OF MARCH 15, 2005
Chairman Gene Ratzel called the meeting to order at 6:38PM.
The Pledge of Allegiance was said.
Ratzel read the March Amended Agenda as follows:
Call the meeting to order
Pledge Allegiance to the Flag
Approve the March Amended Agenda
Approve the Minutes of the Last Regular Board Meeting
Treasurer’s Report
Voucher’s Approval
Clerk / Correspondence
License Application-2-yr Operator’s License for Kevin Basacker
Public Comment Session-5 Minute limit for those not on agenda
Department Head Reports:
Cemetery Committee-Bud Pease
Ambulance Department-Del Jerome
1. Ambulance Coverage for Towns of Highland and Drummond
Fire Department- Tom Renz
Constable- Mike O’Keefe
Garage-Len Schiller
1. Summer Help
Driveway Ordinance Issues-Dick Compton from county
DNR-Community Wildfire Protection Plan Overview
Zoning -1. Jim Montag-3305Bony Lake Road- Rezone from R2 to R3
Mike Furtak-Bayfield County Zoning Issues for Barnes (Land Use Plan Implementation Presentation)
Ad Hoc Eurasian Watermilfoil Grant-Dave Thorson- Summer hiring plans
Ambulance and Fire Department Ordinance Changes-Change the elected to an appointed position
Road Name Changes-Amend ordinance to change the name of White Pine Court and White Pine Trail to Jim
Miller Road
Jim Miller Subdivision-Change public access from Lot 7 to Lot 9
Marilee Ludgatis-Janitor Position and Ambulance Department Plaques
Issues Timeline-Update Dixie Chermack
Employee Policy Handbook- Board approval
Resolution for Signing Checks-Board to approve the resolution for three signatures required
Comprehensive Land Use Planning Committee-Updates
Barnes Area Historical Association (BAHA)-Centennial Committee-Updates
Barnes Area Development-BADC- Request funds from the town-Art Smith
Board Member Reports
Motion (Chermack / Meinke) to approve the March Amended Agenda. Motion carried.
Motion (Scharlau / Meinke) to approve the Minutes of the Last Regular Town Board Meeting as presented. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report-Debbie Sesko gave the Treasurer’s Report as follows:
Checking Balance from last meeting $ 120,180.37
Receipts # 16301 to # 16321 $ 4,294.23
Checks # 18901 to #19039 $(100,449.49)
February 2005 Service Charge $ (8.40)
February Interest $ 47.98
February Federal Tax Payment $ (5,547.24)
Transfer from Highway Sinking Fund $ 100,000.00
Checking Balance $ 118,517.55
Ambulance Department Investment Fund $ 2,842.21
Highway Department Sinking Fund -2004 Tax Levy $ 15,000.00
less transfer $ 925.39
BES Sinking Fund-2004 Tax Levy $15,000.00 $ 16,054.40
Park Savings-Receipt # 16306 $223.00 $ 10,695.13
Ski Trail Savings-Receipt # 16319 $106.52 $ 410.65
Parade-Event Calendar Fund $ 1,822.07
Balance all Accounts $ 151,177.40
Motion (Meinke / Scharlau) to approve the Treasurer’s Report as given. Motion carried.
Motion (Chermack / Meinke) to approve the vouchers as presented. Motion carried.
Clerk / Correspondence-
1. Letter from the Commissioner of Public Lands about our loan. We have requested dispersal in August and September for our road work for 2005.
2. We have received our recycling evaluation report from the Recycling Grant Program. We are doing very well as far as the town’s efforts for recycling.
3. Letter from the County saying that there are some used computers for sale to the communities.
4. 1 Intent to Cut for Plum Creek Timberlands for Plum Creek Timberlands
5. Notice of the County Zoning meeting of February 14, 2005 and also of March 17, 2005
6. Permit for Chequamegon Telephone Company for Underground Construction
7. Letter from Country Insurance from Mr. Gerrits thanking us for letting him present his insurance plan.
8. Information and Guidance Memo from Bayfield County Emergency Government on directives for Homeland Security
9. Letter from Tom O’Brien requesting to purchase some town land
10. Notice for everyone to get out and vote on April 5, 2005
The Clerk thanked everyone for their cooperation during the past four years. She said that it had been a privilege to have served the people of Barnes as Clerk.
