OF MARCH 21, 2006


The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM. Motion (Webb/Chermack) to go into closed session pursuant to State Statute 19.85(b) and (c) for considering employment, promotion, compensation, or performance evaluation data over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility. Roll call vote taken: Chermack-yes, Porter-yes, Meinke-yes, Webb-yes, Collyard-yes, Motion carried. There were no decisions or motions made while in closed session. Only the issues dealing with State Statutes 19.85(b) and (c) for the purpose of considering promotion and/or compensation were discussed. Motion (Chermack/Porter) to adjourn the closed session and return to the open session. Motion carried.  Board adjourned the closed session at 6:25PM.



MARCH 21, 2006

Chairman Collyard called the Regular Board Meeting to order at 6:30PM. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was said. Roll call to establish a quorum was established. Jack Meinke-present, Chris Webb-present, Donna Porter-present, Dixie Chermack- present, Dick Collyard-present. Clerk verified the notice and agenda was posted as required. Motion (Chemack/Porter) to approve the minutes of the last regular board meeting and to dispense with the reading of the minutes. Motion carried.  The agenda for the meeting is as follows:



Call the meeting to order

The Board will then go into Closed Session pursuant to State Statute 19.85(b) and (c) for considering employment, promotion, compensation, or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility.  The Board will then reconvene to the Regular Session immediately after the closed session.

Return to Open Session of the Special Town Board Meeting

Call the Regular Board Meeting to order.

Pledge Allegiance to the Flag

Roll Call to establish a quorum/Verification of Public Notice/Approve the March Agenda

Approve minutes of the Last Regular Board Meeting/Motion to dispense with reading of the minutes.

Treasurer’s Report

Voucher’s Approval

Clerk Correspondence – Discussion on Scholarship application for Clerk Institute

Department Head Reports:



                Fire Department

                Ambulance Department


Transfer Site Building Updates

Committee Reports: (will be read if needed)

Plan Commission Members Approval

Operator License Approval -2 year –Brenda Bell

                                                      2 year – Lynette Johnson

                                                      2 year – Amanda VanDoorn

                                                      1 year – Robert VanDoorn

BAHA requests

Set forfeiture amount for Animal Ordinance, Hazardous Waste Ordinance and Fireworks ordinances

Resolutions for amending Fireworks Ordinance and  Hazard Waste Ordinance

Resolution to Change Webster Road to Barnes Webster Road  

Ambulance and Fire Wage Sheet Discussion and Update

Discussion of Lake Management Plan

Waterskiing and Jet skiing hours – Discussion on survey results and amendment to ordinance

Bank Resolution approval to add supervisors as signers on the Money Market Account

Ambulance Director Position and recommendations by the committee

Public Comment Session – 5 minute limit for those not on the Agenda

Issues Timeline Update


 Treasurer’s Report

  The Clerk read the Treasurer’s report as follows:


March 21, 2006 Town Board Meeting











Treasurers Report














Checking Balance from last meeting













Check #'s 20198-20266






February Tax Payment & other direct payments




Service Charge February






Interest Earned February






Transfer from Money Market Acct



































Highway Dept. Sinking Fund






BES Sinking Fund







Park Savings







Ski Trail Savings







Parade-Event-Calendar Fund






Skate Park Savings


Deposits $112.00




Money Market Savings















Interest Earned















Ck # 1019 Trans to Genl Fund




























Motion (Meinke/Porter) to approve the Treasurer’s report as read. Motion carried.

Voucher’s Approval

Motion (Chermack/Porter) to approve the voucher’s as presented. Motion carried.


Clerk’s Correspondence-Discussion on Scholarship application for Clerk Institute

The Clerk read a letter received from Marilee Ludgatis about building a library.  She wanted to know when the Board would get going on that. Chairman Collyard read the letter he wrote to respond. He also wanted to put on the agenda for next month to appoint members to a new library committee.

