Zoning – Application for 10 unit PUD –
Harold Ecton Property-Bony Lake
Members of the Board present
were: Chairman Dick Collyard, Supervisors-Jack Meinke, Chris Webb, and Donna Porter. Supervisor Dixie Chermack was absent. Also present was the Clerk-Treasurer
Elaine Brustad. Several members of the community were
also present.
The agenda for the meeting
was as follows:
1. Chairman’s Remarks
2. David Swan-PUD presentation
4. Public Comment Session-(Length of time depends on
number of speakers)
5. Town Board members-Discussion and Recommendations
Chairman Collyard
called the Special Town Board meeting to order at
Kevin Swan clarified that
this was not a request for a zoning change or varience
for their project, it was a request for a conditional
use permit only. If the conditions were not met, there were options to stop the
David Swan wanted to assure
everyone that they had planned the development to preserve the natural aspects
of the property as much as possible. They had actually cut down on the number
of units they could have put in from 13 to 10.
Karl Kastrosky,
Director of Planning and Zoning for
There was discussion from a
number of concerned citizens regarding the issue, all in favor of not approving
the Conditional Use Permit.
Mr. Kastrosky
and the Swans all then answered questions on the matter from the Public and the
Board members.
Motion(Collyard/Webb) to table the matter until more information is
received, specifically regarding the wetlands on lot 3. Roll call vote taken: Meinke-yes, Porter –yes, Webb-yes, Collyard-yes,
Chermack-absent. Motion carried.
Motion(Webb/Porter) to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at
Respectfully submitted,
Elaine J. Brustad,
Clerk /Treasurer