August 15, 2006


Chairman Collyard called the regular town board meeting to order at 6:00PM.


Motion (Porter / Meinke) to go into closed session pursuant to State Statute 19.85(b) for considering dismissal, demotion, licensing or discipline of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility and to confer with legal counsel for the governmental body who is rendering oral and/or written advice concerning strategy to be adopted by the body with respect to litigation in which it is likely to become involved. The board will then reconvene in open session for the regular session immediately after the closed session...

Roll call vote taken Porter - yes, McGee - yes, Meinke – yes, Webb – yes, Collyard - yes.  Motion carried.


Collyard called the closed session to order at 6:02PM.  Only those issues pertaining to statute 19.85(b) were discussed.  There were no motions made in closed session. Closed session adjourned at 6:16PM.

Motion (Porter / McGee) to adjourn the closed session and return to the regular session. Motion carried.


Collyard called the reconvened Regular Board Meeting to Order at 6:20PM. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. Collyard asked for a roll call/quorum call, verification of public notice and a motion to approve the August agenda. Meinke- present, Porter- present, McGee- present, Webb – present, Collyard – present, Quorum established. 


The agenda is listed as follows:



TUESDAY, AUGUST 15, 2006 AT 6:00PM



Call the Regular Town Board Meeting to order

The Board will go into Closed Session pursuant to State Statute 19.85(b) for considering dismissal, demotion, licensing or discipline of any public employee and to confer with legal counsel for the governmental body who is rendering oral and/or written advice concerning strategy to be adopted by the body with respect to litigation in which it is likely to become involved.  The Board will then reconvene in open session for the Regular Session immediately after the closed session.

Call the reconvened Regular Board Meeting to Order at 6:30PM

Pledge Allegiance to the flag

Roll call/Quorum call, verification of Public Notice and Approve the August agenda

Approve the minutes of the last Regular Board Meeting-motion to dispense with the reading of the minutes

Treasurer’s Report

Voucher’s Approval

Clerk Correspondence

Department Head Reports

                Highway Transfer Site Updates – parking lot between buildings


                Fire and Ambulance – Security system request for fire-ambulance hall and town garage


Committee Reports

                Recreation committee recommendation for payment to PPOAA

                Eurasian Water Milfoil

                Cedar Corp Invoice for payment – Comprehensive Land Use

                Land Use Plan Commission

Driveway Ordinance Approval

Warner Road Resolution to discontinue a portion of Warner Road only

Zoning   1) Re-zone request Donald Hamil property 49370 River Road from R-3 to R-1

                2) Special Use Permit application to build a cabin in an F-1 zoning district, O & O, LLC, 43 Rd.

Discussion of Alcohol Control Ordinance

Town Board Meeting Date Changes for September and October – budget meetings dates

Pre-buy of propane

No-parking signs on Mud Lake Bridge

Approval of Deputy Clerk Lu Peet

Operator License Approval – 2 year license for Brenda Drall

Public Comment Session – 5 minute limit for those not on the Agenda

Issues Timeline Update

All Department Heads are required to be at the Regular Board Meeting

All Department Heads and Committee Heads must submit a signed written report to the Clerk by Friday evening of the week before the meeting


The Town Board reserves the right to solicit information from Department Heads & Committee Heads only without opening the floor to discussion Any persons requiring special needs for handicap services please contact the Clerk.

Elaine J. Brustad, Barnes Town Clerk-Treasurer

Dated this 14th Day of August, 2006


Motion (Webb / Meinke) to approve the August Agenda. Motion carried.


Motion (Porter / McGee) to approve the minutes of the last regular board meeting and dispense with the reading of the minutes of that meeting. Call for discussion. Motion carried.


Treasurer’s Report





August 15, 2006 Town Board Meeting




















Checking Balance from last meeting









Check #'s 20610-20694




July Tax Payment & other direct payments



Service Charge July





Interest Earned July






















Money Market Gen'l Fund Balance from Last Meeting


Highway Dept. Sinking Fund




BES Sinking Fund





Park Savings





Ski Trail Savings





Parade-Event-Calender Fund




Skate Park Savings


















Interest Earned






YTD Interest Earnings 








Total all Money Market Funds
















Motion (Meinke / Webb) to approve the Treasurer’s report as read. Call for discussion. There was discussion by Webb that the report was not accurate. The Treasurer said that it was probably the deposit she had made that day for $18,271.65 and was inadvertently omitted from the report. The balance sheet is correct, but the Checking Balance is off the $18,271.65 and the receipts are off that same figure. The Treasurer will make the needed corrections to the report. Motion to accept the report with the corrections carried.