License Applications-2-year Operator’s License for Kevin Basacker. He has had the background check done and has attended the Responsible Beverage Server course. Motion (Meinke / Chermack) to approve the 2-year Operator’s License for Kevin Basacker. Motion carried.
Dixie Chermack had a question on the Recycling Report. The question dealt with the statement that the report should show the tonnage for the white goods and cans. The clerk said that the cans are taken up town to the recycle center, but the crew does not bring back a slip with the number of pounds brought in. The crew will have to start bringing back the slips from the recycler with the weights on it. As far as the tires, Meinke said we have a lot of them brought in when there is a county wide clean sweep. The county should have a record of that. There is a record of what tires we collect. The clerk said she had reported everything that she had information on. She will contact Bob Germer from the DNR Recycle program to see what the question on this was.
Public Comment Session: 5 minutes for those not on the agenda: Carol LeBreck, a property owner on Bony Lake whose property abuts the parcels in question on the zoning issue for the meeting, spoke on her objections to the request. She has been at the Bony Lake location for over 30 years. LeBreck felt that the request was too ambiguous. She felt the request should have been more honest and less confusing. LeBreck mentioned that what she considered a fiasco, the “yellow cabin” on the lake, made her very skeptical of any requests. The people need to know what is being voting on. LeBreck stated that her concerns were also to: 1.help keep the environment clean and 2.keep the up- north atmosphere. Mike Furtak from County Zoning responded to Ms. LeBreck’s statement. Furtak said that it was a complicated issue. Furtak said that Ms. LeBreck should have called the zoning office for more information. There is a 15 acre piece of property that runs from Bony Lake through Government Lot 6 and Government Lot 7. That parcel is 238’ wide. The first 300’ is zoned R1. From that point north to Bony Lake Road, it is zoned R3. North of Bony Lake Road to the top of the property is zoned R2. When the property was subdivided, Mr. K. Peters sold the south half of the property to the Hilla / Garry party, keeping the north portion. There was an illegally created parcel as it is only 238’ wide and does not meet the standards of the zoning for R2. That is why this should be rezoned to R3 from R2. The whole parcel has to be rezoned, not just part of the parcel. The Hilla/Garry’s plan to build a house on the north portion. They could do that now without a rezone. Zoning will not issue any permits since that lot has been illegally created. This request is an attempt to create two parcels-one parcel of 71/2 acres that will be R3 and the remainder of the parcel, also 71/2 acres owned by Hilla/ Garry down to the 300’ line north of Bony Lake Road, will be zoned R3 also. Furtak said that this all was a result of the rezoning done 30 years ago. The situations have changed since then. Furtak said that Mr. Montag was only the agent and contractor and was not a sub-divider. There was discussion on how many houses could be put up on the site. The issue was held for further discussion until it would come up under the zoning request.
Department Head Reports-
Cemetery Committee-Bud Pease reported that there had been no activity since the last meeting.
Ambulance Department-Ambulance Director Del Jerome was not present. The report provided was read by the Clerk as follows:
There were six calls: 1 smoke alarm (false call); 1 fire alarm (false call); 1 pickup on side not patient; 1 heart (Hayward); 1 heart (Hayward) and 1 snowmobile accident (Helicopter) (Report was from Viola through Del.) The Ambulance coverage for the Town of Highland and the Town of Drummond was not discussed as there was no one from the department at the meeting to report on this issue.
Fire Department-Fire Chief Tom Renz was not here to present the report. (at classes) The Clerk read the written report as follows: Fire Report for the Month-One snowmobile accident requiring rescue sled and set up Landing Zone; 7 fire fighters attended Urban Wildland Interface training on 3-05-05; This Saturday we will have Extrication training behind the Town Hall in the skating rink; new computer program is up and running now- will be able to show demonstration when the board wishes. Tom Renz, Fire Chief
Constable Report-Mike O’Keefe reported that there were 24 calls since the last meeting, most involved snowmobile and house alarms from the sheriff’s department. O’Keefe said that he had met with Kay Cederberg the Bayfield County Clerk of Courts, and had given her a copy of theTown of Barnes’ Ordinances for their records. O’Keefe also indicated that he met the town’s attorney John Carlson.
