MAY 16, 2006




OF MAY 16, 2006


Chairman Dick Collyard called the meeting to order at 5:00PM.  The Agenda for the Special Meeting is as follows:


            Open Bids for the following:         Air conditioning of Town Hall

                                                            Lawn Mowing of Town Properties

                                                            Slab for Transfer Site Building

                                                            Right-of-Way Clearing of Town Roads

                                                            Striping and Zoning Town Roads

                                                            Crack Sealing of Town Roads


Collyard read the two bids for Air conditioning of the Town Hall:

            Arch Heating, 4 ton Amana GSC 13 SEER air conditioner. The A-coil, a pad for the condenser, electrical materials and labor are included.  Bid is for $2,860.00

            Gary’s Refrigeration, 5 ton 10 seer condensing unit with A-coil. all necessary materials including line set, thermostat, drain line and electrical are included.  Bid is for $4,195.00

Motion (Meinke/McGee) to go with Arch Heating and Cooling’s bid of $2,860.00.  Gary’s refrigeration included options to install a new furnace and installing additional ductwork for additional cost. Roll call vote taken: McGee-yes, Porter-yes, Collyard-yes, Meinke-yes, Webb-yes. Motion carried.


Bids for Lawn Mowing of Town Property were read next:

            Wayne Boelk, B & S Landscaping, 10-12 hours at $60.00 per hour.

            Odd Jobs R Us, 14 hours at $25.00 per hour.

            Gregg Friermood, Eau Claire Lakes Enterprises, 12.5 hrs @ $28.00 per hour.

Motion (Collyard/McGee) to award Odd Jobs the bid as they have the lowest bid per hour, the bid states they are licensed and insured, and based on their performance last year. Roll call vote taken: Meinke-yes, Webb-yes, Porter-yes, McGee-yes, Collyard-yes. Motion carried.


There were 5 bids received for the slab for the Transfer Site Building:

            Don Harvey Jr.                         $17,750.00        4000psi not 3000psi as spec’d

            Four Star Construction $16,877.00

            Lester Construction                  $  9,880.00        3000psi or $10,050.00 for 3500psi

            KRA Builders                           $11,180.00

            Marv Thompson & Sons           $22,503.00

Motion (Porter/McGee) to go with Lester Construction, the lowest bid, and have him use the 3500psi as it is stronger for $10,050.00. Roll call vote: Porter-yes, McGee-yes, Webb-yes, Meinke-yes, Collyard-yes, Motion carried.


Two bids were opened for the Clearing of Town Road Right-of-Ways:

            NCI-Ashland                             $69,000.00 no wood under 8 ft will be processed

            Harv’s Tree Service                 $51,500.00

Motion (Webb/Porter) to accept Harv’s Tree Service’s bid for $51,500.00. Roll call vote taken: Webb-yes, Meinke-yes, Porter-yes, McGee-yes, Collyard-yes, Motion carried.


One bid for striping and zoning of roads was received:

            Bergman Companies   173,322 feet of long line painting at .075 per foot, 15 miles of zoning at $50.00 per mile for a total of  $13, 749.15.

Motion (webb/Meinke) to award Bergman Companies the bid for $13,749.15 for striping and zoning. Roll call vote: Webb-yes, Meinke-yes, Porter-yes, McGee-yes, Collyard-yes. Motion carried.

Finally, one bid was received for Crack Sealing of Town Roads:

            Fahrner Asphalt Sealers          .737 per lineal foot for a total of $30,041.00, with poly fiber of all cracks.


Motion (Porter/Meinke) to reject any and all bids because the bid was for “crack seal” not poly fiber and the bid received was over our original budget for crack sealing. Will rebid at a later date.  There was discussion on the bid by Fahrner as he indicated he would poly-seal all cracks, which generally is more expensive.  Donna Porter said she spoke with Bob McMahon of Fahrner on Monday, and he explained it was cheaper for him to poly fiber all the roads then to come back for a second pass and do other cracks the other way. It was thought we needed to rebid with more a more specific detail of the material to be used. McGee wanted to have a new motion made because the bid was being rejected only because the bid was much higher than the $22,000.00 budgeted for the cracksealing.  Porter and Meinke agreed to rescind their bid.  Motion (McGee/Meinke) to reject the bid because it is over the budget amount. Roll call vote taken: Porter-yes, McGee-yes, Meinke-yes, Webb-yes, Collyard-yes. Motion carried.