Voucher’s Approval

Motion (Meinke / McGee) to approve the vouchers as presented. Call for discussion. Porter asked if we had gotten the proof of insurance papers from the people who we contract to do our lawn mowing. No, it has not been obtained as of this date. The clerk has contacted them numerous times and has not gotten a reply back. Collyard will follow up on this. Motion carried.


Clerk Correspondence- We have received our DNR grant for the Eurasian Water Milfoil for $16,530.00. I received an email from Joe Altshafefl and have given the board members a copy of it. In the email he states that his family owns 80 acres at the end of Honeymoon Trail. One of their members, George Brugger, tells him that there are plans in the making by the Town of Barnes to vacate dead end roads, which would affect their land. He would like any information on this that the Town is aware of and how it would affect their access. The clerk said that she had written him back stating that she would read his letter at the board meeting, but at this time, in respect to this issue, the only matter before the board is the Warner Road and that is at the request of the land owner there. The clerk will let Mr. Altshafefl what the board members say after the meeting tonight. Collyard said that are no plans to close any other roads at this time. We have received a letter from the Wisconsin Department of Administration that the preliminary estimate of our population is up to 693. Our new election machine is here-actually there are two of them. We ordered our HAVA (Help America Vote Act) compliant machine. The state is mandating that we all  receive a machine that will allow all people who are disabled, whether blind or can’t hear or whatever disability that they may have, to vote. We will be having a public testing of the machine on Wednesday, the 6th of September. The clerk will post a notice of the date. It is a simple machine to use. The ballots are the same whether you use the machine or the regular voting booths. You don’t have to be disabled to use the machine and all people are encouraged to use it. We also ordered a tabulator to tally up our votes and we will use it at the next election. This will be a Primary Election held on Tuesday, September 12, 2006. The clerk has received quite a few complaints about the cleaning person here at the hall. Can we go out for bids on this again? There is always an excuse and the garbage hasn’t been taken out, floors don’t get cleaned, etc. Collyard said that she should be given an ultimatum. The contract was for 6 months originally. We have given her several chances. Webb said that we should be reviewing the contract every 6 months then. She could re-bid. It has been over a year and a half now. Collyard said that he will talk to her about this and tell her that the board is considering re-bidding the job. The clerk has sent out budget letters and made copies of Delta’s ATV ordinance for the board. For the department heads that are here, the clerk would like your budget requests by September 1, 2006


Department Head Reports

                Highway -Town Board meeting report for August 15, 2006


                                                           August Town Meeting

Transfer site building has been erected-(it is mostly completed except for some odds and ends.)

I have been constantly stumping and reshaping parts of West Idlewild, East Idlewild, Pickerel Lake Rd. I am on Connors rd right now, and plan to do Circle rd with a stumping and reshaping before the backhoe goes back to Fabco -(this next week).

After the backhoe leaves I have scheduled a week to get the transfer site building operational.-(We’ll be putting in an office for Tom and doing the plumbing and electrical.)

The new road signs (from grant money) are scheduled to be in next week, and will start putting them up as time allows.

I will also be bidding out the reconstruction and graveling of Jim Miller Rd to be done yet this fall.

Jerry Witt

Collyard said that we have rented a backhoe to do help do the roads. Has everyone seen the roads that have been done? Webb said that she has not driven down any of them. Witt said that right now the roads are drivable, but that we need some rain to settle them down. Webb asked if we are planning on graveling them this year. Witt said as we get time this will be done, as well as regular maintenance-they are like a sand road. The more traffic on them the more compacted they will become. Meinke said there won’t be the damage from the spring breakup either. This is called stage construction. She is glad to see that we are putting in culverts.


