The meeting was called to order at
Motion(Webb/Meinke) to approve the July Agenda, the Minutes of the Last
Regular Board Meeting, and to dispense with the reading of both. Motion
carried. The agenda is printed as follows:
Call the meeting to order
Pledge Allegiance to the
Roll Call/Quorum
Call/Verification of Public Notice and Approve the July Agenda
Approve the Minutes of the
Last Regular Board Meeting-Motion to dispense with the reading of minutes
Treasurer’s Report
Voucher’s Approval
Clerk / Correspondence
Department Head
Department-Del Jerome
Fire Department-
Tom Renz
Constable- Mike
Garage-Jerry Witt
Reports will be read if needed
Kitchen- Updates
Transfer Site-Updates
Committee- financial tally
Zoning- 1) Petition
for Rezone District Map Application-Plum Creek Timberlands # 004-1217-10
2) Petition for Rezone District Map
Application- Plum Creek Timberlands #004-1048-01,
3) Petition for Rezone District Map
Application- Scott Berseth
Order approval for all departments and committees
Handbook addition-Forms section
Ambulance Designated Landing Zone-formal
Roads- Update
Licenses – 2 year operator license for Kari Frable-1 year operator license for
Stacy J. Schmidt
1 year operator license for Tracey Roehr
of Operator licenses: 2 year: Kathy
Rice-1 year: Angela Arseneau, Jessica Arseneau, Nancy
Loughren, Karen Rutzen, Rose Skinner, Todd Walsh, Tracy Levy
Comment Session – 5 minute limit for those not on the Agenda
Issues Timeline-Update
Board Member Reports
All Department Heads are
required to be at the Regular Board Meetings
Department Heads must submit a signed written report to the clerk if
will be unable to be at the meeting.
The Town Board reserves the right to solicit information
Department heads
only, without opening the floor to discussion.
Any persons
requiring special needs for handicap services please contact the clerk.
Dated this 12th day of July, 2005
The Clerk/Treasurer read the Treasurer’s Report as follows:
Treasurers Report |
Checking Balance from last
meeting |
$84,745.52 |
Receipts 16417-16457 |
$32,103.61 |
Check #'s 19376-19523 |
($51,253.95) |
June Tax Payment &
other direct payments |
($3,467.33) |
Transportation Aid direct
deposit |
$68,332.56 |
Service Charge June |
($8.41) |
Interest Earned June |
$65.68 |
Transfer from Ambulance
Dept Investment Fund |
$2,852.79 |
to close out account |
$133,370.47 |
Ambulance Dept Investment
Fund |
$0.00 |
Int earned 2nd Qtr 5.32 |
Highway Dept. Sinking Fund |
$1,064.91 |
Int earned 2nd Qtr 1.99 |
BES Sinking Fund |
$16,099.96 |
Int earned 2nd Qtr 30.05 |
Park Savings |
$10,903.52 |
Int earned 2nd Qtr 20.35 |
Ski Trail Savings 1
deposit for $50.00 |
$501.12 |
Int earned 2nd Qtr .86 |
Parade-Event-Calender Fund |
$1,828.85 |
Int earned 2nd Qtr 3.41 |
$163,768.83 |
to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Motion carried.
Voucher’s Approval
- Motion(Meinke/Porter) to approve the Voucher’s. Motion carried.
Clerk/Correspondence – One Notice of Intent to Cut on Property
owned by Dave Koranski. Clerk thanked the Board for allowing her to
attend the Municipal Clerks and Treasurer’s Institute, which she attended last
week. She mentioned the State Elections
Board letter which talked about the voter machines that will have to be
purchased in the near future when the State makes a decision which vendor they will
recommend. The State-wide Voter
Registration System will be implemented soon,
Department Head Reports: Chairman Collyard mentioned we had recently found out
that each individual Committee Chair or each Department head was responsible
for posting their own agenda and meeting notices rather than have the Town
Chairman responsible. He wanted to make sure everyone was aware of that.
– Del Jerome- The department had 9 runs since the last meeting, 2 went to
Fire Department – Tom Renz- The fire department had only 2 runs since the last meeting. He had a request from the Sheriff’s Department for permission to park next to our building while on duty in their squad cars to be able to connect to wireless internet to complete reports. They had recently received a grant allowing them to purchase lap tops for all squad cars. Renz asked the Board if that would be possible. Motion (Meinke/Porter)to approve the Sheriff’s Department to use our port for wireless internet connection for doing their reports. Motion carried. Renz mentioned he thought there was an exemption to the Statute for posting of meeting Agendas for Fire Departments because of their on call status. Clerk said she would check with WTA to see if that was the case.