There were no other bids to open. Motion (Porter/McGee) to adjourn the Special Town Board Meeting of May 16, 2006.  The meeting was adjourned at 6:18PM.





The meeting was called to order at 6:18PM.  Members present were Chairman Dick Collyard, Chris Webb, Jack Meinke, Donna Porter, and Mitch McGee.  Alternates Gene Ratzel and Clerk Elaine Brustad were also in attendance.  Since the assessment roll was not ready the Board will adjourn to a later date to be determined.  Motion (Webb/Porter) to adjourn the first meeting of the Board of Review to a later date to be determined. Motion carried.  The meeting was adjourned at 6:19PM.




OF MAY 16, 2006

Chairman Collyard called the meeting to order at 6:30PM.  The Pledge of Allegiance was said.  Roll call/Quorum call, verification of Public Notice was done.  Meinke-present, Webb-present, Porter-present, McGee-present, Collyard-present. Quorum was established.  The Clerk verified the Notice for the meeting was posted as required. 

Motion (Porter/McGee) to approve the May agenda, approve the minutes from the last regular board meeting, and motion to dispense with the reading of the minutes. Motion carried.

The full agenda for all three meetings is as follows:











Call the Special Town Board Meeting to order.

Open Bids for the following:                            Air conditioning of Town Hall

                                                                                Lawn Mowing of Town Properties

                                                                                Slab for Transfer Site Building

                                                                                Right of Way Clearing Town Roads

                                                                                Striping and Zoning Town Roads

                                                                                Crack Sealing of Town Roads

Adjourn Special Town Board Meeting


Board of Review will meet and adjourn to a later date due to tax rolls not completed


Call the Regular Town Board Meeting to order

Pledge Allegiance to the flag

Roll call/Quorum call, verification of Public Notice and Approve the May agenda

Approve the minutes of the last Regular Board Meeting-motion to dispense with the reading of the minutes

Treasurer’s Report

Voucher’s Approval

Clerk Correspondence

Department Head Reports

                Highway – DNR Right-of-Way Clearing Grant


                Fire and Ambulance


Committee Reports

                Recreation Committee – Swim Lessons in Potawatomi

                Request to pay Lake Landing leaders

                Wildfire Protection

Zoning   1) RV Extension for 5 years, Markham Property, 50825 Birch Lake Road

                2) Variance to Repair/Replace foundation at 5585 James Road

Pie and Politics – request for co-sponsorship donation

Chapter 13 Public Nuisance- potential violations and discussion

Resolution allowing Barnes Community Church to use town land for parking

Resolution to allow treasurer to combine miscellaneous bank accounts into one

Warner Road discontinuance update

Ole Lake Easement Update

Operator License Renewals          

                2-year licenses for George F. Barnes Sr, Michael Barnes, Linda Frank, Roger Frank, Victor        Wekkin,  Michael Frelichowski and Bobbi Michaud

Public Comment Session – 5 minute limit for those not on the Agenda

Issues Timeline Update


All Department Heads are required to be at the Regular Board Meeting

All Department Heads and Committee Heads must submit a signed written report to the Clerk by Friday evening of the week before the meeting


The Town Board reserves the right to solicit information from Department Head

 & Committee Heads only without opening the floor to discussion.

Any persons requiring special needs for handicap services please contact the Clerk-Treasurer.

Elaine J. Brustad, Barnes Town Clerk-Treasurer

Dated this 11th Day of May, 2006







Collyard said the Clerk would be on vacation on June 1st and 2nd, the deputy was going to work but now couldn’t. He asked the Board if it was ok to place a notice on the door that the office would be closed. They agreed it would be ok. 


Treasurer’s Report:

May 16, 2006 Town Board Meeting














Treasurers Report















Checking Balance from last meeting














Check #'s 20355-20425







April Tax Payment & other direct payments





Service Charge April







Interest Earned April






































Tax Checking







Highway Dept. Sinking Fund

Interest earned 1st Qtr $1.98




BES Sinking Fund


Interest earned 1st Qtr $29.89




Park Savings


Interest earned 1st Qtr $19.40




Ski Trail Savings


Interest Earned 1st Qtr $1.02




Parade-Event-Calender Fund

Interest Earned 1st Qtr $3.39




Skate Park Savings


Interest Earned 1st Qtr $.84




Money Market Savings
















Interest Earned



 ytd interest earnings: 13,064.73








































Motion (Webb/Meinke) to approve the Treasurer’s report as read.  Collyard made note of the year-to date interest earned on the Money Market account.  Webb thanked the Clerk for doing such a good job of investing the Town’s money.  Collyard said this was money that didn’t use to be invested and so $13,000.00 extra for the year so far was an extra bonus for the town.


