MAY 8, 2007



Chairman Collyard called the Regular Board Meeting to order at 6:30 PM. The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Roll Call to establish a quorum/Verification of Public Notice/Motion to approve the May Agenda

Meinke-here, Porter-here, Webb-here, McGee-here, Collyard-here. Quorum is established.

Motion (Porter/McGee ) to approve the May agenda. Motion carried. The agenda is as follows:




MAY 8, 2007 AT 6:30PM


Call the Regular Board Meeting to order.

Pledge Allegiance to the Flag

Roll Call to establish a quorum/Verification of Public Notice/Motion to approve the May Agenda

Approve minutes of the Last Regular Board Meeting and Motion to dispense with reading of the minutes.

Treasurer’s Report

Voucher’s Approval

Clerk Correspondence

                Set up first meeting of the Board of Review               

Department Head Reports:



                Fire and Ambulance Department

Approval to purchase Auto Pulse System (“geezer squeezer”) under “Promise to Pay Plan”

Approval of replacement of Fire Extinguishers in Hall and Garage areas                          


Committee and Commission Reports:

                Eurasian Water Milfoil Committee-

Board Approval of New Hires for Coordinator Position and Boat Landing Monitor Positions                       

                Road Committee

                Land Use Planning Commission

Request to County Highway Department to install a turn lane into the Barnes Area Industrial Park

Jim Miller Subdivision

Letter of Support for the Lake Protection/Shoreland Restoration Grant


1)       RV Extension -3 years on property owned by William Wolf 52250 Pease Road

2)       Home based business request Mike Kubala 2474 Pine Chip Dr in Potawatomi

2008 Memo of Understanding between Bayfield County and Town for 2008 SVRS maintenance

Timeless Services Agreement approval for 2007-2008

Resolution amendment authorizing designee to sign checks for Chairperson

Public Comment Session – 5 minute limit for those not on the Agenda

Issues Timeline Update


All Department Heads are required to be at the Regular Board Meetings

All Department Heads and Committee Heads must submit a signed written report to the clerk by Friday evening prior to the Board Meeting.

The Town Board reserves the right to solicit information from

Department heads and Committee heads only, without opening the floor to discussion.

Any persons requiring special needs for handicap services please contact the Clerk-Treasurer

Elaine J. Brustad Barnes Town Clerk-Treasurer

Dated this 7th Day of May, 2007



Motion ( Porter/McGee) to approve the minutes of the last meeting and to dispense with the reading of those minutes. Motion carried.


Treasurer’s Report

Checking Balance from last meeting









Check #'s 21430-21524




April Tax Payment & other direct payments



Service Charge April





Interest Earned April






















Money Market Gen'l Fund Balance from Last Meeting


Interest earned February

YTD Interest $17619.68



Sub-Total Money Market Gen'l Funds


Highway Dept. Sinking Fund




BES Sinking Fund





Park Savings





Ski Trail Savings





Parade-Event-Calendar Fund





Sub-Total Money Market sub accounts


Total all Money Market Funds











Motion (Meinke/Webb) to approve the Treasurer’s report as read. Motion carried.


Voucher’s Approval

Motion (Porter/McGee) to approve the Voucher’s. Motion carried.


Clerk Correspondence

We received 2 Notices to Cut on property owned by Plum Creek, 4 Notices to Cut on Town Owned Property

Regarding the New Town Complex Committee request for members, Lu Peet and I are interested.  I have heard from no one else, should I place another ad in the shopper to see if we get anyone else??

Collyard said definitely do that.

I received a letter from RJF agencies regarding their sale of a portion of their business to Spectrum Insurance Group.  This new company will be the agency contact on our health insurance plan.

I would like to have approval to go out for bids for someone new to administer our 457 Investment Plan.  Our current contact can’t seem to find the time to talk with us about our investments.  The three of us involved with the 457 plan have not made any money on our investments and we would like to make some changes.

