Chairman Dick Collyard called
the meeting to order at
The Pledge of Allegiance was
the meeting to order
Pledge Allegiance to
the Flag
Roll Call/Quorum Call/Verification of
Public Notice and Approve the December Agenda
Approve the Minutes of the Last Regular
Board Meeting-Motion to dispense with the reading of minutes
Treasurer’s Report
Voucher’s Approval
Clerk / Correspondence
Department Head Reports:
Fire Department
Committee Reports: (will be read if needed)
Zoning – 1) Petition for rezone by Mosinee
Timberland Co. LLC Owner, William Steigerwaldt, agent
Gregoire, purchaser. 40 acre parcel SW
¼, SW ¼ Section 35, Township 46N, Range 9W
Nomination of Lu Peet as Chief Election
Inspector to replace Kitty Smith
Ambulance and Fire Department employee pay
rate schedule
Ambulance Rates to charge the public
Approval of Barnes-Drummond Wildfire
Protection Plan
Computer networking proposal
Computer purchase for Highway department
Appoint committee members for Driveway
Ordinance Committee
Ordinance for Planning Commission
Appointment of Planning Commission Members
Road Damage Ordinance – Approval and
Public Comment Session – 5 minute limit for
those not on the Agenda
Issues Timeline-Update
The verification of public
notice and approval of the December agenda and roll call for quorum vote was taken.
(Meinke, yes; Webb, yes; Chermack, yes; Porter, yes; and Collyard, yes. Call for discussion. Motion
Motion (Porter / Meinke) to approve
the dispensing of reading the Minutes of the last regular Town Board meeting
and the acceptance of the Minutes as presented. Call for
discussion. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: The Deputy Clerk read the Treasurer’s Report as
Checking Balance from last meeting $ 5,886.10
Receipts # 16522-# 16557 $ 23,350.58
Checks # 19928-# 20009 $ (38,788.06)
November Tax
Payment and other direct payments $
Service Charge November $ (7.00)
Interest Earned November $
Transfer from Money Market
Savings Account $ 25,000.00
Department Sinking Fund
$ 1,064.91
Sinking Fund $ 16,130.40
Savings $ 11,448.29
Parade-Event-Calendar Fund $ 1,832.31
Ski Trail Savings $
Skate Park Savings $
Tax Checking and Savings
Account Interest $.15 $ 357.57
Money Market Savings $ 466,464.29
Transfer to General Fund ($25,000.00)
Earned $
Deposit-Taxes $97,014.10
Motion (Webb / Collyard) to approve
the Treasurer’s Report as given. Call for discussion. Motion carried.
Vouchers Approval:
Motion (Chermack / Porter) to
approve the vouchers as presented. Call for discussion. Motion carried.
Clerk / Correspondence:
Ski Hours
Department Head Reports
Department: Jerry Witt wanted to
thank the Fire Department for the use of the Jaws of Life in
fixing the pilings. This job is complete for now, but in
spring the crew will re-straighten the pilings.
Witt said that he met with the representative from North
West Regional Planning on the PASER system.
Witt gave a brief outline on the PASER program and what
the WISLR program is. PASER stands for
Pavement Surface Evaluation and Rating system that is
entered into the State’s data base called WISLER or Wisconsin Information System for Local Roads. This
rates the roads on their general condition and is used by local governments to make more efficient use of their
highway systems. Witt also spoke on the brushing
that the crew has been doing. Witt said that one of the biggest problems that
the crew has, is overhanging
branches. They have been out cutting
branches along the town roads as this hasn’t been done for quite a while. They have been piling the branches in big piles
and burning them. This is OK for winter, but
they won’t be able to burn in summer. Also on roads like
come in for the new town truck to replace the old pickup.
$50,000.00 was budgeted for the new truck and the
bid came in at $47,929.00. The board has
to approve the bid, even though it was in the budget. Porter said that the board will have to have a
special board meeting to approve this as it is not on the agenda tonight.