There was a letter from RAV’N, Rural Arts Voice North, asking for donations. Collyard suggested giving a copy of the letter to the new Library Committee, and also Baha.

The Clerk reminded everyone to get out and vote on April 4th. The Polls will be open from 8:00AM until 8:00PM.   

She had prepared a Scholarship application for the Clerk’s Institute and letter that the Board members needed to sign in support of her attending the Institute for this year.





Department Head Reports-

            Highway – Jerry Witt spoke on the snow and ice removal from the roads this season. His biggest concern has been the dual purpose use of some roads to accommodate snowmobiles and automobiles.  Some of these roads are groomed and packed for use by snowmobiles, making it difficult to plow.  If left that way when it turns warm the base turns to mush and makes the road impassable.  If all the snow is plowed off the road then it is difficult for snowmobile traffic.  One if these roads is also being used as a school bus route.  Blacktop roads that are also being used as a snowmobile route are also suffering, the snowmobiles run right on the shoulder blowing snow back into the roadway.  Pease road off County Rd N is a good example of this.  He feels the solution to these problems is to improve the right of way to allow the groomer to pack a trail at the edge of the right of way for the snowmobiles.  This would allow the town to keep all the snow off the roads and hopefully keep everyone happy.  He wants to get the snowmobile alliance involved with this to see if they can help out in any way.  Collyard explained he had taken Donna Porter to Idlewild Lake Road and Connors Road, then Chris Webb another time to see the roads.  He said they were lucky to get back!  He felt Jerry had the support of the Board to go ahead with his plan to widen the right of way with brushing and so forth.  Idlewild Lake Road is a school bus route so that one especially needs to have something done for the safety of the kids riding the bus.  He asked Jerry to come back with a plan to the Board.  Jerry wanted to know if they would be getting together to go over the 2006 Road Plan.  Collyard said Jim Miller road needs to be looked at too.  Meinke said there is a DNR grant with money available for brushing and widening the road.  He spoke with Jay from the DNR about this.  The money is available now.

            Cemetery – Bud Pease reported there has been no activity this month.


            Fire – Tom Renz reported they had set up three LZ zones for ambulance and one rescue woods extrication from a snowmobile accident. 4 firefighters have completed their entry level training, Linda Nowaczek, Jeremy Berg, Ken Wilk, and Brock Friermood.


            Ambulance – Del Jerome said there had been 8 runs since last meeting, 4 helicopter transfers.  He wanted to let the Board know he would be working with Tom to get him phased in as the new Director.


                        Constable- Mike O’Keefe was not present but had emailed his report to the Clerk who read it at the meeting. There were 4 alarms from Sheriff, 7 ATV/snowmobile complaints, 3 deer hits, 1 assist fire dept with landing zone on County A, 2 excessive noise complaints, 5 assist stranded motorists during last week’s snowstorm, 6 check homes/cabins of out of town residents, 1 traffic control/escort St Patty’s Day parade from 11:00AM until 5:00PM, total 29 calls, 640 miles logged, 40 gallons of fuel used.


Transfer Site Building Updates Collyard gave the Board members a letter with the updates; he explained the Building manufacturer sent a new proposal with the new additions to the plan.  We are adding two 14x14’ doors and a 12x30’ canopy to go over the dumpster. The total balance due has increased to $22,335.00, which is $7,485.00 more than we thought in the beginning.  And he had an engineer prepare a plan for the piers, which is needed for the state permitting process.  That bill was $1,300.00.  He asked the board to approve the additional monies to increase the budget for the $1,300.00 Engineering bid and an additional $2,235.00 for the building.  The only additional costs then would be for the concrete and labor to pour the slab.  The Engineer thought it wouldn’t be cost efficient to do the piers this year and wait until next year to do the floor, so they thought they would be pouring the slab at the same time.  Jerry and the Town crew will be putting the building up with volunteers to help.  The insurance company said the volunteers would be covered on the general liability policy not the worker’s comp policy.  Collyard thought the concrete would be an additional $5,000.00 to $6,000.00 for a total for the slab around $10,000.00 to $12,000.00.  Motion (Chermack/Porter) to approve the expenditures of $1,300.00 for the Engineering costs and an additional $2,335.00 to Allied Steel for the building itself for a total of $3,635.00. Roll call vote taken: Chermack-yes, Porter-yes, Meinke-yes, Webb-yes, Collyard-yes. Motion carried.

