OF FEBRUARY 23, 2006


The meeting was called to order at 4:00 PM. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was said. Roll call to establish a quorum was established. Jack Meinke-present, Chris Webb-present, Donna Porter-absent, Dixie Chermack-   present, Dick Collyard-present. Clerk verified the notice and agenda was posted as required. The Notice was also published in the Northwest Shopper and the change in date and time was published two times in the Shopper.  Motion ( Chermack/Meinke) to approve the February agenda. Motion carried.

Motion (Chemack/Meinke) to approve the minutes of the last regular board meeting and to dispense with the reading of the minutes. Motion carried.  The agenda for the meeting is as follows:



Call the meeting to order

Pledge Allegiance to the Flag

Roll Call to establish a quorum/Verification of Public Notice/Approve the February Agenda

Approve minutes of the Last Regular Board Meeting/Motion to dispense with reading of the minutes.

Treasurer’s Report

Voucher’s Approval

Clerk Correspondence

Discussion and Approval of Revaluation and Maintenance 3 year contract with Charlotte Johnson

Department Head Reports:


Resolutions to adopt change in the intersection of Blue Lake Road and Island Lake Road and change in the intersection of North Church Road and Halfway Road.


                Fire Department- Approval of New Firefighter

                Ambulance Department


Committee Reports: (will be read if needed)

Approval of E S & S Accessible Voting Equipment Invoice and Funding Application from State Elections Board.

Brad Anderson Easement Removal Request- Hold Harmless Agreement Approval

Zoning:                  1)   Special Use Permit request Lawrence Phillips – SE ¼ of SW1/4 S31, T44N, R9W

                                2)   Rezone request Paul Solberg/Jacqueline Thorn property from F-2 to R-2 –NW                                                  ¼ of NW1/4 S12, T44N, R9W.

                                3)   Rezone request Paul Solberg/Jacqueline Thorn property from F-2 to F-1 80                                                       acres SE ¼ of NE1/4 & NE ¼ of SE ¼ S 1, T44, R 9W.

Approval of Resolution to alter the plat of Jim Miller Subdivision to move the public access.

Bid Opening for Sanitation Building Construction

Town Road Damage Ordinance-Final approval and Adoption

Plan Commission Ordinance

Operator Licenses Approval – 2 year – Nancy Gohde

                                                          2 year-  Bobbie Klingbeil

Outlet Bay Road Bridge –discussion on engineering bids

Discussion on General Insurance Renewal

Ambulance Director Appointment Options

Town Complex Property Land Map  

Public Comment Session – 5 minute limit for those not on the Agenda

Issues Timeline Update


All Department Heads are required to be at the Regular Board Meetings

All Department Heads and Committee Heads must submit a signed written report to the clerk by friday evening prior to the Board Meeting.


The Town Board reserves the right to solicit information from

Department heads and Committee heads only, without openingthe floor to discussion.

Any persons requiring special needs for handicap services please contact the Clerk.


Elaine J. Brustad     Barnes Town Clerk-Treasurer

Dated this 20th day of February, 2006



The Clerk read the Treasurer’s report as follows:












Treasurers Report















Checking Balance from last meeting














Check #'s 20094-20142







January Tax Payment & other direct payments





Service Charge December & January plus deposit slips order




Interest Earned December and January





8 voided checks from 2004 and early 2005 not cashed































Highway Dept. Sinking Fund






BES Sinking Fund







Park Savings







Ski Trail Savings







Parade-Event-Calender Fund

Interest January 3.46




Skate Park Savings







Tax Checking


Will close acct in February




Money Market Savings
















Interest Earned







Deposit - Taxes







Ck #s 1011-1018




























Motion (Meinke/Porter) to accept the Treasurer’s report as written. Motion carried.


Voucher’s Approval

Motion (Chermack/Porter) to approve the voucher’s for payment. Motion carried.


Clerk Correspondence:  The Clerk reported she met with the CPA and she had advised the Clerk to check out if the Bank of Drummond offered a “collateral agreement” with the Town.   This was so the funds would be insured for more than $100,000.00 in the money market account, especially during tax time when there is more than $1,000,000.00 in the account. After checking with the bank she recommended not doing that as the Bank would not offer the same interest rate and there would be a charge to do so.  The bank recommended adding the remaining supervisors onto the Money Market account as signers, then the bank and FDIC could insure $100,000.00 for each official custodian or signer on the account and the money market account then would be at least covered to $600,000.00. 

