JUNE 19, 2007 AT 6:00PM


Chairman Collyard called  the Regular Board Meeting to order at 6:00PM. Collyard read the closed session notice and asked for a motion to go into closed session.

The Board will go into Closed Session pursuant to State Statute 19.85(g) to confer with legal counsel for the governmental body who is rendering oral and/or written advice concerning strategy to be adopted by the body with respect to litigation in which it is likely to become involved.  The Board will then reconvene in open session for the Regular Session immediately after the closed session.

Motion(Webb/Meinke ) to go into closed session pursuant to State Statute 19.85(g) to confer with legal counsel for the governmental body who is rendering oral and/or written advice concerning strategy to be adopted by the body with respect to litigation in which it is likely to become involved.   Roll call vote taken: Webb-yes, Porter-yes, Meinke-yes, McGee-yes, Collyard-yes. Motion carried.

Only the Board members were present. There were no motions or decisions made in Closed session.

Motion (Porter/McGee) to return to the Open Session. Motion carried.

Collyard called the reconvened Regular Board Meeting to Order at 6:30PM.

The Pledge Allegiance to the Flag was said.

Roll Call was taken to establish a quorum/Verification of Public Notice/Motion to approve the June Agenda

Webb-here, Porter-here, McGee-here, Meinke-here, Collyard-here. Quorum established. Motion (Meinke/McGee) to approve the June agenda. Motion carried.   The agenda for June is as follows:




JUNE 19, 2007 AT 6:00PM


Call the Regular Board Meeting to order.

The Board will go into Closed Session pursuant to State Statute 19.85(g) to confer with legal counsel for the governmental body who is rendering oral and/or written advice concerning strategy to be adopted by the body with respect to litigation in which it is likely to become involved.  The Board will then reconvene in open session for the Regular Session immediately after the closed session.

Call the reconvened Regular Board Meeting to Order at 6:30PM

Pledge Allegiance to the Flag

Roll Call to establish a quorum/Verification of Public Notice/Motion to approve the June Agenda

Approve minutes of the Last Regular Board Meeting and Motion to dispense with reading of the minutes.

Treasurer’s Report

Voucher’s Approval

Clerk Correspondence

                Recycling Ordinance review and adoption

                Present Recycling Compliance Assurance Plan for review and adoption

Bid Opening for Tree and Brush Removal                   

Department Head Reports:


                                Discussion of Beaver trapping fees


                Fire and Ambulance Department

                                Lease Agreement approval for Helipad at Business Park

                                Approval for EMT application

                                Approval for Wildland Grant Application with 50/50 match                    


Committee and Commission Reports:

                Eurasian Water Milfoil Committee-

                Road Committee – Presentation of Policy for Board review and possible adoption

                Land Use Planning Commission

                Recreation Committee – Release of Liability letter for Potawatomi Association

Dr Carol Kulpa –presentation of change in Comprehensive Use Plan for more restrictive zoning

Proposed new ATV Routes – Update from Dave Pederson and approval by Town Board

Liquor License Renewals:

                Class B Combo renewal for Backwoods Resort, Barnes Community VFW Post 8329, Barnes Trading Post, Boulder Lodge, Buck N Bass, Doorn’s Inn, Downtown Barnes, Enchanted Inn, Marie’s Laker Lounge, Mike’s Sportsman Saloon, Northwoods Tap, P J’s Cabin Store, R C’s Decoy Inn, and Traut’s Resort

                Class A Combo renewal for Homestead Station and Kari’s Jim Bait LLC,

                Class A Beer renewal for Maki’s

Operator License Renewals:

                2 Year License Renewal for Jim Prickett, Roberta DeLizio, Gene Ratzel, Connie Richards, Amanda van Doorn, Marie Hughes, David Basacker, Kevin Basacker, Kevin Murphy, Colleen Ruhman, Scott Ruhman, Rose Skinner, Debbie Sesko, and Nancy Gohde

                1 Year License Renewal for James Wiechert

Operator License New Applications:

                1 Year License for Gary Bergman

                2 Year License for Kevin Michaud

                2 Year License for Luella Gerbensky

Temporary Class B (Picnic) License for Barnes Lions Club, Dave Pederson, President

Public Comment Session – 5 minute limit for those not on the Agenda

Issues Timeline Update

All Department Heads are required to be at the Regular Board Meetings

All Department Heads and Committee Heads must submit a signed written report to the clerk by Friday evening prior to the Board Meeting.