               Highway Transfer Site Updates-parking lot between buildings-The Transfer Site building is done. We have $1,300.00 left from the amount we had to do the building and this will cover the electrical part. Will we need another $3,000.00 to finish it up- the building inside and the chute, etc.? Witt said that he wasn’t sure exactly what the office would entail, but it would be about a 12’x12’ building. We should approve a certain amount now, up to $3,000.00 to finish it. We will also be putting in a cement pillar in front of the door to prevent anyone from hitting the building. Motion (Webb / Porter) to approve up to $3,000.00 to finish the Transfer Site building. Call for discussion. Webb said that she thought there was enough money in the budget to do this. Roll call vote was taken: Webb, yes; Meinke, yes; Porter, yes, McGee, yes and Collyard, yes. Motion carried. Collyard said that all of the trees are gone between the buildings. These were all dead jack pine. The seniors say we should put this into a parking lot. Perhaps we should put this out there to see what suggestions the townspeople have for this area. We should give it a month. We will have the clerk put this in the Northwoods Shopper to see what suggestions our residents have on what they would like to see happen there. Webb and Porter said that parking may be what we need most. This is an area about 40’ feet. Webb said that the roads were coming along well and that the decisions being made were good. As for the roads, Collyard said that on the dirt roads, Witt is bringing the dirt down from the sides and mounding them up so that the water will runoff. When this is packed in, then the gravel can be put down.


                Cemetery-Bud Pease reported that there was no activity in the past month. He sold a lot to an individual. In regards to the leaky pump, Meinke said that the pump was working there, but you have to pump hard.


                Fire and Ambulance-Security system request for fire-ambulance hall and town garage. Chief Renz gave the following Fire and Ambulance Department reports:

Ambulance: We had 3 runs, one no transport. The ambulance was damaged during one of those runs at the Hospital. There was very minor damage to the rear passenger side. Red (Mundle) is fixing it, nothing structural.

Fire: No runs, nothing to report. (There has been no rain, so the fire danger is still out there.) Office is coming along great.  The phone company will be installing the lines. The Inter-operability Radio Grant has been approved. We are receivingT-25 digital compatible radios. Everyone has to be digital compatible by 2011. There will be a statewide reprogramming of the old radios (75%) because of the Homeland Security thing. Collyard said that Emergency Management said that we have to have the communications capabilities in the office. We can get one from the department when those are reprogrammed, not buy a new one. Renz said that the board members had each been given a security proposal that can be fit to cover all three buildings. Because of the recent events in the last several years, I believe it is a great idea. We have had numerous thefts of money and in one case, medication from the ambulance and found the door open on numerous occasions. We have also had theft of tools from the Highway Department that was in the thousands of dollars and also had the cleaning lady chased around the Town Hall by a subject in a black ski mask. The proposal includes a unit for a CD and 4 cameras, at this point. The cameras are motion operated and are recorded on the CD disk and the system is expandable to have 16 cameras. We have also talked about running the DSL conduit underground and this could be done with the Town Hall also. Renz believes the cost is minimal for this protection. There was discussion on the system. It doesn’t have to be done this year, as it wasn’t included in this year’s budget. We need to look into it and this proposal will work well for getting a budget figure. Webb said that we can look at different systems and put some money into the budget for this next year.


Motion (McGee / Meinke) to terminate the employee talked about in closed session, from the Ambulance Department. Call for discussion.  Renz wanted a roll call vote taken on this matter. Roll call vote was taken: Porter-abstained; Webb, yes; Meinke, yes; McGee, yes and Collyard, yes. Motion carried. The letter will be delivered by registered letter Collyard said.


                Constable Report-Mike O’Keefe was not in attendance. The clerk read the following report:

