Gene Ratzel called the meeting to order at 6:30PM.
Pledge of Allegiance was said.
read the December Amended Agenda as follows:
the meeting to order
the December Amended Agenda
the Minutes of the Last Regular Board Meeting
Head Reports
of 2005-2006 Election Inspectors
Zoning: 1. Sharon Stark-Rezone R2
to R3 2. Approve corrections to the
official zoning district map
Check Ordinance
for Employee Handbook Updates
to pay additional amount
Road Issues
Page Issues
Plow Issues
2004 Budget Amounts
Land Use Planning Committee
Area Historical Association-Centennial Report
Member Reports
Town Board will go into closed session pursuant to State Statutes 19.85 (b) and
(c) for considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance
evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has
jurisdiction or exercises responsibility. The board will then return
immediately to the regular session after the closed session.
Motion (Webb / Meinke) to approve the Amended December Agenda. Motion
Motion (Meinke / Chermack) to approve the Minutes of the Last Regular
Town Board Meeting. Motion carried.
Report- In
the absence of the Treasurer Debbie Sesko, the Clerk read the following report:
Checking Balance from last meeting $ 267,805.45
Receipts # 16246 to # 16263 $ 3,770.52
Checks # 18584 to # 18690 $ (57,114.99)
November Service Charge -
November 2004 Interest $ 82.30
Transfer from Tax Savings $ 1,324.25
Checking Balance $ 215,867.53
Ambulance Department
Investment Fund $ 2,830.18
Highway Department Sinking
Fund $ 85,833.92
BES Sinking Fund $ 17,835.74
Park Savings-Receipt #
16247-$242.25 $ 10,207.74
Ski Trail savings $ 303.81
Parade-Event Calendar
Fund-Receipts # 16254-56 & 59 $ 2,819.44
Balance All Accounts $ 335,707.36
Motion (Chermack / Meinke)
to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented. Motion carried.
Motion (Chermack / Ratzel)
to approve the vouchers as presented. Motion carried.
Public Comment Session-5 minutes for those not on
the agenda. Dave Pease spoke on the Closed Area Ordinance and what his
concerns were on the issue. Was it the Town Ordinance that enforced this? He
said that this affected many residents in the areas around the lakes-several
hundred people. Chris Webb said that since the Code of Ordinances has taken
effect, this ordinance is no longer valid, but that the town has adopted the
state hunting and trespass laws. These laws can be enforced by the sheriff’s
department and the DNR, as well as our own constable. Jack Meinke noted that
this makes it easier to enforce these issues. Previously only the constable
could enforce this ordinance and the town did not have provisions in place to
give out citations. Now the constable
has the power to do this. There is more protection now. Jon Harkness
also spoke on the Closed Area. He said that property does not have to be
posted. The hunters must have permission from the landowner to be on that
property. This is the hunter’s responsibility. It is OK to call the sheriff’s
department. Ratzel said that the yellow Closed Area signs will be removed as
they deteriorate. Mike O’Keefe,
Constable, said that he had received 3-4 trespass calls this hunting season. He
talked to the persons involved to educate them on the trespass laws and the
penalties involved. Gene Miller spoke on the town’s web site. He asked
that when the issue came up in the agenda, if the floor could be opened to
discussion for him. Yes it could.
Department Head Reports:
Cemetery Report- Bud Pease, Cemetery Sexton, reported that
there was a burial for Gertrude
(Norton) Ditmar on November 20th. That
was the only activity.
Ambulance Department-Ambulance Director Del
Jerome said that there was one run since the last
meeting and one ice rescue stand-by. Dr. Schultz,
Medical Director, will be at the January 5, 2005
Ambulance Department meeting at 6:00PM. He would
like to hold it in the main town hall. He urged
all of the board members to attend that meeting.
The clerk will post the notice of attendance of the
board members. Jerome said that he had spoken with
Great Divide and that they have some ideas on
the 24-7 signup problems.