Webb asked if anyone can do that or do we have to stick with a certain type of investment. Brustad said she wasn’t sure but would want to check with investment firms to see what they can do. Collyard said if we go out for bids we have to publish it; Webb said Brustad should get information to bring to the Board at the next meeting.

Finally I would like to remind everyone that we are under Emergency Burning Restrictions until further notice.  All outdoor burning is prohibited.  Smoking a pipe, cigar, or cigarette in the outdoors is restricted to places of residence or in a vehicle equipped with an ashtray.  Throwing matches, ashes, or burning materials from a vehicle is prohibited. Campfires are prohibited except in developed camping areas.  Charcoal grills are to be used only if placed on a non-combustible surface and attended to at all times.  Gas Grills are acceptable.  All fireworks, legal and non-legal are prohibited. Off-road vehicle use including logging equipment is not prohibited, but its use should be restricted as exhaust systems and sparks from ATV’s or logging equipment can cause a fire. All welding, torching, and surface grinding in hazardous areas is prohibited. If anyone would like to report a campfire or any prohibited actions they can call the Barnes Ranger station at 795-2565 or Bayfield County Sheriff non-emergency number at 715-373-6120. 


                Set up first meeting of the Board of Review

Brustad said by statutes we have to meet between 5-15 thru 6-12, and we can adjourn to a later date if the Assessor isn’t ready yet.  She hadn’t heard from the Assessor as to an update for the Open Book, but did hear that she hadn’t received everything yet from the County.  The Board decided on June 7th at 5:00PM. They will meet and hopefully have a date at that time to note for Open Book. 


Department Head Reports:




   Fourteen dead red pine trees were knocked down and cut up at the at the Town Park at Tomahawk Lake for safety reasons. If anyone can use this dead wood for firewood please do.

   Mike has been changing out the steel sign posts and replacing them with treated 4 x 4 posts. The reason we are doing this is to meet the new standards for signing our roads. The posts and most of the labor were paid for with grant money we received last year.

   Balcsik Farms has informed me that he will be moving his equipment in to finish up the Jim Miller Rd project next week.

   A number of jack pines in the Town Park have passed away since last fall and need to be cleaned up before the park gets major usage. Many of the oak trees are losing their bark and have dead limbs on them. At the rate the trees are dying there will be very few trees left in a few years for shade. Some type of plan needs to be addressed to get some new trees planted this summer.

Webb said the Recreation committee will address that. She hopes to contact someone to draw up a plan for the park. They could address the placement of new trees also. She said Jerry can go ahead and get the dead ones removed, and the rec committee will get moving on the plan for new trees.  She also wanted to note that if anyone was interested in joining the committee they really needed new volunteers for the committee.  



The Clerk-Treasurer read the report from Bud Pease. Matilda Rausch was interred on April 25, 2007 in Block 5, Lot 13, Site 5.             

                Fire and Ambulance Department

This last month the Fire Department has responded to four fires.  Three were wildland fires and all were mutual aid because area Departments have been busy with other fires. 

1 – Wildland Fire in Drummond which we sent two personnel with the ATV and newly mounted water tank which was purchased in memory of Richard McCaul and has been just recently installed on the ATV which was just recently installed on the ATV

2 – Mutual aid to Highland Fire for Wildland Fire which was cancelled while


3 – 40 acre wildland fire in the Town of Gordon of which we were setting up structure teams for in case

structure protection was needed if the fire grew.  I want to thank the DNR as they did an excellent job in shutting this fire down before it got too far.

4 – Power line was down on Pease road

Recently the Fire department completed the pumper operator portion of driver operator class.  Eleven firefighters completed the course.

We had to rebuild the pilot valve and the relief valve on the Pumper.  We also had to replace the check valve on the portable pump.  Everything went well and it is back in operation.  We also are going to be conducting extrication training.  I am requesting use of the skating rink for this purpose.  I know some members are concerned about this area but I am looking at the accessibility as well as the easiness to clean up.  If the Town Board can find a better location I certainly will be open to ideas.

