The meeting was called to order at
Motion(Chermack/Porter) to approve the Minutes of the
Last Regular Board Meeting. Motion carried
Motion (Chermack/Porter )
to dispense with the reading of the minutes. Motion carried.
The agenda is printed as follows:
Call the meeting to order
Pledge Allegiance to the
Roll Call/Quorum
Call/Verification of Public Notice and Approve the October Agenda
Approve the Minutes of the
Last Regular Board Meeting-Motion to dispense with the reading of minutes
Treasurer’s Report
Voucher’s Approval
Clerk / Correspondence
Department Head Reports:
Committee Reports will be
read if needed
carpooling for training and events
funds request
Comment Session – 5 minute limit for those not on the Agenda
Board Member Reports
All Department Heads are
required to be at the Regular Board Meetings
Department Heads and Committee Heads must submit a signed written report to the
by Friday evening of the
week before the meeting.
The Town Board reserves the right to solicit information from
Department heads only, without opening the floor to discussion.
Any persons
requiring special needs for handicap services please contact the clerk.
Dated this 13th Day of October, 2005
The Clerk-Treasurer read the Treasurer’s report as follows:
Report |
Checking Balance from last
meeting |
$37,542.72 |
Receipts 16511-16521 |
$71,772.58 |
Check #'s 19743-19833 |
($122,426.83) |
September Tax Payment
& other direct payments |
($6,706.45) |
Service Charge September |
($9.50) |
Interest Earned September |
$72.94 |
Transfer to Money Market
Savings Account |
$0.00 |
Transfer from Money Market
Savings Account |
$100,000.00 |
$80,245.46 |
Highway Dept. Sinking Fund |
$1,064.91 |
BES Sinking Fund |
Interest $30.44 |
$16,130.40 |
Park Savings |
Interest $21.18 |
$11,448.29 |
Ski Trail Savings |
Interest $.95 |
$502.07 |
Parade-Event-Calender Fund |
Interest $3.46 |
$1,832.31 |
Interest $.56 |
$450.75 |
Tax Checking and Savings
Account |
Interest $.15 |
$357.27 |
Money Market Savings
opened |
$442,000.47 |
Transfer to Genl fund |
$100,000.00 |
Check order |
$12.00 |
Interest Earned |
$1,447.76 |
$554,031.93 |
Motion(Meinke/Porter ) to approve the Treasurer’s
Report. Motion carried.
Voucher’s Approval - Motion(Chermack/Meinke)
to approve the Voucher’s. Motion carried.
Clerk/Correspondence –Clerk read an email from Brian McInnes asking if anyone knew when
Department Head Reports:
Highway- Collyard said Jerry was on vacation for 2 weeks so wasn’t able to give his report. Collyard said the Quonset hut had been filled this week with salt and sand, Mike had been out grading roads also. The flag light has been repaired.
Cemetary – Clerk Brustad read the report for Bud Pease. One burial on October 13th, Block 2, lot 7, Site 1, no other activity.
Fire Department-Tom Renz- Tom was working this evening, There was one fire run since last meeting, entry-level firefighter class will be starting next Thursday the 27th in Barnes at the Firehall. Last Wednesday the Fire and Ambulance Departments had “meth-lab” training.
Constable – Mike O’Keefe was not yet at the meeting, he had 4 alarms from Sheriff, 5 ATV complaints, 3 deer hits, 2 assist motorist, 5 animal complaints, the sheriff’s department wrote 2 citations to the dog owner, 5 fireworks-firearms complaints, 2 tresspass complaints (hunters on property) and 1 assist stranded boater on the Middle Eau Claire, total 27 calls, logged 560 miles, used 30 gallons fuel.
Committee Reports –
Community Wildfire Protection – Jack Meinke gave a report from the meeting of last week. They plan to be done by end of December with their “wildfire plan”. This will be another “model” for the state because the Drummond/Barnes area is so heavily forested. There will be education of the public because everyone can do their part to make their property safer in the event of a wildfire. On that same subject Collyard said he had asked Jan Victorson to email him the NIMS training that everyone needs to complete. Elaine would print it off and give copies to the Board members.