Voucher’s Approval

Motion (Meinke/Porter) to approve the voucher’s as presented. Motion carried.


Clerk Correspondence

The clerk reported she had received 4 Notices to Cut, 1 on property owned by James and Judy Draganowski, Section 18, Township 44N, Range 9West, 1 on property owned by Jack Wolworth, S18, T44N, R9W, and 2 on property owned by PC Timberlands, S22, T44N, R9Wand S29, T45N, R9W. She also reported on receiving a letter from the Barnestormers Snowmobile Club with a check enclosed for $200.00.  This is to be a designated donation for the Town of Barnes Garage, thanking them for letting the Barnestormers use the town garage for their groomer maintenance. And finally she passed around samples of letterhead logos to use to see which one the Board would rather have her use.  The board decided on the first one, a deer, with a small patch of green background.  This was clipped from her publisher program and will be easily changed if need be. 


Department Head Reports

            Highway – and DNR Right-of Way Clearing Grant

Jerry Witt gave his report as follows:


   Highway Dept. Work in past month:


1)       Finished brushing & widening Lake Rd from Cabin Store to 27.

2)       Repaired sand holes on Kickapoo Rd.

3)       Repaired Jim Miller Rd damage from pulpers and construction work.

4)       Brushed the Town Park and mulched leaves

5)       Shouldered and filled low spots on Pease Rd.

6)       Brushed , widened, crowned, and graveled Grilley Rd.


Colin Nowaczyk from The DNR spoke about the Right-of-Way Clearing grant approved in the Town of Barnes.  It comes out of concern about wildfire in the area with in particular the sand roads in Barnes with structures on them. They need the right-of- ways brushed in order for the emergency vehicles to get through.  The grant amount is for $72,000.00 total, which will include water point improvements, and $7,500.00 for signage improvements.  The Town will contract to have the work done, then will get reimbursed through the DNR. 



Bud Pease replaced the bulletin board doors, so they can be locked now.  No other activity since last month.


            Fire and Ambulance reports

Tom Renz was not at the meeting.  The Fire Department set up a landing zone for an ATV accident.  The plans for an office are moving forward. Dave Christensen has been doing all the legwork and gathering the information, talking to the State on its requirements and putting the plans together.  He hopes to have something for the Board to approve by next meeting.  He is presently working on a wildfire grant for equipment which is a 50/50 matching grant.  Received word from Fire Association president Bob Miller on a possible 50/50 matching grant to install a dry hydrant in the Potawatomi Fire Zone.  He will keep the board informed of this.

8 firefighters attended the Sky warn training this month and I have fire officer training starting at the fire hall on Thursday for all fire officers.  This may also be great training for Town Board members to attend as this may provide information to them as to what firefighters do and expect.

The Ambulance department had 4 runs, 2 to Duluth, 1 to Hayward and 1 lifeflight ATV accident. He is presently working on record keeping and getting the computer program up and running.  He needs to enter everyone in to the computer then he will be able to document all training and run records into the computer.  He also learned that our defibulators, because of their age if older than 5 years the defib company will no longer back them if something malfunctions.  He is presently looking at a trade program offered by Zoll.  At the last ambulance meeting the members approved the purchase of a Nomax Jump/Flight suit for a more professional look.  8 EMTS also attended the Sky warn training.



Mike O’Keefe would be late this evening so the Clerk read his report.  There was 2 alarms from the Sheriff, 2 assist motorists, 1 unruly person at the Cabin Store, 3 assist boater on the Middle Eau Claire, 1 assist EMS (ATV accident), 1 possible break-in on Idlewild Lake Road (unfounded), 2 deer hits (contacted Sheriff), 1 noise complaint at the Town Park, (Tomahawk Lake, people using picnic area after hours), total of 13 , total miles 540, fuel used 34 gallons.


Committee Reports

            Recreation Committee-Swim lessons in Potawatomi

Collyard said he received a request from Jim Hardy of Potawatomi Property Owners Association. For the use of the Island for swim lessons this summer they wanted to trade for garbage bags.  Collyard said he had no idea how many bags they wanted or for how long.  He would check with Jim Hardy and get clarification.  He felt if they wanted to charge the Town for the use of the Island swimming beach that would be fine instead of trading for garbage bags. 