4 Alarms from the Sheriff’s Department

2 Fireworks complaints-Middle Eau Claire Lake Area

6 Personal watercraft complaints-(Spent 34 hours on the water-mostly on the Upper and Middle Eau Claire)

2 Car-deer crashes –on Highway 27-Referred to the Sheriff’s Department  

3 Assist motorists-Stranded boaters on the Upper Eau Claire

2 Burning ban violations-Referred to the DNR

4 ATV complaints

Total of 23 calls


                Recreation committee- Recommendation for payment to PPOA. (Potawatomi Property Owners Association). They would like the town to pay them for the use of the Island facilities for this past summer’s town sponsored swimming lessons that were held there. There was discussion on several ways this could have been done-exchange garbage bags, deliver gravel, etc. for the use, but we, as the town, can’t give in- kind for this. PPOA doesn’t have the dollar amount. This payment issue will be brought up at the Recreation Committee meeting tomorrow night. Webb said that the Recreation Committee has been looking at different options to have new ideas for the park. Donna Porter has donated a horseshoe set and all of its parts to the Recreation Department. Some people would be willing to do the set up work. Porter said that has to be a back stop put up. This could run parallel to the tennis courts which is fenced in and is away from the playground area. We can afford this. Other ideas such as volleyball and rock wall are pretty expensive. The tether ball is something that could be done however. A heavy duty pole could be bought for about $250.00. This could be set up by the playground area. Collyard asked if this was something that would be done this fall or wait until next spring, both horseshoe and tether ball. There was discussion that it would be nice to put it in as soon as possible. Webb said that they have to start using the money that is in the Recreation Fund Account. There was discussion on resurfacing the basketball court next year, with crack seal and chip seal for about $2,000.00. This would extend the life of the basketball court for about 5 years. Blacktop overlay would be close to $15,000.00. We have the paint needed to paint the strips and circles. Where the paint was on the surface, it has eroded that surface. We should wait until it gets resurfaced and then do it. The amount of use of the basketball court didn’t warrant doing it this fall. The tennis courts are used much more. Collyard said that you can resurface with sealer up to 3 times a year. Webb said that we can wait to do the basketball court next year. The other thing we had was getting gates for the ice rink. ATV’s and other vehicles have been driving in there. What would this cost to do? There was discussion on what kind of gates could be put up. There was discussion on putting up various signs like “No Motorized Vehicles Allowed in Park”, etc.  We should try signs first before we put up gates. Motion (Webb / Porter) to put up 3-4 signs (that say eg.“No Motorized Vehicles in Park” and “Use Park Facilities at Your Own Risk”) and to allow horseshoes and tetherball additions at the park. Call for discussion. Motion carried. Money will also be needed for landscaping since so many trees have been taken out.


                Eurasian Water Milfoil- Everyone got the letter regarding the grant money that we got. Collyard wants to reinstitute that committee. We will need to do something next year at Tomahawk and to have people at the landings. We can’t budget for cleaning the lake, but we will need to put money in the budget for the volunteers to monitor the landings. Brustad said that she had talked to Ingmar Ekstrom and he thought the Army Corp of Engineers was going to get involved in the spraying of Eurasian Water milfoil in Tomahawk Lake. Collyard said that there is money for other parts of the program, but not for eradication. That is all the more reason that we have to restart this committee. The old committee was dissolved with the end of this plan. Motion (Webb / Porter) to open the floor to discussion. Motion carried. John (Kudlas) is our specialist and helped develop the plan. Kudlas said that we have to look at having a committee for next year. The old committee dissolved when the final report was turned in. No grant was applied for at that time. The Lakes Association will be looking at this at their meeting on Saturday. The town needs to have a member of the board on this new committee. We have missed the first deadline for the August 1, 2006 grant application, but the February date is still out there and we need to get this applied for. Kudlas is suggesting that we get a long term committee set up for these invasive species and not let this fall through the cracks like we did with the Eurasian Water Milfoil. We still have people checking the boats at the landings. Kudlas would also like to do a cursory study on each of the 27 lakes that we studied last year. It wouldn’t be as in depth as the last one. We would check at each landing or areas that are most susceptible. He would like to do this next week, but would like to be compensated for gas money for this project. He has 10 boat volunteers and would like to be able to offer them gas for their boats. All of the boat data that we get needs to be input and sent to the DNR web site. We need a volunteer to do this. It is time intensive. Kudlas would like to get the same person to do this as they were so knowledgeable. There was discussion on the signs and keeping them up. Collyard asked what kind of money was in question. Kudlas said that he thought $300.00 would cover the gas and the input. Lee Wiesner said that there are two types of grants. Hopefully the Army Corp of Engineers will do this work. We can’t eradicate it, but we can try to control it. We may want to apply for this grant, for controlling the milfoil that they have at Tomahawk and Sandbar Lakes and also the grant for the replacement of the volunteers or supplementing them at the boat landings. Wiesner said that he would like to see some representatives from Tomahawk and Sandbar Lake. Motion (Meinke / Porter) to close the floor to discussion. Call for discussion. Motion carried. Collyard said that we need to talk about a committee and put something in the Northwoods Shopper regarding that we are looking for members to serve on the permanent committee for the Eurasian Water Milfoil and to have Lee bring it up at the Property Owner’s meeting as well as other groups such as the Conservation Club. We need to act on this at the next meeting. We need a motion for the $300.00 for the continuation of the study that was started last year. Motion (Webb / Porter) to open the floor to discussion. Motion carried. Gene Ratzel asked if this was on the agenda. Collyard said that the Eurasian Water Milfoil was on the agenda and this should be considered part of it. Motion (Porter / McGee) to close the floor. Motion carried. Hopefully we will have a list of committee members by the next meeting.