Garage Report-Supervisor Len Schiller reported that the crew has been doing routine road maintenance and snowplowing. The town received two more loads of salt / sand from Sawyer County. Schiller said that this would be the last we could get. The roads have required more salt / sand than usual this year. The new town truck would be delivered sometime this week. Vehicle repairs were done. Six new tires were put on the town truck. The hydraulic motor on the sander needed repair also. The issue of Summer Help was discussed. There was a question if the town would rehire the same person that had the job last summer. There were questions from the board on whether or not this would be necessary, as the roadwork was being bid out this year and the crew would not be doing as much on this. Perhaps the crew would be able to do some of the work normally assigned to the summer help. Scharlau felt the position would be needed as the cemetery, parks and town grounds have to be maintained. There could be extra work for this due to the Centennial being held in June. Meinke said if we should go along with summer help, we could stay with the same person we had last year, as a compromise. The issue was postponed until the April meeting when more information would be available..
Driveway Ordinance Issues-Dick Compton from the county spoke on this issue. It was suggested that the county have county-wide standards for this ordinance. The ordinances have been hard to enforce. The towns get the permit information after the fact. Then when trying to enforce the driveway ordinances, the towns find that it is hard to do. There could be a compromise. The county could consider having a two level permit policy-the first part would be the driveway permit and the second would be the building permit. The building permit would not be issued until the driveway permit was issued. The driveways would have to meet the safety and access recommendations for the towns. Meinke said he had come to the same conclusion on this matter. Chermack asked if this would be part of the building permit process. Yes it would be. There was discussion on the county doing the enforcement of this ordinance. Compton asked the town to submit a letter to the county stating that they would consider approving this ordinance and have county enforcement. Meinke said we should get the DNR’s input into this also, as this was discussed at the Community Wildfire Protection Plan meeting. Chermack said the board should send this letter. Attorney John Carlson said that this should be put on the meeting agenda for the March 21st meeting as it requires action. The board agreed to this.
DNR-Community Wildfire Protection Plan Overview- Gene Ratzel said that several of the board members had attended this meeting recently and had requested this overview. Tom Salzman, the DNR Area Forestry Supervisor for the Lake Superior District stationed in Brule, spoke on the new planning program. Since the early 20th century, the old Conservation Department and then the DNR, were responsible for suppressing forest fires. In the 1990’s, both the DNR and Forestry Service were responsible for fire suppression. One of the priorities for the fire suppression plan was to look at the risk of the communities. Communities were looked at for the risk for severe wildfires and the towns of Drummond and Barnes are included in that list. In 2003 the Federal government enacted the Healthy Forest Restoration Act. This act gave more latitude to agencies in management of wildlands around communities, to reduce the risk of wildland fires within the communities. This would only happen with cooperation. This was the start of the creation of the Community Wildfire Protection Plan. The project would look at the areas of concern and lay out requirements. This would only be done through community cooperation. There would be cooperation with the local fire departments. This area is the first in the state to be part of this pilot program. There is $30,000.00 for this hazard mitigation fund. Northwest Regional Planning would do the actual plan. It is your plan and the actual process involves the following steps: 1. Convene decision makers; 2. Involve Federal agencies; 3. Engage all interested parties; 4. Establish community base maps to identify highest risk areas; 5. Develop community risk assessment; 6. Establish community recommendations for highest risk areas; 7. Develop an action plan-what will we do; and 8. Finalize the plan and seek approval of the towns. If both the Town of Barnes and the Town of Drummond agree, this could be done by the 2006 fire season. The question for the board is do they want to participate in this plan and who would represent the towns. This should be done as soon as possible. This issue will be on the April regular town board meeting. Don Luebbe of the local DNR will be contacted for more information or Mr. Salzman. The motion for the board to approve going ahead with this action plan will be on the March 21st agenda.