Committee Reports


Plan Commission Members Approval Collyard told the Board of his selections to the Planning Commission.  They are: Donna Porter for a 1 year term ending April 30, 2007

                                                      Dick Webb for a 2 year term ending April 30, 2008

                                                      Diane Rupnow for a 3 year term ending April 30, 2009

                                                      Dave Pease for a 2 year term ending April 30, 2008

                                                      Gene Ratzel for a 3 year term ending April 30, 2009

And an alternate: Duke Marten.  Per the Ordinance the Clerk will swear in the members within 5 days.

Motion (Meinke/Chermack) to approve the appointments to the Planning Commission. Motion carried.


Operator License Approval: 

              2 year-Brenda Bell The Clerk verified she had received the license fee, a background check had been performed with satisfactory results, and she had a copy of Brenda’s Responsible Beverage Service Certificate in the file. Motion (Webb/Meinke) to approve the 2 year Operator license for Brenda Bell. Motion carried.

              2 year-Lynette Johnson The Clerk verified she had received the required license fee of $15.00, she ran a background check which was ok, but she had not yet received a copy of the Responsible Beverage Service Certificate from Lynette.  Motion (Meinke/Webb) to table this request until the next meeting and the certificate is received. Motion carried.

              2 year-Amanda VanDoorn The clerk had received the required fee, the background check was ok, and she had a copy of the responsible beverage service certificate in the file. Motion (Chermack/Porter) to approve the 2 year Operator license for Amanda VanDoorn. Motion carried.

              1 year-Robert VanDoorn The fees have been received and a copy of his Responsible Beverage Service Certificate was received.  Background check was done and was ok. Motion (Porter/Webb) to approve the 1 year Operator License for Robert VanDoorn. Motion carried.


BAHA Request- Collyard spoke on the letter the Board received from the Barnes Area Historical Association.  That letter is as follows:


    March 16, 2006


To the Town Board of the Town of Barnes:

The Barnes Area Historical Association (BAHA) is requesting help with the following issues:

1.                    A request from the Barnes Area Historical Association for the Town Board of the Town of Barnes’s to make a motion to work to secure the parcel of land adjacent to the current Town site now owned by the Mosinee Paper Company (in a written statement please). (T45 R9W Section 28)

2.  Also BAHA would like in a motion, a statement from the Town Board of the Town of Barnes saying that it will work together with BAHA to support the donation of the land belonging to the Town of Barnes [immediately to the west of the Town Garage and approximately 10 acres of land with 200’ of frontage              starting at the west edge of the Town’s land on CO HWY N going back to the           end of the current Town acreage and going over to approximately the area of the tennis courts of the current Town site]. This would be the site of the Barnes Area Historical Museum. This action would be by vote taken at an Annual Meeting or Special Town Meeting. The Town Board will also partner with BAHA in working to create a Town complex in the future, with BAHA maintaining its separate entity. BAHA would in turn, work with the Town in any issues that may come up.


Thank you for your consideration of these issues.



Lu Peet


Barnes Area Historical Association


Collyard said he prepared a letter to Patrick Scheller of Mosinee Paper who owns the 35 acre parcel directly in back of the Town property.  He copied that for the Board Members.  Motion (Webb/Porter) to support the Chairman in sending a letter to Mosinee to request a possible donation of the land.  Motion carried.