                Comprehensive Land Use Committee- Cedar Corp-Invoice for payment .The clerk had given all board members a copy of the letter from Patrick of Cedar Corp. Brustad said that she had questioned the invoice received in January on the preparation of the Lake Management Plan. At that time Dixie said not to pay it as it was over the amount and so we have been checking it out on why it was over the amount. This letter kind of explains it. The invoice is due and payable. An amount of $319.98 was over the $37,000.00 contracted amount. The Lake Management Grant was not part of the initial $37,000.00.Collyard said that we paid $2,993.44 previously for the community survey and that is we are over by a total of $319.98.The option was never added in for option B, the community survey. We have issued a check for the invoice in question. Collyard said that we don’t need to make a motion on this as it was approved in the vouchers. This was just for clarification.


                Land Use Plan Commission- Collyard asked if Gene Ratzel had anything to add. The report will be gone over in “Zoning”. Ratzel said that Diane Rupnow would email the minutes to Elaine to get them on the web site.


Driveway Ordinance Approval-Everyone has gotten a copy of the new Driveway Ordinance and the fine section for this is on the second part, the last page 17-3, constructing a driveway without a permit. Motion (Webb / Porter) to approve the Driveway Ordinance with the changes. Call for discussion. Everyone has looked at it with the changes that the attorney has made, with the corrections. Collyard said that he had a suggestion (not his own) to have an ordinance that would be advisory on what you need to do and not have it be punitive. Meinke said that the ordinance only applies to the road right of way. The other part applies to suggestions that aren’t punitive. In order to do anything, would we have to improve our town roads? Collyard would rather work with the people. There was discussion on the driveway issues. Collyard’s concern was on the procedure of the fines and not be so quick to fine people. The fine would be for those who won’t comply or have a blatant offense. Meinke felt that there was room for this as the ordinance reads now. Motion carried. This is an amendment to Chapter 5 and needs to be put into the ordinance book. Motion (Webb / McGee) to accept the changes to the Chapter 5 Ordinance to include the penalty phase for the violation of the Driveway Ordinance. Call for discussion. Motion carried. Meinke wanted to thank Gene Ratzel for all of the help.


Warner Road Resolution to discontinue a portion of Warner Road only-The clerk said that the portion of Warner Road that would be discontinued was on Gynnild’s property from the driveway going to O’Dell’s property to the end of the road. This has to be posted again for 30 days and brought back to our next meeting to be voted on. The public hearing for this will be at the next meeting. Resolution (Webb / Meinke) to initiate the discontinuing of the Warner Road. Call for discussion. Motion carried.


Zoning 1). Re-zone request Don Hamil property 49370 River Road from R-3 to R-1-Appproximately three quarters is zoned R-3 the rest is zoned R-1. Chris Webb was abstaining and removed herself from the Board’s table.  Motion (Porter / McGee) to open the floor to discussion. Motion carried. Furtak discussed the parcel. Basically the majority of the property is high ground and is zoned R-1. The rezone request would be just for Mr. Hamil’s property. From the zoning point this would make everything the same. There was discussion on why Hamil was attempting to change this from R-3 to R-1 when all of the land around it is R-3. There was discussion on back lot access. River access is considered the same as other waterways and is treated as R-1. Diane Malstrom spoke on the rezoning and how it will affect them. Mr. Hamil spoke on his concerns on the issue. He said he is being forced to sell his land because of his age and that the rezoning would make it easier to sell. There was more discussion on the issue. Furtak said that whoever owns the property must ask for the rezone. Chris Webb, as a citizen, said that the Town Board has to look at this very carefully. Motion (Porter / McGee) to close the floor to discussion. Motion carried. Motion (McGee / Meinke) to table the request for the re-zone appeal for Don Hamil in order to get additional information and survey actual parcel acreage.  Call for discussion. Meinke said that he respects all of the land owner’s rights, but it still has to be in line with our Comprehensive Land Use proposed plan even though it isn’t in effect yet. Collyard said he felt the same way, that he doesn’t want to take away the land owners rights, but that development on the lakes has to be looked at carefully also.  Porter said she also feels the same as to the stewardship of the lakes. Webb said that as a point of order, there was a motion on the table that was made and seconded and call for discussion already made. There should be no further discussion. Roll call vote was taken: McGee, yes; Meinke, yes; Webb, abstained, Porter, yes and Collyard, yes. Motion carried.


