AUGUST 21, 2007


Chairman Collyard called  the Regular Board Meeting to order at 6:32PM. The Pledge of  Allegiance to the Flag was said. Collyard called for a roll call to establish a quorum, verification of Public Notice from the Clerk-Treasurer and motion to approve the August Agenda.

Meinke-here, Webb-absent((6:45PM), Porter-absent, McGee-here, Collyard-here. Quorum is established.

Motion (Meinke/McGee ) to approve the agenda, approve the minutes of the last Regular Board Meeting and to dispense with the reading of the minutes. Motion carried. The agenda follows:




AUGUST 21, 2007 AT 6:30PM


Call the Regular Board Meeting to order.

Pledge Allegiance to the Flag

Roll Call to establish a quorum/Verification of Public Notice/Motion to approve the August Agenda

Approve minutes of the Last Regular Board Meeting and Motion to dispense with reading of the minutes.

Treasurer’s Report

Voucher’s Approval

Clerk Correspondence

                Bank Resolution Update per State Bank of Drummond’s request

                Approval of Clerk-Treasurer to sign documents and coordinate the 457 Plan

                Town Hall Floor discussion on getting bids for floor refinishing

                Set first budget meeting date

                Nominations for Employee of the Year          

Department Head Reports:


                                Budget amendment to add $30,000 to Roadwork outlay for Hazard Mitigation Work and                                   add $30,000.00 for DNR grant.


                Fire and Ambulance Department

                                Budget amendment to add $5000.00 to Fire Capital Outlay for turnout gear                         


Committee and Commission Reports:

                Eurasian Water Milfoil Committee

                                Approval of new Hire Anna Kane

                Recreation Committee

                New Town Hall Complex Committee

                Land Use Planning Commission


1)       Placement of RV on property year round on Lots 84 * 85 Red Cloud Addition to Potawatomi Estates, property owned by Joe and Maxine Coder

2)       Residence (cabin) in a F-1 zoning district on Cranberry Lake Road on property owned by Troy Guider

Steve Probst, Bayfield County Forestry – Discussion on ATV’s and Four Wheel Drive vehicles on County Forestry Land.

Adoption of new ATV Route - South Shore Road, highway 27 to River Road

Ackowledgment of resignation of Mary Jo Scharlau as the Fourth of July Parade Coordinator and discussion on her possible replacement

Adoption of Town of Barnes Grievance Form

Recycling Ordinance Adoption

Operator License Approvals:

                2 Year License  for Patrick Wilkinson

                2 Year License for Kimberly Christenson

                1 Year License for Anna Kane

Special Class “B” Picnic License approval for PJ’s Cabin Store at the VFW pavilion for 8/17 to 8/19/07.

Review and possible change of policy mandating all department heads to be at Regular Board meetings

Public Comment Session – 5 minute limit for those not on the Agenda

Issues Timeline Update


All Department Heads are  to be at the Regular Board Meetings

All Department Heads and Committee Heads are to submit a written report to the clerk

by Friday evening prior to the Board Meeting.

The Town Board reserves the right to solicit information from

Department heads and Committee heads only, without opening the floor to discussion.

Any persons requiring special needs for handicap services please contact the Clerk-Treasurer

Elaine J. Brustad    Barnes Town Clerk-Treasurer

Dated this 20th  Day of August, 2007


Treasurer’s Report

Checking Balance from last meeting









Transfer from Money Market Acct




Check #'s 21739-21861




July Tax Payment & other direct payments-Ck#s 289-291


Service Charge July





Interest Earned July






















Money Market Gen'l Fund Balance from Last Meeting


Interest earned July


YTD Interest $24353.82


Transfer to General Fund





Sub-Total Money Market Gen'l Funds


Highway Dept. Sinking Fund




BES Sinking Fund





Park Savings

Deposits Aluminum cans $778.74


Ski Trail Savings





Parade-Event-Calender Fund





Sub-Total Money Market sub accounts


Total all Money Market Funds





















Motion( Meinke/McGee) to approve the Treasurer’s report as read. Motion carried.


Voucher’s Approval

Motion (McGee/Meinke) to approve the voucher’s. Motion carried.


