Chairman Dick Collyard
called the meeting to order at
The Pledge of Allegiance was said. Collyard read the Agenda as follows:
Call the meeting to order
Pledge Allegiance to the
Approve the April Agenda
Approve the Minutes of the
Last Regular Board Meeting
Treasurer’s Report
Voucher’s Approval
Clerk / Correspondence
License Application-2-year Operator’s
License to Christi Chaja.
Public Comment Session-5
Minute limit for those not on agenda
Department Head Reports:
Cemetery Committee-Bud Pease
Department-Del Jerome
Fire Department-
Tom Renz
Constable- Mike
Garage-Len Schiller
Zoning-1. Richard Garber 52255 Hans Road-Rezone
54630 Loon Lake Road- Home-Based Business (Contractor/Carpentry)
Marilee Ludgatis-Answers to the Questions on Janitor Position and Ambulance Department Plaques from
March meeting. Also how much money has Chairman, sideboard made 2003 and 2004 and legal
costs for the past 2 years
Potential Work to be contracted out such as Mowing, Brushing
Casual Summer Help
Painting and repair of outside of Town
Hall structure
Road Signs –
Road and
to design new town letterhead
of Town of
New Recycle Structure – Planning and Bidding ideas
BAHA Centennial Founders Day Dinner- Permission to serve wine and beer in the Town Hall
Clerical meeting between Ambulance and Fire Dept. secretaries. Depart. Heads, chair, Webb and new
board members
New Equipment Purchases-Dick Collyard
Subcontractor Issues-Dick Collyard
Issues Timeline-Update
Employee Policy Handbook- Distribution
Area Historical Association (BAHA)-Centennial Committee-Updates
Barnes Area Development-BADC-
Board Member Reports
Motion(Webb/Porter) to approve the Agenda. Meinke stated the
employee handbooks were almost ready, but the binders had not been received
yet, but the handbooks would be ready very soon. Motion carried.
to approve the Minutes of the last Board Meeting. Motion carried.
Clerk/Treasurer read the Treasurer’s Report
as follows:
Checking Balance from last meeting: $ 83,789.89
Receipt #’s 16336-16343 $ 15,796.00
Check #’s 19153-19177 $ (18,361.64)
Checking Balance $ 81,224.25
Ambulance Dept. Investment Fund $ 2,847.47
Highway Dept. Sinking Fund $ 1,062.92
BES Sinking Fund $ 16,069.91
Park Savings $ 10,883.17
Ski Trail Savings $ 411.26
Parade – Event – Calender Fund $ 1,825.44
Balance all Accounts $ 114,324.42
Motion(Webb/Meinke) to
approve the Treasurer’s Report. Motion carried.
MotionChermack/Meinke to approve the vouchers as
presented. Motion Carried.
Chairman Collyard had a comment on one of the vouchers paid out. We had a radio put in the new truck that was
purchased, and the total labor of 6 hours involved was $450.00, which included travel time, with $27.00 of parts. He
called them when he saw the invoice to see if it was a mistake and they said no it was right. He wanted to make sure
that the Highway crew would be made aware of the cost and to make sure in the future they did price checking before
ordering work to be
done such as that.
Clerk Correspondence.
1. There were two Notices to Cut received, one on land owned by Jeff Huebel and one on land owned by Jay Mitchell.
2. An
email was received from Ron Pearson regarding the entrance areas of Smith lake
road from
3. Letter
from Scott Fibert from
4. Letter from DNR regarding the grant application for the Aquatic Invasive Species Grant application for the 2005 Barnes Eurasian Water Milfoil Project. The application will be funded and we should be receiving the grant award very soon.
5. Another
letter from the DNR regarding the 2005 Recycling Grant. That grant, in the amount of $4,885.98 will
be funded by
6. An
email received from Dale and Pat Millermon to Richard
Collyard regarding a non-running truck across the
street from their residence at
7. Letter signed by Dick Collyard regarding Gene Ratzel, approving his time to work on the computers in the office to clean up the old computer and transfer files and programs to the new one which didn’t get done before Gene left as Chairman. The time is being volunteered by him.
License Application- two year Operator’s License to Christy Chaja. Clerk stated she has made her application, paid her fee and background check has been performed. We have a copy of her certificate of Responsible Beverage Server Education.
to approve the two year Operator’s License for Christy Chaja.
