Monday. October 3, 2005
Chairman Collyard
called the Special Town Board Meeting to order at 4:30PM. Board Members
present were Jack Meinke, Dick Collyard,
Donna Porter, Dixie Chermack, Chris
Webb- absent (5:08PM). Clerk-Treasurer Brustad
was present along with Dave Thorson, Dave Pease and John Kudlas
of the EWM Ad Hoc Committee.
1) Eurasian Water Milfoil – Updates and
Budget Expectations
2) Board will continue to look over budget
figures for 2006
Dave Thorson gave an update
of the project’s status to date. They have a public information meeting planned
for October 22nd at 9:30AM
at the Town Hall. John Kudlas passed out copies of the preliminary report that
will be given to the State. The
committee wanted Board approval and signatures on the report after the report
was finalized. Collyard
said he thought the report should be signed by the Board now to eliminate the
extra time it would take for waiting until the next Board meeting. Motion (Chermack/Meinke)
to accept the Barnes Eurasian Water Milfoil Report with the necessary
adjustments. Motion carried. Thorson asked for $25,000.00 to be put
in the budget for the next stage of the project, which would be treatment of
the two lakes affected. A separate grant
would be available for that, with a 50% participation requirement by the town.
The Board then continued to
go over budget figures for 2006.
Motion (Webb/Chermack)
to adjourn the Special Town Board Meeting of October 3,
2005. Motion
carried. The meeting was
adjourned at 8:30PM
Elaine J. Brustad,
Barnes Town Clerk-Treasurer
October 6, 2005