Clerk Correspondence

Brustad wanted to let the Board members know there is a WITC class being held in Hayward on November 3rd and 4th for the ICS classes 200 and 300 needed to be completed by the Board. 

She wanted to thank Mike Alston of M and M Greenhouse for all his volunteer work done this summer on the trimming of the shrubs at the hall, and especially for watering the plants for her while she was gone.  Collyard asked for a motion to send Mike a thank you note from the Board. Motion (McGee/Meinke) to send Mike Alston a thank you letter from the Board for his volunteer work around the Town Hall and Cemetery  this summer.  Motion carried.


                Bank Resolution Update per State Bank of Drummond’s request Brustad said she had received this Resolution from the bank asking for the update as it included verbage addressing electronic checks and receipts.


Motion ( Meinke/McGee) to approve the signing of the Bank Resolution as written. Motion carried.


                Approval of Clerk-Treasurer to sign documents and coordinate the 457 Plan Brustad copied a letter of request by Muriel Stulen, the 457 plan adviser asking for  a letter authorizing the Clerk-Treasurer to sign certain documents needed to coordinate the plan.  This was mainly for invoices and changes requested by the employees.

Motion (McGee/Meinke ) to have Dick Collyard sign the letter approving the Clerk-Treasurer to sign documents and coordinate the 457 plan. Motion carried


                Town Hall Floor discussion on getting bids for floor refinishing Brustad asked for approval to get some bids for the refinishing of the hall floor.  There is money in the budget to have it done this year if possible.  This was previously brought up 2-3 years ago for the need to have it refinished.  Motion (Meinke/McGee) to go out for bids for refinishing of the town hall floor. Motion carried.  The clerk-treasurer will call around and get some prices to bring back to the board at the next board meeting.


                Set first budget meeting date  The first budget meeting will be on Monday, September 17th at 5:00PM.


                Nominations for Employee of the Year Brustad received two nominations for the award.  Tom Renz showed the plaque that he had done up with gold plates to have the employee’s name and year inscribed on it.  Collyard said the Clerk-Treasurer had shown him a catalog also of items the Board could also give the employee as a small token also.  He felt a keychain would be something inexpensive but would be something to give the employee on top of the plaque that would have his name on it. Motion (Webb/McGee) to nominate Mike Collins for the 2006 Year as Employee of the Year.  Motion carried.  

Lastly, Brustad said she has received a copy of the Town of Drummond’s draft of their Comprehensive Land Use Plan.  It will be available for anyone who wants to see it in her office.


Department Head Reports:


The basketball court has been resurfaced and new lines have been painted. All the work requested by the Recreation Committee has been completed except for the installation of gates on the ice rink and the staining of the grand stand seating. This can be done easier when the old fencing is removed next summer.

The access road to the Heli-pad at the industrial park has been constructed and is nearly completed. I have been waiting for rain before doing final grading and backslope work.

Dave and Mike have been mowing and brushing on secondary roads as time allows.

For the residents of Potawotomi, the time frame for the reconstruction of Island Lake Rd. has been set to start at the end of September or the first of October. The project is expected to take approximately two weeks. The work will begin on the west quarter mile of the project with the right of way clearing to be done first. This quarter mile is being done first to allow resident access to Little Island Rd. as the remaining 1.5 miles are being completed. This 1.5 mile stretch will be closed to traffic while it is being worked on. 

Jerry wanted to make sure this was noted and it should only be around a week that the road will be closed to traffic.

                                Budget amendment to add $30,000 to Roadwork outlay for Hazard Mitigation Work and add $30,000.00 for DNR grant.  Collyard explained the Town had paid out this amount for clearing and brushing of the roads which was not in the original budget but we will be receiving $30,000.00 from the grant which was also not in the budget.

Motion (Webb/Meinke) to add $30,000.00 to the Roadwork Capital Outlay budget for Hazard Mitigation work and add $30,000.00 to the budget for receipt of the DNT grant. Roll call vote:

Meinke-yes, Porter-absent, Webb-yes, McGee-yes, Collyard-yes. Motion carried.