Cemetery: The Deputy Clerk read the report given by Walter (Bud)
Pease as follows: There has been no
Fire Department: Fire Chief Tom Renz reported that he wanted board
approval for two new firefighters.
Town Board did not act on this approval at tonight’s meeting, but will address
this at the next Special
Board meeting.] Dave Schiess has returned from his leave of absence and has
been returned to his
as 2nd Assistant Chief. We have received a donation from the Fire
Department in
Ambulance Department: Ambulance Director Del Jerome gave the following
report: There have been
calls since the last meeting-two to
Constable: The Deputy Clerk read the report from Constable Mike
O’Keefe as he was not feeling well and
not present. There were 4 alarms from the Sheriff, 5 trespass complaints
(hunting season), 3 assist
2 deer hits, 2 abandoned vehicles (contacted Sheriff), 3 firearms / fireworks
complaints and 2
checks (hunters who needed to call home) for a total of 21 calls. There was a
total of 620 miles and
used was 35 gallons.
Committee Reports
Roads: Jack Meinke gave the report
for Sharon Moen as follows: The Drummond Town Board had
vetoed the Rustic Road Resolution
at their last meeting. Tars
status without the Town of
Recreation Committee: Chris Webb reported on the update of the activities of
the committee. There will be no meeting until January of 2006. The ice rink has
been flooded by members of the Fire Department. There have been some problems
with the initial flooding, but these are being worked out. The flooding should
have been done in stages. Paul Merz has given the Gene Miller an estimate on
fixing the warming shed, but there has been no OK so far. Webb said maybe the
chairman of the committee has been working on this too. Webb said that the goal
of the committee is to continue to get more new members. The committee meets
once every three months or so. Donna Porter said that the committee should
report to the board on a regular basis or when they have something they are
working on and should be included on the agenda. Webb said that no elections
for officers have been held yet.
Zoning: 1.) Petition for rezone by Mosinee Timberland
CO, LLC-Owner, William Steigerwaldt, agent Earl Gregoire, purchaser. 40 acre
parcel SW ¼, SW ¼ Section 35, Township 46N, Range 9W. Earl Gregoire spoke on the issues for the rezoning
request from F2 to R2. There was discussion on what the Comprehensive Land Use
Plan had proposed for the usage of this land on the future planning map.
Gregoire said that it was planned as Residential. Dixie Chermack asked if the
Nomination of Lu Peet as Chief Election Inspector to
replace Kitty Smith: Dick Collyard
explained that Mrs. Smith was in the process of moving away and that this
position needed to be filled. Mrs. Peet said that she had the training for the
position when she was Town Clerk. Peet said that if there was any opposition
from the other members of the Town’s Election Board, she would not mind if
someone else was named Chief, but that she would be on the board anyway. Motion (Chermack / Meinke) to appoint Lu Peet to replace Kitty
Smith as the Chief Election Inspector. Call for discussion. Motion
Ambulance and Fire Departments-Employee pay rate
schedule: The board had discussion on
the rate for Fire Chief and Assistant Chief, Ambulance Director and Assistant
Director and the Secretaries for both departments for 2006. Collyard said that
there is a difference [$12.76 for Fire Chief and Ambulance Director and $6.32
for the Assistant Ambulance Director and Assistant Fire Chief per month] from
the proposed amount listed $4,400.00 and $2,200.00 per year projected for 2006
and what was paid out this year, $4412.76 and $2,206.32. Where did this
difference come from? Lu Peet said it may have come from a transposition of
figures at one time and was never caught until now. It should have been the
$4,400.00 and $2,200.00 figures. Webb said that the figures should go
back to the original amounts
of $4,400.00 and $2,200.00. Chermack said she thought the board was going to be
going over all of these salaries. Should they still be paid this amount or
should they be paid less or maybe more. Chermack thought the board was going to
revisit the whole pay schedule. Webb said that the board was going to discuss
this tonight and not just approve it. The board wanted to put in a new pay
schedule and make it for a full calendar year and then review it every year. Webb
asked if one department is more important than the other just because they are
called out more often than the other department. Chermack said that maybe there
is more work in that department because they get more calls. Renz noted that
that the Ambulance Department gets paid for more often for going out on the
calls than the Fire Department, but the board is discussing the base wages here.