Collyard said the skating rink area was fine, he had spoken with Colin earlier in the day and told him that. Meinke also said in addition to what the clerk talked about with the fire dangers he wanted to point out the importance of what Jerry has been doing with the widening and brushing of some of our roads.  Renz said it is also important to do that with your own properties, making a fire break between the woods and your homes or cabins. 

The Helipad is still moving along, the proposed site has been moved a bit to be further away from trees and lines.  It is now on lot 1, 2, and 3 of the Business Park.


We have had three ambulance runs since last Town Board meeting and three stand-bys for the fire Department.

The ambulance has received a donation of a case of disposable liners from Doctor Down valued at $500.00 a case.

I am also requesting the Town Board to approve the purchase of the Auto Pulse System from ZOLL Medical Corporation for the terms of $1000.00 down with the balance to be paid out of and planned into next years budget.  ( Geezer Squeezer J ).

Motion (Webb/Porter) to approve the purchase of the Auto Pulse System under the Promise to Pay plan.  Roll call vote taken: Meinke-yes, Webb-yes, Porter-yes, McGee-yes, Collyard-yes. Motion carried.


Joint items of interest

On May 9th members from both Fire and Ambulance will be traveling to Drummond School to put on an educational presentation to the 7th thru 12th grade on making good choices.  As a part of this they will be combining with other area Departments to do a mock car accident with several victims.  Lukes 1 will also being flying in to assist with this.

On May 18th and 19th the Be Somebody campaign will be going on.  This campaign is an effort to gain member ship and support.  The campaign will begin at 3:00 pm on the 18th with a kickoff in Brule.  All Departments will then return to their Halls and stage outside their hall twenty four hours.  The significance of being out twenty four hours is that emergency services are on call 24 hours a day seven days a week and 365 days a year. 

Tom also asked for approval of an application received from Brett Friermood for a First Responder.

Motion (Webb/Porter) to approve the application of Brett Friermood as a First Responder for the Ambulance Department.  Webb wanted to note that this person would only be around part-time as he attended college out of state. Motion carried.


                Approval of replacement of Fire Extinguishers in Hall and Garage areas Renz explained the fire extinguishers were outdated and had plastic heads on them so couldn’t be tested. The new ones have been installed and he will write a purchase order for them.  Webb said no motion is needed as it will be approved with the vouchers approval next time.


                Constable Mike was unavailable and did not submit a report for reading.


Committee and Commission Reports:


                Eurasian Water Milfoil Committee- Ingemar Ekstrom reported he and John Kudlas had been in Green Bay to give a presentation of the 2005 Eurasian Water Milfoil project on our lakes. The Property Owners paid for their way.  Last Friday they had a volunteer appreciation luncheon at the Town Hall. The Committee paid for the lunch.  Training for the new employees and the volunteers was after and then they went right to work. Gerry Gustafson is keeping track of all the volunteer hours spent on this year’s project . Ingemar also asked for the Board’s support at the June 3rd meeting with the DNR and Army Corp of Engineers.  Pam Toshner will be unable to attend, but she is trying to recruit someone to fill her spot.  

Collyard said at the last meeting they didn’t formally approve the new hires for the Boat landing monitors and coordinator positions.  

Motion( Meinke/McGee) to approve Dave Pederson, Drew Carlson, and Charles Corlett as Boat Landing Monitors, Jack Conklin as the Boat Landing Coordinator, and John Kudlas as the alternate. Roll call vote taken: Meinke-yes, Webb-yes, Porter-yes, McGee-yes, Collyard-yes. Motion carried.



