APRIL 18, 2006



Chairman Collyard called the Regular Board Meeting to order at 6:30PM. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was said. Roll call to establish a quorum was done. Jack Meinke-present, Chris Webb-present, Donna Porter-present, Mitch McGee-present, Dick Collyard-present. Clerk verified the notice and agenda was posted as required. Motion (Porter/Meinke) to approve the minutes of the last regular board meeting and to dispense with the reading of the minutes. Motion carried.  The agenda for the meeting is as follows:




Call the Regular Board Meeting to order.

Pledge Allegiance to the Flag

Roll Call to establish a quorum/Verification of Public Notice/Approve the April Agenda

Approve minutes of the Last Regular Board Meeting/Motion to dispense with reading of the minutes.

Treasurer’s Report

Voucher’s Approval

Clerk Correspondence

Department Head Reports:


                                DNR Grant to improve roads

                                2006 Road Plan

                                Bids for town lawn mowing


                Fire Department

                Ambulance Department

                                Contract for Ambulance Services – Highland and Drummond


Transfer Site Discussion on bidding for floor

Committee Reports:

                Update on EWM Grant

                Board Review of Committees

Zoning –1) Special Use Permit Application to operate a Hobby Farm in an F-1 Zoning District –   Richard Kinderman,

                52040 Pease Road

                2)  Special Use Permit for a home-based business in an R-2, R-3 Zoning District (Class 2 lake) by Mitchell McGee,                 51525 Smith Lake Road

                3)  Board of Adjustment Application reduced rear yard setback for Greg Seitz Property, 5600 Hall Road

                4)  RV Extension Lot 15 Hans Road, Bruce and Nancy Fick Property

                5)  RV Extension Lot 16 Hans Road, Bruce and Nancy Fick Property

                6)  Special Use Permit Application – Construct home in a F-1 Zoning District, Larry Hanson Property, 49860           Mulligan Creek Road

Request by Greg Gynnild to abandon a portion of Warner Road

Lake Management Plan – discussion with Scott McCurdy of Cedarcorp

Town Property harvest of trees - discussion with Dan Cobb

Property Tax Bill Correction - Bony Lake Road

Waterskiing and Jet skiing hours discussion

 Town Hall Air conditioning Bids

Operator License Renewal Approval -2 year –Doug Brierly

                                                                       2 year – Joan Brierly

                                                                       2 year – Russ Carter

Operator License Approval –                   2 year –Lynette Holmstrom (tabled from last meeting)

Application for Class B Liquor and Class B Beer License – Doorn’s Inn –Candace Sage, Agent

Application for Class B Beer license for Maki’s Restaurant – Phyllis Maki, Owner

Business Insurance Policy Approval for Wausau Insurance Companies

Resolution to amend Chapter 5 Section 5-7 Schedule of Deposits                           

Public Comment Session – 5 minute limit for those not on the Agenda

Issues Timeline Update

All Department Heads are required to be at the Regular Board Meetings

All Department Heads and Committee Heads must submit a signed written report to the clerk by Friday evening prior to the Board Meeting.


Closed Session: The Town Board of the Town of Barnes will then go into closed session pursuant to Statutes 19.85(b) and (c) for the purpose of discipline, considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance data of any employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility.  The Board will then reconvene to the regular session.


The Town Board reserves the right to solicit information from

Department heads and Committee heads only, without opening the floor to discussion.

Any persons requiring special needs for handicap services please contact the Clerk.

Elaine J. Brustad     Barnes Town Clerk-Treasurer     April 14, 2006


Collyard said there would be no Closed Session this evening, it had been cancelled.


Treasurer’s Report:

April 18, 2006 Town Board Meeting













Treasurers Report















Checking Balance from last meeting













Check #'s 20198-20354






March Tax Payment & other direct payments





Service Charge March







Interest Earned March







Voided Check # 20197 Dated Feb 20





Transfer from Money Market Acct





































Tax Checking







Highway Dept. Sinking Fund






BES Sinking Fund







Park Savings







Ski Trail Savings







Parade-Event-Calendar Fund






Skate Park Savings







Money Market Savings















Interest Earned



 ytd interest earnings: 10,866.39










Ck # 1020 Trans to Genl Fund



































Motion (Porter/Webb) to approve the Treasurer’s report as read. Motion carried.


