Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting
Chairman Collyard
called the meeting to order at
Present were Chairman Collyard, Dixie Chermack, Donna
Porter, Jack Meinke, and Chris Webb.
The agenda posted and
provided for the audience was as follows:
The next
regular board meeting will be held on
November 15th at
Call the meeting to order
Pledge Allegiance to the Flag
Roll Call/Quorum
Call/Verification of Public Notice and Approve the November Agenda
Approve the Minutes of the
Last Regular Board Meeting-Motion to dispense with the reading of minutes
Minutes of
Treasurer’s Report
Voucher’s Approval
Clerk / Correspondence
Department Head Reports:
Highway –
tentative road plan for 2006
Department –
Letter to all department heads
from the Board
Committee Reports: ( will be read if needed)
Land Use Committee Updates
Introduction of new
Assessor-Charlotte Johnson
Approval of Proposal by Northwest
Regional Planning Commission for evaluation of
road system
Telephone – Easement request
Fireworks Control
Ordinance- approval and adoption
Animal Control Ordinance
– approval and adoption
Discussion on Road Damage Ordinance
Discussion on Driveway Ordinance
Zoning – 1) Correction of
application and board recommendation Lechner property
2) Board of Adjustment application –Vanwaeyeberghe property, Larry Lange, agent
3) Special Use Permit – Francis Tyson property,
construct a cabin in a F-1
Zoning District
Approval of Letterhead Design submitted
by Harry Watts
Comment Session – 5 minute limit for those not on the Agenda
Issues Timeline-Update
All Department Heads are
required to be at the Regular Board Meetings
All Department
Heads and Committee Heads must submit a signed written report to the clerk by Friday evening of the week before the
Closed Session: The Town Board of the
Town of Barnes will then go into closed session pursuant to Statutes 19.85(b)
and (c) for the purposes of discipline, considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance data of any employee over which the governmental
body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility. The board will then reconvene to the regular
session. The Town Board reserves the right to solicit
information from Department heads only, without opening the floor to discussion. Any
persons requiring special needs for handicap services please contact the clerk.
Elaine J. Brustad Barnes Town Clerk/Treasurer
this 11th Day of November, 2005
Motion (Meinke/Porter)
to approve the minutes of the last regular Board Meeting and dispense with the reading
of the minutes. Motion carried.
Minutes of the
Chairman Collyard
called the Special Town Board Meeting to order at
Present were Board Members
Dixie Chermack, Dick Collyard,
Donna Porter and Chris Webb. Also
present was Patrick Bielfuss, Cedarcorp,
Tim Kane, UW Extension Agency, Dave Pease and Lee Wiesner.
The agenda was as follows:
1) Discuss
concerns of the land use mapping progress
Chairman Collyard gave an
overview of what the Comprehensive Land Use Committee
had been doing the last few months. They seemed to be
stuck and could not make any progress
on the land use portion of the plan. Collyard
pointed out that there were three areas of land that
needed to be focused on: Residential, Forestry and
Commercial, and forget trying to micro-
manage the land use.
He talked about the Plan Commission and the Town Board Chairman
will be the person who will appoint the persons on the
Commission. They would be the first
step in the zoning process for the town, giving their
recommendations to the Town Board on
zoning issues. Collyard also asked
Patrick Bielfuss to take more of a leadership roll in
committee. Patrick
needed to remind the committee not to get so hung-up on the smaller
parcels and focus on the larger areas. Lee Wiesner said he
had a suggestion he would present
to the committee at its meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at
Respectfully Submitted,
Elaine J. Brustad,
Barnes Town Clerk-Treasurer
Dated this 11th
day of November, 2005
Treasurer’s Report
Report |
Balance from last meeting |
$80,245.46 |
16511-16521 |
$6,508.21 |
Check #'s
19743-19833 |
($127,681.23) |
Tax Payment & other direct payments |
($3,272.06) |
Charge October |
($8.70) |
Earned October |
$44.51 |
check |
$49.91 |
from Money Market Savings Account |
$50,000.00 |
$5,886.10 |
Dept. Sinking Fund |
$1,064.91 |
Sinking Fund |
$16,130.40 |
Savings |
$11,448.29 |
Ski Trail
Savings |
$502.07 |
Parade-Event-Calender Fund |
$1,832.31 |
$450.75 |
Checking and Savings Account |
$.15 |
$357.42 |
Market Savings opened |
$393,276.14 |
to Genl fund
($50,000.00) |
Earned |
$1,275.67 |
$430,948.39 |
Motion (Chermack/Meinke)
to approve the Treasurer’s report as read. Motion carried.
