Collyard introduced Patrick Beilfuss of Cedar Corporation, Josh Miller of Cedar
Corporation, Karl Kastrowski-Bayfield County Zoning Administrator, Tim Kane-UW
Extension Services Advisor, Gene Ratzel-Chairman of the Plan Commission and
Dave Pease-Chairman of the Plan Committee.
Beilfuss gave an overview of what has been happening over the past three years
with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan for the Town of
Dick Collyard called the meeting to order at
Motion (Webb/Porter)
to approve the December agenda, and minutes of the last regular board meeting and
to dispense with the reading of the minutes. Motion carried. The agenda as posted follows:
Will meet at
Call the Regular Board Meeting to
Pledge Allegiance to the Flag
Roll Call to establish a
quorum/Verification of Public Notice/Approve the December Agenda
Approve minutes of the Last Regular
Board Meeting/Motion to dispense with reading of the minutes.
Treasurer’s Report
Voucher’s Approval
Public Hearing discussion regarding
Land Use plan
Clerk Correspondence
on Health Insurance
Department Head Reports:
- Discussion on Road Right-of-Ways
Department – Billing for Fire Calls
Department – Approval of New Hire Joel Hayward
Committee and Commission Reports:
Water Milfoil Committee
Use Planning Commission Reports
Proposal for Managed Services from
Network It
Appointment of Poll Workers for 2007
Update on Revaluation and Omitted
Public Comment Session – 5 minute
limit for those not on the Agenda
Issues Timeline Update
All Department Heads are required to
be at the Regular Board Meetings
All Department Heads and Committee
Heads must submit a signed written report to the clerk by Friday evening prior
to the Board Meeting.
The Town Board reserves
the right to solicit information from
Department heads and
Committee heads only, without opening the floor to discussion.
Any persons requiring special needs for
handicap services please contact the Clerk.
Elaine J. Brustad Barnes Town Clerk-Treasurer
Dated this18th Day of December, 2006
Treasurer’s Report
Report |
Balance from last meeting |
$24,222.77 |
Receipts |
$3,471.16 |
funds from Money Market |
$50,000.00 |
Check #'s
20982-21055 |
($51,877.92) |
Tax Payment & other direct payments |
($3,240.72) |
Charge November |
($6.80) |
Earned November |
$19.11 |
$22,587.60 |
Market Gen'l Fund Balance from Last Meeting |
$519,182.36 |
earned November |
Interest $30,539.67 |
$2,494.29 |
Check #
1028 Transfer to General Fund |
($50,000.00) |
Money Market Gen'l Funds |
$471,676.65 |
Dept. Sinking Fund |
$1,072.92 |
Sinking Fund |
$17,677.05 |
Savings |
$10,960.06 |
Ski Trail
Savings |
$629.21 |
Fund |
$1,842.60 |
all Money Market Funds |
$503,858.49 |
$526,446.09 |
Motion (Meinke/McGee)
to approve the Treasurer’s Report as read. Motion carried.
Voucher’s Approval
Motion (Porter/Meinke)
to approve the voucher’s as presented. Motion carried.
Public Hearing discussion regarding
the Land Use Plan-Collyard
said that there were several issues that needed to be addressed on the plan.
First, he wanted to thank all of the Plan Committee and Plan Commission and
anyone else who was involved in the process for their hard work. We will have
to keep in mind that the Plan Commission can come to the Board with changes.
This will be a fluid document. The maps will be on the web site soon. Collyard
said that Gene Ratzel and his Plan Commission must give the Board a resolution
to adopt the plan. The Board has to meet again to adopt the plan. This has to
be done before the end of the year as our Lakes Management Grant of $37,000.00
is tied to this and it expires on
Clerk Correspondence-Clerk asked everyone to keep Mike
Collins in their prayers as he was in the hospital.
on health insurance-Brustad
presented the Board with three options for health insurance for the upcoming
year. The renewal rate for the current
plan which was changed to a $1,000.00 deductible was $37,943.16. The 2006 plan had a $750.00 deductible.
Option 2 with a health savings plan (HSA) and a deductible of $2,000.00 single, $4,000.00
family and a premium of $26,872.68, with an employer contribution of $1,250.00
single and $2,500.00 family for the current employees would raise the premium
to $33,122.68. The HSA with $1,100.00
deductible single, and $2,200.00 family premium is $33,585.24, and an employer
contribution of $350.00 single and $700.00 family would increase the premium to
$35,335.24 yearly. The Board discussed at
the prior meeting they would be agreeable to contributions of monies up to the
2006 deductible amount of $750.00 single and $1,500.00 family. Motion (Meinke/McGee) to approve the
Option # 2 plan with $2,000.00 single deductible and $4,000.00 family deductible
to keep within the budget and contribute $1,250.00 for single and $2,500.00
family to keep the deductibles the same as this past year. Motion carried.
Department Head Reports-
Jerry Witt reported
there was not a lot to report on for this month. He and Mike spent a week
cleaning and organizing the shop. The new sander has been installed on the
tandem and was used last Friday to put down sand and salt on the icy blacktops.
Mike sanded his entire blacktop route without having to raise the box, which
was our goal for more safety and better efficiency. Jerry also mentioned that
we are working on a right-of-way violation right now. Jerry did not want this
to become a political football, but he has received two complaints about
flagrant violations and there are probably many more. Jerry said it is ironic
that we are developing a land use plan for the future, but upon reading it, little
detail is given in regard to town roads. The burden of keeping our town roads
to meet the requirements of the state statutes and also to meet public demands
is almost an impossible task to be achieved by the road foreman and the town
board. Jerry felt it was time to reevaluate our present road system, especially
in the higher population areas around the lakes. We need to come up with a
policy that deals with the town roads and right-of-ways. Jerry discussed
Cemetery- Bud Pease’s report was as follows: No burials or other
business from November 21st to December 19th.