Fire Department-Tom Renz, Fire Chief, was
attending classes. The clerk gave the following report:
There was one false call. An ice rescue training
session was held on Saturday and 6 persons
participated. The chief had one new member for the
board to approve. He is Kevin Fleming and has
his Entry Level requirements. Motion (Webb
/ Meinke) to approve Kevin Fleming as a new member
of the fire department. Motion carried.
Constable Report-Constable Mike O’Keefe
reported that he had 17 calls since the last meeting. He
had several alarm calls from the sheriff’s
department and several trespassing calls and calls for a
Garage Report-Len Schiller, Garage Supervisor,
said that the crew had installed the new cattle-type
gates at the clay pit and brush pile across from
the transfer site. The new card reader for the fuel
system has been installed and the system seems to be working all right now. Schiller
had discovered
a source for training videos and the crew has been
able to view some of them. He will get more from
UW- Madison. The crew has been doing the routine
maintenance of the road such as plowing and
Schiller asked the board if they had done anything on the proposed road
name changes
described at the last meeting. This will be put on the
January Agenda as an ordinance to take official
Zoning-1. Sharon Stark 53895 George Lake Road-Rezone from R2 to
R3. There was a question on why this rezoning was requested. Mike Furtak from
zoning said that this was to allow the previously undividable land to be
divided into possibly two or more parcels of two to four acres. The lot on the
eastern side is not 300’, but is zoned R2.
When Barnes first adopted zoning, the first 300’ around the lakes was
zoned R1. The next 300’ was zoned R3 and the remainder of the lots were R2.
Back then the implications of this zoning was not realized. Now when people go
to subdivide their lots, they find that the back half of their lot is not 300’
average width and many of them aren’t able to subdivide their parcels since
they need the 300’ requirement. The
other land in the area is zoned R1 and R3 now. This rezoning would not make an
impact on the area. There are a couple of small ponds on the property, but this
would not affect the zoning. There are about 11 acres for this property. There
could be more petitions in the future on this same issue, on other parcels in
this area. Motion (Chermack / Webb) to approve Sharon Stark’s request
to rezone her land from R2 to R3. There were no other conditions put on the
request. Motion carried. 2. Approve the corrections to the official
zoning district map-Furtak said that this request was being made to correct
typographical errors, mis-coloring and omissions made on the official zoning
district mapping. Dave Kedroski of the county was in charge of this project
that was brought to light when some residents of Barnes said that their
property was not zoned correctly or was noted as being incorrect. Chermack said
that when she looked over the changes, mainly for the Comprehensive Land Use
Planning, she found that there were errors on the changes as well. She called
Mr. Furtak and he said that they were aware of the problems and had tabled the
issue until the corrections were done. He and Mr. Kedroski sat down and did the
corrections. There were about 20 corrections. Furtak said that this issue was
tabled at the December 16, 2004 zoning hearing, as the town board had not had a
chance to put in its comments either. Jon Harkness, a resident whose property
was one of the ones affected, said that he had contacted the number given on
the letter he had received, as he had noted a problem on his parcel. He said
that he had not been treated well at the county zoning office and that it had
not been a good experience. Furtak said he would report this to zoning. Furtak
would also take a look at Mr. Harkness’s parcel. The board members had received
a copy of the corrected changes. Furtak went through each one with the board
and explained them. Dave Pease had a question on the old Pease Resort property.
Furtak said he would check this out. Chermack said that the bottom line was
that the maps were correct and if we show approval here tonight, at the January
meeting they can say it was approved by us. Motion (Webb / Meinke) to
approve the amendment changes, as outlined by the county, to the zoning
district map. Motion carried. The
clerk will get the signed papers back to zoning.