There were 6 Intent to Cut Notices.  There was a letter from WITC regarding Board Member vacancies.  The Clerk reminded the Board members of the NIMS training on March 7th at 7:00 PM.  She needed a final tally by March 1st on who would be attending. The final numbers for the poll that went out with the taxes was as follows: Regarding continuing the Barnes area Business Park – 361 – no votes to 337 yes votes.  Regarding waterskiing and jetskiing hours on areas lakes: 472 votes for 10:00 AM to 5:00PM to 336 votes for 10:00AM to 6:00PM.  The Board wanted to put the hours issue on the next agenda to discuss it.  The Clerk also told the Board she wrote a letter to Dahlberg Light and Power to let them know who the UDC Inspector is for the Town as requested in a letter from them.


Discussion and Approval of Revaluation and Maintenance 3 year Contract with Charlotte Johnson.  Collyard said he felt the contract Charlotte had sent was basically the same wording as the contract the Board had signed for Maintenance, and the Clerk had also reviewed it.  Motion (Webb/Meinke) to do the reval this year and maintenance for two years thereafter with Charlotte Johnson and Company.  Chris Webb wanted to make sure Charlotte updated the Board on a regular basis as to where she was each month after starting.  Roll call vote taken: Meinke-yes, Porter-yes, Webb-yes, Chermack-yes, Collyard-yes. Motion carried.


Department Head Reports:

                  Highway – Resolutions to adopt change in the intersection of Blue Lake Road and Island Lake Road and change in the intersection of North Church Road and Halfway Road:  Jerry Witt explained these were both changed many years ago, the North Church Rd and Halfway Road were changed 18-20 years ago so that the roads lined up. The Blue Lake Road and Island Lake Road intersection was changed about 3-4 years ago because Blue Lake Road came into Island Lake Road at a 45 degree angle which was unsafe. It was changed to a 90 degree angle.  The State Road maps were never changed to reflect the physical changes.  A resolution or a Certified Survey is needed by the state to confirm these changes, and a resolution is less expensive to do.  In the future the state will require a CSM but they would accept a resolution for these two.     

Motion (Meinke/Chermack) to Change the intersection of North Church Road and Halfway Road as per Resolution R-06-02. Motion carried.

Motion (Chermack/Porter) to change the intersection of Blue Lake Road and Island Lake Road as per Resolution R-06-01. Motion carried.

                  Cemetary- The Clerk read the report from Bud Pease.  6 grave sites in the new addition, block 3, lots 1-8 were returned to the Town for $100.00, the purchase price by the Tomlinson family.  No other activity.

                  Fire Department-Approval of new firefighter –Christopher Pooler. Tom Renz read his report. There was one fire, a mutual aid call to Drummond.  He is working with the County Fire Association on getting aid to place two dry hydrants , there will be one in Potawatomi and one in the southern end of the township. Renz asked for approval of Christopher Pooler as a new firefighter. He has no experience.  Motion (Webb/Porter) to accept Christopher Pooler as a new firefighter. Motion carried.

                  Ambulance Department – Del Jerome was not present and there was no report read.

                  Constable – The Clerk read the report given to her by the Constable, who was not present. There were 4 alarms from the Sheriff, 6 snowmobile complaints, 3 assist motorist, 1 follow EMS, 1 check welfare of senior citizen, family could not reach. Made regular checks on homes and property of out of town residents, total 15. 640 miles logged, 31 gallons of fuel used.


Committee Reports:

                  Meinke spoke about the Driveway Ordinance Committee meeting, they came up with a model ordinance.  The next meeting will be on March 14th at 1:00 PM, the public is invited.

                  Chermack spoke on the CLUPC, the committee did not meet last night, the next meeting will be March 8th at 6:30PM. 


Approval of ES & S Accesible Voting Equipment Invoice and Funding Application from State Elections Board

Clerk explained the “free” accessible voting machine would have to be paid for by the Town then the State would reimburse the town after a grant application was received and approved.  The purchase price of this accessible voting machine is $5,466.00 initially, with up to $6,000.00 to be reimbursed by the State.The County Clerk was collecting all checks for the equipment to make one large purchase for the county.  She also presented a quote from ES & S for a tabulator, which would automatically count the votes as they were inserted into the ballot box.  The purchase of this machine was in the budget.  The total for the tabulator would be $5,402.00 with options.  Motion (Chermack/Webb) to approve the funding application and the purchase of the Model 100 tabulator with options for $5,402.00.  Roll call vote taken: Meinke-yes, Porter-yes, Webb-yes, Chermack-yes, Collyard-yes. Motion carried.


Brad Anderson Easement Removal Request – Hold Harmless Agreement Approval This request was tabled at the last meeting.  The Town’s Attorney had been contacted and he prepared a Hold Harmless Agreement for the Board members to review.  This agreement, if signed, would hold harmless the owners of the property the easement was on if there were any liability claims.  The town normally has some immunity by state statute for these kinds of liability, however the attorney advised by signing this agreement it could negate this immunity.  The clerk talked with the town insurance carrier who advised also not to sign the agreement. He felt it might be simpler for the parties to deed over the easement portion to the Town.  Motion (Meinke/Webb) to deny the request for removal of the easement. Collyard said he would speak to Mr. Anderson to see if they would be interested in deeding the easement to the Town, and what costs would be associated with that.  Motion carried.


