Chairman Dick Collyard called the meeting to order at 3:00PM.
Present were Chairman Dick Collyard, Supervisors Donna Porter (3:15) Dixie Chermack, Jack Meinke and Chris Webb (3:45). Also present were Clerk-Treasurer Elaine Brustad.
Representatives from the following companies bidding on the roads were present: Doug Burger Landscaping, DAC Sales and Excavating, Olson Brothers, Ken and Dale Excavating, Balcsik Farms, Thompson Sand and Gravel, Fahrner Asphalt, Scott Construction, and Northwoods Paving. Others may have been present but were not noted.
The Pledge of Allegiance was said.
Chairman Collyard read the notice with the agenda as follows:
The Town Board of the Town of Barnes will meet in Special Session on Monday, May 2, 2005 at 3:00 PM at the Town Hall.
1. Bid Opening for Road Bids
2. Selection of Alternates for Board of Review
Bids were read by the Chairman for the Potawatomi Cluster NW Corner, Cranberry Lake Road, East Eight Mile Lake Road and Eight Mile Lake Road, and Tomahawk Lake Road with the following specifications:
Roads will be cleared of all trees, stumps, banks and other obstructions to a width of 35 feet including ditches. Erosion controls to be applied where needed. The Town of Barnes provided gravel is to be hauled from the Del Jerome gravel pit on County Road N in Drummond. Gravel is to be spread at the rate of 2000 cubic yards per mile and compacted to a 4 inch thickness by 24 foot width. All work is to be completed on or before September 1, 2005.
For the Potawatomi Cluster the following bids were received and read:
Doug Burger Landscaping $ 59,780.00
DAC Sales and Excavating $ 51,595.00
Ashland Construction $ 61,039.40
Mark Anderson Excavating $ 56,925.00
Mike Germano-Trusty Trucking $ 56,530.00
Olson Brothers $ 44,840.00
Ken and Dale Excavating $ 54,367.00
Balcsik Farms $ 49,691.00
Thompson Sand and Gravel $ 37,135.00
Udeen Trucking $ 23,750.00
For the Cranberry Lake Road the following bids were received and read:
Doug Burger Landscaping $ 39,800.00
Mark Anderson $ 45,000.00
DAC $ 44,100.00 (less 2,205.00 if awarded all 4 bids)
Mike Germano-Trusty Trucking $ 42,952.00
Olson Brothers $ 34,350.00
Balcsik Farms $ 23,529.84
Thompson Sand and Gravel $ 29,145.00
Udeen Trucking $ 16,608.00
Ashland Construction $ 41,727.00
Ken and Dale Excavating $ 34,410.00
For the East Eight Mile Lake Road and Eight Mile Lake Road the following bids were received and read:
Doug Burger Landscaping $ 21,310.00
DAC $ 27,300.00 (less $1,365.00) if awarded all 4 bids)
Mark Anderson $ 10,800.00
Mike Germano-Trusty Trucking $ 11,695.00
Olson Brothers $ 25,670.00
Ken and Dale Excavating $ 38,752.00
Balcsik Farms $ 13,454.00
Thompson Sand and Gravel $ 38,508.00
Udeen Trucking $ 6,860.00
For the Tomahawk Lake Road the following bids were received and read:
Doug Burger Landscaping $ 21,700.00
DAC $ 21,485.00
Ashland Construction $ 23,022.00
Mark Anderson Excavating $ 20,000.00
Olson Brothers $ 15,073.00
Ken and Dale Excavating $ 23,375.00
Balcsik Farms $ 13,992.81
Thompson Sand and Gravel $ 16,215.00
Udeen Trucking $ 7,380.00
Discussion from the bidders present and the Board revealed confusion on the exact area for road work to
be done on Eight Eight Mile Lake Road and EightMile Lake Road. It was felt since the notice in the paper did not specifiy the exact mileage the road should be rebid.
Motion (Webb/Chermack) to rebid East Eight Mile Lake Road and Eight Mile Lake Road and to send new specs to all who bid and post the bid notice in the paper again. Motion Carried.
Regarding the Potawatomi cluster area: Motion (Webb/Porter) to award the job to Thompson Sand and Gravel for 37,135.00. Roll call vote taken: Chermack-yes, Porter-Yes, Collyard-yes, Meinke-yes, Webb-yes. Motion Carried.
Regarding the Cranberry Lake Road Bids: Motion (Chermack/Porter) to award the job to Balcsik Farms
for $23,529.84.Roll call vote taken: Chermack-yes, Porter-Yes, Collyard-yes, Meinke-yes, Webb-yes, Motion Carried.