Zoning-1. Jim Montag-3305 Bony Lake Road Request to rezone from R2 to R3. Mike Furtak gave a brief overview of the parcels and what was involved. Furtak said that when the parcel was divided, an illegal lot was created (by an attorney). Furtak presented an overhead presentation on the lots in question. The parcel is only 238’wide and the requirement for R2 is 300’. Furtak explained the zones involved around the Bony Lake Road area are R1 for the first 300’ from the lake and the next 200’ are R3 and then the rest is zoned R2. Furtak found the problems when investigating the permit requests. Mr. Montag then presented his request to the board. Chermack asked how many acres there were in total for the Hilla/Garry and Peters property. There is a total of 15 acres (7 ½ and 7 ½). There was more discussion on these lots. Ratzel asked how the town could unscramble this mess. Attorney Carlson said that this was the same issue that the town has faced in the past. The land is in limbo. This is a common problem here. The county would have to go back and rezone R2 to R3 around the lakes. Ratzel said that to rezone these areas may be the only solution. This is where the land use plan would give us direction. This may go to the courts. We have to make intelligent decisions on this. There would have to be certified surveys done. Chermack asked where on the property the building was going to be placed. Furtak said that hasn’t been decided yet, but that they would have to abide by zoning rules. Ratzel asked how the town gets involved in these decisions, outside of zoning issues. Attorney Carlson said there were quite a few areas in Barnes with the same problem. Furtak said that this was a prime example of why the town needs a land use plan. Mr. Montag said that the current plan is to subdivide the southern 7 acres and sell off the lake part (about 4 acres) and have 3 acres on the rest. Ken Peters just wants to sell his property. Attorney Carlson spoke on deed restrictions and that the courts rely on land use plans for decisions. Ratzel said we don’t have a plan and have to go on what we have. Furtak asked the board how they felt about this, the rezoning issue. Ratzel read into the record a letter from Curt Beaver stating his objections. The clerk also noted a letter from Leslie Hall stating her objections to the rezoning, as well (all letters may be viewed in the clerk’s office). Ratzel said this indicated that the townspeople do not want this rezoned. Chermack said that the survey that was sent out for the land use planning also indicated that those people who responded were not in favor of this. The decision was put to a vote. Motion (Chermack / Ratzel) to disallow the recommendation to have the north side of the parcel rezoned to R3 from R2. There was further discussion on the issue. Scharlau asked if there would only be one residence on the parcel, could this make a difference. Chermack said that once it was done, it would be too late. Furtak said that the Peters property was land locked and there were no plans for a cabin on that parcel. Roll call vote was taken: Meinke, Yes, (to deny at this time); Scharlau, Yes; Chermack, Yes and Ratzel, Yes. Motion to deny the rezoning carried. Scharlau said that after the land use plan was in place, there would be more consistency. Furtak said that if county zoning approved the rezone, the town would be able to file a petition to overturn that decision (only for a rezone). It could end up back in the town.
Mike Furtak-Bayfield County Zoning Issues for Barnes (Land use plan implementation presentation). Furtak said that the county is looking at towns that have completed their land use plan and it is looking for inconsistencies in the plans. Furtak said that the areas of inconsistency need to be identified. Towns with a lot of ag land want to have a 10 acre minimum, but there is no zone for that now. This will have to be looked at. Furtak also spoke on the changes for the pink forms. There will be two categories: Class A-This includes residences in ag or forestry districts and shoreland grading permits, on and off premise sign applications and placement of an RV on a lot for longer than 4 months. The pink forms will come directly from the applicant and won’t be coming from zoning. If more information is needed, contact the zoning office. Class B-The rest of these packets will come from the county. The Bayfield County Planning Committee has put together a checklist recommended for the towns to follow when making zoning decisions: 1. Look to the zoning ordinances; 2. The zoning committee will consider the town board’s recommendations based upon the extent to which the proposed use would be compatible or incompatible with the town’s plan and then the input will be looked at to see if their recommendations are compatible with the land use plan. The land use plan will be very important. The town would give a copy of their land use plan to the county when it is completed. (Chermack had given copies of the proposed changes to the board members.)
Ad Hoc Eurasian Watermilfoil Grant- Dave Thorson spoke on the grant. Thorson said that the DNR had approved our grant request. This project was rated # 2 in the state so it is important. Thorson gave a brief history of the Ad Hoc since its beginnings last fall. There are three projects involved. (A copy of the report was passed around to the board members). The coordinator would be responsible for the following:
1. The Clean Boats and Clean Water program (15%) - Coordinate / Monitor volunteers at boat landings and collect data and put on a spread sheet.