Zoning – 1) Special Use Permit request Lawrence Phillips-SE ¼, of the SW ¼ S 31, T44N, R9W.  David Bohlinger, agent, was present to speak on the matter.  He asked for approval to build a family cabin with a privy on the 6.2 acre parcel.

Motion (Webb/Chermack) to open the floor to discussion to allow Mike Furtak from zoning to speak. Motion carried.

Furtak explained the parcel size was in compliance for this type of zoning request. He did feel that Bohlinger should have the property surveyed to make sure his lot lines were correct before building.  Motion (Webb/Chermack) to close the floor. Motion carried.  Motion (Chermack/Porter) to approve the special use permit application as it is in compliance with all zoning regulations and is at the intersection of two roads. Motion carried with Webb abstaining.


                  2) Rezone request Paul Solberg/Jacqueline Thorn property from F-2 to R-2, NW ¼ of NW ¼ S12, T44N, R9W.  Motion (Webb/Porter) to open the floor to discussion. Motion carried.  Furtak spoke on the rezone application. It was part of a 40 acre parcel that was in managed forest program.  He thought the minimum acreage required for managed forest was 30 acres, so it does not have the minimum acreage for that.  Motion (Webb/Chermack) to close the floor. Motion carried. Motion (Webb/Meinke) to approve the zoning request as it conforms to adjoining lots in the area and is less than the minimum required to be in managed forest. Motion carried.


                  3) Rezone request Paul Solberg/Jacqueline Thorn property from F-2 to F-1, 80 acres SE/14 of the NE ¼, and NE ¼ of the SE ¼ S1, T44N, R9W.

Chermack stated she was against the rezone because it is on the eastern edge of areas that are designated as residential on the proposed future land use map.  The committee chose this area to be private forest.  Since this is a large parcel and due to this fact and the large difference in zoning- 35 acres for building down to 4 ½ acres, because the future land use map has not been adopted at this time, but mainly because of its large size she felt it would be breaking up the forest.  She also said it looked like it was landlocked also so she felt the request should be denied.  Mr. Solberg spoke for his son, he said that was why they purchased the property, because it was landlocked.  The reason they wanted to have it rezoned was because they eventually would want to sell their current log home and maybe build on 5 acres of the 80.  They had no intentions of developing the acreage. Collyard wanted to know if someone was allowed to build in F-2 zoning.

Motion (Webb/Meinke) to open the floor to discussion. Motion carried.  Furtak said no dwellings are allowed in F-2 zoning.  They can petition for a variance to build on it though if they want.

Motion (Webb/Meinke) to close the floor to discussion. Motion carried.

Motion (Chermack/Porter) to disapprove the change from F-2 to F-1 since it is 80 acres feels it should remain forestry and stay a large tract.  The Board felt if they had no intentions of building on it why are they wanting the rezone.  If they would like to build in the future on 5 acres they can petition for a variance as Mike Furtak explained. Motion carried.

Motion (Webb/Porter) to reopen the floor to allow Mike Furtak to speak. Motion carried.  Furtak said another option would be to come back with a request to rezone a smaller portion of this piece, so they would have another option for building.  Motion (Webb/Chermack) to close the floor. 


Approval of Resolution to alter the plat of Jim Miller subdivision to move the public access.

This Resolution came from the attorney and this matter had been on the timeline for quite some time.  The new public access is in an area where it will be easier for getting to the water.  The old access lot was on higher terrain.  Motion (Webb/Meinke) to open the floor to discussion. Motion carried.  Furtak wanted to advise the Board if a plat is changed it has to be done by a Certified Survey Map. Webb said that has been done. Chermack said the original request was in March of 2005, and a motion was made then and approved by the Board to change it.  The request was done by Jim Miller Associates because the original lot designated for the access had a cliff and would be difficult to use as a public access.

Motion ( Webb/Collyard) to close the floor to discussion.

Motion (Webb/Porter) to approve the Resolution to change the public access lot in Jim Miller Subdivision. Motion carried.


Bid Opening for Sanitation Building Construction – 3 bids were received.  The 1st Proposal was from CARDS Bldg, Inc.

Labor and materials to erect 40’x60’x14’ order nbr 25983 on owners concrete base with owner supplied 14’x14’ sliding doors - $11,264.00.  Option #1-supply concrete grade beam w/cross ties reinforced 24x18 4000# test - $2,893.00. Option #2 – supply and install 24” dia x 5’ deep piers 4000# concrete w/cross ties -$2,819.00. Lean-to 12x30” covering grade beam for dumpster location. Labor and foundation only. Steel sheeting and red iron supplied by Allied Steel & Town of Barnes - $4142.00.