Personnel Carpooling for training and events- Collyard said this came about during budget meetings that we should make sure that if two or more people are going to the same training or event they should be carpooling to save expenses. If not then they would need approval in advance from the department head or Board. Chermack thought this should be made part of the policy handbook. It was thought the Board members should give their thoughts to the clerk and she will write out a policy. It will then be approved at the next regular board meeting.
BADC Funds request – Jack asked that they open the floor to allow Gene Ratzel to speak on this subject. Motion (Porter/Meinke) to open the floor for discussion. Motion carried. Ratzel said historically speaking the town allocated funds for the BADC each year because it was in the BADC’s Protective Covenents to do so. Although at the moment there is no need for funds to be dispersed for next year, if someone comes in to the Park then there would be expenses generated. Currently the BADC has about $18,000.00, but power to be brought in if someone came into the park would be an immediate $10,000.00. He felt the 2006 budget should have funds allocated to the BADC in case something would be happening next year. The funds allocated in this year’s budget should be dispersed upon request, which the clerk said had been done verbally. Collyard thought the request should be in writing. He also felt the BADC should present an operating budget to the Board for 2006 to see what the Board should budget for them. He asked that Gene do this by Monday so the Board could look at it at their budget meeting on the 26th. Gene felt the BADC should be put on hold until the land use plan was in place to get public opinion on the BADC project. Meinke felt we should put a questionnaire in with the taxes for this too, to get a more accurate opinion of what the townspeople want for the park. Chermack felt we shouldn’t put money in the budget for 2006 unless we were sure the BADC would be using them. She said the money could be used elsewhere. She agreed the BADC should be put on hold until after the Land Use plan was completed. Meinke talked with Tim Kane (of the County Extension Agency) about possible funding for the infrastructure. If that could be done he felt they then could get viable candidates for the park. If the BADC was dissolved all the monies would go back to the Town along with the property so the town would not lose out. Collyard asked Gene Ratzel to bring in the operating budget plans for 2006 by Monday so the Board could review for their 2006 budget. He said the Board would definitely pay out the budgeted amount of $5,000.00 for 2005 upon written request by the BADC. We should send a card out with the taxes with a brief description of what the park should be for the people to vote on. Motion (Chermack/Meinke) to close the floor for discussion. Motion carried.
Public Comment Session – 5 minute limit for those not on the agenda.
Jon Harkness
wanted to publically thank the Barnes Ambulance
Service for their professional and efficient treatment of him last June. He was very grateful for their effort and
felt the emergency services budget should not be scrimped on. He later added
his thanks for the work done on
John Kudlas
wanted to mention the huge stump dump in Potawatomi. It has 4-5 acres of stumps and needs to be
bulldozed and covered up to alleviate the potential problem with fire. Meinke said we are working with the DNR on the management of our
properties and he’ll get their ideas on that.
Concerning the Wildfire Protection Plan he thought the DNR might have
grant monies available for this type of project and he’ll check on that
also. John offered to volunteer his
services if needed in any way for that.
Then, as the Eurasian Water Milfoil Coordinator he wanted to thank the
Board and to thank Elaine for all her work.
He especially wanted to thank the Ad Hoc Committee members as they
worked very hard for no pay. The final
report is ready to go, there will be a community meeting this Saturday at
Issues Timeline Update –
Rustic Roads Committee- will be
addressed by the Drummond Board hopefully next month.
Contractor Road Damage – Elaine will check again with the attorney to get the correct verbage to use in a letter.
Fireworks Ordinance- will be on the November Board Meeting agenda.
Letterhead Contest – One submittal so far and that also will be on the agenda for November to choose the winner.
Assessor – Charlotte Johnson will be here at the November Board Meeting to meet everyone.
Jim Miller Subdivision – Elaine will ask the attorney for an update.
All else on the timeline is ongoing and no specific updates.
Board Member reports:
Jack Meinke- nothing more and thanked the members of the audience for attending this evening.
Donna Porter- thanked everyone for attending the meeting this evening and all the good comments they gave.
Dick Collyard – spoke
on the WTA Convention he and
(Meinke/Porter) to adjourn the meeting of
Respectfully Submitted,
Elaine J. Brustad,
Dated this 20th day of October, 2005