                Road Committee Jack Meinke read the minutes of the committee’s last meeting: The Committee took a road tour to review problem roads, then reconvened at the Town Hall at 3:00PM.  Developing “Standard Policy” for town roads was discussed.  Actions taken at previous meetings were reviewed regarding Mission Statement, Minimum Geometric standards, Validation of Highways, Safety and Maintenance, Highway Encroachments and Public Notifications of roadwork. Discussion was held on Chapter Trans 204, Existing Town Road Improvement Standards. Copies of State Statute 82.50 and Chapter Trans 204 were given to members for review and discussion.  Also given to committee members was a copy of case law George and Cecil Johnson vs. City of Edgerton.  This was in regards to Town Boards using their discretion to open and close existing roads.


                Land Use Planning Commission Gene Ratzel spoke for the Commission. They met yesterday and had one person speak during the public comment session. Carol Kulpa had asked why the Town doesn’t have its own zoning, rather than County Zoning.  This would allow the town to have more restrictive control of our own land usage, lake and density issues. They reviewed the two applications on tonite’s agenda and submitted their recommendations to the Board.


Request to County Highway Department to install a turn lane into the Barnes Area Industrial Park

Gene Ratzel said the Town Board would need to formally request a turn lane into the Business Park and he thought it would be a good idea to request it from the Transfer Site driveway to the end of the park where the Helipad will be placed. Meinke said with the traffic into the Transfer Site it will help with safety concerns there also.  Collyard will send a letter to Dale Brevak with a copy of the minutes.

Motion (Porter/McGee) to request the County Highway Department to install a turn lane into the Barnes Area Industrial Park to start at the Transfer Site driveway and continue to the end of the park. Motion carried.


Jim Miller Subdivision Collyard said he spoke with the Town’s attorney regarding the boat landing in Jim Miller subdivision.  Liz Lammer is the owner and is paying for the public access to be moved. The Town has to be a part of the application because of state regulations, and the attorney will be handing all the paperwork involved.  There will be no charge to the Town for this.


Letter of Support for the Lake Protection/Shoreland Restoration Grant Collyard explained he received an email from Carol LeBreck asking for a letter of support from the Town Board on their Bony Lake Protection/Shoreland Restoration Grant.  He read from part of the letter to him: “Please note that any letter f support by the Town Board does not include any financial support of any kind.  It would merely be an indication of support for having this kind of effort being put forth on one of the area lakes with the opportunity for all of the Town’s residents to benefit by participating in any of the educational workshops, learning how to do restorations on their properties, having restored sites to visit for information.”  Collyard said if it benefits the whole town and not just Bony Lake Residents he would be in favor of writing a letter.  Webb agreed, but said usually these available grants require a sponsor, and as long as they are asking for a letter of support only and not asking the Town to become their sponsor for the grant she would approve writing a letter to that effect.  Collyard said the letter could say “we support the concept and the workshop, learning, and educational possibilities for all the residents of the Town.  He will call Pam Toshner also to get more information.  He said Carol indicated although she couldn’t be here tonight she was going to have someone else come and explain this further.  Webb said the Board would support any grant if it was purely voluntary and provided education to all our residents.  Motion (Webb/McGee) to write a letter of support for the Lake Protection/Shoreland Restoration Grant with the stipulation that the Board believes in the educational process.   Motion carried.





3)       RV Extension -3 years on property owned by William Wolf 52250 Pease Road

The Plan Commission recommended approval as it meets County zoning and the Town Comprehensive Land Use Plan requirements. Meinke said the Board has approved RV requests before but for two years and he recommended only a two year extension to keep it consistent.  

Motion( Meinke/McGee) to approve the RV extension for 2 years on the property owned by William Wolf.  Motion carried.


4)       Home based business request Mike Kubala 2474 Pine Chip Dr in Potawatomi

The Plan Commission recommended conditional approval: No outside storage of material or equipment.

Motion ( Webb/Meinke) to approve the home based business request by Mike Kubala on Pine Chip Drive in Potawatomi with the condition that there is no outside strage of materials or equipment.  Motion carried.


2008 Memo of Understanding between Bayfield County and Town for 2008 SVRS maintenance

The Clerk explained this is for the input into the State-wide Voter Registration System by the County. The agreement is for maintenance by them through December of 2009.