Ambulance Personnel-Fritz Barnes said that in
July of this year there had been an issue with unauthorized personnel being on
the scene of an ambulance call and being in the back of the ambulance and that
it may have affected the town’s liability, was this correct? Ratzel said that
it did expose the town to all kinds of action by having unauthorized personnel
assisting. Mr. Barnes then said that the chairman wrote a letter on it and that
he had two town board members set up a commission to interview ambulance
personnel, by-standers, etc. This had people under a lot stress and
humiliation. People were reprimanded and suspended, etc. The same thing happens
again and the Ambulance Director and the town board do nothing. Mr. Barnes
wanted to know why. This call involved the town chairman. Why was he helping,
as he was not an EMT or 1st Responder? Ratzel said he would clarify
the situation. Ratzel said he had heard the call and was in the driveway. He
was requested to physically help with lifting the cot as there were only two
people on the scene and they were short handed. Mr. Barnes noted that this was
the same as the incident in July. Ratzel said that it was a totally different
issue. That person was in the ambulance and by the helicopter and was much more
involved. Ratzel said he was a private individual that was requested to
physically give assistance to the litter. Mr. Barnes asked if Ratzel was
able to do that. Ratzel said
yes. The other question from Mr. Barnes was on the issue of the 24-7 coverage
and that the Ambulance Director has stated that the coverage is only 40%. Is
the town still going to provide coverage for those portions of the Town of
Highland and the Town of Drummond? Ratzel said that this issue can’t be covered
at this time. The Ambulance Department head is working on that solution and is
in contact with the Medical Director. He has a meeting set up for next month to
pull all of these people together and to fine tune what we have for resources
and what the requirement is going be and what the deficiency is and how to fill
Resolution to approve loan
for $600,000.00 at 3% for 5 years from the State Trust Loan Fund for roadwork to be
done in 2005. The clerk read the resolution that had been prepared by the State
Trust Loan Fund. Motion (Chermack / Meinke) to pass the resolution to
take out the loan for $600,000.00 at 3% for 5 years from the State Trust Loan
Fund for roadwork to be done in 2005. Roll call vote was taken: Chermack, yes;
Meinke, yes; Webb, yes and Ratzel, yes. Supervisor Dave Scharlau was absent.
Motion carried. The clerk
will complete the loan application process and return the application to the
State Trust Loan Fund.
Worthless Check Ordinance- The clerk read the
Worthless Check Ordinance as follows:
Section 2-9 of the
Town of Barnes Ordinances
of worthless checks. Whoever issues any check or other order for the payment of
money which, at the time of issuance, the person intends shall not be paid
shall be subject to a forfeiture and the obligation to make restitution as
provided in section (4) below.
of the following is prima facie evidence that the person at the time he or she
issued the check or other order for the payment of money, intended it should
not be paid:
that, at the time of issuance, the person did not have an account with drawee;
that, at the time of issuance, the person did not have sufficient funds or
credit with the drawee and that the person failed within 5 days after receiving
notice of nonpayment or dishonor to pay the check or other order; or
that, when presentment was made within a reasonable time, the person did not
have sufficient funds or credit with the drawee and the person failed within 5
days after receiving notice of nonpayment or dishonor to pay the check or other
(3) This ordinance does not apply to a postdated or to a check given for past consideration, except a payroll check.
violates this ordinance may be required to make restitution as provided in
Section 800.093 of the Wisconsin Statutes and, in addition, shall be subject to
a forfeiture of not less than $50.00 and not more than $400.00 together with
the costs of prosecution.
ordinance is intended to be in conformity with Section 943.24 of the Wisconsin
Statutes and shall be interpreted consistent with that intent.
Motion (Webb / Chermack) to
approve the Worthless Check Ordinance as stated. Motion carried. The clerk will publish and
post the ordinance in accordance with State Statutes.
Contract for Employee Policy
Ratzel said that the town board has been wrestling with this issue for a long
time and that the current handbook still does not address all town employees. Ratzel
said that at a recent Clerk Conference the clerk received information on the
CEP (Concentrated Employment Program) program on how to do the Employee Policy
Handbooks. CEP is a division of the Department of Workforce Development. They
do this service for all businesses. CEP has developed a program for employee
policy handbooks and that legal staff has reviewed all of the handbook issues. A
representative from CEP met with Ratzel this week on our handbook. CEP has
federal grant money that helps support this organization. The cost is $200.00
for the creating the manual, including 10 manuals for the town. Additional manuals
are available for $10.00 each and we would need about 30 more. Ratzel said that
after we start on some of these projects, we find that there is help out there
for us. We just don’t know where to look for the help. This looks like a cost
saving effort and to have a professional approach to get all of our ducks in a
row. The program is put to disk. The town can have the disk to do internal
changes such as vacation days, etc. Webb asked if CEP had seen our handbook.