Voucher’s Approval:  Collyard asked for a motion to approve the voucher’s.  Motion (Meinke/Porter) to approve the voucher’s as presented. Motion carried.


Collyard then asked for a motion to move Scott McCurdy from CedarCorp up on the agenda after Committee Reports as he would be leaving after his talk to return back home to Menomonie. Motion (Meinke/Porter) to move Scott McCurdy upon the agenda after Dave Thorson and the Eurasian Water Milfoil Committee Report. Motion carried.


Clerk Correspondence –

There were 4 Notices to Cut from Plum Creek

The Clerk read a letter from the Town of Drummond regarding Ambulance Service.  The Town Board of Drummond voted to have Great Divide Ambulance cover the entire town for their ambulance service.  They would be terminating their contract with us effective May 1st.

Clerk read an email from Pat Millermon regarding a neighbors dogs and their trash. The 2nd Annual Barnes Spruce-Up Day will April 29th Residents are encouraged to go onto the website – www.barnes-wi.com  to pledge a section of road to clean-up.  You may drop off all road side trash at the Transfer-site on that day for free.  Please call   the Clerk at the Town Office (795-2782) if anyone has questions or does not have access to the internet for pledging a road section.

A letter from Dena Schaffer regarding the Drummond Youth Softball was read.  Donations are being asked of local businesses for the purchase of new equipment.  The Clerk will post the letter from Ms. Schaeffer at the bulletin board.

A letter from the Department of Natural Resources on the recycling grant was received.  The amount awarded to the town was $5,143.14. 

Mike Alston and his wife are attending classes to become Master Gardeners.  They will be donating 10 hours each of their time to the Town to plant flowers and clean up the hall grounds. 


Department Head Reports:

                          Highway – Jerry Witt


   In the past month we brushed the right away on Lake Road from Jim’s Bait to Cabin Store. I think it will greatly increase the visibility on this stretch of road and will increase the safety factor for pedestrians, 4 wheelers, and motorists. Dahlberg electric was more than happy to work with us on some of the problem trees we removed next to their power lines.

   Mike and I just finished widening the channel on Upper Lake Bridge. We were able to widen the narrowest portion on the lake side 11 ½ inches. This will have to do until the late fall when we will be able to spread the pilings parallel and leave the jackposts in for the winter.

   There has been a bill that has been passed by the Wisc. House and senate, that pertains to the logging industry, that allows  pulp trucks a weight increase from eighty thousand pounds to ninety-eight thousand pounds with the addition of one axle. This is a big concern to me with the amount of pulp truck traffic on Pease Rd. I have spoken to the Bayfield County Highway Commissioner on this area of concern, and he suggested putting a year round weight restriction on this road. I would like some feedback from the board and the public in this area.

   We have approximately fifty thousand dollars available for our use from the Federal Government that will be dispersed through our local DNR. After meeting with Jay Blaylock, the person in charge of these funds, He agreed to the idea of clearing our right of ways on most of our sand roads as a good use for these funds. This right of way clearing is the first major hurdle in any road reconstruction that will be done in the future.

   Road weight limit signs are being removed tomorrow morning. Mike and I are ready to start grading gravel roads as soon as there is enough moisture present. I would like to remind everyone that we need moisture in the gravel roads to grade them properly. Otherwise more harm than good is done to them.

Dick asked Jerry to do more checking on the Pease Road situation, Jerry said he needed to find out what the designation of “A” highways and “B” highways were; the weight limit on a B road would be automatically 60% of an A Road, so maybe that is the answer. Jack asked how Jerry and Mike were keeping up with just two employees; Jerry said fine, they are keeping busy but not overloaded and are keeping up with the work load just fine. 