Fire Department –Billing for fire calls -
No runs this
last month. Fire fighters still
attending officer training every Thursday night at the hall. Next month we will be having National Ice
Rescue Certification Training here at the hall and the Fire inspector Training
will be beginning in
In talking
to other Chiefs and Insurance adjusters I would like to start implementing a
charge for all fire runs. According to
the Insurance people the Law requires them to include a minimum of $500.00
dollars in policy to Departments to respond to a house fire. We need to develop a billing policy to bill
people for actual structure fires and also response to highway incidents such
as auto accidents and grass fires along a highway. This policy should include a leniency policy
in which a person can request waiver of part or all of the fee charged and
consideration due to circumstances on a case by case basis. I also have
accepted the resignation of fire fighter/ EMT Kevin Fleming who has accepted a
job in
followed regarding the charging for fire calls. It was felt a policy was needed
to implement it. Who would be making the
decision to charge or not charge individuals?
Webb said she could meet with Tom next week to go over and develop a
policy for charging. They decided to
meet on Thursday at
Renz also
wanted to caution everyone about unsafe ice conditions.
Ambulance Department – Approval of
new Hire Joel Hayward
We have had
two calls in the last month. We have had
to purchase new equipment such as Back Board straps and head blocks for the
back board because they were not returned to us and when we went to pick them
up they were not there either-miss placed or grabbed up by another agency. I have addressed this problem with both
hospitals so I hope that this problem has been taken care of. I will be taking
the ambulance to Zifco’s in
Constable O’Keefe was not available so the
Clerk read his report. There were 4 alarms from the Sheriff, 1 alarm at
Committee and Commission reports-
Eurasian Water Milfoil - Ingemar Ekstrom said the committee met
last night. The minutes will be posted
on the website in the next day or two. Updated survey results say the majority
want containment on the two lakes. Pam
Toshner is meeting today with the state. John Kudlas and Ingemar will be giving
a presentation to the state on the Barnes project. They are continuing to work on getting a Clean
Boats-Clean Waters grant of $20,000.00 with a 50% match coming from donations,
volunteers, in-kind services and it can come from the Town. They would like Town Board approval to hire
4-5 part-time employees for monitoring the lake landings. The grant deadline is February 1st. Motion (Meinke/McGee) to open the floor
for discussion. Motion carried. Lee Wiesner said the grant would be a total of
$20,000.00 with a $10,000.00 match. Motion (Meinke/McGee) to close the floor
to discussion. Motion carried. Ingemar said they are also working on a
mission statement. Ingemar said they would get something to the board for the
January 16th.meeting.
Land Use Plan Commission – Gene Ratzel said the commission met on
the 14th. There were no zoning applications to consider.
Proposal for Managed Services from
Network It – Clerk
Brustad and Collyard met with Mike DeWitt of Network It for his proposal to
provide maintenance service on the network computer and other PC’s in the
office. Chris Webb said we should look
at others before making a decision as Cheqtel can do the same thing. She said to call Judy Hinman to talk with
them. Motion (Meinke/McGee) to table
until more information is received from other vendors, possibly next month.
Motion carried.
Appointment of Poll Workers for 2007 Clerk Brustad said she had received a
large number of applications for poll workers.
The list is as follows:
Lucille Peet
Polly Buek
Those are
the current poll workers who wanted to remain on the list. Then additional
applications were received from:
Ann Jacobson
asked the Board to approve all, with the last two listed as being alternates as
they were the last two applications received by her.
(Porter/McGee) to appoint the listed applicants as poll workers for 2007. Motion carried.
Update on Revaluation and Omitted
Taxes-There were
about 78 omitted taxes this year. The permits were sent to the previous
assessor and that person failed to act on them so they did not get on the tax
rolls for 2004 and 2005. The omitted taxes will come with a separate bill and
those people have already received a statement from the current assessor
regarding the omitted taxes.
Public Comment Session – 5 minute
limit for those not on the agenda-
Craig Harvey
said he had a problem with his property assessment as he has been charged on
more lake frontage that what he actually has. He wanted to know what recourse
he has. Elaine thought that it could only go back two years. Collyard said that
the town can’t do anything about it. There was discussion on why the amount of
lake frontage isn’t on the tax statement. This could be brought up to the
county as part of the property description. Lee Wiesner and Carol LeBreck had
questions on how lake frontage is valued and assessed. There are formulas that
the assessor goes by in most cases. Lee Wiesner stated that as far as omitted
property was concerned, people should have known that they would be taxed on
the improved property. There was discussion with Ginny Harvey on where the
actual figures come from on the property tax bills. These are the legal
descriptions recorded at the county. There can be discrepancies on records,
too. Buzzy Harkness said that all assessments have to be fair.
Issues Timeline Update
Town Owned
Land – Work in progress or no action
Department – Tom and Chris to meet next Thursday for developing a policy to
charge for fire calls and resolution to accept.
Survey on
Land next to hall – can be taken off this time
also wanted the clerk to ask the clerklist on their Town Hall Use Policy. Look
at February to meet about developing a policy for our Town Hall Use.
(McGee/Porter) to adjourn the meeting of
Elaine J.
Dated this 4th
Day of January, 2007