2. EWM Inventory (60%)-There will be an ad placed to hire a coordinator who will be trained in identification of the problems and in the use of GPS and other mapping aids. The coordinator will develop the plant survey plan, coordinate and participate in the plan and schedule and monitor the two assistants.
3. Develop a Public Information and Education Project (15%)-Develop signage for the landings and work to develop a public information campaign.
4. Prepare a Final Report (10%)-Prepare a final technical report and present it to the EWM committee, the Barnes Town Board and WI DNR.
Thorson asked what the board feels is the next step for the town. The committee would like to get this going as soon as possible. The clerk said she was investigating several different avenues for this hiring process. The town is trying to keep under the 50 employee limit to keep from having additional conditions put on it. Chermack said that we should go ahead with the project and approve the hiring of the coordinator. The ad for the position is only in a draft form. Since this issue was not on the agenda for approval, it will be put on the March 21st agenda.
Ambulance and Fire Department Ordinance Changes-Change the elected positions to appointed positions. The reason for this change is help isolate any polarization, to have direct input into the heads of the departments, to solicit information from department personnel for their recommendations. It makes it more functional to appoint somebody than it does to elect somebody. Dave Scharlau said that this was being done to give more continuity to the departments. Motion (Scharlau / Meinke) to have the administrative positions for the Fire Department and Ambulance Department be appointed by the Town Board instead of elected. This will take effect at the next regularly scheduled elections or at the next vacancy. Motion carried. The clerk will get the changes to the attorney to have the ordinances amended.
Road Name Changes-Amend Ordinance to change the name of White Pine Court and White Pine Trail to Jim Miller Road. This amendment was necessary to include that portion of the road known as White Pine Trail. This was not noted on the original ordinance passed several weeks ago. The following ordinance was read:
Town Road Name Changes
Changing White Pine Court and White Pine Trail to Jim Miller Road and
Robinson Lake Landing to Robinson Lake Road
(1.) The road now know as White Pine Court and White Pine Trail located in the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SW ¼, SE ¼ ), Section Eighteen (18), Township Forty-Four (44) North, Range Nine (9) West, shall be considered a continuation of Jim Miller Road and shall hereafter be known as Jim Miller Road.
(2.) The road now known as Robinson Lake Landing located in the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SE ¼ SE ¼) and the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SW ¼ SE ¼), Section Thirty-Three (33), Township Forty-Five (45) North, Range Nine (9) West, shall be considered a continuation of Robinson Lake Road and shall hereafter be known as Robinson Lake Road.
Motion (Chermack / Meinke) to approve the Amended Ordinance to change the name of White Pine Court and White Pine Trail to Jim Miller Road and to change the name of Robinson Lake Landing to Robinson Lake Road. Motion carried. The clerk will post and publish all ordinances and will notify all agencies needing the information on the road name changes. The Register of Deeds will also be contacted.
Jim Miller Subdivision- Change public access from Lot # 7 to Lot # 9. There was discussion that no changes can be made at this meeting. This was just to notify the board that this action was being pursued by the Jim Miller subdivision owners. The plat is in the process of being resurveyed as some of the lots are non-conforming. This might be able to be accomplished by certified survey maps, but this is not clear at this time. This may have to be done by court action. Lot # 9 will be a better public access for the town as it is less steep and is a larger parcel. This is also subject to DNR approval. Ratzel asked if this could be done without the townspeople’s approval at an Annual or Special Town Meeting. The attorney felt it could be as the town would not be loosing property, just shifting the landing to another more desirable property. There was a question by Mike Furtak if this was an approved plat? Yes it is. Furtak asked if this could be amended. Attorney Carlson said he was in contact with Karl at zoning on this issue. It may not be able to be done without court action. Attorney Carlson just wanted the town to be aware of the issue.