Public Comment Session – 5
minute comment session for those not on the agenda.
Dave Thorson spoke on the updates from the Ad Hoc committee for the Eurasian Water Milfoil project
mentioning the grant amount is almost a total of $49,000.00
with half coming from the grant and half coming from contributions through volunteer time, inkind
services, contributions from organizations and town contributions. That grant
was the second priority from the State of
There was no one else who asked to speak.
Department Head Reports
Bud Pease reported on the Cemetary Committee with a monument change in a couple of weeks, nothing else to report. Chermack asked when the last meeting was held, Pease said last June, Chermack asked if a meeting would be held soon, Pease answered probably this spring. Chermack also asked if the mapping was done, Pease said he had ordered new ones printed up and had just given a bill to the Clerk for processing. Chermack wanted to know if these new maps had the new people on it and Pease said no, they were basically copies of the maps the town office already had.
Ambulance Deprtment – Del Jerome reported there were 69 runs from last year in April to this year’s annual meeting. Since the last regular meeting there were 13 runs, the First Responder course is starting next week so if anyone is interested in attending please contact him. He said we would shortly be down to only 1 first responder but we will have 6 new EMT’s hopefully very soon. If anyone has information on past people serving in the Ambulance Department please contact him so he can compile a list of people. He said he had been having a hard time getting information on this so would appreciate any information someone might have.
Fire Department – Tom Renz was in class, the Clerk read his report for him. There were two fire runs since the last meeting, one was a stand-by and the other a vehicle fire on Highway 27. He has not finished a job description for the Captain’s job. He also wanted to have the Clerk amend the minutes from the Special Meeting held on April 15th as he is not doing away with the Assistant Chief position, he wanted to not have a 2nd Assistant Chief but instead create two Captain’s positions for better command structure. The recall on the new Fire Tanker has been completed as well as warranty work on the pinion seal and the air brakes. Rescue equipment has been placed on the truck as most members have been trained with the equipment. The cars have been moved off the ice rink. The Department will again be involved with the “Be Somebody” campaign along with the ambulance service and will be setting up in the field next to the fire hall. This is at a minimum a three county event in May. The promotion is to bring attention to the Ambulance and Fire Departments and hopefully join in and want to be a part of the team. Collyard had a question regarding a truck on the rink, does anyone know about that? They would check with Tom about that.
Constable Report – 6 alarms from the Sheriff’s Department, 9 ATV calls, a couple assist motorist calls, 2 deer hits, a fireworks complaint, 1 damage to property and 1 trespass complaint. He will be attending school at the end of this month. Collyard asked about the ATV trails and where it was legal to ride. O’Keefe said right now with the trails being closed it is only legal on those town roads that are designated or on their own property. Collyard asked if someone lived on a town road that wasn’t a designated ATV trail who would they contact to see if they could get it designated? Webb said they would put the request in to the local ATV club and the request would be brought to the Board for approval. The current law on a town road is to ride on the pavement and an ATV’s speed limit is 25mph.
Highway Report- Len Schiller is on vacation
for two weeks and then will only be back for 1 week before his last day. Collyard reported for the Highway Department, and reported
on the aluminum can issue. One crew member and the recycling person were going
to take the cans to
Zoning – Richard Garber
Chermack read the application request. The lot is off-lake, only 1.5 acres. A minimum of ¾ of an acre is required for R-1. According to the land use committee and the projection for land use this would fit in. Collyard said he spoke with Zoning and this sort of thing has happened and was the result of a rezoning error a number of years ago.
to approve the zoning from R-1 to R-2 on the Richard Garber property with no
conditions. Motion carried.
Dan Archambeau-54630 Loon Lake Road, Home Based Business (Contractor-Carpentry) Chemack said she drove out to the property and saw it was private with no neighbors around or nearby, the only condition she thought might be put would be if there was a large delivery of lumber or materials that they should be put in a garage or building so materials wouldn’t be lying around all over and be looking junky. Mr Archambeau stated he had no lumber around, everything he ordered would be delivered directly to the job. He did have a large garage on the property to store anything though if need be. Motion (Meinke/Porter) to approve a Home-based business at the Dan Archambeau residence. Motion carried. Chermack added we encourage home based businesses in the area.