Bud Pease read his report.  On July 21 Cleo Marshal was interred in Lot 5, Site 3.  On July 24th Arke was interred in the Boren lot, Block 5, Lot 22, Site 2.  August 4th interred Genevieve Norton Campbell in block 1, lot 9, site 1. and on August 13 sold a gravesite to Susan Pagnucci  for Florence Howell and interred Florence Howell in block 5, Lot 7, site 12.

Collyard asked if he had met with the committee members to discuss the buying back of lots.  Pease said no, he hadn’t done that yet but they will start researching that.


                Fire and Ambulance Department

Since the last meeting we have had four ambulance runs all three were transported to Duluth.  1  was a no transport in the Town of Highland.  2 were ATV accidents.  Had to replace the two front tires on the ambulance. Other than that all is going good.


Since the last meeting we have had two calls both were ATV accidents to respond with the rescue sled and one was also to set up a landing zone.

Jim Prickett has been appointed to the rank as Captain to replace Gene Miller who will be retiring the end of September or first part of October. 

Ken Wilk and Jim Prickett have been out conducting Fire inspections. 

We have a Entry Level Fire class scheduled to start here the first part of September so if there is anyone that is interested in joining the Department but felt they could not because of the travel for the training we now have a class starting here.  The class will run three hours a night, one night a week.  And regarding the landing zone, Renz will be contacting Tom O’Brien to discuss what needs to be done yet. 

Renz presented Gene Miller will a plaque in appreciation for all his years of service in the fire and ambulance department.  Renz said he has been a member of the department since 1973.


                                Budget amendment to add $5000.00 to Fire Capital Outlay for turnout gear.  Renz said the department has received a large number of applications this year, so the original budget for turnout gear has fallen short.  It cost around $1700.00 to outfit each firefighter now.

Motion( Webb/McGee) to add $5,000.00 to the budget in Fire Capital Outlay for additional turnout gear. Roll call vote taken: Meinke-yes, Webb-yes, Porter-absent, McGee-yes, Collyard-yes. Motion carried.


                Constable Clerk-Treasurer Brustad read the Constable’s report

Not much to report due to the fact that my vehicle was out of service for 20 days ( picked it up last friday ). I did have 3 complaints of after hour wave runners / tubers on middle. 2 alarms from alarm companies. 1 fireworks complaint on saturday. One important accomplishment was the township finally received an ORI # form the FBI. I had made application last march and, after a lot of red tape and assistance from the wisconsin department of justice, we were successfull. This new status brings us to a new level, and will make my job easier in some ways and more difficult in others. Prior to this assignment I was unable to receive ( and process ) uniform traffic citations from the department of transportation, also DNR citations. A letter of notification has been sent to the Bayfield Sheriff and the Clerk of courts. This will also bring up the issue of keeping the office of Constable an elected position ( which gives the town board limited control.) If the person elected is not a certified law enforcement officer,  we go back to square one. If the person is appointed by the board they have total control, and they can set the standard for eligibility. This can all be addressed next April, but the dialog should start soon. If anyone has any comments or questions feel free to call or e-mail me at [email protected]. There’s a lot more involved in this than just being able to write tickets from the state. My goal is to put us in the best possible position to move into the future. As the township grows our needs will most definitely change, and we have more work to do. Collyard asked to add this to the timeline.


Committee and Commission Reports:


                Eurasian Water Milfoil Committee The Board had received a copy of the committee’s last meeting minutes.  Ingemar Ekstrom was not present to give an oral report.

                                Approval of new Hire Anna Kane Collyard explained Anna was hired when another monitor was needed to fill in.  She was one of the original person’s interviewed for the position.

Motion (McGee/Webb ) to approve the hiring of Anna Kane as a boat landing monitor. Motion carried.


                Recreation Committee Collyard first wanted to have Gene Miller talk about the Ski Trail and who might be his replacement.  Miller said Dave Schiess has offered to groom the trails.  He would like to see additional monies put into the budget to compensate the person who would be doing the grooming as it requires quite a bit of time.  Collyard said the Board should have this on the timeline so it will be addressed each month. Marcia Wellnitz reported on the swimming lessons which were complete.  The next meeting will not be until October and they will talk about the skating rink then. She said the committee is really in need of more volunteers.  They are down to just a few people and really would like to have some younger people with children to get their input as to what is needed.