Zoning 2). Special Use Permit application to build a cabin in an F-1 zoning district-O & O, LLC, 43rd Road- Motion (McGee / Meinke) to open the floor to discussion. Motion carried. Mr. Westfal spoke on the request. Furtak did not see any concerns other than the access road and this road is already in place so that will not be a problem. This change goes along with the proposed Land Use Plan.  Motion (Webb / McGee) to close the floor to discussion. Motion carried. Motion (Webb / McGee) to approve the permit for a hunting cabin and privy. Motion carried.


Discussion of Alcohol Control Ordinance-The clerk said that the attorney suggested that we have an ordinance for alcohol control as we have several fees for alcohol control. We have nothing on this now. Collyard suggested getting some of the bar and restaurant owners involved in this. We can ask the attorney if there is something simple. We will call the local bar and restaurant owners to see what their response would be and if they would be interested in being on a committee. The clerk will add this issue to the Timeline with a time frame of January 2007.


Town Board Meeting Dates- Date changes for September and October and Budget meeting dates. The September Regular Town Board meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 19, 2006 (had been changed to the 12th). The Regular Town Board meeting for October will be held on Tuesday October 24, 2006. There will be a Budget meeting on Wednesday September 6, 2006 at 5:30pm. The clerk said that will also be a public test of the voting machine on Wednesday, September 6, 2006 at 7:00pm. The notice will be posted.


Pre-buy of Propane-Collyard said that we have gotten some responses from the gas companies for propane. We may have to call our current provider for a quote. We will make the decisions when we do the budget.


No-Parking Signs on Mud Lake Bridge-Everyone has gotten a copy of the ordinances, Chapter 12. Collyard said that he has gotten complaints that people are parking there. We haven’t put up the signs yet. We need to address this. Where should the signs be placed? We need to measure what is the area that should be designated for parking. Then we would put up signs saying” No Parking between Signs”. The board needs to decide what we want to do at this site. It is mostly for safety reasons. There was discussion on where the signs would be placed.  Webb said that we might get some input from the local police department and the highway department for the sign placement.


Approval of Deputy Clerk Lu Peet- Motion (Webb / McGee) to approve Lu Peet as Deputy Clerk. Call for discussion. Porter thought that this had already been done. Peet has been sworn in, but no formal motion was ever made to this effect. Motion carried.


Operator License Approval-Two-year license for Brenda Drall. Brustad said that Drall had a current operator’s license from Hustisford, Wisconsin and that she has had a background check and has paid the $30.00 for the two-year license. Motion (Meinke / Porter) to approve the two-year operator’s license for Brenda Drall. Call for discussion. Motion carried.


Public Comment Session-5 minutes for those not on the agenda-Tom Renz wanted to mention that the Bayfield County Fair in Iron River is this weekend and his daughter just got back from the State Fair. She was representing Bayfield County and placed Best Show for “Costume” category. Lee Wiesner had a comment that the areas around the lakes are much quieter since the fireworks ordinance went into effect. Also, Wiesner said that at the annual Property Owner’s Association meeting discussion was made on the boating ordinance and he was asked to come to the board meeting to find out if the board was going to change it or put it to rest. This will be put on the next month’s agenda. Carol LeBreck wanted to thank John Kudlas for all of the work he did on the Eurasian Water Milfoil project. Also, thanks to those who made comments on the stewardship issues and the high density issues. The Town has to take a strong stance on these issues.


Issues Timeline Update-We can add that the building was erected at the Transfer Site.  The rest is a work in progress. We will be adding the Invasive Species Committee has to be added. The Alcohol Control Ordinance has to be added. The Driveway Ordinance will come off next month, as it was just passed tonight.


Motion (Webb / McGee) to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 8:45pm.


Respectfully submitted,




Elaine J. Brustad

Town of Barnes Clerk / Treasurer

Dated this 18th day of August 2006