Motion(Porter/McGee) to approve the Chairperson signing the Memo of Understanding for the 2008 SVRS maintenance. Motion carried.


Timeless Services Agreement approval for 2007-2008 Webb said she had a question on #17 which had an error.  It said “Employer has thirty (60) days from receipt of bill to submit payment in full to Timeless Services.”  She wanted to know which it was, thirty or 60 days? Also if it is a no charge service why would the town get a bill?  Webb said she definitely would favor continuing the business relationship but with that clarification.

Motion(Webb/Porter) to enter into an agreement with Timeless Services 2007-2008 with clarification of the 30 or 60 days payment time under # 17 and also explanation of why we would be getting a bill for anything.  Motion carried.


Resolution amendment authorizing designee to sign checks for Chairperson Collyard said he wanted to change the Resolution in force so he could name a designee if he was gone, because he doesn’t like to sign blank checks for any reason.  Board members had copies of the new resolution to be adopted. It read:










WHEREAS, the Town of Barnes has approved the position of an appointed Clerk-Treasurer and


WHEREAS, the Town of Barnes requires three (3) signatures on the General Fund Account and two (2) signatures on all other Town of Barnes Bank accounts:




1.        The three (3) signatures required on the Town of Barnes General Fund Bank Account will be the Clerk-Treasurer, the Town Chairperson or his designee, and any one of the four Supervisors.

2.        The two (2) signatures required on any other Town of Barnes Bank Accounts will be the Clerk-Treasurer and Town Chairperson or his designee.

Adopted this 8th day of May, 2007                                                                                                                                                                                                     

Motion(Webb/McGee) to approve the resolution authorizing a designee to sign in the Chairperson’s absence. Motion carried.


Public Comment Session – 5 minute limit for those not on the Agenda

Mike Tremblay asked when Idlewild Lake Road would be cleaned up. They had brushed it last year and there were still stumps and logs all over. Collyard said they were working on that now, he wasn’t sure exactly when they would be on Idlewild but it would definitely get done this year.

Carol Kulpa read a letter she had given the Board members. She was present to ask the Board to re-consider adoption of general county zoning regulations. She stated it was possible to adopt only partial county zoning rules and regulations. She felt it was time the town stepped up it efforts to protect our natural resources and to keep the “Northwoods Flavor” that is unique to Barnes before it is too late. By opening  the door to ”some town additions” to the County zoning regulations, that would make them stricter, not more lenient, the Board then could consider some stricter regulations for docks and piers.  There is a need for town zoning with regard to piers and docks in our lakes, when a permit is required from the DNR.  Collyard said he felt this needed some discussion and wanted to add this item to the next meeting’s agenda. 

Jon Harkness said he was with Carol in her thoughts. They are both on the board of the Property Owners Association, and the group does oppose high density development.

Dick Collyard said he had just come back from Bozeman Mt and they too are experiencing the same thing. He believe that everyone has rights and we have to come up with what is right for everyone.

Buzzy Harkness said she found the same thing in Vermont. She also said property next to them came up for sale and Dick Webb came to them and told them it was for sale before the sign went up. She has since talked to a lot of other people and they all agreed it is an outstanding type of Realtor like Dick that lets people know what is going on in their neighborhood.


Issues Timeline Update

Town Owned Land – Work in progress

Fire Department – both works in progress

Heliport for Landing Zone – Work in Progress

Town Hall Use Policy – adopted policy last meeting, can drop this off

Employee Award Program – Work in progress, May is month to nominate, Clerk to check with Renz for forms

Recreation Area planning – Chris wanted to put this on the timeline, and will call rep to come and plan out the park.


Motion (Webb/Meinke) to adjourn the meeting of May 8, 2007. Motion carried.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:20PM.



Respectfully submitted,




Elaine J. Brustad,


Dated this 11th day of May, 2007