 Collyard then said the second part of the letter addresses that BAHA would like 10 acres on the west edge of the Town property with 200 feet frontage.  This piece is where the ball field and parking lot is now.  At the first meeting with BAHA Collyard said he remembers saying the Board would work with BAHA and could move some things around if need be.  He guessed he should have been more specific because his intention was certainly not to move the ball field and parking lot or the garage buildings.  So for the second motion he felt they needed to work out a spot first.  Webb said they were definitely interested in partnering with BAHA on this but thought they needed to be in a different spot on the Town property. Motion (Porter/Meinke) to open the floor to discussion to allow Dave Pease from Baha to speak. Motion carried.   Dave Pease said Baha would like a spot with maximum visibility and therefore had asked for that particular piece on County N.  Motion (Chermack/Porter) to close the floor. Motion carried.


Set forfeiture amounts for Animal Ordinance, Hazardous Waste Ordinance and Fireworks ordinances. The Clerk explained her and Collyard along with the Constable, Mike O’Keefe, had met with the town’s attorney last week regarding writing of citations.  John Carlson, the attorney, explained all forfeiture amounts should be addressed in one place, in Chapter 5 of the Ordinances so it would be easier to find there.  In order to do that the Hazardous Waste Ordinance and Fireworks Ordinances needed to be amended to move the forfeiture amounts to Chapter 5.  In addition, the Animal Control Ordinance, which was just adopted in November needed to have forfeiture amounts set and put into Chapter 5.  The clerk explained the County’s forfeiture amounts were between $10.00 and $30.00 for the violations in the Animal Control Ordinance. Motion (Chermack/Porter) to set a forfeiture range of $50.00 to $200.00 per violation for Chapter 14, Sections 1-7 of the Animal Control Ordinance based on the discretion of the enforcement officer. Motion carried.


For the Hazardous Waste Amendment to the Ordinance: Motion (Webb/Meinke) to accept the Hazardous Waste Resolution as presented with the forfeiture amounts to remain the same and moved to Chapter 5. Roll call vote taken: Porter-yes, Chermack-yes, Meinke-yes, Webb-yes, Collyard-yes. Motion carried.


For the Resolution Amending the Fireworks Resolution: Motion (Meinke/Porter) to accept the Fireworks Resolution as read and transfer forfeiture amounts to Chapter 5. Roll call vote: Porter-yes, Meinke-yes, Chermack-yes, Webb-yes, Collyard-yes. Motion carried.


Resolution to change Webster Road to Barnes-Webster Road.  Collyard explained the change was at the request of Jan Victorson, Emergency Management Director in Bayfield County.  There is a Webster Road in Hughes Township also approximately 3 miles apart with no connection and she also asked the Town of Hughes to change their Webster Road to Hughes –Webster Road.  Collyard said the sign would just get an additional sign placed above it saying “Barnes” so the cost would be minimal.  If we got the signage grant then all the signs would be changed so we could change that one at that time. Motion (Webb/Chermack) to pass this resolution to change Webster Road in the Township of Barnes to “Barnes-Webster Road”. Motion carried.

Ambulance and Fire Wage Discussion and Updates- The Clerk requested clarification to the wage sheets because both said wages would not be paid to a firefighter or trainee unless specifically requested for an Ambulance Driver.  A pay sheet was received where an EMT requested lifting assistance from a firefighter and the wage sheets didn’t address that.  Motion (Webb/Porter) to open the floor to discussion. Motion carried. Del Jerome felt it was a typo, that wasn’t the intention of the Board.  Motion (Chermack/Porter) to close the floor. Motion carried.   The Board agreed if an EMT requests assistance from a firefighter for lifting or other help it should be approved and paid.  Motion Webb/Porter) to change the descriptions on both to read: Pay per call will not be paid to firefighters or firefighter trainees  who respond to Ambulance calls who are not certified EMT’s or First Responders unless assistance is specifically requested. Motion carried.  The Clerk will make the necessary changes and copy the Board Members, Ambulance Director and Fire Chief.