The Town Board reserves the right to solicit information from

Department heads and Committee heads only, without opening the floor to discussion.

Any persons requiring special needs for handicap services please contact the Clerk-Treasurer

Elaine J. Brustad    Barnes Town Clerk-Treasurer

Dated this 18th Day of June, 2007



Motion (Porter/Meinke ) to approve the minutes of the last Regular Board Meeting and to dispense with the reading of the minutes. Motion carried.


Treasurers Report











Checking Balance from last meeting









Check #'s 21525-21653




May Tax Payment & other direct payments



Transfer from Money Market Acct




Service Charge May





Interest Earned May






















Money Market Gen'l Fund Balance from Last Meeting


Transfer funds to General Fund acct



Check # 1054





Interest earned May


YTD Interest $20153.76



Sub-Total Money Market Gen'l Funds


Highway Dept. Sinking Fund




BES Sinking Fund





Park Savings

Deposit Water Money $91.16


Ski Trail Savings





Parade-Event-Calendar Fund





Sub-Total Money Market sub accounts


Total all Money Market Funds






















Motion(Porter/Webb) to approve the Treasurer’s report as read. Webb asked what check # 1054 drawn on the money market account was for. Brustad said it was payment to the County Treasurer for Omitted Taxes that were written off.   Motion carried.

Motion (Webb/Meinke) to approve the voucher’s as presented. Motion carried.


Clerk Correspondence

1-       map cabinet –Brustad explained she received new maps of the townships and wanted to purchase a map cabinet to house them.  Collyard had received information on the federal surplus property sales which she had sent the application for to see what they had available.  Most likely the cost will be under $500.00.

2-       Employee Award Program –The nominations were to be read at the June Board meeting but she had received only one so far. Collyard said he was unsure if Jerry knew about the nominations so thought it should be extended to give all employees a chance to nominate someone.

3-       Open Book and Board of Review dates – Open book will be on two days, July 30th from 3-7PM and July 31st from 10:00AM until 2:00PM.  The Board of Review will be on Tuesday, August 14th from 5:00PM until 7:00PM.

4-       Driveway Permit violation per Mike Furtak – Mike Furtak had inspected a slab on Wilderness Court and noted a new driveway had been put in without a driveway permit and a fence put in that was possibly encroaching on the road right-of-way.  He wanted the Board and Jerry Witt to take a look.  Collyard said he and Jack Meinke would go take a look and write a letter to the owners.

5-       New Town Complex Committee members – Brustad said they had 9 people interested in the committee, they would be meeting the next week.  Collyard said the Board wanted a 7 member committee, including Chris Webb who would be the liaison from the Board.  The other two could be named alternates.  

6-       Recycling Ordinance review and adoption – Brustad received a letter from the DNR regarding their recycling grant.  A Compliance Assurance Plan was needed in order to keep the grant in place.  Upon reading the samples of plans he had sent she realized a Recycling Ordinance was needed also to be in compliance with the recycling program and to continue to receive grants. Apparently when the ordinances were codified in 2004, the Recycling Ordinance that had been in place was removed.  The attorney was working on one for the Board to review but hadn’t finished it. It should be ready for review and adoption at the next meeting.