Each department has responsibilities for training records, both have to keep
certification, so is there much difference in the paperwork? Collyard said we
have the Emergency Services and how can we compare which service is more
important and he didn’t see paying one department less than the other. Chermack
questioned if an assistant was necessary. Both Jerome and Renz said that their
assistants filled in for them when they were gone and both did a lot of work
behind the scenes and were necessary to the departments. Webb asked if there
could be a decision made on the administrative wages. Motion (Webb / Meinke) that
the Administrative wages for 2006 would be $4,400.00 for the Fire Chief and
Ambulance Director, $2,200.00 for the Assistant Fire Chief and Assistant
Ambulance Director, and $500.00 for the Secretary / Treasurer of each
department. Call for discussion. There was a question on the
correct wording for each position on the sheets that were handed out. They will
be corrected to read as in this motion. Roll call vote taken: Webb, yes,
Chermack, yes, Meinke, yes, Porter, abstained and Collyard, yes. Motion
carried. Webb said that the next section on the Fire Department
wages needed to be clarified. There were discrepancies on what the original
intent should have been. Webb went through the list of wages for the Fire
Department. The changes that she suggested for clarification are the following:
1). Pay per call-Firefighter.-This should be $31.00 for the call including
the 1st hour. 2). There was discussion on when a firefighter should
be paid for an ambulance call assist. Renz
was asked if a fire fighter who assists at an ambulance call should be paid for
the call. Renz said that only a certified 1st Responder or EMT
should respond. As far as the fire fighters, as long as they were specifically
requested to assist, they should be paid, otherwise, no. Webb said this should
be changed to read “firefighters will not be paid unless specifically
requested to assist on an ambulance call” for clarification. Del Jerome
said that we have to be careful when asking the firefighters to assist at all, because
of HIPPA. There are usually enough people who respond. In the rare event we do
need assistance we want this clause in there. If they do show up, they will not
be paid. 3). There was discussion if the fire department was ever on stand-by.
Renz said that they are, but that the person has to be at the hall or at the
prescribed location for stand-by to qualify for pay. The $15.00 per hour would
apply here also. 4). Pay per call-Trainee-There was discussion on the wage for
this. After much discussion, it was decided to change the amount to $10.00 per
hour for false alarms, cancelled calls, stand-bys, respond to incident
requiring action for the call including the first hour and respond to incident
requiring action per hour after the first hour. As it is now, there is no
incentive to go to the next step. Renz said that by law, the person has two
years to get the training then he or she would be released from the department.
Webb thought the ambulance driver situation could be addressed when the board
does the Ambulance Department wages and the board should make the motion on
just the Pay per call for firefighters and trainees. Chermack said just for clarify
the paragraph under Administrative Wages for 1st Responders as Ambulance
Driver should be removed. Webb said yes that this should be part of the motion.
(Meinke / Chermack ) that all wages per hour under Pay per call-Trainee: False
alarms, canceled calls and stand-bys should be $10.00 per hour instead of
$15.00 and that the respond to call requiring action will read $10.00 for the
call including the first hour and $10.00 for each hour thereafter.
Call for discussion. Roll
call vote taken; Meinke, yes; Webb, yes;
Porter, yes; Collyard, yes and Chermack, yes. Motion carried. Pay
per call for Firefighter- Motion (Chermack / Porter) that the pay
is $15.00 per hour for false alarms, cancelled calls and stand-bys. The respond
to calls requiring action for firefighter will be $31.00 for the call which
includes the first hour and $15.00 for each hour thereafter. Call
for discussion. Collyard wanted a clarification on the issue of stand-by that
it was “per hour” not “per call”. Roll call vote taken: Webb, yes; Porter,
yes; Meinke, yes; Chermack, yes and Collyard, yes. Motion carried. Motion
(Webb / Meinke) to define Pay per Call as those members who respond to the
events listed as false alarms, cancelled calls, stand-bys and incidents
requiring action. Pay per call will not be paid to Firefighters who respond to
calls who are not certified 1st Responders or EMT’s will not be paid
unless specifically requested to assist. Call for discussion.