Motion (Porter/Webb) to approve the
vouchers. Motion carried.
Clerk Correspondence: The Clerk read a
Notice to Cut from Bayfield County on Property owned by Plum Creek Timberlands
in Sections 14 and 23 of Township 44N, Range 9West.
She read the levy amounts
submitted to her so far: State - $56,105.6, up 7.4% from last year, County
-$1,066412.58, up 4.84%, Town - $469,179.00, up 2%, Drummond School -
$1,403,530.00, up 2.44%, and VTAE (WITC) $308,577.72, up 8.53%.
A letter from Susan and
Franco Pagnucci was read, giving thanks to the Board and
especially to Jerry Witt for a job well done on the
She read a letter from the
Bayfield County Fire Association about a Fire Assistance Grant covering 50% of
costs associated with placing dry hydrants or water points throughout the county. A copy of the letter was given to the Fire
Chief and he was looking into that.
She also said the Town had
received the Notice of Renewal rates from Atrium health insurance, which was a decrease
of 2%.
Department Head Reports:
Garage- Jerry Witt said the Quonset hut had been filled with
salt and sand mixture for the winter. The bridge on
Cemetary – Bud Pease
had sent in his report, there was a burial on Monday for Dick Smith, other than
that no activity.
Department- Tom Renz was working this evening so
would not attend the meeting. He had not turned in his report for the month.
– Del Jerome reported there had been 6 calls, 1 a controlled burn, 1 intercept,
2 went to St. Mary’s, 1 to
Mike O’Keefe was not yet at the meeting, so the clerk read his report: There
were 5 alarms from the Sheriff, 1 call to assist the Sheriff (possible
break-in), 6 ATV complaints, 2 assist motorist, 1 deer hit, 3 firearm/fireworks
complaints (hunters), 2 assist stranded boaters (middle) for a total of 20
calls, total miles logged 560, fuel used 34 gallons.
Letter to all
department heads from the Board- Chairman Collyard
had written a preliminary letter directed to the department heads asking for
ways to maximize production while minimizing costs to the taxpayers. He wanted
input from the Board regarding the draft he wrote. Motion (Porter/Chermack) to write a letter to all department heads,
committees, and administrative personnel to report back to the Board by the end
of January, 2006. Motion carried. A
copy of a rough draft is as follows:
“In an effort to streamline
and maximize production vs. cost to the taxpayers of Barnes
I am asking each department
head to take a good hard look at their department and try to maximize
production and minimize the cost. These are four items the Board needs
recommendations on;
1) Training
, payment and mileage to employees
2)Road maintenance and improvements (Highway)
3) Equipment needs
4) Adequacy of need regarding
5) Shop and building needs
Please provide a projection and
recommendations for the next two
2006 and 2007.
Thank you for your prompt response
in this matter.”
The comments received were
from Dixie Chermack, directed mainly to the
administrative areas, and Board. She thought the board should review more
thoroughly insurance proposals, wages, watch out for automatic increases,
employee reviews should be done honestly and adjust wages accordingly. She
thought the clerk should keep separate attendance records for seminars and
workshops, and rotating attendance for the state convention. She thought all
board members should attend at least one state convention during their term.
She also felt there should be an Ad Hoc Committee appointed to study the
possibility of a new town hall, its needs, what grants would be available and
so on. Dick said he would entertain
those ideas but wanted to get the letter out as soon as possible so that it
would give the department heads time to do some serious thinking.
Committee Reports Jack Meinke gave a report on the Rustic Roads Committee. He and Sharon Moen had attended the Drummond
Board Meeting last week to give their presentation and request a Resolution
from them for Tars Pond. They hope to
hear a positive response from them this coming week. 13 property owners on
Recreational Committee Report – Donna said the committee had voted to increase fees
for swimming lessons to $30.00 per child and $75.00 for a family of three or
more. Park additions suggested included a horseshoe pit and sand box. Gene Miller will be in charge of the ice rink
he will coordinate and check on the warming house. The Lean-to on the ski trail
is in need of repair.
