MARCH 20, 2007



Chairman Collard called the Regular Board Meeting to order at 6:30PM. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was said. Roll Call to establish a quorum/Verification of Public Notice –Porter-present, McGee –present, Webb-present, Meinke-present, Collyard – present. Quorum was established. Motion (Webb/McGee)  to approve the March Agenda. Motion carried.  The agenda is as follows:




MARCH 20, 2007 AT 6:30PM


Call the Regular Board Meeting to order.

Pledge Allegiance to the Flag

Roll Call to establish a quorum/Verification of Public Notice/Motion to approve the March Agenda

Approve minutes of the Last Regular Board Meeting and Motion to dispense with reading of the minutes.

Treasurer’s Report

Voucher’s Approval

Clerk Correspondence

                1) Discussion and Board approval to delete or reduce erroneous omitted tax bills and                discussion and Board action for approval of the Treasurer to reduce or delete tax bill        corrections not received by the county prior to tax bill printing.

Department Head Reports:

                Highway – Discussion on summer help 


                Fire Department                   

                Ambulance Department


Committee and Commission Reports:

                Eurasian Water Milfoil Committee

                                Pamela Toshner, DNR – EWM Update

                Road Committee

                Land Use Planning Commission

Change in May Board Meeting Date to May 8th

2 Year Operator License Approval for Anne Wikan

2 Year Operator License Approval for Michael Gorton

2 Year Operator License Approval for Roberta Shemwell

Discussion on Town Hall Use Policy

Public Comment Session – 5 minute limit for those not on the Agenda

Issues Timeline Update


All Department Heads are required to be at the Regular Board Meetings

All Department Heads and Committee Heads must submit a signed written report to the clerk by Friday evening prior to the Board Meeting.

The Town Board reserves the right to solicit information from

Department heads and Committee heads only, without opening the floor to discussion.

Any persons requiring special needs for handicap services please contact the Clerk-Treasurer

Elaine J. Brustad    Barnes Town Clerk-Treasurer

Dated this 16th Day of March, 2007




Motion ( Porter/Meinke) to approve the minutes of the Last Regular Board Meeting and Motion to dispense with reading of the minutes. Motion carried.


Treasurers Report











Checking Balance from last meeting



Transfer from Money market account









Check #'s 21232-21328




February Tax Payment & other direct payments


Service Charge February




Interest Earned February





















Money Market Gen'l Fund Balance from Last Meeting


Interest earned February

YTD Interest $12.663.41


Service Charge





Check #s 1051-1053





Returned check from tax payments




Sub-Total Money Market Gen'l Funds


Highway Dept. Sinking Fund

Trans. Sinking fund 15,000.00


BES Sinking Fund


Trans sinking fund 15,000.00


Park Savings





Ski Trail Savings





Parade-Event-Calender Fund





Sub-Total Money Market sub accounts


Total all Money Market Funds






















Motion (Porter/McGee) to approve the Treasurer’s report as read. Motion carried.


Voucher’s Approval

Motion (Meinke/McGee) to approve the voucher’s. Motion carried.


Clerk Correspondence

April 28th is the date set for the Spring Spruce –Up Day. Interested people may sign up and pledge a part of a road to clean up on the website; www.barnes-wi.com, or call the clerk’s office.  John Kudlas will check with some of the organizations to see if they will help out at the transfer site with refreshments.

Clerk-Treasurer Brustad mentioned she was hosting a WMCA (Wisconsin Municipal Clerks Association) District meeting on April 20th at the Town Hall. There will be Board of Review training offered in the morning and she encouraged any Board member to attend.

The insurance proposal came in about $4,000.00 higher than last year’s. She copied both 06 and 07’s premium summary for the Board members to review.

A Purchase Order had been received for the DNR Hazard Mitigation grant for $7,500.00. 

The Website committee met on Friday, March 16th. Some of the items discussed were:

Spring Clean-up/Spruce-up Day will be 4-28-07. Pledges to clean up a road can be done on the website or call the clerk. Clean-up can be done anytime before that date.

Town Special Committees – discussion on listing all committees with chair, members, mission statements.  Meeting notices and minutes can be posted. We have been posting EWM, CLUP, Roads & ROW Committees

Community Organizations – application to list their organization is now available on the website.

Business Listings – still in discussion, will check to see if the Business Association is still active and still has an active website

Town ordinances – should be all up to date, Elaine to review each to make sure the current version is on the website

Posting of other town activities – discussion to add  grants received, road projects, other accomplishments.

Town meeting minutes highlights – discussion on highlighting of major meeting items and outcomes on the home page

Adding more town documents – driveway permit, applications for employment, dog license

Posting of calendar of events – Gene to set up, Ron will maintain

Gene to bill for extra work done on the EWM project setting up on the website.