Porter said we are not going to pay the firefighters correct? Webb, only if
requested. Roll call vote taken: Porter,
yes; Chermack, yes; Meinke, yes; Webb, yes and Collyard, yes. Motion carried.
Webb said that the ambulance driver, whether driven by a fire fighter or EMT or
1st Responder, all have the same responsibility and should be
paid the same. This would be
$31.00 for driving which includes the first hour and then $15.00 for each hour
thereafter. This motion would include the wages for the Ambulance Department as
well as the Fire Department for this category. Motion (Webb / Meinke) to have
the pay for Ambulance Driver, whether Firefighter, EMT or 1st
Responder be $31.00 for the call which includes the first hour and then $15.00
for each additional hour. Call for discussion. Roll call vote taken: Meinke,
yes; Webb, yes; Porter, abstain; Chermack, yes and Collyard, yes. Motion
carried. In House Meetings and Training-Webb said that the In-house
meetings are covered by LOSA policy and the Fire Chief keeps track of how many
meetings each member attends. How many meetings attended determines if the
person qualifies for LOSA. Renz at this time said that the board passed the
motion for Ambulance Driver before addressing the issue of a trainee as a
driver. Renz asked why a trained person should be paid the same as an untrained
person. Webb asked if this should also be $10.00. There was discussion on where the $31.00 came
from. This was rounded off from the original pay of $30.66 about 5 years ago.
Collyard explained that we are different in that we require two EMT’s in the
back, plus a driver. The state only requires two EMT’s in the ambulance. Jerome
said he wanted two EMT’s in the back if at all possible. There was discussion
on this. Collyard said that anyone who is a driver, but not an EMT or 1st
Responder should get $10.00 per hour. There
was more discussion on this issue. Webb
rescinded her motion on the Ambulance Driver motion in order to clarify it and
Meinke rescinded his second of that motion. Motion (Meinke / Porter) to
pay $31.00 per call which includes the first hour and $10.00 per hour
thereafter for any firefighter, including trainees, who drive the ambulance. Call
for discussion. Roll call vote taken: Chermack, yes; Porter, yes; Meinke, yes; Webb,
yes and Collyard, yes. Motion carried. Webb then went back to the
issue of Meetings and Training pay. In House meetings are covered by LOSA.
Training sessions are never held on a regular meeting night Renz said. Webb
said that Training and In House meetings should both be under LOSA. There was
discussion on Only those training
sessions needed to keep certification current will be covered by the town.
Initial training WITC sponsored will be paid by the Town. Registration and class
fees and mileage to and from classes will be paid and per diem will be paid. Car
pooling required. Per Diem will not be paid for initial training classes. Renz
asked if there would be no training paid by the town for training not required
for certification. Webb said that she did not mean that. The clarification was
made that other training would be paid by the town for the Fire Department. The
line will be struck as noted. There was discussion that this whole issue should
have been dealt with at a separate meeting. Motion (Webb /Porter) because
of the lateness of the hour that we make the changes to the Fire Department as
discussed tonight and have the Fire Chief present the 2006 wage policy to their members at their meeting tomorrow
night and work on the Ambulance Department at a later time. The document will
be clarified with the changes that were made. Call for discussion. Roll
call vote taken: Chermack, yes; Porter, yes; Meinke, yes; Webb, yes and
Collyard, yes. Motion carried. Collyard said we would leave the
Ambulance Department for later.