Discussion on Lake Management Plan – Collyard said he received a letter from Jane Malischke of the DNR regarding our Lake Management grant. Cedar Corp had initially prepared the grant.  The person who prepared it left their employ and the ball got dropped.  He spoke with Patrick Bielfuss at Cedar Corp and they will assign someone to research it to make sure the final report is taken care of and the new deadline from the DNR is met.


Waterskiing and Jet skiing hours –Discussion on survey results and amendment to the Ordinance- The Clerk read the survey results at the last meeting and Board members wanted it on this agenda to discuss the results.  It was felt the best thing to do would be to table the discussion until a later date, have a time set up for the public to talk about their interests.  Webb felt we should advertise the meeting well, put it in the Shopper a few times so everyone would be aware of the meeting and have it later on in the spring or early summer so more people would be up here.


Bank Resolution approval to add supervisors as signers on the money market account.  The Clerk explained she had a discussion with the CPA who felt we should have a collateral agreement on this account because the FDIC only insured the funds up to $100,000.00.  She then spoke with the Bank of Drummond, they said on that account each “official custodian” or signer would be insured to $100,000.00, so if we had all the supervisors, chairman and clerk as signers on the account it would be insured for up to $600,000.00.  We could get a collateral agreement with the Bank of Drummond, but it would cost us around $1,800.00 per year, plus the bank would not be able to give us such a good interest rate.  Motion (Webb/Chermack) to pass the resolution authorizing adding supervisors as signers on the money market account. Motion carried.  Donna Porter will get the signature cards to us in April after the election.


Ambulance Director position and recommendations by the committee- Collyard explained the Committee met on March 9th.  It was felt a trial period should be done with combining the Ambulance and Fire Departments with one Director.  The committee felt we needed a clear chain of command.  They also felt a training officer is very important.  There is currently two for the ambulance and one for the fire department. This could eventually become a combined position.  Motion (Webb/Chermack) to appoint Fire Chief Tom Renz to head the Ambulance Department as Ambulance Director to be reviewed again for December 31, 2005. There will be a trial period from May 1, 2006 until December 31, 2006.  Motion carried. Renz can start working with the current Director immediately to provide a smooth transition.  Motion (Webb/Porter) to give Renz an additional $100.00 per month during the trial period from May through December.  Roll call vote taken: Webb-yes, Porter-yes, Meinke-yes, Chermack-yes, Collyard-yes. Motion carried.  The training officers were currently not being paid for their duties and Renz felt they should be. He recommended each department receive $500.00 per year extra for the training officer or officers.   Motion (Porter/Webb) that the training officers receive $500.00 per year for each department. Roll call vote taken: Porter-yes, Webb-yes, Chermack-yes, Meinke-yes, Collyard-yes. Motion carried.


Public Comment Session-5 minute limit for those not on the agenda:

Bud Pease spoke on the roads issue, Idlewild Lake Road, Mulligan Creek and more – The snowmobile clubs should be making their own trails, not the town using highway funds to make snowmobile trails.

Ron Pearson agreed, he said the snowmobiles are bad on Pease Road also.

Dave Pease agreed they are bad on Pease Road, it is very dangerous.

Randy Oberholzer said thanks to the Board and Jerry for addressing the roads situation on West Idlewild Lake Road.  He would like to get a “Caution-Children Present” sign to place on the road by there home. Collyard said we could do that; he will get the sign to them.  He suggested we put the snowmobile problem on the next agenda, ask the snowmobile alliance to be present along with law enforcement and designate one half  hour for a discussion. Collyard suggested we advertise it in the Shopper also.  


Issues Timeline Update – With Dixie leaving, Elaine will be taking over updating the timeline.  Collyard said Elaine will update it during each meeting adding any new additions or changes.   We need to add the Appointed Ambulance Director on the timeline so the Board will review in December when the trail period is almost up.


Motion (Porter/Chermack) to adjourn the meeting of March 21, 2006. Motion carried.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:50PM.


Respectfully Submitted,



Elaine J. Brustad,


dated this 28th day of March, 2006