

Recycling Ordinance Adoption

Public Comment Session – 5 minute limit for those not on the Agenda

Issues Timeline Update


All Department Heads are encouraged to be at the Regular Board Meetings

All Department Heads and Committee Heads are to submit a written report to the clerk

by Friday evening prior to the Board Meeting.

The Town Board reserves the right to solicit information from

Department heads and Committee heads only, without opening the floor to discussion.

Any persons requiring special needs for handicap services please contact the Clerk-Treasurer

Elaine J. Brustad    Barnes Town Clerk-Treasurer

Dated this 14th Day of September, 2007




Approve minutes of the Last Regular Board Meeting and Motion to dispense with reading of the minutes.

Motion(Porter/McGee) to approve the minutes of the last Regular Board Meeting and to dispense with the reading of the minutes. Motion carried.


Treasurer’s Report

Checking Balance from last meeting









Check #'s 21862-21964




August Tax Payment & other direct payments-Ck#s 294-295


Service Charge August




Interest Earned August





















Money Market Gen'l Fund Balance from Last Meeting


Interest earned August

YTD Interest $26652.34


Deposits (August Settlement)





Sub-Total Money Market Gen'l Funds


Highway Dept. Sinking Fund




BES Sinking Fund





Park Savings





Ski Trail Savings





Parade-Event-Calender Fund




Town Hall Complex Fund

Deposit Cobb Forestry


Act 102 Fund


Deposit St of Wisc



Sub-Total Money Market sub accounts


Total all Money Market Funds






















Motion( Porter/Meinke) to approve the Treasurer’s report as read. Motion carried. Motion carried.


Voucher’s Approval

Motion( McGee /Meinke) to approve the voucher’s as presented. Motion carried.


Clerk Correspondence

Brustad mentioned she had met with Bob Germer of the Department of Natural Resources a week ago about the Recycling efforts here in Barnes.  They toured the new facility, then visited a business in town to see what they were doing for recycling.  The DNR specifies that only residential units can use the transfer site, so businesses must contract with Waste Management or some other hauler for their garbage and recycling.  Most businesses don’t know this, so she plans on sending out information to the businesses at various times of the year.  She copied the report from Germer on his findings.  On another note, Chairman Collyard had asked her to research if the new energy efficient light bulbs needed to be recycled as hazardous material.  She had received an article from Tim Kane of the UW-Extension about them and they do need to be recycled during the Clean Sweep program. She plans on putting this article in the newsletter she sends out with the taxes.

She read a letter from the Town’s Attorney stating the Town Roads Policy had been reviewed and he noted it was fine and no changes needed to be done.


                Approval by Board for Treasurer to reduce erroneous tax bill on Greg Trapp property Brustad explained this was an erroneous bill as the Assessor had assessed improvements on vacant land owned by Greg Trapp.  Trapp had contacted her before the Open Book so it got corrected for the 2007 assessment, but he wanted a correction for 2006 and wouldn’t be able to pay it then get a credit.  She had sent in a form to the state to get a refund.

Motion(Webb/McGee) to approve the Treasurer to pay $1,269.76 for that portion of Gregg Trapp’s bill that had erroneous improvements in the amount of 141,900.00. Roll call vote: Meinke-yes, Webb-yes, Porter-yes, McGee-yes, Collyard-yes. Motion carried. 


Department Head Reports:


Jerry Witt read his report:  In the past month we have finished the Kaufman- Hall reconstruction project.

The last two weeks, Mike and Dave have been doing patching and erosion control work on many of our Town roads. Also there were some major repairs done. These included the curbing of George Lake Rd up the hill from the Jeff Wikan driveway, the rebuilding and graveling of the Badger Trail- North Beaver Trail intersection in Potowotomi, and  the reshaping and graveling on the trouble spots on Augustine Road.

For the past two weeks, I have been rating every road in the Town of Barnes as required by State law every two years. This rating information then has to be entered into a computer database at the Wisconsin Department of Transportation to comply with the law. The benefit of this system to the Town of Barnes is the access of software from the DOT that can be used to develop a cost effective maintenance and improvement program for our Town road system.  We have been having problems with our fuel card delivery system at the Town Garage. After consulting Northwest Petroleum, (who originally installed the present system), they recommended replacement of our present system. Parts are not available anymore to repair this system. If a malfunction occurs, the defective part would have to be sent to a repair shop with a turn around time of three to four weeks. This is not acceptable in time of emergency with three different organizations using the fuel card system. A proposal by Northwest Petroleum Service, to replace our present obsolete system with a new state of the art system, will cost $ 5592.66  This proposal needs to be acted upon by the Town Board.