Ambulance Rates to charge the public: There was discussion on Ambulance charges. There was
discussion on what is defined as resident and non resident. Motion
(Webb / Chermack) to increase the loaded mileage rate from $8.25 to $10.00 per
loaded mile. Call for discussion. Webb asked what the definition of
a “loaded mile” is. Collyard said that it is when the patient is in the
ambulance. Roll call vote taken: Meinke, yes; Chermack, yes; Porter, yes; Webb,
yes and Collyard, yes. Motion carried. There was discussion on the
term resident, non resident or contractee. The ambulance service fee is now
$300.00. Collyard recommended it be $400.00. Motion (Webb / Meinke) to open
the floor to discussion. Call for discussion. Motion carried. There
was discussion on what a taxpayer was as opposed to a resident. If a person who
is at a resident’s house would that person be considered as part of the
resident’s family. Webb said that she thought that this would be someone who
was just traveling through
Barnes, the transient person.
Renz asked if it would be some discrimination here. Collyard said no it is not
illegal. Mike Furtak said if it is the intention to respond to a property in
Barnes, you will only charge those who do not pay taxes to Barnes a different
rate. Chermack asked why all should not pay the same fee. There was discussion
on how many people are transported who are not from the area. Jerome could find
out. This discussion was postponed until the special town board meeting. Motion
(Porter / Webb) to close the floor to discussion. Call for
discussion. Motion carried.
Approval of Barnes-Drummond Wildfire Protection Plan: There was discussion on the plan that had been made
available to the board members for review. Motion (Porter / Chermack) that the Town
Board of the Town of
Computer Networking Proposal: Dick Collyard said that he had met with Network It and
asked them to walk through our facilities here. Collyard said the Town needs to
get into the 21st century. With networking, we could go to one DSL
line. Collyard passed out information to the board members. After some discussion,
the board members decided to postpone this issue until the next special town
board meeting.
Computer purchase for Highway Department: This was discussed during the Highway Department
Appoint committee members for Driveway Ordinance Committee:
There was discussion on having a 5-7
member board. The committee would look at creating the Town’s ordinance and
then present it to the County. Collyard said that this is agreeable to Karl
Kastroski. So far, Jack Meinke and Jerry Witt are on the committee. Mike Furtak would attend the meetings as an
advisory member. If there isn’t
enough response, a notice would be put in the paper requesting persons to sign
on. Motion
(Porter / Webb) to open the floor to discussion. Call for discussion. Motion
carried. Mike Furtak asked
if this would only be for new driveways, as this would make a huge difference
on who would want to be on the committee. Collyard said that it would only be
new ones for now. Furtak asked if the Town is responsible for supplying the
emergency services to the people, does the Town have the right to impose these
driveway conditions on private property. The committee will have to look at all
of these issues. The attorney and the
Ordinance for Planning Commission members: Dick Collyard said that the board members just got the
Ordinance from Tim Kane and that the board would need some time to look it
over. The Planning Commission is the agency that reviews the plan after the
public meetings. Collyard said we would like to adopt this ordinance. Only five
members are necessary for this commission. Chermack said that because she had
just gotten the information tonight, she would not feel comfortable voting on
this issue tonight. This issue will be put on the January 2006 regular Town
Board meeting agenda.
Appointment of Planning Commission members: This issue will also be postponed until the January
2006 regular Town Board meeting.
Road Damage Ordinance: The board members discussed the ordinance as drafted
by the attorney. Chermack said that she did not agree with the wording on the
General Provisions statement, as it sounds as if the Town is giving permission
to “damage” the roads. There was discussion on the wording. It was suggested
that the wording be changed in the section (d) GENERAL PROVISIONS part (2) to read
“No person or entity shall cause damage to any highway or bridge under the
Town’s jurisdiction without a prior written permit issued by the Town of Barnes
agreeing to repair any and all damage.” Motion (Chermack / Meinke) to open the
floor to discussion. Call for discussion. Motion carried.
Mike Furtak said that the Town has the jurisdiction over its roads, the County
over its roads, etc. People should have to pay for the damage that they do to
the roads or bridges to whatever governmental agency that is responsible for
those roads. Motion (Chermack / Porter) to close the floor to discussion.