Regarding the Tomahawk Lake Road Bids: Motion (Webb/Chermack) to award the job to Balcsik Farms for $13,992.81 Roll call vote taken:Chermack-yes, Porter-yes, Collyard-yes, Meinke-yes, Webb-yes.Motion carried.
For Lake Road and River Road the following specifications were read: Single chip seal coat 22 feet wide. All work is to be completed on or before September 1, 2005. The bids were then opened for Lake Road:
Fahrner Asphalt $ 45,942.15
Scott Construction $ 44,668.69
The bids were then opened for River Road:
Fahrner Asphalt $ 12,693.46
Scott Construction $ 12,346.91
Motion(Webb/Chermack) to award Lake Road and River Road to Scott Construction. Roll call vote taken: Chermack-yes, Porter-yes, Collyard-yes, Meinke-yes, Webb-yes. Motion carried.
Bids for George Lake Road were opened with the following specifications: Wedge and overlay with 2� of compacted asphalt 22 feet wide for 2.5 miles. Gravel 2 foot shoulders with Town�s gravel. The Town of Barnes provided gravel is to be hauled from the Del Jerome pit on County N in Drummond. All work is to be completed on or before September 1, 2005.
Scott Construction � Cold mix blacktop $ 90,614.90
Northwoods Paving Hot mix blacktop $110,626.93
Motion(Meinke/Chermack) to award the job for George Lake Road to Northwoods Paving. Roll call vote was taken:Chermack-yes, Porter-yes, Collyard-yes, Webb-yes, Meinke-yes. Motion carried.
For Hall Road the following specifications were read: Wedge and overlay with 2� of compacted asphalt 20 foot wide for .58 miles. All work is to be completed on or before September 1, 2005. The bids were opened and read:
Scott Construction � Cold mix blacktop $ 17,931.25
Northwoods Paving � Hot mix blacktop $ 23,491.95
Motion(Webb/Porter) to accept Scott Construction�s bid for $17,931.25. Roll call vote was taken: Chermack-yes, Porter-yes, Collyard-yes, Meinke-yes, Webb-yes.Motion carried.
For Point-O-Pines Road East-.24 miles, and Point-O-Pines Road West-.18 miles: The specifications were read as follows: Wedge and overlay with 2 inches of compacted asphalt 22 foot wide. Gravel 2 foot shoulders with Town�s gravel. All work is to be completed on or before September 1, 2005. The bids were read as follows:
Northwoods Paving � Hot mix blacktop $ 19,768.00
Scott Construction � Cold mix blacktop $ 16,854.80
Motion(Porter/Chermack) to accept NorthwoodsPaving hot mix bid. Roll call vote taken: Chermack-yes, Porter-yes, Collyard-yes, Meinke-yes, Webb-yes. Motion carried
Then the bids for Pease Road were read with the following specifications: Haul and spread 3� of Town�s gravel (compacted amounts) over existing road. Pulverize, grade, and compact to achieve a width of 24feet. Apply 2� of compacted asphalt 22 feet wide and haul and apply town�s gravel to achieve a 2 foot wide shoulder. The town of Barnes supplied gravel is to be hauled from the Del Jerome pit on County Road N in Drummond. Total miles 3.27. All work is to be completed on or before September 1, 2005.
Scott Construction � Cold mix blacktop $158,265.57
Northwoods Paving � Hot mix blacktop $188,734.37
MotionWebb/Porter) to accept Scott Construction�s bid on Pease Road. Roll call vote taken: Chermack-yes, Porter-yes, Collyard-no, Webb-yes, Meinke-yes. Motion carried.
The Board then thanked everyone for the bids and remarked this year there were many new bidders.
Alternates for Board of Review: The Clerk told the Board of the two persons she had asked if they would be interested in being selected for alternates. They are Lu Peet and Gene Ratzel. Brustad also said she would like to be considered as she has taken the training and being an appointed Clerk she would not be automatically a member.
MotionChermack/Meinke) to approve the three selections with the Clerk being the first choice. Discussion as to having the clerk check the statutes to make sure it was proper for her to be a Board of Review member. If it is correct, she should be the first alternate. Motion carried..
Motion (Webb/Porter)to adjourn the Special Meeting of May 2, 2005. Motion carried. Meeting was adjourned at 6:05 PM.
Respectfully Submitted
Elaine J. Brustad
Barnes Town Clerk-Treasurer
Dated this 5th Day of May, 2005