Marilee Ludgatis-Janitor position and Ambulance Department Plaque-Ms. Ludgatis spoke on the janitor position:
1. Ludgatis said she saw an ad in the paper and the ad said that the janitorial work would include doing the Ambulance/Fire Hall as well as the bathrooms in the Highway garage area. If the town board wanted them cleaned they could have come to her about doing them. The board could have said they wanted to expand the cleaning area and could have asked her if she would be interested and consider staying with the town and take in the expansion and the extra work. She said she would have said no at the time because she felt those areas should be cleaned by the people in those departments. She called 5 other towns and she did not know of any other towns where the taxpayers pay to clean the EMT and garage areas. She felt the townspeople should not have to pay for someone to clean up these areas. They should clean up after themselves.
2. As far as the liability of having Ed work with her (or anyone else), she said that would have to apply to anyone who volunteered or came to the town hall. There are many clubs that meet here and also the seniors that come to the meal site. She cited Dean Peet helping Lu with the plantings, as an example of this. These people would be covered like anyone else under the town’s liability coverage.
3. Ms. Ludgatis said she was given a job description when she was hire. There evidently is no record of one at the town office, however. She said it was on a typed piece of paper that listed what she was to do. She said she did lots of things not on the list, such as walls, because she enjoyed doing it. She did not know why a person needed a job description to clean the hall. She also wanted to know is the town looking to contract out other town jobs or is the janitor job the only one? Is the dump job or Lenny’s job or any other job being considered? Ratzel said not at this time.
Ms. Ludgatis then spoke on an ambulance plaque that would be for all retired members of the ambulance service. She felt one main plaque would serve to recognize all those who had been on the service since the service was started. Everybody’s name would be on it. It would be put up in the town hall. She said that when she approached Gene Miller about this, he felt it couldn’t be done as some members only were there for a brief time. Ludgatis said it shouldn’t matter. They gave of their time to help the people. Ludgatis said she got her little plaque for her service from the clerk. What has she done to the ambulance department that they could not hand her the plaque? She rode for years and answered many calls and had many people at her house to have fish hooks removed, etc. They [the ambulance department] couldn’t even hand her the little plaque. Ludgatis said that Viola Friermood would have a record of all of the people who have been on the service from the past. She thought to be fair, it should include all of those people who served no matter how short the time. All people should be recognized. Ratzel asked Ludgatis if she has spoken to the department head on this. She replied that she had just spoken to Miller. Ludgatis said she would look for her answers at the next meeting.
Issues Timeline-Update Dixie Chermack-Chermack had prepared an undated copy for the board members. The attorney took a copy to have. Chermack asked what the status of the ordinances was. The Parliamentary Procedure Ordinance would be to adopt Robert’s Rules. Chermack went through the rest of the ordinances that the town is looking to adopt. Carlson will look at them and get them to us as soon as possible. The Weight Limits Ordinance would require a rating to be done first. There was discussion on this and what the town’s liability is for this. Carlson recommended not putting up a sign unless we know what the rating is. No action can be taken on approving doing the ratings tonight as it is not on the agenda. This will be put on the agenda for the March 21st meeting. The Ambulance Investment Plan money will be dispersed to all of the members qualified to receive the dispersments. The clerk will get together with the Ambulance Director to figure this out. The Ambulance Policy Handbook still has to brought to the members of the department. Chermack asked if the Web Page issue was completed. The Web Page is done. The only thing that wasn’t completed was the training for the people to do the input of information. This is being worked on Ratzel said. Scharlau said that the sign applications are just waiting for Wausau’s signature. Hopefully this will be done soon. Chermack asked Scharlau if he and Renz had looked into this-if the issues concerning the maintenance of the emergency vehicles had been addressed. Scharlau said that Renz said it is already being done. Motion (Scharlau / Meinke) to open the floor to discussion. Motion carried. Donna Porter had a question on the fact that the ambulance personnel hadn’t even seen the new Ambulance Department Policy yet, so how could they OK it? The policy did not get to the department head until after the last meeting. It is ready now. Del Jerome should get copies to the members to look over. The issue in question was the maintenance of the vehicles, not the ambulance policy. Motion (Meinke / Ratzel) to close the floor to discussion. Motion carried. The Timeline discussion was completed and Chermack will do the next updates.