Collyard wanted to mention that before the Board heard the next item on the agenda he wanted to note the Board would not entertain any more requests to reduce or delete omitted taxes after this evening.  Anyone who hasn’t contacted the Clerk before now will have to settle the problem with the Assessor at the next Open Book in May or June of this year.


                1) Discussion and Board approval to delete or reduce erroneous omitted tax bills and                discussion and Board action for approval of the Treasurer to reduce or delete tax bill        corrections not received by the county prior to tax bill printing.

Clerk-Treasurer Brustad had 3 requests to submit before the Board.  Ida Moran, John Amend, Karen Guski.  The Moran’s submitted a letter, dated 2-20-07. Brustad had found a permit was issued in 04 for a pole building. She could not find a permit in 03, 04, or 05 for the house addition.  Because of that and on Charlotte Johnson’s recommendation she recommended the Board not reduce the two bills for Ida Moran.

John Amend’s permit was received in October of 04, The home was not started until June of 05, therefore both bills should be deleted.  Karen Guski was being billed for her home on another parcel, so the two bills for her should be deleted.  Motion (Meinke/McGee) to deny the request to delete the omitted tax bills for Ida Moran, and rescind the omitted tax bills for John Amend and Karen Guski.  Roll call vote taken: Porter-yes, McGee-yes, Webb-yes, Meinke-yes, Collyard-yes. Motion carried.

Motion (Collyard/Webb) to not entertain any more requests for deleting or reducing the omitted tax bills for the tax year 2006. Motion carried.


Department Head Reports:

                Highway – Discussion on summer help 

The weight limits were posted on Monday morning to protect our roads. They will be removed at the same time Bayfield County removes their weight restrictions off our County roads.   The roadwork planned for the summer is as follows:

Island Lake Rd- From Barnes Rd to East Island Drive, a distance of 1.83 miles. This road will be engineered, will have a right of way of 66 feet, and will be bid out.

Kaufman Rd and Hall Rd.- from Kelly Lake Rd to the west end of the asphalt on Hall Rd. This roadwork will be done by the Town, and will be reconstructed and graveled on a 3 rod right of way.

The two and ¼ miles of roads that the Town did last summer will be improved by widening the narrow portions with gravel and grading to better meet the standards dictated by the Wisconsin Dot’s Facilities Development Manual.

   The Mckenzie 4 way plow on the tandem plow truck was sent back to Mckenzie just before the big snow hit because the plow frame was bent to a degree that it would not pivot anymore. They repaired the frame and charged the Town $2344.50  This is in addition to repairing the frame the first week in January and charging us $1667.20  The good news is that it probably won’t snow enough to plow anymore, the bad news is that the frame is starting to bend again in the same manner that it bent before. Options are being looked at to remedy this problem.  Jerry said he had enough work to hire someone for the summer months. He would like to make sure this person had a CDL.  Collyard told him to come to the next Board meeting with a  job description and the Board will make it an action item on the agenda to approve it.


                Cemetery – Bud Pease was not at the meeting but left his report with the Clerk to read. There was no activity this past month.


                Fire Department and Ambulance Department – Tom Renz read his report:

Ambulance :

 We have had no ambulance runs in the last month.  All Nationally registered EMT’s are in process of renewing their status which has to be done by the end of the month.  Six EMT’s attended a Conference at  Telemark in Cable.  The new Warm Dr. Down Rescue wrap has arrived and placed on the Ambulance.  At last months meeting the Ambulance Department approved the purchase of four new Defibulators with ACT 102 monies.  The reason for this is because three of the Medtronic defib units cannot be programmed with the new American Heart Association Regulations. Medtronic’s delivery of new defib’s has been suspended by the US Food and Drug administration due to problems in the manufacturing process and not any individual product.  However, the report includes problems with the pins on the cables that connect to the unit along with reports of malfunctions causing the units to say “connect electrodes” even when the device is properly connected.  Also Medtronic Defib is not reliable in colder weather as we have heard and most units are carried in vehicles.  The Zoll rep I have talked to has assured me and guarantees their unit to be reliable in the cold weather as well as the warmer weather as they have been tested in Ely Minnesota.  After purchase of the new defibs I would like to then place one that meets the new guidelines in the Town Hall as a public access Defib unit.  The cost of the Zoll Defibs with our WHEMSA discount is $1200 a piece.  Also at the next town Board meeting I would like time for a ZOLL representative to demonstrate a unit called the Geezer Squeezer. 