                New Town Hall Complex Committee Committee Chair Brustad said the committee will be meeting on Wednesday at 6:00PM.  Meinke said they should be receiving some money from the proceeds of the timber sales so far this year.  It will amount to around $12,900.00.


                Land Use Planning Commission Gene Ratzel, Commission Chair said his report was given to the Board members on the commission’s recommendations for the following zoning issues.




1)       Placement of RV on property year round on Lots 84 * 85 Red Cloud Addition to Potawatomi Estates, property owned by Joe and Maxine Coder Collyard said the commission recommended not approving because more information was needed but this morning we received additional information as to the size and placement.  There was no time frame or reason for the request.  Motion(Webb/McGee) to open the floor for discussion. Motion carried.  Collyard asked if the Coder’s were here.  They were not.  He asked if a driveway permit had been issued.  Meinke was not sure.  Doug Brierly from the audience said he had done the work and to his knowledge had been approved and a permit issued.  Motion (Webb/Meinke) to approve the request for a period of two years only based on the same criteria used in the past).   Webb said to put on the zoning sheet that the Board wants a letter of intent from the Coder’s so they know what their plans are for the property, if they plan to build a cabin or just have the camper forever or what.  Motion carried.


2)       Residence (cabin) in a F-1 zoning district on Cranberry Lake Road on property owned by Troy Guider  Collyard said the Plan Commission recommended approval since it meets zoning requirements and the Comprehensive Land Use Plan.  Meinke mentioned he had spoken with Guider when he received the driveway permit and mentioned he thought Guider should remove the tree in the middle of the driveway for safety purposes. Guider, who was in the audience said he planned on doing so. Motion (Meinke/McGee) to close the floor to discussion. Motion carried. Motion (Meinke/McGee) to approve the placement of a cabin in a F-1 forestry zoning district on property owned by Troy Guider.  This is based on the tree being removed from the middle of the driveway. Motion carried.


Steve Probst, Bayfield County Forestry – Discussion on ATV’s and Four Wheel Drive vehicles on County Forestry Land.  Steve said the Forestry Committee is looking at where ATV and 4 Wheel traffic should be allowed and not allowed. He wanted input from the Town Board on any county forestry lands in the town.  The County wasn’t planning on closing any roads or trails to vehicular traffic at this time, but wanted input from the Board and from the townspeople present if there were concerns. Gene Miller spoke on the Ski trail areas.  He felt the trails should be left as they are now.  He felt the signs that are on the trails restricting motorized traffic was adequate.  Probst said we could put berms or gates to restrict traffic but Miller felt it would hinder grooming.  Webb asked if there were plans to close any areas to traffic at this time.  Probst said there were none, and Webb thought the Board should be notified if they plan to do so at any time.  She asked Probst to let the Board know of the county’s decisions. Collyard also mentioned we needed to be notified as soon as Probst got the ATV route approved that was on a portion of County Forestry land so the Town Board could adopt the ordinance amendment to add the routes the ATV club were asking for. Dave Pederson said it was the fire break from Moore Road to Weldon road that  the club was waiting approval on.  Probst said he would get that approved at the next Forestry Committee meeting since it will be a state funded trail.  


Adoption of new ATV Route - South Shore Road, highway 27 to River Road Brustad presented the Board with the amendment adding South Shore road from Highway 27 to River Road on the list of approved routes.  Motion (McGee/Meinke) to approve the amendment adding South Shore Road from Highway 27 to River Road as an approved route for ATV’s. Motion carried.


Ackowledgment of resignation of Mary Jo Scharlau as the Fourth of July Parade Coordinator and discussion on her possible replacement Collyard said we need to get a replacement very soon so the new person or organization can get the theme in the Calendar of Events. Webb said we need to make sure this gets in the minutes.  Collyard asked if the Clerk-Treasurer should call the local organizations to see if anyone would be interested in taking this on.  Brustad said she did contact Melissa Driscoll from the Business Association and she may be interested.  Webb thought it should be a group as it is  such a big job for one.  Motion (Meinke/McGee) to send Mary Jo Scharlau a thank you letter from the Board.  Motion carried.


