Minutes of the Town of Barnes Planning Commission

Of November 16, 2006



Planning Commission members present: Gene Ratzel, Donna Porter, Dick Webb, Dave Pease, Diane Rupnow.

Alternate member present: Duke Martin

Also present: Earl Gregoire


The meeting was called to order by Chairman Gene Ratzel.


Motion (Pease/ Porter) to dispense with the reading of the minutes from the last meeting. Motion carried.

Motion (Porter/ Ratzel) to approve the minutes from the last meeting. Motion carried.


Public Comments: None


Review and discussion of completed elements of the Town of Barnes Comprehensive Land Use Plan:

Mike Furtak and Karl Kastrosky have both said to commission members that zoning will be changed down the road to reflect the Land Use Plan. Handouts were given to the members from zoning memos and past Land Use Planning Committee meetings for review.  It is not the intent of the Proposed Land Use Plan to change current zoning regulations. If zoning is changed to reflect the Preferred Future Land Use maps, this could in theory restrict or take away what development rights the land owner currently has.

Motion (Porter/ Ratzel) to open the floor.  Motion carried.

Earl spoke about the current zoning map and methods to fix the preferred future land use maps; possibly even removing those maps. The intent is to not allow rezoning to a higher density rather that change current zoning.

Motion (Rupnow/ Porter) to close the floor.  Motion carried.

Discussion about page 5-15: Section Private Forest. Motion (Rupnow/ Webb) to strike on page 5-15 of the Proposed Land Use Plan under Private Forest, the last 2 sentences, “areas designated as Private Forest are considered large parcels of forested land worth preserving. They also offer a buffer between pockets of development.” Also make an addition to the 3 Preferred Future Land Use Maps: On the Legends next to Private Forest, add “/Residential”. Call for discussion: The sentence, “Areas designated as Private Forest are considered parcels of forested land worth preserving.”  This is an ambiguous statement and does not seem to be necessary.  Adding “residential” to the legends next to Private Forest  on the legends of the maps would show the intent is not to stop any building in the green sections of the maps.

Roll call vote: Ratzel Yes, Porter Yes, Rupnow Yes, Pease, Yes, Webb Yes.  Motion carried.


Discussion about page 5-1: Section Land Use vs Zoning: The last line in that section that begins with “The future land use map will not change existing…”  It does show the intent of the Committee not to change zoning, but would still allow the County to change zoning. Motion (Rupnow/ Porter) to open the floor.  Motion carried.

Earl discussed some development restrictions. Motion (Rupnow/ Porter) to close the floor.  Motion carried.

Motion (Ratzel/ Porter) to change the last sentence on page 5-1 under Land Use vs Zoning to “The future land use maps will be considered by the Town for making future rezoning recommendations.” Motion carried.


Upcoming meetings: The target date for the Public Hearing for the Plan is December 19th at 6pm. The next Planning Commission meeting is December 14th at 4pm.


Motion (Pease/ Porter) to adjourn. Motion carried.  Meeting adjourned at 5:27pm.


Respectfully submitted,


 Diane Rupnow

Secretary- Town of Barnes Planning Commission.