The meeting was called to order at
Motion (Chemack/Meinke)
to approve the minutes of the last regular board meeting and to dispense with
the reading of the minutes. Motion carried. The agenda for the meeting is as follows:
Call the meeting to order
Pledge Allegiance to the
Roll Call/Quorum
Call/Verification of Public Notice and Approve the January Agenda
Approve the Minutes of the
Last Regular Board Meeting-Motion to dispense with the reading of minutes
Treasurer’s Report
Voucher’s Approval
Clerk / Correspondence
New Town Office Hours
Department Head Reports:
Department –
Committee Reports: (will be read if needed)
– 1)Special Use Permit Application Charles Esperson Property on 43 road (NW/14 of the SE1/4, S11,
T43N, R9W)
removal request Brad Anderson Lot 1 Cree Addition to Potawatomi
Estates, 55715 Wilderness Court
for Planning Commission
of Plan Commission Members
Damage Ordinance – Approval and Adoption
Services Resolution – Amendment to Ordinance Number Chapter 3 Section 3-2(c)
Director Job Description
2006 Budget for Network Proposal of $4,400.00
License Application – Miranda Plahn 2 -year
Frable – 2 year
Public Comment
Session – 5 minute limit for those not on the Agenda
of Revaluation of property in Barnes
of the Town Map
Issues Timeline-Update
Elaine J. Brustad Barnes
Town Clerk/Treasurer
Dated this 16th Day of January, 2006
The Clerk read the Treasurer’s report:
Report |
Balance from last meeting |
$12,415.80 |
16558-16578 |
$3,007.66 |
Check #'s
20010-20093 |
($43,364.32) |
Tax Payment & other direct payments |
($4,651.18) |
Charge (not received) |
$0.00 |
Earned (not received) |
$0.00 |
from Money Market Savings Account |
$50,000.00 |
$17,407.96 |
Dept. Sinking Fund |
Sep & Dec 4.03 |
$1,068.94 |
Sinking Fund |
Dec 30.49 |
$16,160.89 |
Savings |
Dec 21.64-Trans to Gen Fund 1002.17 |
$10,467.76 |
Ski Trail
Savings |
Dec .95 |
$503.02 |
Parade-Event-Calender Fund |
$1,832.31 |
Dec .85 |
$451.60 |
Checking |
Dec .15 -Trans to Gen Fund 357.57 |
$0.15 |
Market Savings |
$824,921.30 |
to Genl fund
($50,000.00) |
Earned |
$1,724.90 |
Deposit -
Taxes |
$903,775.36 |
Ck #s
1007-1010 January |
Settlement |
($497,043.25) |
$872,813.93 |
(Webb/Meinke) to approve the Treasurer’s report as
read. Motion carried.
(Webb/Chermack) to approve the voucher’s.
Motion carried.
Dick Collyard asked for a motion to move the agenda item “Discussion on revaluation of property in Barnes” as Charlotte Johnson, the assessor, was here to speak and would be traveling back to her home in Unity after talking. Motion (Chermack/Meinke) to move the agenda item up to this slot. Motion carried. The Clerk introduced the Assessor to the members of the audience, and said she had spoken to her last week regarding a number of parcels with no improvements on the tax bills that she knew should have improvement values on them. Ms. Johnson said she had also noted a number of parcels with no improvements that she had picked up with building permits. She had asked the Clerk to supply her with building permits from 1999 through 2003 so that she could check to see if there were more. She felt with the number of parcels she and the clerk had discovered she felt the Town Board should consider doing a “reval” this year instead of waiting until next year. She would propose doing it for a cost of $16,500.00 per year for three years which would include two years of maintenance and one year for the reval. She would send a contract out for the Board to review.
Clerk Correspondence: The Clerk said she had received a letter from Denise Scharlemann and Robert Cochrane regarding changing the hours for waterskiing and jet skiing back to the 5:00PM quitting time. There was no other correspondence.