                7-     Present Recycling Compliance Assurance Plan for review and adoption –The recycling                              grant is dependant on a Compliance Assurance Plan in place.  Brustad took the plan from a                                sample The DNR representative had sent.  It is as follows:

Town of Barnes

Compliance Assurance Plan


Purpose: This policy will establish standard guidelines that will lead to compliance with the Town of Barnes Recycling Ordinance.

The Town of Barnes Transfer Site Attendant and Recycling Coordinator are responsible for enforcing the Town of Barnes Recycling Ordinance. The Town of Barnes’ staff and personnel shall follow the guidelines identified in this Compliance Assurance Plan in response to issues associated with recycling and solid waste.  This Plan is intended to meet the requirements of s.NR544.04 (9g), Wis. Adm. Code as well as the Town of Barnes’ recycling Ordinance.

Problem:  Unacceptable materials found mixed with recyclables at the Transfer Site.

Compliance Strategy:

1st Response: Transfer Site Attendant explains what is not acceptable and provides educational material to resident.

2nd Response: Transfer Site Attendant rejects unacceptable material.

3rd Response: Transfer Site Attendant rejects unacceptable material and informs Recycling Coordinator in writing of non-compliance.  Recycling Coordinator writes letter to resident, encloses educational materials, and follows up with a telephone and/or in-person contact.

4th Response: Transfer Site Attendant rejects unacceptable material and informs Recycling Coordinator in writing.  Recycling coordinator asks Law Enforcement to give verbal or written warning.

5th Response: Transfer Site Attendant rejects unacceptable material and informs Recycling Coordinator, who requests that Law Enforcement issue a citation.


Richard Collard, Town of Barnes Chairperson                    Date

Motion(Webb/McGee) to approve the signing of the Compliance Assurance Plan. Webb said to make sure the Constable has this policy and also the Transfer Site Attendant. Motion carried.



Bid Opening for Tree and Brush Removal

Collyard opened the two bids received by the Clerk-Treasurer.

United Piping - Bob Schonenberger, President            $28,750.00

Harv’s Tree Service – Bill Harvey, Owner                       $26,500.00

Both had presented proper insurance certificates. 

Motion(Meinke/McGee ) to accept the bid from the lowest bidder, Harv’s Tree Service. There have been no complaints about Harv’s, he seems to do good work as we have used him before.                                                      Roll call vote taken: Meinke-yes, McGee-yes, Porter-yes, Webb-yes, Collyard-yes.  Motion carried.           


Department Head Reports:

                Highway –Clerk-Treasurer read the report as Jerry Witt was not present.

A new underground service has been installed to the pump house behind the Quonset hut to replace the old shorted service.  We have cut all the dead trees out of the Town Park and ground the stumps.  Universal Welding has installed steel sheeting on the Mud Lake Bridge abutments to stop the erosion of the concrete as requested by the bridge inspection report.  Mike has installed the tetherball in the Town Park.  The 3 septic tanks on the town’s property have been pumped as required by law.   Jerry is in the process of getting the garage septic tank up to code.  The top of the tank is caved in and starting to rust out.  It appears to be an old 500 gallon steel fuel barrel that has seen its better days.  He has also been working on the first ¾ mile of the Kaufman road reconstruction and should be starting on the next section of Hall road by the end of the week.  Dave has been mowing roadsides and will continue to do so.

                                Discussion of Beaver trapping fees Chairman Collyard said the fees previously being paid were $25.00 per beaver, and Jerry had to use someone else as the previous trapper wasn’t able to do that this year due to health reasons.  Jerry and Collyard felt the fees should be raised to $40.00 per beaver as there is a lot of work involved to trap just one beaver.  This is done on Mulligan Creek Road so the beaver don’t dam and flood the road. 

Motion(Collyard/McGee)to raise the beaver trapping fees we pay from $25.00 per beaver to $40.00 per beaver. Roll call vote taken, all yes. Motion carried.


                Cemetery –Bud Pease reported there were no burials since the last Board meeting. The Cemetery Committee met on June 13th.  They voted to change the fees for burials with Board approval.  Casket burials were recommended to be increased from $200.00 to $300.00. Cremation would increase from $20.00 to $40.00.