Introduction of New Assessor-Charlotte Johnson. The new
Assessor, Charlotte Johnson was introduced to the Board members and the
audience. For all those needing to
contact her, the address for Ms. Johnson is:
Charlotte Johnson, Charlotte Johnson and Company,
This information is also available on the
website, which is www.barnes-wi.com
Approval of Proposal by Northwest Regional Planning
Commission for evaluation of road system.
The town had received a
proposal from Mike Kinnick of NWRPC to perform a
field evaluation of the town’s road system using the PASER rating system. This
is a requirement of the state to do this every two years. They will prepare the
necessary report to WisDOT. The amount of $1,203.00 will be billed after
the project is completed. Motion
(Meinke/Webb) to approve this agreement with
Northwest Regional Planning Commission to do the evaluation of the roads. Roll
call vote taken: Chermack-yes, Porter-yes, Meinke-yes, Webb-yes, Collyard-yes.
Motion carried.
Chequamegon Telephone – Easement Request . This request is for an easement along the south edge of Town Property
Motion (Meinke/Chermack)
to open the floor to discussion. Motion carried. Fritz Barnes had a question if the town knew if this was on the town’s
property. He was assured it was on town owned property. Motion (Meinke/Chermack)
to close the floor to discussion. Morion carried.
Fireworks Control Ordinance-approval and adoption. – The
ordinance for Fireworks had been prepared by the Fireworks Committee and had
been copied to the board members. Motion
(Chermack/Porter) to adopt the Fireworks Control
Ordinance as proposed. Motion carried. The ordinance will be posted and published as
required by state statutes.
Animal Control Ordinance-approval and adoption- This ordinance had been prepared by the Town’s
Attorney and was basically adopting the County’s ordinance. Motion (Chermack/Porter)
to open the floor to allow the Constable, Mike O’Keefe to speak. Motion carried.
Mike wanted to be assured
that anyone applying for a fireworks permit would get a copy of the new
ordinance so they were aware of all the rules and regulations. Mike Furtak wanted to know if the town would be requiring
additional licensing with the animal control ordinance. Collyard
said no, it is the same as the county’s ordinance, but this way the constable
can site someone if needed or the county sheriff can.
Motion (Webb/Porter) to close the
floor to discussion. Motion carried. Motion (Porter/Webb) to adopt the Animal
Control Ordinance as proposed with a suggestion to give a copy of the ordinance
to all who apply for dog licenses in the town. Motion carried. It was also
suggested to note the new ordinances adopted this year in the sheets we give out
with the tax bills.
Discussion on Road Damage Ordinance- The attorney had drafted this ordinance for
discussion. Jerry Witt had asked for something to back him up when dealing with
contractors or loggers who had done damage to a town road. The board felt they
needed clarification under the General Provisions section mentioning a permit
issued. There was also concern about the
forfeitures and penalties section not addressing billing for time and material
used to repair a road that was damaged. Motion
(Porter/Meinke) to open the floor to discussion.
Motion carried. O’Keefe said
a judge would add the amounts for cost of repair along with the fine. Mike Furtak said at
the county they write a summons, and they reserve the right to file the summons
and complaint if the repair is not made or paid. That way there is a record in case they do
want to pursue it further. Collyard said he would check with the attorney tomorrow and
get clarification. Motion (Porter/Chermack) to close the floor to discussion. Motion carried.
Discussion on Driveway Ordinance- The Board had
originally decided to wait for the County to adopt an Ordinance for Driveways,
but one had not been adopted yet. Motion
(Webb/Porter) to open the floor for discussion to allow Mike Furtak from
Zoning – 1) Correction of application and Board
recommendation on Lechner property. Motion
(Meinke/Porter) to open the floor for all three
zoning requests. Motion carried. Mike Furtak
explained the error was his in preparing the Town Board Recommendation Sheet
for the Lechner property. On it he had mistakenly written: Rezone property from F-1 to F-2 to allow
construction of a hunting cabin. It
correctly stated should be: Rezone property from F-2 to F-1 to allow
construction of a hunting cabin. Motion
(Webb/Porter) to clarify the Town Board Recommendation form to read they approve
the rezone request from F-2 to F-1 on the Lechner
property to allow the construction of a hunting cabin. Motion carried.