New Town Office Hours – Collyard had asked the Clerk to put this on the
agenda for everyone to note. It was posted in the newsletter that went out with
the tax bills but Collyard wanted it to get into the
minutes. The hours will remain the same
during the week but Saturday hours will be every third Saturday from
Highway Report – Jerry Witt was not in attendance and didn’t leave a report for the Clerk to read.
Cemetary Report – Bud Pease said there was no activity last month.
Fire Department – Tom Renz was not at the meeting, his report stated there were no calls. The second part of entry level (classes) have started and is underway.
Ambulance – Del Jerome said there was 1 run since the last meeting, with 73 runs total for 2005.
Constable – The Clerk read the Constable’s report: 3 alarms (from Sheriff), 3 assist motorist, 2 assist resident, 5 atv snowmobile complaints, 4 animal complaints, 2 deer hits, for a total of 19. Total miles logged 590, fuel used 38 gallons.
Committee Reports: Webb reported on the
Recreational Committee, the next
meeting will be the 15th of February. The ice skating rink was being
flooded again tonight, Gene Miller had an electrician estimate the cost for improvements
to the warming shack. It will be around $700.00. There will be lights on a
timer that will only stay on for an hour at a time. Also the heat will be set
up on a timer. He was getting a heavy-duty
door closure for the shack too and all this should be installed within the next
few weeks. Dave Pease reported on the Land Use Committee, saying the timeline
is set up, hopefully
the Public Meeting for acceptance will be in July. There is a seminar on the 1st of
February he and several others were going to attend on the Comprehensive Plan
Implementation Workshop.
Zoning – Special Use Permit Application Charles Esperson property on 43Road (NW ¼ of the SE ¼, S11, T 43N, R9W) Mr Esperson was present and said there was an old trailer now on the property that he wanted to replace with a hunting cabin. Motion (Webb/Meinke ) to approve the special use permit request for a cabin in a F-1 Forestry District. Webb said she felt it was good that the trailer was being replaced by a new structure. Meinke said the request fits with the contemplated land use plan. Motion carried.
Easement removal request by
Brad Anderson for lot 1 Cree Addition to Potawatomi
(Webb/Meinke) to close the floor to discussion.
Motion carried. Collyard said he had been
contacted by the Realtor this last summer regarding this and he looked at the
property then. He stated if there was a
recorded easement he would not be in favor of removing it but he spoke only for
himself and not the rest of the Board.
Webb said the board needed more time to check things out. Meinke felt they
needed to know what the terrain was like there exactly, to see if it was
feasible to move the road over. He
seemed to remember the lot for the boat landing was quite steep and that was
probably why people used a portion of the lot next door as it was a natural
incline down to the lake from there. Motion
(Webb/Meinke) to table the request until a further
date to give the board time to look at all the information. They needed a copy of the certified survey map
to look at. It was also felt the Board needed to contact the Town’s attorney to
see if we can actually do that . They wanted to also get the Town Foreman out
there to see what would be needed to move the road onto the landing
property. Mr. Anderson said it is only a
few feet onto the fifteen foot easement, at the top of his land right off
Ordinance for Planning Commission – Chermack spoke about the proposed ordinance and section 17 in particular. She thinks the board has not done its picking and choosing and they need to look at it closer, contacting the attorney for legal advice on which items to keep and which ones to get rid of. Meinke said we should have had the planning commission ordinance in place before the land use committee was started. This should be tabled and have each Board member look at it closely and give their ideas to Collyard. Collyard said he also didn’t want to appoint the Plan Commission members until the ordinance has been approved. Motion (Meinke/Chermack) to table the Planning Commission Ordinance and its appointments to the commission until the attorney has reviewed it. Motion carried.
Appointment of Plan Commission Members – see above, this was tabled in a Motion with tabling the Ordinance.