Motion (Webb/McGee) to increase the fees for burial as recommended by the Cemetery committee. Roll call vote taken, all yes. Motion carried. 


                Fire and Ambulance Department Tom Renz was not present so the Clerk-Treasurer read the report. Ambulance: 11 calls, 2 helicopter, 2 transports to St. Mary’s, 1 car accident, 2 patients transferred to Hayward. 1 truck fire, 2 no transports, 2 power lines down, 1 structure fire. Tom received notice we have been approved to receive a pediatric jump kit from GFWC – Wisconsin and Emergency Medical Services for Children. This grant is a non-matching grant and the jump-kit will be shipped on June 19th. He is requesting the Town Board send a letter to GFWC-Wisconsin, in care of Elizabeth Davy thanking them for making it possible for the ambulance to put this wonderful kit in our ambulance.  GFWC is the organization that donated the money to make this grant possible. The Auto pulse unit has arrived and we are scheduled to train on the unit June 27th at 6:00PM.  The unit will then be placed in service on the ambulance. Everyone is busy with the up-coming Fourth of July Fireworks.  Tom has one person interested in joining the ambulance. The person does not live here but works in town 3-4 days a week and is in the area.  This person already has her temporary permit and has completed training but not taken the national registry test yet. He has not received the application back from her yet so will table until the next meeting.

Fire – 3 power lines down, 1 was mutual aid, 2 landing zone, 1 vehicle fire, 1 false alarm, 1 structure fire, 2 rekindle of the above, 1 vehicle crash.  Both Ken Wilk and Jim Prickett have completed the Fire Inspector course and passed the course test. Both will now be taking the State Certification test.  The Landing zone is moving forward and the FFA has received the application.  Both departments have completed extrication training.  I would like to submit to the Board for approval an application from Darryl Senske for fire fighter.  Darryl is only 17 but is willing to take the training now and then be used in a support role until he turns 18.  I have one other application out there but have not received it back yet.  Clerk-Treasurer Brustad said Tom had given her two applications for the fire department , one was Darryl Senske’s. Collyard said since Tom was not here they should wait to approve the second one as Tom hadn’t mentioned that one. 

Motion(Porter/McGee) to approve the application for firefighter from Darryl Senske. Motion carried.


Lease Agreement approval for Helipad at Business Park Ratzel said he hadn’t prepared the lease agreement  as the survey had just been received by him late that afternoon.  Collyard asked the rest of the Board to approve him signing it once it got done so there would be no delay in the completion of the helipad.

Motion (Meinke/McGee) to allow the Chairperson to sign the lease once it gets prepared. Motion carried.

                                Approval for Wildland Grant Application with 50/50 match – Brustad said Renz had mentioned this grant to her but she had nothing in writing to show the Board.  Webb said they should table this request and if there is a deadline to be met that is before the next Board meeting they will call a special meeting to approve the request.


                Constable – Brustad read the report for Mike as he was not at the meeting.

I had 12 calls at my home for assistance.............1 deer hit, 5 fireworks / firearm complaints ( people target shooting on their own property ). 6 atv complaints............I would like to ask anyone calling my home looking to speak to me to please leave a message and not just hang up., I've heard complaints from people that they have called my home and got an answering service......I'm sorry I can’t be near the phone at all times, and I do follow up on every call I get if the caller leaves a message, number, and the reason for calling.......in the event of an emergency 911 is always the primary number to call. if needed the sheriff will contact me via radio...If you’re calling to report a fireworks complaint , please give me a name or fire number of the offender, telling me that you just" see them out the window" doesn’t give me much to work with.......Also, last week I asked the Wisconsin department of justice to request a system identification number from the FBI for the township.....having this status will help facilitate processing state of Wisconsin and DNR citations ( without an ORI # we cannot write, or even order blank citations.) I've been in contact with the director of the crime information bureau and the process is under way....The town has done everything required by the county and state. ( Our ordinances are already entered into the county court system) The problem I discovered was because we are not a police department and there are very few towns with Constables, in Wisconsin have ORI  identifiers, the process of application was as much a mystery to the department of justice as it was to me.........I've been involved in this process since march and I'm confident of success by the end of the month.