2nd Proposal by Mountaineer Construction –This is for the layout, pouring of anchor bolts and erection of steel building and all associated work in compliance with building mfg’s drawings that were given to Mountaineer Construction by the Town of Barnes.  This will include 2 sliding doors on gable ends & 1 service door on one gable end. Materials to be supplied by Town of Barnes. Lean to off of sidewall over trash compactor and dumpster, as well as any other projects not contained in mfg drawing will be billed on a time and materials basis at an hourly rate of $27.00 per man. Note: A $2500.00 discount for using Town of Barnes equipment and operator for one week for the erection of the building.

3rd Proposal by Marv Thompson and Son Construction – erection of a 40’wide x 60’long metal building with a 12’ wide x 30’ long lean-to type building. Labor $14,996.00 Building foundation- there is a total of 14 piers figured in the price. We have figured pier foundation as per experiences we have had on commercial buildings sitting on pier foundation.  $15,960.00.  Jerry Witt looked at all bids. Motion (Webb/Porter) to open the floor to discussion. Motion carried.  Marv Thompson of Marv Thompson and Son Construction was the only bidder present.  He stated he felt that it would be difficult to compare each bid since each bid out differently due to the lack of foundation requirements.  Motion (Webb/Porter) to close the floor to discussion. Motion carried. Witt felt the bids should be rejected and to go out again for bidding giving more specific requirements.  Motion (Webb/Meinke) to reject any and all bids and rebid the project when we have more information to give out.  Motion carried.


Town Road Damage Ordinance-final approval and adoption. The Board had tabled this at the last regular board meeting in order to view a Wisline session regarding road damage ordinances and permitting.  Motion (Chermack/Porter) to approve the Town Road Damage Ordinance. Motion carried.


Plan Commission Ordinance – The attorney had reviewed the ordinance and submitted the final draft for the Board to review. Motion (Webb/Chermack) to approve the Plan Commission Ordinance-Chapter 18. Motion carried.


Operator License Approval – 2 year license for Nancy Gohde – The Clerk stated she had received the fee of $15.00 for a 2 year license, a background check had been completed which was ok, and Nancy had submitted her Responsible Beverage Server certificate as required. Motion (Porter/Webb) to approve the 2 year operator license application for Nancy Gohde. Motion carried.

Operator License approval  - 2 year license for Bobbie Klingbeil.  The clerk said she had received the fee for a 2 year license from Bobbie, a background check had been performed which was ok and a copy of the Responsible Beverage Server Certificate was received from her.  Motion (Porter/Webb) to approve the 2 year Operator License for Bobbie Klingbeil. Motion carried.


Outlet Bay Road Bridge – discussion on engineering bids- Chairman Collyard explained the Town will need Engineering specs before we can get funding for repair or replacement of the bridge.  He received a letter from Strand Engineers who gave an approximate design fee figure of $40,000.00. The approximate cost to replace the bridge on Outlet Bay Road to be $170,000.00.  Collyard thought we needed to start looking at engineering costs and be aware we would need to budget for them in 2007. It was suggested the Clerk call Mark Abels- Allison, the County Administrator, to see about Federal and State Grants for construction and also to check to see if we need to put the engineering portion out on bids. 


Discussion on General Insurance Renewal – The Clerk said she had received notice of renewal for the Town’s General Insurance Policy, which will be effective April 1st.  She wanted to see if the Board members wanted her to get other bids on the insurance this year.  Last year they had done so.  Webb said as long as we had done it last year she felt every two years was sufficient since Wausau had done such a good job for us.


Ambulance Director Appointment OptionsCollyard explained he felt the Board needed to start a committee to study all the options for the appointed Ambulance Director position.  He felt he would like to have himself, Chris Webb, Donna Porter, Del Jerome and Tom Renz involved, and maybe one other person.  He would call everyone when he got back and set a time for everyone to meet.


Town Complex Property Land MapCollyard had hired Fred Goold per Chris Webb’s suggestion to do a site plan of the town complex.  The cost was $290.00.  He had given a copy to one of the BAHA members to review at their next meeting.  The next thing to do would be to contact the owners of the 35 acres to the north to see if they would want to donate that parcel to the town.


Public Comment Session – 5 minute limit for those not on the Agenda – No one asked to be heard.


Issues Timeline Update- The clerk and Dixie Chermack will update the timeline between meetings.


Motion (Porter/Webb) to adjourn the meeting of February 23, 2006. Motion carried.  The meeting was adjourned at 6:20PM


Respecfully submitted,


Elaine J. Brustad,


Dated this 3rd day of March, 2006.