Jack explained the 2006 road plan, the plan on crack sealing Gronemus Road, Red Oak Drive, Island Drive, East Island Drive, Birch Lake Road, Outlet Bay Road, Bony Lake Road, East Shore Road, Peninsula Road, and Lyndale Bay Road, which will be a cost of $10,620.00. This is through Bergman Companies who were awarded the state bid.  Then approximately 17 miles of striping will be done on East Ellison Lake Road, Ellison Lake Road, Lake Road, Pease Road, and the Barnes Road, which is budgeted for around $10,620.00.  Then work will be done on Jim Miller road for around $13,000.00.  Bids will go out soon for those projects.

Jerry also wanted to contract this year for lawn mowing of the town properties.  Motion (Webb/Porter) to go out for bids for town lawn mowing.  Webb mentioned we needed to do that quickly so someone would be hired before Memorial Day to mow the cemetery.  It was thought we could put ads in the Northwest Shopper for two weeks and have bids back by the 15th of May.  Motion carried.


Cemetery –Bud Pease No activity this past month.  The doors to the Cemetery sign are done, Bud will stain them and put them up. He will install a padlock to the doors. 


Fire and Ambulance Departments – Tom Renz- Tom was not present, there were no calls to report for the Fire Department, and three ambulance runs since last meeting.


Contract for Ambulance Service – Highland and Drummond – The clerk explained the contracts were both up the end of December.  She reported during clerk correspondence that Drummond would be terminating their contract with the Town of Barnes effective May 1st.  The contract for Highland was read.  It was the same as before except she had put a sentence in that the contract would automatically renew unless either party gave notice to terminate.  This was per Tom Renz’s  instructions.  Motion (Webb/Porter) to approve the contract as written to send to Highland for ambulance service. Motion carried.


Transfer Site discussion on bidding out for floor. Collyard explained the engineered drawings for the floor would be back the first week of May.  He would like a motion to go out for bids for the floor as soon as they were back.  The permit fee had decreased from $360.00 to $20.00 now, and the Engineering costs he reported on last meeting of $1,300.00, would be reduced approximately $500.00. Motion (Meinke/Porter) to go out for bids on the floor only for the Transfer Site building after the drawings are returned.  Bid should say per engineered drawings and they will be available here at the hall for them to pick up.  Motion carried.


Update on Eurasian Water Milfoil Grant –Dave Thorson – Dave said the final report was submitted at the end of January to the DNR. It was submitted by CD twice, as they were not able to open the file up.  They have indicated to him the report is fine and the money should be coming soon.  The next process is to treat the EWM, and there is a grant available for that also, unfortunately the deadline for that has passed, so now they will have to get it in by August 1st for funding next year.  It is quite costly to treat the lakes, approximately  $500.00 per acre, so a grant is needed for funding at least part of the cost.  He indicated what was needed next is to assemble another ad hoc committee for the preparation of the grant for treatment so it could meet the August 1st deadline.

Motion (Webb/Porter) to open up the floor for discussion. Motion carried.  Scott Mccurdy of Cedarcorp spoke about his experience working with communities in the Minoqua area in the treating of their lakes.  He asked Dave to give him a copy of the CD for his review and he would contact him about some suggestions.  He helped the people in the Minoqua area apply for and receive a “Rapid Response Grant” from the DNR for treatment.  The spraying has to be done at a specific time of the year and also a specific temperature.  They spray usually at ice out and they had a 95% knockdown of the EWM that way. A community in Vilas County also had some success in spraying in the fall again. Most people don’t like to see the lakes being treated with chemicals but if done properly and with the right concentration the only substance affected is the EWM.  Lee Wiesner said we need more volunteers to monitor the lakes and help with coordination efforts.  It is very important to educate the public so it does not get into the Eau Claire Lake chain. Each lake coordinator will be asked again to do that this year, but Lee felt it was very important to try and get more volunteers to help out.  Dick said to get a list together of the people involved now and get that to Elaine, we can put something on the website to ask for more volunteers also.  Chris Webb said she had heard the Ashland, Iron, and Bayfield County Association is putting in for an aquatic grant.  Dave should contact them if he has not already to make sure we can a portion of the monies.  Motion (Webb/Porter) to close the floor to discussion. Motion carried.   Dave also wanted to let everyone know he would be on Wisconsin public radio this Monday to talk about his book and Barnes. 