Road Damage Ordinance –Approval and Adoption Chris Webb said she was reading the January issue of the Wisconsin Towns Association magazine and in it was a Wisline Series –Driving the Road Permitting Process. The class was held on January 12th, but maybe we could get a transcript of the course to review before this ordinance is adopted. Motion (Webb/Chermack) to table this ordinance until we get more information on the Wisline session. The Clerk will contact WTA and see if we can get a transcript or written materials of the series. Motion carried.
Emergency Services Resolution –Amendment to Ordinance Number Chapter 3 Section 3-2C. The Clerk read the paragraph titled “Organization” in which the first sentence and second to last sentences were deleted. The first sentence-“The
ambulance service shall have a director, assistant director,
and secretary-treasurer who are certified emergency technicians and members of
the Barnes Ambulance Service” was deleted as it is redundant. It is mentioned also
in Section 3-2d. The other sentence
deleted was “The director shall keep members informed of training offered in
locations outside of the town of
Ambulance Director Job Description- Collyard had worked on redoing the job description for
Ambulance Director. He asked for suggestions or changes to be noted and brought
up at tonight’s meeting. There were no
changes. Motion (Webb/Chermack) to accept the job
description for Ambulance Director. Motion carried.
Amend the 2006 Budget for the Network
Proposal of $4,400.00. The network
proposal for $4,400.00 by Network It would be taken out of the Capital Outlay
for General Government for 2006. Motion (Webb/Chermack)
to amend the capital outlay budget for 2006 to include the Network It Proposal
for $4,400.00. Roll call vote taken: Chermack-yes, Meinke-yes, Webb-yes, Porter-absent, Collyard-yes.
Motion carried.
Operator License for Miranda
Plahn – 2 year, and Donald Frable-
2 year. The Clerk had received applications and the required
fee from both for a two year operator License.
Both had taken the Responsible Beverage Service Course and both had
background checks which were ok. Motion
(Meinke/Webb) to approve both Operator Licenses for a
two year term. Motion carried.
Public Comment Session – 5 minute limit for those not on the agenda
Dave Pease mentioned he felt those asking the board for approval on zoning issues and the like should provide the Board with adequate maps. If not they should be sent home to redo their application.
Johnson spoke on the issue of the PUD on
Update of the Town Map The clerk had copied a map Northwest regional Planning had prepared in the 70’s of the town building site with the park area. The map does not give the full picture of the property. Motion (Webb/Meinke) to update the map. Motion carried. Chermack also said we should get maps of all the town property from the County. David Lee is the person to contact. Webb said she knows the person who originally updated the map for us and he is retired now. He may consider doing it for us at a lower cost than Northwest Regional Planning. The Clerk will check to see what we have in the vault. Collyard said he would contact the County.
Issues Timeline Update Under General Ordinances- A) Abandon Roads-
it should be taken off the timeline to add at a later date when we have an
updated list of roads. B) Rustic roads –
Still a work in process. D) Contractor Road Damage-Clerk to check wisline program and this will be put on February
Agenda. E) Driveway Ordinance – Meeting
of the committee will be Tuesday the 24th at 1:00 PM. F)Slow-No Wake Ordinance – Will be addressed in the future.
G) – Plan Commission Ordinance – tabled until February agenda, revisions to be
sent to the Chairman, he will speak with the attorney.
New Town Letterhead – Collyard took the disk to Advance Printing to have them
convert that to a file which the clerk would be able to use on her
computer. Webb thought the Town of
Board also wanted to formally thank Harry Watts for the letterhead design. They were very appreciative.
Website Updates- Work in process.
Drivers Licenses in Personnel Files- Donna Porter and Tom Renz had been notified of whose licenses the Clerk still needed. Those not received by January 31st will be sent a registered letter from the Board that if a copy of the license is not received by February 14th they will be suspended.
(Meinke/Webb) to adjourn the Regular Board Meeting of
Respecfully submitted,
Elaine J. Brustad,
Dated this 23rd day of January, 2006.