Committee and Commission Reports:


                Eurasian Water Milfoil Committee- Ingemar Ekstrom spoke on the committee updates since the last Board meeting.  During one weekend they found Eurasian Water Milfoil on a trailer that had come out of Tomahawk Lake.  They plan to increase boat monitors at the Tomahawk Boat landing during the summer there to hopefully catch anything coming out of the lake.  He has also seen swimmers at that beach. He suggested the Board put signs there warning swimmers of the potential dangers.  Motion (Webb/McGee) to approve ordering a sign for the Tomahawk Park .  The sign should say “ Swim at your own risk, Milfoil present” . Roll call vote taken: all yes. Motion carried. At the meeting on June 3rd there were 81 in attendance. Overwhelming vote of yes to do the research project. There is a new Aquatic Species Grant available that is a 75/25 match.  It will need to have the Town Board sign a resolution to accept responsibility for the grant.  The Army Corp of Engineers will be writing most of the grant. It is due August 1st of this year.  Collyard said to put this on the July agenda to sign the Resolution.  


                Road Committee – Presentation of Policy for Board review and possible adoption Jack Meinke said the committee recommends the Board vote to adopt the policy.  The attorney should look at it also and make changes if necessary.

Motion(Porter/Webb) to approve the Town Roads and Right of Way Policy as recommended by the Committee.  A policy procedure for anyone wishing to file a grievance needs to be developed. Webb said Collyard and Brustad should make up a form for anyone wishing to file a grievance to hand out. Motion carried.


                Land Use Planning Commission – Gene Ratzel, Commission Chairperson had received no applications to discuss this past month so the Commission did not meet.


                Recreation Committee – Release of Liability letter for Potawatomi Association – Collyard said this is in regard to the swimming lessons to be held this summer at Potawatomi.  He will have the attorney draft a release of liability form and Collyard will sign and get it sent to the Potawatomi Property Owners.  Swimming lessons are set up for August. Posters will be put up shortly and will be published in the Shopper.


Dr Carol Kulpa –presentation of change in Comprehensive Use Plan for more restrictive zoning

Collyard explained Dr Kulpa wasn’t able to come this evening.  He felt the Plan Commission should be involved, it starts with them.  If changes are recommended then it will come to the Board.  Motion (Porter/Meinke) to open the floor to discussion. Motion carried. Lee Weisner wondered if Carol had a specific plan.  Collyard thought no, she wanted the Board to be more restrictive in zoning.  There was other discussion on the topic. Motion (McGee/Webb) to close the floor to discussion. Motion carried.


Proposed new ATV Routes – Update from Dave Pederson and approval by Town Board  Russ Carter spoke on the need to have the Board approve the proposed routes so the mapping could get done for this upcoming year.  Steve Probst wouldn’t be able to get the county approval done until later this summer.  The Board could approve contingent on the County approval to come later, then the Board could redo the Town ordinance.  Motion(Webb/McGee) to approve the proposed new ATV routes contingent on the County’s approval by Steve Probst. Motion carried.


Liquor License Renewals:

                Class B Combo renewal for Backwoods Resort, Barnes Community VFW Post 8329, Barnes Trading Post, Boulder Lodge, Buck N Bass, Doorn’s Inn, Downtown Barnes, Enchanted Inn, Marie’s Laker Lounge, Mike’s Sportsman Saloon, Northwoods Tap, P J’s Cabin Store, R C’s Decoy Inn, and Traut’s Resort

Clerk Brustad said all have or will have to pay the fee plus any taxes owed before licenses are given out.