Fire :  

We have had no Fire Runs since the last meeting.  Eight Firemen completed Fire Officer Training.  Two Firefighters are now attending Fire inspector class in Iron River.  Elaine and I have been working on the Wildland Grant and finalizing for final payment. 

I have received notice from Viking Explosive Company of blasting in the Community at the Barnes Quarry on STH 27 which will begin soon. 

I would like to take this time to remind everyone that the wildland fire season is quickly approaching. The recent moisture received will help but because the ground is still frozen most of the moisture will simply be run off so I would remind everyone to use caution when outside with open flames.

On behalf of the employees (not just the emergency personnel but all employees ) of the Town of Barnes I would like to see the Town Board begin an employee of the year award to be awarded at the annual meeting.  The board can ask employees to submit in writing a nomination of the employee of the year and why that person should be awarded the award.  From the nominations the Town Board can select one person for the award and present them with a plaque and maybe a plaque in the Town Hall where the persons name is placed on it every year with the year they earned the honor.  In our busy lives we often forget to say thank you and this would be just one way to say thank you to employees. 

Collyard asked for Tom to bring his ideas to the next Board meeting. Tom said he felt it should be a Board project.  Collyard said they would put it on the timeline to discuss next time.

Renz also mentioned at the next meeting the Board will need to approve a new firefighter, and it may need to be in closed session.  Clerk-Treasurer Brustad said she would note that for the next Board Meeting’s agenda. 

Renz and Gene Ratzel looked at the Industrial Park sites for the new heliport.  They have chosen lots 1 and 2, which are the closest to County N.  The Town will need to make a formal request of the Barnes Area Development Corp. for the lots. The County may get involved also because of their promise to make a turn lane off the highway once the BADC got a viable lessee.  Webb asked when Renz would have a new employee roster. He said he would have that at the Annual meeting in April.  He has been busy preparing for an audit on the 29th by the State Department of Commerce, who regulates the Fire Department.


                Constable Mike was not at the meeting so the Clerk read his report:

“There were 3 alarms, Jim’s Bait and 2 private homes. 5 assist stranded motorists during the snow storm, 1 car/deer hit, contacted the sheriff. 1 assist DNR/Sheriff on lake road west of River road. A conservation officer stopped an intoxicated snowmobile operator on the trail. Subject was somewhat uncooperative at the scene. DNR officer requested assistance and I responded with the sheriff.  Subject was taken into custody and transported to jail.  I received a complaint form homeowner on Wilderness Court Road who’s dog was struck and killed by a neighbor.  The dog’s owner was concerned about excessive speed. I contacted both parties but dog owner refused report. I am continuing weekly cabin/home checks for residents who requested my assistance over the winter.”


Committee and Commission Reports:


                Eurasian Water Milfoil Committee – Lee Wiesner read a letter from Ingemar Eksrom for the committee report. “Yesterday I received an email from Pamela Toshner saying Barnes got a 2-2 tie for the second highest ranking for this year’s Aquatic Invasive Species Grant. You as Board members, received the original copy of the grant the week before your January 16th meeting.  In your copy of the grant was listed the numbers of employees and their salaries. This salary schedule was based on what other lake grants are paying their boat landing monitors.  This job has no extra benefits.  They will be working the least desirable hours.  This includes Friday evening, Saturday morning, Saturday evening, Sunday morning and summer holidays.  The job can be very busy at times and at other times boring.  This job position is only for four months but at the same time we need reliable employees who are willing to be well trained. We are presently in a time crunch.  We plan to start interviewing the second week of April, then train the employees the following week.  In the meantime, the ads need to be placed. And, as usual, there is a time lag placing the ads because we are dealing with weekly newspapers.  Also the employment forms need to be picked up and returned by April 6th so that we can make some decisions.  The money is in the grant for these ads. Therefore, we need to stay with the timeline as decided by the EWM committee. “


                                Pamela Toshner, DNR – EWM Update Pamela Toshner of the DNR introduced Frank Koshere from the DNR in Superior. He spoke on the EWM management alternatives with potential costs.

A copy of the outline is attached:







Do nothing


Risk for EWM spread within lakes and to surrounding lakes may be greater.

Manage individual riparian properties

Up to $1000/acre, depending on management alternative selected

This is considered routine nuisance relief and would probably not result in lake restoration or a level of management that would adequately prevent spread.

Develop Aquatic Plant Management (APM) Plans for both lakes and implement active management with temporary grant assistance*

$5000-$20000 for Plan development and $0-1000/acre depending on management alternative selected

This is what many lake groups are currently doing.  It takes about two years to get to the implementation phase.