I talked with the contractor doing the reconstruction of Island Lake Rd and he informed me he was still on schedule to start this project the first week in October. Once I know exactly when I will get it published in the paper so people are aware of the road closing.


                                Budget amendment to add $5,592.66 for Highway Capital Outlay per proposal for new card reader on the pumps.

Motion(Meinke/McGee) amend the budget to add $5,592.66 to the capital outlay budget for the purchase of a card reader for the pumps. Roll call vote: Meinke-yes, Webb-yes, Porter-yes, McGee-yes, Collyard-yes. Motion carried.


                Cemetery Bud Pease reported there had been no activity in the last month. He did sell a few small lots but other than that nothing else had been going on. 


                Fire and Ambulance Department   Clerk-Treasurer Brustad read Ton Renz’ report in his absence:



Since the last meeting we have had five ambulance runs one no transport, two transported to Hayward and two transported to Duluth.  In October we will be beginning our 24 hour refresher course to be held here by WITC. 



Since the last meeting we have had no fire runs.

We have begun the entry level fire class which is being held right here in Barnes they are meeting every thursday night.

Had a problem with the engine governor for the pump on Tanker one.  With several phone calls to Elite I was able to figure out the problem and was fixed here.

The two fire inspectors have been out conducting fire inspections. 

It is my recommendation to the Town board that they discontinue the service of Fire inspector of Dale Ahlvin as we now have two on this Fire Department.  The Fire inspector should be someone on the Fire Department roster and to date since I have been on this Department Dale Ahlvin has only been to one meeting.  Since he was the Fire inspector when I took over I do not know if he was appointed to that position by the Town board or by the Fire Chief.  So I am asking that this either be researched so I or the Town Board take action and send him a letter indicating his services are not needed. 


                Constable Brustad said she had not received a report from Mike O’Keefe for this meeting.


Committee and Commission Reports:


                Eurasian Water Milfoil Committee  Ingemar Ekstrom said the committee met on Monday evening.  The project for this year is drawing to a close, but the committee is still busy with working on next year’s project and finishing up with this year’s grant.  The volunteers inspected a total of 3,172 boats, 6,715 people were contacted and 1,640 volunteer hours were logged.  Thank you’s had been sent out to all the volunteers.  Ingemar wanted to especially thank Barb Romstad and Gus Gustafson for their hard work.  The Project Coordinator was at the meeting and are going over ways to streamline expenses for next year.  Pamela Toshner was present also and they will be working on the upcoming research project for Tomahawk Lake.  That has all been approved by the DNR.  Lee Wiesner then presented the Board with a check for $1,890.00 representing donations received by the Property Owners Association to be put towards the efforts of the Eurasian Water Milfoil and Clean Boats Clean Waters Projects.  A picture was taken of Wiesner and Collyard accepting the check. 


                Recreation Committee Chris Webb reported the Recreation Committee will be meeting this Wednesday evening.  They will be talking about the skating rink and other winter activities.  They will need to have Dave Schiess come to the Board with a proposal on costs associated with the ski trail.  Collyard said he will talk with Schiess about that.


                New Town Hall Complex Committee Brustad reported the Committee will be meeting also on Wednesday.  She said Chris Webb had drawn up an outline that the committee should follow so she planned on presenting that to the committee.


                Land Use Planning Commission Chairman Ratzel was not present but had a report dropped off for the Board members.  The Commission had recommended approval of all three of the zoning items.




4)       Shoreland Grading permit on property owned by Robert Cochrane and Denise Scharlemann, 3450 Twin Bay Road


Motion(Webb/Porter) to approve the shoreland grading permit on the Cochrane/Scharlemann property at 3450 Twim Bay Road based on the Commission’s recommendation because it meets zoning requirements and Barnes Comprehensive Land Use Plan.  Motion carried.         


5)       Rezone from R-2 to F-2 per land exchange on property owned by Earl and Linda Gregoire


Motion(Porter/McGee ) to approve the rezone from R-2 to F-2 on property owned by Earl Gregoire as recommended by the Planning Commission. It meets zoning requirements and Barnes CLUP.  Motion carried.