Employee Policy Handbook-Board approval-Attorney Carlson reported that his secretary was doing all of the grammar changes and other changes noted and that the handbook had all of the changes completed in the version that the board was to approve. These changes were noted and discussed. Motion (Chermack / Meinke) to approve the final draft of the Employee Policy Handbook. Motion carried. Attorney Carlson will get the final draft to CEP for them to do the bound handbook.
Resolution for Signing Checks-Board to approve the resolution for three signatures required-The clerk read the resolution as follows:
WHEREAS, the Town of Barnes has approved the position of an appointed Clerk-Treasurer and
WHEREAS, the Town of Barnes requires three (3) signatures on the General Fund Account and two (2) signatures on all other Town of Barnes Bank accounts:
1. The three (3) signatures required on the Town of Barnes General Fund Bank Account will be the Clerk-Treasurer, the Town Chairperson, and any one of the four Supervisors.
2. The two (2) signatures required on any other Town of Barnes Bank Accounts will be the Clerk-Treasurer and Town Chairperson.
This Resolution will take effect April 12, 2005 on the day of the Annual Meeting.
Adopted this 15th day of March, 2005
By a vote of 4 in favor, 0 against, 1 (Absent-Chris Webb).
Motion (Ratzel / Scharlau) to approve the resolution for the three signatures required on the checks. Motion carried.
Comprehensive Land Use Planning Committee-Dave Pease said that the CLUP was currently working on Housing and Land Use in regard to zoning. These are difficult issues, he said.
Barnes Area Historical Association (BAHA) Centennial Committee –Updates-Dave Pease also reported for the Centennial Committee. Pease said that there would be a meeting on the 17th of March. The plans for the celebration are going forward. The historical book is also going forward.
Barnes Area Development Corporation (BADC)-Art Smith gave an update on what was happening with the BADC. The business park has two interested clients and the corporation will need to have the funds that have been budgeted for the BADC transferred to the BADC account. The clerk will take care of this. No motion was needed as this amount was budgeted by the town board. Smith said that information had to be kept confidential as to not compromise the plans. Smith said that there is an aluminum recycler who would be putting in his letter of intent shortly. The other business needs to put in a letter of intent, but would not be starting up until summer. The BADC is working with Bayfield County to get a grant to get the three-phase power to the business park. This would cost about $10,000.00 Dahlberg Electric said. The Bayfield County Highway Department is also working on a plan for the turn lane at the park entrance on Highway N and also looking at making Highway N a four-season road. Dale Brevak, Bayfield County Highway Commissioner, would have information to the BADC on this shortly.
Board Member Reports:
Jack Meinke-No more to add.
Dixie Chermack-No more to add.
Dave Scharlau-Scharlau wanted to thank everyone for the support he has had for the past two years as supervisor.
Gene Ratzel-No more to add.
Motion (Chermack / Scharlau) to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:15PM.
Members of the Town Board in attendance: Chairman Gene Ratzel, Supervisors Dixie Chermack, Dave Scharlau and Jack Meinke. Absent: Chris Webb (Out of town). Also present: Treasurer Debbie Sesko, Deputy Clerk Elaine Brustad and Clerk Lu Peet.
Department Heads and Committee persons present: Constable Mike O’Keefe, Garage Supervisor Len Schiller, BAHA Centennial Committee Dave Pease, Comprehensive Land Use Planning Committee, Bud Pease Cemetery Committee, Dave Pease and BADC Art Smith. Absent: Fire Chief Tom Renz (Classes) and Ambulance Director Del Jerome (Unavailable).
Other representatives: Mike Furtak, Bayfield County Zoning: Tom Salzman, WI DNR: and Attorney John Carlson.
Members of the community present: Bob Oberstar, Linda Oberstar, Kay Leppien, Donna Porter, Carol LeBreck, Marcia Wellnitz, Leigh Jordahl, Earl Gregoire, Dale Harper, Karen Harper, Dave Thorson, Dick Collyard, Janine Watts, Dorothy Mueller, Paul Mueller, Mitch McGee, Vic Wekkin, Ron Pearson, Raymond Nellessen, Geri Nellessen and Jim Montag. There may have been others in attendance but not noted or signed in.
Respectfully submitted,
Lucille J. Peet
Barnes Town Clerk
Dated this 22nd day of March 2005