Support 2008-2010 research efforts*

Approximately $10K over three years with opportunity for in-kind grant match.  Community costs would include continuing Clean Boats Clean Waters, creating recreational use ordinances on both lakes, and supporting Sand Bar as a reference lake with little to no active management until 2011.

DNR will develop APM Plans for both lakes that may be implemented in 2011, but the Town or lake residents will be responsible for funding (with possible grant assistance) at that time.






* The third and fourth alternatives require a grant sponsor –

either the Town or a Qualified Lake Association. 


A meeting will be held June 3rd for all property owners in Barnes to inform them of the problems and solutions to control Eurasian Water Milfoil.  A representative of the Army Corps of Engineers will be there also to talk about their involvement in the program.

Motion (Porter/Meinke) to open the floor for discussion. Motion carried.  Some questions and discussion from the audience was taken. Motion (Meinke/Porter) to close the floor to discussion.

Motion carried.  Collyard said this was an informative session, and hoped many people would attend the meeting in June.


                Road Committee Jack Meinke spoke on the updates from the Road Committee. They have been working on a Mission Statement and policy to present to the Board for approval.  He said it still needs some fine tuning, but read what they had come up with so far.



Minimum standards will be those as authorized in State Statute Chapter 82 and Automobile Daily Traffic (ADT) guidelines with the use of qualified engineering assistance if needed for any new and/or re-construction of town roads.


Validations of roads – town roads are validated as public roads by use and maintenance of ten years by the Town.

Safety and maintenance of roads – roads will be maintained within the guidelines of Chapter 82 to provide maximum safety to users of the town roads and to allow for proper maintenance of all town roads.

Highway Encroachments - trees, landscape items, fences, and other hazardous objects shall be removed from road right-of-way as required in State Statute Chapter 86.04.

Public Utilities – State Statute 86.16

Public Notification – current policy should be followed and/or additional procedures as deemed necessary by the Town Board.


                Land Use Planning Commission Gene Ratzel spoke for the Planning Commission. There were no pending applications this past month so they didn’t meet.


Change in May Board Meeting Date to May 8th  Collyard said he would be out of town for the regular Board meeting date of May 15th, so wanted to change it to the 8th.  Board members concurred the change would be ok with their schedules. Meeting date will be changed to May 8th.


2 Year Operator License Approval for Anne Wikan.  Brustad said Anne had paid her dues for a two year license, she held a previous license but that lapsed last June. Background check was ok, and Anne had attended previously the beverage server’s course.  Motion (Webb/Porter) to approve the two year Operator’s license for Anne Wikan. Motion carried.


2 Year Operator License Approval for Michael Gorton. Brustad said Gorton had previously held a license in another town, had presented his beverage server’s certificate, paid the fee for a two year license. Brustad said the background check was done and there was no criminal history. Motion (Porter/Webb) to approve the two year Operator License application for Michael Gorton. Motion carried.


2 Year Operator License Approval for Roberta Shemwell. Brustad said Bobbie had paid her fee, background check was performed and there was no criminal history, and she had completed the Beverage server course and presented her certificate. Motion (Porter/McGee) to approve the two year Operator License for Roberta Shemwell. Motion carried.


Discussion on Town Hall Use Policy –The board discussed additional items to delete or add to the policy form.  The Clerk will retype it with the changes and will present to the Board for approval at the next Board Meeting.


Public Comment Session – 5 minute limit for those not on the Agenda

Lee Wiesner said he had received an email about the brushing and widening of the town roads.  After the Road’s Committee report by Jack he had taken notes and could get back to this person as to why it has to be done and which statute to reference.

Pamela Toshner had previously questioned why the trees were trimmed on South Shore Road but after talking with Dick Webb of the committee she too understood why it was being done.


Issues Timeline Update –

Under Town Owned Land- Cobb is working now on the town lands

Fire Department – Chris has gone through the SOG’s and marked them up for Tom Renz to redo.  She will get with Tom on the fire billing policy.

Heliport for the Landing Zone. Tom Renz and Gene Ratzel looked at the area at the Industrial Park. They have picked lots 1 and 2 next to the highway.  They may also get some help from the County on the road going into the lots as they had promised that before.  Mike Furtak is to get back to Elaine on if permits are needed. Tom Renz will be contacting Tom O’Brien with updates.  Collyard asked that the clerk send a copy of the minutes also to Tom O’Brien.

Town Hall Use Policy – still continuing to work on it.

New Addition – Employee of the year award.


Motion (Webb/McGee) to adjourn the Regular Board Meeting of 3-20-07. Motion carried.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:25PM.


Respecfully Submitted,




Elaine J. Brustad

Barnes Town Clerk-Treasurer

Dated this 27rd Day of March, 2007