Constable – Mike O’Keefe- There were 4 alarms from the Sheriff, 3 assist motorist, 2 follow EMS, 6 fireworks complaints, 15 ATV complaints (7 warning citations), 10 personal watercraft complaints, 6 from Middle Eau Claire & 4 from the Upper Eau Claire, 2 deer hits, totals miles 620, total fuel used 32 gallons, total hours on the lakes 30. (this report was read after the Garage report)
– Jerry Witt- Jerry spent the first two weeks on the job getting things
ready for the Centennial Celebration, and the last two weeks he has been
working on the roads with Mike.
Part-time worker is working out very well. He did CDL training with the
two workers. Spent one day touring the Gordon and Solon
Springs transfer sites with Dick.
He has been getting quite a few calls related to grading,
he wanted to make sure people realized you needed moisture in the gravel to
grade it properly. If done during dry
conditions it can do more harm than good. Also wanted to tell the Board that in
the past 4 weeks the majority of calls he has received has been related to
improper erosion control alongside the roadways. He feels we need to address this problem
before it gets out of hand as it has created a road system in the Town of
Committee Reports – A notice was sent to committee members that
written reports are requested now by the Board Members to read prior to the
meetings, and information will be read if needed and questions might be asked
of the Board Members. All reports are
due in to the Clerk by the Friday evening before the Board Meeting. A report
was received by the Eurasian Water Milfoil Coordinator, and a report was
received from the Land Use Planning Committee. John Kudlas
wanted to add that Darienne McNamara had taken a job
with the Forestry Service, so they wanted Board permission to hire Cheryl Beshoar as her replacement. Motion (Webb/Meinke) to hire Cheryl Beshoar as
Darienne McNamara’s replacement for the surveyor
position. Motion carried. Webb asked about
Cemetary Report – Bud
Pease- On June 26th there was a cremation burial, and last
Friday there was a cremation burial, the doors on the bulletin board have not
been replaced yet but are in the works.
On July 12th they had the Committee meeting to discuss some
of the things happening over the winter which nothing had been happening.
Kitchen Updates – Dick Collyard The cooler
in the kitchen has been leaking for a long time, it has been repaired numerous
times and Collyard would like to address this at budget
time, so that a new one could be purchased. With the hot weather this year the
Hall has been unbearable for those that use it all the time. Someone has offered to donate a central air
unit, and Collyard would check with an A/C person to
see what the cost to install it would be.
He also wanted permission from the Board to purchase two small window
units, one for the back office which he uses as well as zoning, and the
Eurasian Water Milfoil people. The
other one is for the Transfer Site. Both
units would be under $500.00. The Board agreed it was needed. Motion
(Webb/Meinke) to approve purchase of two window air
conditioners for under $500.00 for both. Motion carried.
Transfer Site Updates – Dick Collyard – He has been gathering information that he will present at budget time for building a larger building at the Transfer Site.
Centennial Committee – Financial Tally- A check had been deposited
by the Clerk from the Barnes Area Historical Association for $582.68, which was
the amount over budget for the Centennial Celebration to date.
Zoning – 1) Petition
for Rezone District Map Application –Scott Berseth. Mike Furtak
from Zoning asked that this one be read first. He explained the lot Mr. Berseth had purchased was originally a larger parcel which
extended across
Zoning – 2 Petition for
Rezone of District Map Application –Plum Creek Timberlands 004-1217-10. Bayfield County Zoning Assistant
Administrator Mike Furtak spoke on the application.
The parcel is a 40 acre piece on Honeymoon Trail and
Motion(Webb/Meinke) to approve the zoning change. Discussion
followed with a roll call vote taken. Webb – yes, Porter – no, Meinke- no, Collyard – no. Motion
Failed, change not approved.