Lake Management Plan – Discussion by Scott McCurdy of CedarCorp. Scott gave an informative talk on the Lake Management Plan he and his company have been working on for the Town.  Cedarcorp had been assisting the Town in receiving a Lake Management Grant from the DNR.  Collyard had been notified by the DNR that the grant deadline had passed.  McCurdy explained Cedarcorp had somehow not filed for an extension, but that had been taken care of and the DNR had approved the extension to the end of this year.  McCurdy had reviewed the grant application and noticed some deficiencies which he had corrected.  The Community survey had been revised and would be going out soon.  The shoreline buffer inventory and water quality data were missing and he added those also.  The end of year deadline would work for getting everything needed to be done.  


Board Review of Committees – Collyard  went over the committee assignments. For Roads, Jack and Dick, Budget – Chris and Dick, Ambulance, Fire and Constable would be changed to “Emergency Services” and the Board contacts would be Jack, Chris, and Donna.  Land Use – Mitch and Donna, Rec, Parks, Cemetery – Chris and Donna, Zoning Interface – Jack and Dick, Eurasian Water Milfoil – Mitch, Wildfire Protection – Jack, and Timber Harvest – Jack.  The clerk would update the list and copy the Board members.

Dick also mentioned the first meeting of the Land Use Plan Commission was on Monday and officers were chosen.  Chairman was Gene Ratzel, Vice Chairman was Dick Webb, and Secretary was Diane Rupnow.  This will be put on next month’s agenda for approval of the officers.


Zoning-  Special Use Permit Application to operate a hobby farm in a F-1 Zoning District by Richard Kinderman, 52040 Pease Road.  Motion (Porter/Webb) to open the floor to discussion. Motion carried.  Mike Furtak of Bayfield County Zoning explained the Kinderman’s had 2 horses and a pony on the property. It was adequately fenced, the horses were healthy looking and well cared for.  Kinderman’s weren’t aware they had to have a special use permit for their animals.  Richard Kinderman said he had been in farming most of his life, and sold his farm recently. They brought the 2 horse and pony with them when they moved as they were the pets of his two girls and his wife.  Motion (Webb/Porter) to approve the special use permit for the Richard Kinderman property.  Webb said with 40 acres there was sufficient property and no one had spoken against it.  Motion carried.


Zoning – Special use permit request for a home based business in a R-2, R-3 Zoning District, Class 2 lake by Mitchell McGee, 51525 Smith Lake Road.  Furtak explained McGee had applied for the permit for his towing business and small engine repair business.  He went out to the property, there is no collection of junk vehicles, no complaints from neighbors, and he is providing a valuable service to the community.  Bayfield County Planning and Zoning, the Planning Commission highly supports home-based businesses as there are no major employers in the area.

Motion (Porter/Meinke) to approve the special use permit application for Mitch McGee.  Mitch McGee abstained from the vote. Motion carried.


Zoning – Board of Adjustment application  reduced rear yard setback for Greg Seitz property, 5600 Hall Road.

Furtak explained Mr. Seitz had purchased the property from Gary Larson, a Realtor.  Larson had applied for the original permit to construct a cabin, Furtak went to the property and Larson had the rear line ribboned off.  He measured from the ribboned line and it was adequate setback from that ribbon.  However the ribbons were not in the correct place.  The ribboned line was actually 40 feet off.  The permit was issued, and Seitz then bought the property from Larson. He used the issued permit to construct his cabin. When the error was noticed Seitz asked the owner of the property behind him if he could purchase the additional land.  The owner is Bayfield County, and would not sell.  Seitz will be moving the garage at his own expense, but is petitioning to allow the reduced setback so he wouldn’t have to move the cabin.  Seitz explained he is in the business so should have known to get a survey first, but thought it ok since he had a permit to construct the cabin.  Motion (Porter/Meinke) to approve the special exception for a reduced setback for Greg Seitz property on Hall Road.  Board felt it would be a hardship for Mr. Seitz to have the expense of moving the cabin.  Motion carried.  