            Request to pay Lake Landing Leaders

A letter was received from Lee Wiesner and John Kudlas to pay the lake landing leaders $100.00 each because they will be involved in procuring volunteers and organizing data sheets.  Collyard wanted to see more information on this.  He will contact John Kudlas for more information on why they are requesting this.

            Wildfire Protection

Meinke spoke on the Wildfire Meeting the prior Thursday evening.  The final plan should be available soon.  It will be available on the Barnes Website –, and hardcopies will be available also in the Town office.



            1) RV Extension for 5 years, Markham Property, 50825 Birch Lake Road

Motion (Webb/Meinke) to approve a two year extension and to come back then if not able to build within that time frame.  All board members felt 5 years is too long to grant an extension for.  Motion carried.


            2) Varience to repair/replace foundation at 5585 James Road-Tetzlaff residence

Motion (Meinke/Porter) to approve the request to repair or replace the foundation and raise up the structure 2 course of block to provide adequate access to utilities underneath. The Board felt Mr Tetzloff has given sufficient information and will not be changing the footprint of the structure.  Motion carried.


Pie and Politics – request for co-sponsorship donation

A letter was received from Pete Mann, Washburn City Administrator inviting the Board Members to attend this year’s Pie and Politics Celebration. He was asking for the Town to consider a $100 co-sponsorship of the event. Chris Webb said the Town cannot give to organizations without the approval of the people at the Annual Meeting.


Chapter 13 Public Nuisance-potential violations and discussion 

Collyard explained he has been receiving numerous complaints from the neighbor of two residences on Red Oak Drive in Potawatomi.  A year ago he and the Potawatomi President went to the homes and talked with them about their rubbish.  The Town gave them two free dump days to clean it up then and they did comply, but now a year later they have accumulated more junk.  He called the Health Department who went out.  They said there was a number of trash and rubbish around the two homes, but either did not violate the Health Department’s regulations.  The Sheriff’s Department has been out there numerous times about the two dogs.  The neighbors are complaining about the dogs also and have stated they will defend themselves if they have to against the dogs.  Collyard wrote a letter to each citing our ordinances and will give them 20 days to comply or they will be cited.  The letter has not gone out yet, he wanted feedback from the Board first before sending them out.  Collyard said we also get complaints often about the house across the street from the hall, but hasn’t wanted to do anything there because she is an elderly lady.  But how far do we go?  What may be trash to some is someone else’s treasures. He also wanted feedback on what may be the right way to go with both of these.  Collyard asked for a motion to open up the floor to get feedback from the community.  Motion (Meinke/Porter) to open the floor to discussion. Motion carried.  Jon Harkness said the Board worked very hard to put the Ordinances together. He feels they are well written and fair.  What will people conclude if the Board chooses not to enforce them?  If the Board is not going to enforce them then we should just get rid of them.  Jim Johnson agrees with Jon Harkness, he said things like that tend to spread, if there is a junk car on one property pretty soon another one crops up, then another one so it is best to catch it before it goes too far.  Collyard said all we can do is warn them or cite them, we can’t go onto someone’s property and clean it up ourselves without their permission, that would be trespassing. Meinke mentioned also that Mike Furtak of Zoning has the property across the street from the Town Hall on his “list” because of the number of vehicles there that are not in running condition.  He also said he had a problem with what the Millermon’s said the Sheriff’s deputy told them.  In her email she said “the Sheriff said there should really be two free dump days a year so people will keep this stuff cleaned up as it costs too much to take it so they leave it lay.”   Why is the Sheriff’s deputy saying that? He thinks we should notify Sheriff Follis about that if the rest of the Board feels like he does.  Mike O’Keefe said it is difficult to define exactly what constitutes a nuisance.  If we cite someone all the County will do is issue a judgement if they don’t pay the fine, a lien will be filed on their property and this could take years yet nothing is being done to clean the property up.  Webb said she felt we could write a letter to the resident across the street asking for her to meet with the Board to discuss the problem.  If approached that way asking what the Board could do to help and let her know about the Town’s ordinances.  She asked if there had been any written complaints on the property next door. Collyard said no, he hadn’t received any, so this one would be different than the Red Oak property because numerous written complaints had been received there. It was decided to send the letters out to the residents on Red Oak, with copies of the two Ordinances, and give them twenty days to comply before issuing a citation.  Webb said we should add to the letter the exact items we wanted cleaned up so they would know exactly what we were requiring them to do.  The others could be addressed when and if a formal written complaint was received.  The others would be addressed as they get a formal complaint on, and the first letter would be to ask for them to come to talk with the Board about the problem to see if it could be resolved that way.  Then if nothing happens the Board could take a firmer stand. Motion (Meinke/Porter) to close the floor. Motion carried.