2) Board of Adjustment application Vanwaeyenberghe property, Larry Lange, agent. Furtak
spoke on the application, he stated the request was going to the Board of
Adjustment because no addition is allowed to structures less than 600 feet and the
request is for placing the addition less than 15 feet to the road right of way. Collyard said the addition
is no closer than cabin # 1, he felt the cabin would not be too close to the
road for snowplowing. Chermack said she opposed the varience
because she felt it was too close to the road. She wondered what would happen
if the Town needed to widen the road there. Also she said she could only see
the roof there when driving up the road.
Furtak said the road is very steep there. If the town was considering widening the road
they would most likely widen on the other side anyway as the slope on the other
side was not as steep. He also mentioned
there would be no traffic entering the road at that point,
they would be using the easement road to the north where the road was not on a
steep grade. Meinke also mentioned the two property
owners close by did not object to the addition. Motion (Webb/Porter) to approve the
request for varience for the parcel owned by the Vanwaeyenberghe’s. All in favor except Chermack, who opposed. Motion
3) Special Use Permit Francis Tyson property,
construct a cabin in an F-1 zoning district. Motion (Chermack/Porter)
to approve the Special Use Permit application to construct a cabin in an F-1
Zoning district. Motion carried.
Motion (Chermack/Porter)
to close the floor to discussion. Motion carried.
Approval of Letterhead Design by Harry Watts. The Clerk-Treasurer presented the designs submitted
for the letterhead design contest. There were two from Harry Watts, one with a
picture that was very detailed. They talked with Harry to get a different
picture that would not be so detailed. He submitted another design with a
colorful drawn scene. The Clerk and deputy felt this one was still not quite
what they wanted, so they talked with Harry and he sent a disk with the design
on it. In the circle we could put any picture we wanted. The Clerk would see
what she could find for a decent picture.
They thanked Harry for his design as it will be very nice when the right
picture is inserted.
Public Comment Session –
Ron Pearson presented
a “Slow-No wake Ordinance” proposal for Schunenberg
Judi Scholz wanted to thank Jerry Witt for his ingenuity. She also wanted to thank the many,many people who have
supported the
Elaine Brustad – asked for donations and help
to decorate the Town Hall for Christmas. She thought it was a shame that it is
not decorated for every holiday and especially for the Christmas Holiday. She said Ted DesRosiers
volunteered to give $50.00 for purchase of decorations if needed. The big thing is getting someone to help
putting up and especially taking down the decorations each time.
Issues Timeline –
General Ordinances
a) Abandon Roads – work in process
b) Rustic Roads – Barnes-Drummond 100% agree on Tars
Pond, not all
agree on
c) Fireworks Ordinance – adopted
d) Contractor Road Damage – work in process
e) Driveway Ordinance – work in process
f) Slow-No Wake Ordinance- new- committee will be
Town owned land-
continue forestry program. Wisconsin Wildfire Protection plan being formed with
Drummond. Work being done by Northwest Regional Planning Committee
New Town Letterhead – work in process
Assessor –
Charlotte Johnson at meeting tonight, is starting
maintenance work.
Website updates-
Pearson working on module for forms. Gene Miller working on
module for pictures. Committee looking at free program for downloading
forms etc off the website.
Jim Miller Subdivision- no update
UEC and
Recreation –
Skate park – no notice of grant winners yet.
Fire Department – SOG’s work in process
Closed Session: The Town Board of the town of
Motion (Porter/Chermack)adjourn the regular session and go into closed session per
the above statutes. Roll call vote taken: Chermack-yes,
Porter-yes, Meinke-yes, Webb-yes, Collyard-yes.
The Regular Session was adjourned at
Minutes of the Closed Session
Chairman Collyard
called the Closed Session to order at
The closed session was
adjourned at
Minutes of the reconvened Regular Open
The regular open session was
reconvened at
Motion (Porter/Meinke)
to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. The meeting was
adjourned at
Respectfully submitted,
Elaine J. Brustad,
Dated this 22nd
day of November, 2005