Motion(Webb/McGee) to approve the Class B Combo Liquor License Renewals for Backwoods Resort, Barnes Community VFW Post 8329, Barnes Trading Post, Boulder Lodge, Buck N Bass, Doorn’s Inn, Downtown Barnes, Enchanted Inn, Marie’s Laker Lounge, Mike’s Sportsman Saloon, Northwoods Tap, P J’s Cabin Store, R C’s Decoy Inn, and Traut’s Resort. Motion carried. .


                Class A Combo renewal for Homestead Station and Kari’s Jim Bait LLC

Motion( Porter/McGee ) to approve the Class A renewal license for Homestead Station and Kari’s Jim’s Bait LLC.  Motion carried.


                Class A Beer renewal for Maki’s

Motion(McGee/Webb ) to approve the Class A Beer renewal license for Maki’s Motion carried.


Operator License Renewals:


                2 Year License Renewal for Jim Prickett, Roberta DeLizio, Gene Ratzel, Connie Richards, Amanda van Doorn, Marie Hughes, David Basacker, Kevin Basacker, Kevin Murphy, Colleen Ruhman, Scott Ruhman, Rose Skinner, Debbie Sesko, and Nancy Gohde

All applicants have paid the required fees.

Motion(Webb/Meinke ) to approve the 2 year renewal licenses for the above. Motion carried.


                1 Year License Renewal for James Wiechert

Motion(Webb/McGee) to approve the 1 year license renewal for James Wiechert. Motion carried.


Operator License New Applications:


                1 Year License for Gary Bergman

                2 Year License for Kevin Michaud

                2 Year License for Luella Gerbensky

Brustad explained these were new applications, all three had no criminal history, and they had paid the required fees.  Gary Bergman had a previous license within the last two years so she didn’t need a new beverage server certificate from him.  Luella Gerbensky had given a copy of hers to Brustad.  Kevin Michaud had previously applied for a license and never submitted proof of attending a beverage server’s course. He was making a new application so until he provides the certificate she will not issue a license to him.

Motion(Porter/McGee) to approve the new applications for Gary Bergman, Kevin Michaud, and Luella Gerbensky assuming Kevin Michaud gets his certificate in to the Clerk-Treasurer. Motion carried.

Brustad asked also for approval for her to issue temporary operator licenses to anyone who comes in after the Board meeting tonight whose license will expire on the 30th. That way the Board can approve them at the next meeting in July without meeting again before the 30th to approve any license applications. Motion(Webb/Porter) to approve the Clerk-Treasurer to issue temporary licenses until the Board meets again in July. Motion carried.


Temporary Class B (Picnic) License for Barnes Lions Club, Dave Pederson, President. Russ Carter will be the licensed Operator of record. 

Motion(Porter/Meinke ) to approve the Class B Picnic License for Barnes Lions Club. Motion carried.


Public Comment Session – 5 minute limit for those not on the Agenda

Dave Pederson –wanted to mention the Recreational Committee should look at the back stop at the ball diamond in the park.  It is badly in need of repair.  He would also like to see a cyclone fence be installed there also.  Webb said they will be meeting on Wednesday evening and plan on walking the park to inspect it so will definitely look at the ball field.

Donna Porter – had received a check from the Eau Claire Lakes Conservation Club for a donation for swimming lessons. 


Issues Timeline Update

Town Owned Land – work in progress

Fire Department – SOG’s and Fire Billing Ordinance – both work in progress

Heliport for Landing Zone – in process of signing lease, FAA permits turned in

Employee Awards Program – Set up meeting with dept heads to get procedure explained

Recreation Area Planning – Work in progress

ATV routes – approved tentative with county approval


Motion (Webb/McGee) to adjourn the meeting of 6-19-07. Motion carried.  The meeting adjourned at 8:20PM.




Respectfully submitted,




Elaine J. Brustad


Dated this 28th day of June, 2007