Zoning- RV Extension Lot 15 and lot 16 Hans Road by Bruce and Nancy Fick.  Furtak explained these two lots both had RV’s on them and requesting extensions.  The extension can be for any time period, usually and can be forever if so stated.  Motion (Webb/McGee) to approve both extensions with conditions to be discussed.  Webb felt they should have sanitation  within 1 year, and building on at least one lot within 2 years.  McGee agreed and added the extension should be reviewed again in two years.

Motion carried.


Zoning – Special Use Permit to construct a home in a F-1 Zoning District, Larry Hanson property, 49860 Mulligan Creek Road.  Furtak said the house met all setbacks, on the original application it stated it was 85’ from the lake, Furtak said that was corrected when he went out there, it now is 100’ from the lake which is the correct setback for a Class 3 lake.  Motion (Porter/McGee) to approve the Special Use Permit application for Larry Hanson with the 100 foot setback from the lake. Motion carried.


Request by Greg Gynnild to abandon a portion of Warner Road -  Collyard explained Mr. Gynnild had written a letter requesting to abandon the portion of Warner Road that is on his property. The road ends there at his property and serves no one else but himself.  An easement has been created allowing Bayfield County to use that portion to access their lands and also to allow a snowmobile trail across the property.  This easement would become effective after the town discontinues the road.  Jerry Witt reminded the board a certified survey map would need to be done. Mr. Gynnild said he would work on that and also contact the only other landowner on Warner road to see if they would be interested in wanting that portion of the road discontinued also.  Mr. Gynnild will update the Board and this matter will be on the May agenda. 


Town Property harvest of trees – discussion with Dan Cobb -  Jack Meinke spoke about the plan.  The Board had previously approved this and also had been approved by Resolution Number 06-07 at the Annual Meeting.  The DNR had given their recommendations for each property owned by the Town.  Dan Cobb spoke, agreeing with the DNR recommendations. He had looked at all the sites and said at the present time prices have dropped for timber due to the glut in the market from the budworm infestation.  Webb wanted to make sure that not all would be done this year, it could be stretched out for continuing revenue for the town.  Cobb felt the prices should go up again in a year or so, what should be cut this year would be the old dump site on Lake Road and the town complex here.  Tomahawk Lake area and the cemetery could be done at a later date.

Motion( Webb/Porter) to enter into a service agreement with Dan Cobb to manage our timber sales. Motion carried.


Property Tax Bill correction – Bony Lake Road Property. Clerk Elaine Brustad explained she received a call from the Property Lister’s office a few weeks ago regarding property on Bony Lake Road.  The property taxes had been erroneously billed for many years to only one of four owners.  It is a strip of land going across the northern portion of 4 parcels, approximately 150’ wide.  The strip is owned by each landowner the property abuts, but was billed only to one.  The property lister wasn’t sure if the lands were assessed to each property owner or not.  The land ownership problem was straightened out in 2005, but a tax bill was still created for that parcel.  Since no one is sure how the land was assessed, she recommended to Brustad that the Town pay the tax bill of $271.57.  If the tax bill is not paid, then each of the 4 property owners this parcel affects would be considered delinquent.  Brustad asked why each property owner couldn’t pay their portion of the bill, but the Tax Lister felt she wasn’t sure if they weren’t already being assessed for it on their bill already.  She felt the only way to correct the problem would be to have the town pay the bill and get on with it.  Motion (McGee/Webb) to pay the tax bill of $271.57.  Roll call vote carried, all approved. Motion carried.


Waterskiing and jet skiing hours discussion – The survey sent out with the tax bills had a ending tally of around 142 more for the 10:00 – 5:00PM hour than the 6:00PM quitting time.  Lee Wiesner wanted to know if there would be a change so he could inform the property owners at their annual meeting, but most importantly to change the signs if needed.  Webb felt the board definitely needed to take a look at it, but she wanted to make sure before any more changes were made that they were doing the right thing.  Collyard explained he thought we should have public discussion of the hours during the summer sometime when more people are in the area.  Webb also thought we should talk with the Constable to see what he thought too.  She had heard there were less complaints this past year with the later hour.  The board said to keep it on the timeline and keep discussing it.   