Resolution Allowing Barnes Community Church to use the Town Land for parking

Collyard said the Church had used the town property for a long time but could find no written authorization or Resolution in the office allowing the Church to do so.  He wanted to make sure the Church would have the proper authorization to continue to use the property for their overflow parking. Motion (Webb/Porter) to pass the Resolution as read by the Clerk. Motion carried.

The Clerk will properly post the Resolution as per statutes.


Resolution to allow Treasurer to combine miscellaneous bank accounts into one.

This had been brought up in the past during budget meetings and the Money Market account had been opened up to allow the Clerk-Treasurer to combine the funds to maximize interest earnings for the Town.  Motion (Webb/McGee) to approve the Resolution as read. Motion carried.  The Clerk will properly post the Resolution per State Statutes.


Warner Road Discontinuance Update- Collyard heard from Gynnild regarding the other resident on the Warner road.  They had decided they did not want their portion discontinued.

The Resolution then would be just for the portion of the road Gynnild’s had requested.  Since there are not six residents on the road to petition the discontinuance the Town Board will start the proceedings with a Resolution. Motion (Porter/Webb) to approve the Resolution number R-06-10 for the discontinuance of  Warner Road.  Roll call vote: Collyard-yes, Porter-yes, Webb-yes, McGee-yes, Meinke-yes. Motion carried.


Ole Lake Easement Update – The Clerk said she talked with the attorney and he was sending out the prepared easement for her to send to the owners of the property.  She should receive it shortly and she will forward it on.


Operator License Renewals

            2 year license renewals for George F. Barnes, Sr, Michael Barnes, Linda Frank, Roger Frank, Victor Wekkin, Michael Frelichowski and Bobbi Michaud

The Board wanted to make individual motions for each.

Motion (Porter/Meinke) to approve the 2 year license renewal for George F. Barnes, Sr. Motion carried.

Motion (Porter/Meinke) to approve the 2 year license renewal for Michael Barnes. Motion carried.

Motion (Webb/Porter) to approve the 2 year Operator License renewal for Linda Frank. Motion carried.

Motion (Webb/Meinke) to approve the 2 year operator License renewal for Roger Frank. Motion carried. 

Motion (McGee/Webb) to approve the 2 year Operator License renewal for Victor Wekkin. Motion carried.

Motion (Meinke/Porter) to approve the 2 year Operator License renewal for Michael Frelichowski.  Motion carried.

Motion (Webb/Meinke) to decline renewing the 2 year operator License renewal for Bobbi Michaud.  Motion carried.


Public Comment Session – 5 minute limit for those not on the Agenda

Jon Harkness had a conversation with Jerry on a recent Transportation Information Seminar Jerry had attended.  It was “How to Grade a Road”.  Jon was happy to find out that Jerry and Mike had attended and he asked the Board to please support the crew for attending seminars and education training.  Collyard said the Board was very supportive of any employee wanting to attend seminars or training and was glad to see that town members thought so too.


Bud Pease was concerned about the discontinuance of Warner Road and the snowmobile and ATV trail traffic down the road.  He also was concerned about someone wanting to get to the Ounce River if the Warner Road was discontinued.  Collyard said he would call the Gynnild’s to clarify the easement which was written for access by the County.  It also allows for snowmobile traffic to continue but not ATV‘s.  He told the Clerk to hold off on publication of the Resolution and he would have an answer by the next Board Meeting. 


Gene Ratzel spoke about the approval of the Plan Commission Chair appointment.  It needs to be approved by the Board also.  Collyard said it was an oversight that it was not on tonight’s agenda.  It will definitely be put on the next agenda in June. 


Issues Timeline Update

Everything is work in progress with the exception of Town Owned Land – The service contract has been signed between the Town and Dan Cobb, so that will be updated.

Under Recreation – the Skate Park will be removed for the time being until such time as interest starts again by the community.


Motion (Webb/McGee) to adjourn the Regular Board Meeting.  Motion carried.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:30PM.


Respectfully Submitted,



Elaine J. Brustad,

Clerk Treasurer

Dated this 26th Day of May, 2006