Call for discussion. Motion carried. Motion (Webb /
Porter) to approve the Ordinance for Road Damage with the stipulation that the
paragraph under (d) GENERAL PROVISIONS would be clarified to state that the
person(s) or entity causing the damage will agree to pay for any and all damage
to the highways or bridges under the Town of Barnes jurisdiction.
Call for discussion. Motion carried.
Public Comment Session-5 minutes for those not the
agenda: Mike Furtak said that Neil
Paulson will not be seeking re-election as the
Anyone wishing to run for this position should contact the
Dixie Chermack
responded to the first question on the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. Chermack said that the plan would be
available for public inspection by May 2006. They will have a meeting in
January and will as for a detailed itinerary for the coming months from Cedar
Corporation. We are behind schedule with the plan, as it was to have been done
by October of 2005. Chermack did not
know how many more meetings would have to be held before the plan was ready for
the public hearings. The plan will be available on the Town’s web site ( Chermack would like to see this happen around Memorial Day when a
lot of people would be around. As to the
second question on the rezoning issue, Mike
Furtak said that on Class 3 lakes, the frontage would have to be 300’ for
each unit and if this parcel is a true 40, it would measure at least 1200’ of
frontage and be 1320’ x1320’, then there could be a possibility of a PUD, but
that one would have to go through all of the zoning qualifications and
restrictions and all of the other permits before it could even be considered as
a PUD. Jerry Witt responded to question three about the right-of-ways. Witt
said that the distances from the centerline vary greatly all over town. It
should be 33’, but that is not always the case, nor is it always feasible. It
was noted that the town did not remove any of the signs nor did the State,
supposedly. On the fourth question about the Supervisor’s description and other
details of that or other elected position in the Town, these details may be
obtained from the Clerk. Most information relating to Town operations can be
found in Chapter 60 of the Wisconsin State Statutes which is also available to
read in the Clerk’s office or on line. Jim
Johnson spoke on the fact that the possibility of another PUD is a good
reason to be pro active and for the board to look at having an ordinance for
this kind of development to prevent possible problems before they come up.
Issues Timeline-Update: Chermack went over the Timeline with the board
members. Most of the items on the Timeline are considered works in progress (or
WIP). Abandon Roads,
formed to look at all of the issues involved.
Town Board will go into closed session pursuant to State Statute 19.85 (b) and
Motion (Chermack / Webb) to adjourn the regular session to go into closed
session. Roll call vote taken: Chermack, yes; Webb, yes; Meinke, yes,
Porter, yes and Collyard, yes. Call for discussion. Motion
carried. The regular session was adjourned at
Dick Collyard called the closed session to order at
at the closed session were all members of the Town Board, Garage Supervisor
Jerry Witt and Deputy Clerk Lu Peet.
items were discussed other than those pertaining to State Statute 19.85 (b) and
(c) that was so noted in the agenda. No issues were decided in closed session.
(Webb / Porter) to adjourn the closed session to return to the reconvened
regular Town Board meeting. Call
for discussion. Motion carried. The closed session was adjourned at
Dick Collyard called the reconvened regular Town Board meeting to order at
was discussion on the salary and wage proposals for the four employees listed.
Jerry Witt will receive a six month merit increase of 2.5% plus a cost of
living increase of 3.6% for a total of 6.1%. This salary is $36,074.00 or
$17.34 per hour and will be effective
was discussion on the hiring of part time snow plowing personnel. The three
persons are Dave Schiess, Colin Nowaczyk and John (Jack) Prickett. Motion
(Chermack / Webb) to approve the hiring of these three people for part time
snow plowing. Call for discussion. Roll call vote taken: Chermack,
yes; Webb, yes; Meinke, yes, Porter, yes and Collyard, yes. Motion carried.
Motion (Webb / Porter) to adjourn the reconvened
regular Town Board meeting. Call for discussion. Motion
carried. The reconvened regular Town Board meeting was
adjourned at
J. Peet
this 23rd day of December 2005