Zoning – 3 Petition for
Rezone of District Map Application –Plum Creek Timberlands 004-1048-01,
004-1047-07, 004-1047-08. Mike Furtak spoke on
the rezoning petition, which was from F-2 to R-2. It is currently an industrial
forest, the F-2 designation means a minimum of 35
acres, with no building allowed without a variance. The R-2 designation allows
a minimum of 4.5 acres, 5 acres with a certified survey. The surrounding areas have F-1, R-2, RRB and
one other F-2 across
Purchase Order Approval for all departments and committees: Chairman
Collyard explained the purchase order form he had and
that each department head and committee head would have their own block of
numbers to use for ordering materials and supplies. There are 3 copies, 1 for the department
head, 1 for the vendor, and 1 for the clerk for payment. Motion(Porter/Meinke)to approve the form and use of purchase orders for
all departments and committees. Motion carried.
Employee Handbook addition – forms section. This section was left out when originally
approved. Motion (Webb/Porter) to approve the addition of the Forms Section of
the Employee Handbook. Motion carried.
Ambulance Designated Landing Zone – formal approval- Motion(Porter/Webb) to approve the landing zone
with the coordinates that Del Jerome will provide in the morning. Motion
carried. The Coordinates
provided via email on
Motion (Webb/Collyard) to follow the recommended procedures for our properties using the DNR’s help to get them on a managed plan, to use the DNR as a resource finder for sales and guidance and to go ahead with timber sales if needed. Motion carried.
Abandon Roads Update – We will keep this on the timeline, nothing
much has been done on this issue to update.
Jack Meinke did want to update the Board on
designating Tars Pond and Mulligan Creek Roads as “rustic roads”. Sharon Moen had been out talking to people on
Tars Pond, and they would need to involve Town of Drummond as Tars Pond goes
into the that township also. Meinke thought a rustic
roads committee should be started and had asked Sharon Moen if she would be
interested in heading it up. She agreed.
Motion (Meinke/Webb) to approve the
creation of a rustic roads committee to get
Operator Licenses- 2year operator license for Kari Frable,
1 year license for Stacy J. Schmidt and Tracey Roehr.
The Clerk said all had paid their fees and had completed the Responsible
Beverage Course. All background checks were completed and were all ok. Motion(Meinke/Porter) to approve the three new applications
for Operator License. Morion carried.
Renewal of Operator Licenses 2 year: Kathy Rice, 1 year: Angela Arseneau, Jessica Arseneau, Nancy
Loughren, Karen Rutzen,
Rose Skinner, Todd Walsh and Tracy Levy. These had come in for renewal
after last month’s Board Meeting and all fees had been paid. Motion(Porter/Meinke) to approve the above renewal Operator Licenses.
Motion carried.
Public Comment Session – 5 minute limit for those not on the agenda
Jane Endl
Dave Thorson said he had heard the Town has a significant amount of
population now that we could have our own
Lee Weisner wanted to clarify for Chris Webb that the Land Use Committee on their proposed plan had 4,750 potential building sites proposed, so the Committee is certainly planning for enough area for spots to build on.
Judi Scholz thanked the Board for the
support of the Centennial Committee and that it took over 2 ˝ years of careful
planning to produce the Celebration. She
heard tonight the Board’s concerns about
Janine Watts Thanked Judi Scholz, Claudia
Dragonowski, the rest of the Centennial Committee and
the Board for making
the Centennial Celebration such a wonderful event. She has always been proud to
say she lives in Barnes and she heard many people say what a great event it
Issues Timeline – Chairman Collyard
briefly ran through the items on the Timeline. The weight limits reports were
received and all bridges meet specs. The
Transfer Site had been addressed on an earlier agenda item. Assessor updates, the Clerk said she had
placed an ad in the WTA magazine with a deadline to send proposals in by August
31st. She will be placing ads
in the
Board Member Reports –
Donna Porter- wanted to ask about the bouys on the Middle Eau Claire, they were not out and someone said Buck N Bass had them. Quentin Ruprecht said he would put them out if we can locate them. Someone will call Buck N Bass and check with Mike Collins also to see if he knows.
Jack Meinke- had nothing more to add but thanked everyone for coming and staying so long.
Chris Webb said she had not heard from Robin about calling a Recreation Committee Meeting so she and Donna would call one for next week. She’ll be contacting some people who might be interested in joining the committee. We needed to get the Skate park grant application going as it was supposed to be submitted by the end of August. She and Donna will report to the Board at next month’s meeting.
Dick Collyard had nothing more to add.
Motion (Meinke/Porter)
to adjourn the Regular Board meeting of
Respectfully Submitted,
Elaine J. Brustad
Date this 23rd
day of July, 2005