Adoption of Town of Barnes Grievance Form Brustad had copied the Board with the Grievance form to be adopted. She also mentioned she had received another form through the “clerklist” which she felt the Board might like better.  Collyard said he had made a few changes on this new form and also liked this one better.  It was felt the Clerk-Treasurer should make the changes, including the title and present to the Board at the next meeting. Motion(Webb/Meinke) to adopt a grievance procedure.  Webb felt a written procedure outlining the steps the person needed to follow would need to  be adopted first then we could start using the form.  It will be put on the timeline to develop a procedure to be used.  Webb will email the Clerk-Treasurer with what she felt was needed for the procedure. Motion carried.


Recycling Ordinance Adoption Brustad said the Attorney will have this ordinance to her by the next meeting.  She will place it on the agenda for the September meeting.


Operator License Approvals:

                2 Year License  for Patrick Wilkinson  Brustad said Wilkinson had presented his Beverage Server Certificate along with the required fee. There was no criminal history found on the background check.

Motion( McGee/Meinke) to approve the 2 year license for Patrick Wilkinson.. Motion carried.

                2 Year License for Kimberly Christenson Brustad reported Christenson had presented a copy of the Beverage Server certificate, background check was done with no criminal history found and she had paid her fee. Motion(Webb/Meinke) to approve the 2 year license for Kimberly Christenson. Motion carried.

                1 Year License for Anna Kane Anna had a Beverage Server Certificate, no criminal history found on background check and she had paid her required fee. Motion (Meinke/McGee) to approve the 1 year license for Anna Kane. Motion carried.


Special Class “B” Picnic License approval for PJ’s Cabin Store at the VFW pavilion for 8/17 to 8/19/07.  Brustad said this needed to be approved after-the-fact as they didn’t come in for the permit until a few days before the ball tournament.  She also felt for next year the VFW would have to change the wording on their premise description on their license application so it would include the pavilion.  Then the Cabin Store wouldn’t need to get any additional permit.  A Class “B” picnic license is only for groups and organizations or clubs, so that wouldn’t apply to the Cabin Store. Technically she shouldn’t have issued a permit to them but didn’t want to cause a big problem for them to operate the tournament.  She would talk with the VFW and Cabin Store so they could work it out for next year.  Motion( McGee/Meinke)                              to approve the Class “B” Picnic license issued to PJ’s Cabin Store for 8-17 through 8-19-07.  Motion carried.


Review and possible change of policy mandating all department heads to be at Regular Board meetings.  Collyard said last meeting he wanted the bottom of the agendas to read “all department heads are encouraged”  to attend the Board meetings instead of  “are required”. Brustad said a policy had been voted on in 2000 to have the Department heads required to be present.  When checking the motion it said required to attend or submit a written report.  Collyard said since we require a written report then the Board isn’t really changing the policy, and he felt the wording should be changed to “encouraged” instead of “required”.


Public Comment Session – 5 minute limit for those not on the Agenda

Ted Caiazza asked about possible signage on Pickerel Lake for waterskiing and jetskiing hours.  Collyard said the Clerk-Treasurer had signs in her office if he wanted to stop by and get one during office hours.


Issues Timeline Update

Town Owned Land – work in progress

Fire Department, SOG’s – Work in Progress

Fire Billing Policy & Ordinance – Work in Progress

Heliport for Landing Zone – All ready for blacktop

Employee Award Program – Mike Collins nominated for 2006

Recreation Area Planning –Work in Porgress

ATV Routes – Ordinance adopted adding South Shore Road

Cemetery – Work in Progress

Constable – Discussion on Appointed vs elected position

Ski Trail  - Gene Miller moving, need someone to take over. Dave Schiess will do for pay

Town Grievance Procedure – need procedure before form is adopted. Chris to email ideas to clerk-treasurer


Motion(Meinke/McGee) to adjourn the Town Board meeting of August 21, 2007. Motion carried.  The meeting adjourned at 8:25PM.



Respectfully submitted,




Elaine J. Brustad

Town Clerk-Treasurer

Dated this 4th day of September, 2007