Marilee Ludgaitis-answers
to questions on Janitor position and Ambulance Department plaques from the
March meeting- Marilee wanted to say she didn’t want to fight with the new
board and she just wanted to let everyone know why she was cleaning the
hall. She said she did so because of all
the wonderful memories she had of the hall, and to her this building was a
special building to her. She offered her
services to wash and iron the curtains if the new person didn’t have the time
and also she wanted to make sure the floor would get redone soon. She felt since the new person was getting
$4.00 an hour more than her she didn’t feel the town would be saving any money
if that was the reason they got rid of her.
She also was going to speak on the plaque but since Del Jerome addressed
that in his report she wouldn’t say more. She did tell
Potential Work to be Contracted out such as mowing and brushing- Collyard felt the town crew would be able to handle these jobs so this was not going to be contracted out.
Casual Summer Help- There was
discussion on this issue on last Friday’s Special Meeting but no decision was
made. Motion (Webb/Porter) to not hire a regular part time person this
summer. Discussion was to evaluate on an as-needed basis. Motion carried.
Painting and Repair of outside Town Hall Structure – Chermack spoke on the immediate need to spruce up the Town Hall because of the Centennial, the steps needed painting, some of the boards were loose, the sign needs to be painted, the Christmas lights need to be taken down. Motion (Webb/Porter) to open up the floor for discussion. Motion carried. Webb asked Tom Pieters about why the paint had chipped so quickly off the stairs at the hall. He said it was because of the amount of salt used on it each time it snowed, and there was really nothing other than repainting it and putting non-skid strips on it that could be done. Motion (Webb/Chermack) to close the floor for discussion. Motion carried. Collyard asked if we could ask some of the organizations in the town to donate some time to help with the sprucing up. Motion (Porter/Meinke) to again open up the floor for discussion. Motion carried. Dave Thorson mentioned that the Centennial Planning Committee was meeting this Thursday, and a number of organizations would be there so they could bring that up as a topic. Chairman Collyard said he would be there. Motion (Chermack/Porter) to close the floor for discussion. Motion carried. Meinke also mentioned he had talked with some of the ladies from the Garden Club to see if they would be agreeable to get some hanging baskets and flowers up and they were so he was hoping they didn’t forget about us. It was decided that Chermack would compile a list of things to be done with Collyard’s help and he would attend the Centennial Committee meeting on Thursday.
Road Signs- Chermack
asked that we order road signs quicker than what has been in the past. She felt
it was our obligation to have the signs up for safety sake. Collyard said he
would have the town crew compile a list of signs that were down. Motion
(Chermack/Porter) to order signs as soon as the list
is compiled. Motion carried.
Smart Road and
Contest to design new town letterhead- Motion (Chermack-Collyard) to open the floor to discussion to allow Lu Peet to speak on her idea. Motion carried. Lu Peet mentioned the need for new letterhead after the Centennial celebration as she felt the old letterhead logo was outdated. She proposed a contest to create a new letterhead logo that would be something simple yet attractive. Chermack said it was a nice idea especially if Lu would want to spearhead the contest. She agreed she would like to do that. Webb asked that she come back to the next meeting with ideas on how to get it out to the public without spending money on advertising and such. Collyard said we would put it on the next agenda. Motion (Webb/Porter) to close the floor to discussion. Motion carried. Collyard mentioned he spoke with Nancy Hunter with his idea about putting key points in her article each month this would be one of those things we should have Nancy put in her article.
Selling of Town of
New Recycle Structure Planning and Bid Ideas- As the floor was still open Collyard spoke with Tom Pieters
about someone he had in mind for drawing up the plans for
the new structure. Tom indicated Steve Hunter would do it for them if they
could give him an idea of what they wanted at no charge to the Town, then he would also bid on the project. That way everyone
would have the same plans for bidding on the structure. Collyard
said he would meet with Tom the next morning to go over what he thought would
be needed for the structure, then Tom could give it to Steve Hunter to draw the
plans up. Motion (Porter/Chermack) to close the
floor to discussion. Motion carried.
BAHA Centennial Founders Day Dinner-
Permission to sell wine and beer in the Town Hall. Motion (Webb/Porter) to serve
wine and beer in the Town Hall. They have to get a picnic license
and have a licensed bartender serving.
They can apply for that at the Town offices. Motion carried.
Clerical Meeting between Ambulance and Fire Departments – Secretaries, Dept. Heads, Chair, Webb, and new Board Members. It was decided that Viola was already aware of the problem with run sheets and submitting one payroll sheet per person instead of the Clerk spending time to combine everything and had designed a form to comply with this.