Town Hall Air conditioning Bids – This is in the budget for this year and Collyard thought we needed to go out for bids soon to have the air conditioner in before the hot weather gets here. Motion (Meinke/McGee) to go out for bids for a central air conditioning system to be installed in the town hall. Motion carried.


Operator License Renewal Approval – 2 year –Doug Brierly, 2 year Joan Brierly, and 2 year Russ Carter.  Clerk explained this is for the renewal of their licenses effective July 1st.  All have paid their fees.  Motion (Webb/Meinke) to approve the renewal of the three operator licenses for 2 years starting July 1st.  Motion carried.


Operator License Approval – 2 year Lynette Holmstrom (tabled from last meeting)  Clerk said Lynette had brought in a beverage service certificate from 1996.  Since Ms. Holmstrom had not had an active Operator License within the past two years she needs to attend another Beverage Service Class and get a new certificate.  It will remain tabled until she brings in a new certificate.

Her temporary license issued prior to last meeting expired March 31, 2006.


Application for Class B Liquor and Class B Beer License – Doorn’s Inn – Candace Sage, Agent – The Van Doorn’s will have Candy Sage as their agent until they have been Wisconsin residents for the required 90 days.  This license will expire June 30th of this year.  All fees have been paid, the application has been published in the County Journal as required.  Motion (Porter/Meinke) to approve the Class B Liquor and Class B Beer License for Doorn’s Inn. Motion carried.


Application for Class B Beer License for Maki’s Restaurant – Phyllis Maki, Owner.  Publication fee had been paid, the application was published in the County Journal, and background check was performed and was satisfactory.  Phyllis wants to start serving beer effective May 1st.  Motion (Porter/Webb) to approve the Class B Beer License for Maki’s Restaurant. Motion carried.


Business Insurance Policy Approval for Wausau Insurance Companies - The Clerk explained there was only a minor increase overall and some of that was because of new machinery or new vehicles purchased.  The total with public officials policy is $25,006.00.  Motion (Meinke/Porter) to approve the renewal policy for Wausau Insurance Companies for the Town’s business insurance.  Roll call vote taken, all approved. Motion carried.  


Resolution to amend Chapter 5, Section 5-7 Schedule of Deposits – At last months meeting the Board had determined the fees to be charged for animal ordinance violations and also voted to move the fees to be charged for Hazardous Waste and Fireworks violations to Chapter 5 where all the other fees are listed.  The Ordinance amendment was prepared for the changes to Chapter 5 and needed to be approved by the Board at this meeting.  Motion (Webb/Porter) to approve the changes to Chapter 5, Schedule of Deposits.  Motion carried.  The clerk will properly publish and post the Ordinance amendment.


Public Comment Session – 5 minute limit for those not on the agenda

Lee Wiesner spoke about the fireworks ordinance, and that it didn’t address the issue of shooting them out onto the lake.  He will find out if that is a proper thing to do.  It used to be they thought it was safer to do that but the contents of the stuff that go into the lakes could be harmful.  He suggested we add that to the fireworks permit if he finds that it is harmful to the lake and fish.

Also wanted to mention regarding the trees being cut down, there are a few bad ones on the line between the Town Property and the Church property.  If they are on the church’s property could we have Cobb do those at the same time and the town could keep the proceeds.  Meinke said the lot line is marked there, he will check it out to see where they are.


Issues Timeline Update – The clerk will update the Timeline now, a review of the timeline followed.  Rustic Roads will be taken off this month, the Driveway Ordinance should be ready to present to the Board at the May meeting. Plan Commission Ordinance will be taken off, Town Owned land- Jack and Dan Cobb will prepare a service agreement for this year’s harvest.  New town letterhead – Clerk will work on that and present to the Board. Computer Networking and the NIMS compliance will be taken off and they have been done.  Ambulance Department and Fire Department issues are both work in progress.


The Closed session had been cancelled. Motion(Webb/Meinke) to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried.  The meeting was adjourned at 10:10PM.



Respectfully submitted,



Elaine J. Brustad,

Barnes Town Clerk-Treasurer

Dated this 28th day of April, 2006