6)       Rezone from F-2 to R-2 per land exchange on property owned by Bayfield County


Motion (Porter/McGee) to approve the rezone from F-2 to R-2 on property owned by Bayfield County. This is per the Planning Commission recommendation as it meets all zoning requirements and Barnes Comprehensive Land Use Plan.  Collyard explained Gregoire and Bayfield County exchanged land  and needed the new pieces rezoned to match. Gregoire was giving up more land than he was getting in the deal.  Motion carried.


Introduction of Melissa Driscoll as new 4th of July Parade Coordinator Brustad said Melissa was not able to come to tonight’s meeting.  She was taking this on herself, not as a member of the Business Association.  Webb said she knew of a few people who would be able to help her if needed.  Melissa had already contacted Mary Jo Scharlau to get all the information.


Discussion and possible adoption of Town of Barnes Grievance Form and Policy Brustad presented the policy that Chris Webb had drawn up along with the updated Citizen Request for Service.  The only change should be to change the title of the Policy to agree with the form, which both will say” Citizen’s Request for Service”.

Motion (Meinke/McGee)to adopt the Citizen’s Request for Service form and Policy.  Motion carried.


Recycling Ordinance Adoption Brustad said she had not received the final draft from the attorney yet for presentation. 


Public Comment Session – 5 minute limit for those not on the Agenda

Larry Bergman read a letter to be entered into the minutes along with a petition. He thanked the Board for allowing him to talk about the road conditions and presented a petition signed asking for blacktopping of Smith Lake Road, James Road, Pease Resort Road, Martin Road and Cranberry Lake Road.  He wanted to make sure the Board realized this wasn’t a hostile approach but a formal way of bringing their desires as to the condition of these roads.  The petition reads:

“We, the landowners and taxpayers in the Town of Barnes do hereby request and appeal to the Chairman and Town Board, that Smith Lake Road, James Road, Pease Resort Road, Martin Road and Cranberry Lake Road be blacktopped as soon as possible.  The problems wit severe roughness and excessive dust on these roads need a solution.  The only main roads that surround and lead into the lake complex which is bordered by County Road N, Pease Road, South Shore Road, Lake Road and County Road Y that are NOT BLACKTOPPED are the aforementioned roads.  The taxpayers owning high valued properties on these roads deserve road surfaces just as good as the main body of roads in this lake complex.  Our tax monies have helped to improve the other roads, and it is about time that these roads are brought up to the level of the other main roads. The main roads leading in to the Lower Eau Claire and to Sweet Lake also desserve consideration.  In fact, all roads shown in the area promotional brochure entitled ‘Barnes-Gordon Eau Claire Chain of Lakes’  that carry the traffic around the lakes should have blacktop surfaces commensurate with the high property valuations and taxes paid.  We, the undersigned taxpayers request an answer as to what the current and long range road plans are and when this road improvement can be accomplished.”   A total of 75 signatures were on the petition.

Jody Tetzlaff also spoke regarding the same matter.  He has spoken with a Transportation official in this area and the state has a program aimed at these issues.  Collyard said he was going to attend a meeting about this same subject the next week.  He asked to see Tetzlaff and Bergman after the meeting to show them something about the roads projects. 

Dan Cobb would like to have Rabbit Hutch road abandoned or at least one end of it. Lately there have been poaches in there and it is known they do not like a road that dead ends.  Collyard said it will be put on next month’s agenda to discuss it. 

Lee Wiesner spoke about the Upper St Croix River Alliance Project.  The first Steering Committee meeting will be on Thursday evening at the community center in Solon Springs.  If anyone wants to attend contact him and he will pick them up. 


Issues Timeline Update

Town Owned Land – work in progress

Fire Department SOG’s and Fire Billing Policy – Work in progress

Heliport landing zone – Tom O’Brien, benefactor, has contacted the blacktop people to start

Recreation Area Planning – on hold

ATV Routes – waiting for county approval letter from Steve Probst

Cemetery – Bud has copy of statutes to work with

Constable – need special meeting for discussion, possible appointment of sub-committee

Ski-trails – Work in progress, need proposal from Dave Schiess

Town Grievance Porcedure and form – adopted this meeting


Motion (Porter/McGee) to adjourn the Regular Town Board meeting of September 18, 2007.  Motion carried.  The meeting was adjourned at 7:55PM.



Respectfully Submitted,



Elaine J. Brustad,


Dated this 25th day of September, 2007