Chairman Collyard called the Special Town Board Meeting to
order at
Present were Board Members Dixie Chermack, Dick Collyard, Donna Porter and Chris Webb. Also present was Patrick Bielfuss, Cedarcorp, Tim Kane, UW Extension Agency, Dave Pease and Lee Wiesner. The agenda was as follows:
1) Discuss concerns of the land use mapping progress
Chairman Collyard gave an overview of what the Comprehensive Land Use Committee
had been doing the last few months. They seemed to be stuck and could not make any progress
on the land use portion of the plan. Collyard pointed out that there were three areas of land that
needed to be focused on: Residential, Forestry and Commercial, and forget trying to micro-
manage the land use. He talked about the Plan Commission and the Town Board Chairman
will be the person who will appoint the persons on the Commission. They would be the first
step in the zoning process for the town, giving their recommendations to the Town Board on
zoning issues. Collyard also asked Patrick Bielfuss to take more of a leadership roll in the
committee. Patrick needed to remind the committee not to get so hung-up on the smaller
parcels and focus on the larger areas. Lee Wiesner said he had a suggestion he would present
to the committee at its meeting.
The meeting was
adjourned at
Respectfully Submitted,
Elaine J. Brustad,
Barnes Town Clerk-Treasurer
Dated this 11th day of November, 2005