New Equipment Purchases- Digital
camera for the purpose of taking pictures for the Operator’s licenses and
eventually Identification cards. The clerk said the camera would cost around
$200.00 to $300.00, Collyard said a keybox would be purchased for the office for around $50.00,
a pager for Collyard for $39.00 plus $10.00
activation fee and $11.00 per month. Collyard also mentioned
the prior Chairman’s radio was deprogrammed which the Town would pay for, and
finally Diane Rupnow had volunteered to make placards
of the Board Members to place in front of them at the meetings so everyone
would know who the new Board members were. This would at no cost to the
Town. Motion (Chermack/Webb)
to purchase the camera at under $300.00, the keybox
for around $50.00, and the pager for $39.00 plus activation fee and monthly
charge of $11.00. Motion carried by
roll call vote: Chermack – yes, Porter – yes, Collyard – yes, Meinke – yes, and
Webb – yes.
Subcontractor Issues – Collyard said this was previously handled.
Issues Timeline – Update -
Employee Handbook Distribution – this item was addressed earlier, we are waiting on binders then they will be put together and distributed.
Comprehensive Land Use Committee – Dave Pease spoke stating currently the committee has made recommendation and is still discussing those areas in Barnes to recommend for commercial planning or commercial development, the next topic will be transportation, and the next meeting will be May 11 at 6:30.
Barnes Area Historical Association – Centennial Committee Updates – Dave Pease spoke on the book, which should be going to print in about three weeks, and the meeting is Thursday morning, he worked this week at placing the signs. He has been in contact with the Conservation Committee for do the posts for the signs. Chermack asked about the Founder’s Day dinner and how many tickets were left, Linda Oberstar said there were 27. Pease said the total the hall can fit is 100, so that was a firm number of total tickets that could be sold. Collyard mentioned to make sure and have all the committee reports put up on the agenda after the Department head reports which Webb concurred.
Barnes Area Development Corp – The County
was going to put a
turning lane into the park hopefully this summer. One candidate is ready to occupy the site
right next to the
Board Member Reports- Chermack had nothing to report, Porter had nothing to report but thanked the members of the audience for staying so long, Meinke said the same, Webb said the Recreational Committee asked if they could go ahead and order the table that was approved in the budget. She said she would like to have new members for the Recreation Committee. The skating rink needed to be sandblasted and painted, but Meinke had mentioned two people came in and were interested in making it a skate park. Webb said there were plenty of new young families moving into the area and she hoped the Recreational Committee could be re-energized to fit the younger family’s interests. Webb said since the Centennial is coming so quickly what could we do to make it look nice for the Centennial. There was money in the budget for the repair. Webb asked Viola Friermood to get ahold of Robin and see if she could contact Jerry Witt to see if he could sandblast it before the Centennial. Collyard said all he had was to thank the prior Board and the prior Clerk for all the hard work they did.
(Webb/Porter) to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. The meeting
was adjourned at
Members of the Town Board in attendance: Chairman Dick Collyard, Supervisors Dixie Chermack, Chris Webb, Donna Porter, and Jack Meinke. Also Present Elaine Brustad, Clerk-Treasurer.
Department Heads and Committee Members Present: Constable Mike O’Keefe, Cemetery Committee – Bud Pease, Ambulance Department – Del Jerome, Comprehensive Land Use Committee and BAHA – Dave Pease. Absent: Fire Chief Tom Renz (Classes) and Garage Supervisor Len Schiller (vacation).
Members of the Community Present: Jon and Buzzy Harkness, Sue Armsbury, Ron Pearson, Rozanne Ratzel-LeVoir, Pat LeVoir, Peg and Marv Harsvick, Dan and Sally Archambeau, Nancy Collyard, Leigh Jordahl, Kay Leppien, Lu Peet, Tom Pieters, Roberta DeLizio, Dawn Pittman, Greta Pittman, Gail and Dick Collier, Wayne Boelk, Patti and Jim Joswick, Linda and Bob Oberstar, George Martin, Marie Hughes, Deanna Welhaven, Marilee Ludgaitis, Vi Friermood, Mitch McGee, David Thorson, Leslie Hall. There may have been others in attendance but not noted or signed in.
Elaine J.
Town Clerk-Treasurer
this 27th day of April, 2005