Ratzel said that yes they had seen it. Ratzel said that CEP wanted to meet with
the Ambulance Director and the Fire Chief on December 28th, if
possible, to get their input, as the original handbook was geared more to the
highway garage and transfer site personnel. Motion (Webb / Meinke) to
enter into a contract with CEP to design and develop the Employee Policy Handbook .There was
discussion on the issue. Chermack asked how long it would take to get it done. The
Policy Handbook could be ready within a few weeks. Webb said that because they
have the templates, it should not take them long. We still have to review it.
Ratzel said that CEP also provided him with a folder that had other information
available to the town from CEP. There was discussion on the limit for the
amount. The following addition to the motion was made to read for a
maximum cost of $500.00 (includes the additional handbooks). Roll call vote was
taken: Meinke, yes; Webb, yes; Chermack, yes and Ratzel, yes. Motion carried.
Ratzel will get back to the CEP people on this and arrange for the meeting on
the 28th.
Scott Construction- The clerk said she had
contacted Zane Korthoff from Scott Construction to see why the amount was
$2,390.40 more than the bid proposal and contract that was agreed on. He said
that this was because at the request by the highway department and Meinke,
Scott needed to put in additional gravel in the driveway areas off the Pease
Road-[Meinke stated that this was only for the roads that came off of the Pease
Road, not individual driveways]. Scott did need to put down the additional
gravel. It was the town’s gravel, but they did the hauling. They are asking to
have the town split the additional cost with them, 50-50. They said that the
town would have had to do all of the hauling anyway and as long as Scott was
there, they were asked to do it as it was quicker and more convenient for Scott
to do it. Motion to pay
additional 50% of cost overrun on the Pease Road project. Motion (Webb /
Chermack) to approve the payment to Scott Construction for the additional 50%
($1,195.20) for roadwork done on the Pease Road. Roll call vote taken: Chermack,
yes; Meinke, yes, but with reluctance; Webb had a question on this comment. Meinke
said that this was due to the dialogue that he had had with Zane. Webb asked if
Scott should have paid for all of it. Meinke said that with the contract they
had, [Meinke didn’t want to put too much pressure on them because they will be
back next year, if they get the contract, which will be reopened and re-bid],
because they only did half the original contract which was bid on the completed
job and what they said they would do it for last year, you would think that the
gravel roads that hit that spot [would be included]. If they all came up just
perfect, there would be no issue, but like Mulligan Creek Road which was the
worst, we had to go back quite a bit and use a lot of gravel. At the time,
Meinke had asked how many loads of gravel would be needed. Zane said it would
come to about $4,000.00 worth of gravel. Meinke said he thought it should be done and he thought it would
have been done with the hot mix. That was his point. We have to go ahead and
pay this amount. Webb, Yes and Ratzel, yes. Motion carried. Ratzel
asked if this was because of the raising of the road which required us to taper
those driveways more. They were only going to do the 2’ of shouldering. Meinke
said some of those roads come up at an angle of 2’’ to 4’’ above the grade and
you couldn’t leave it with just 18” that they put on these driveways. Schiller said that the town crew did do a lot
of the work on these driveways. That is why Meinke had a question on the
additional costs. We will make sure they are held to their responsibilities
next year. Webb was glad Meinke had stayed on top of it. The clerk will
send the amount due to Scott Construction. Motion (Meinke / Chermack) to open the
floor to discussion. Motion carried. Bud Pease wanted to say that
this job was one of the worst jobs he had seen. It was washboardy and had areas
where water sits. It was a poor job. The town could do better with its own
equipment Ratzel said that because the town altered the road, the town is
responsible to see to correcting the driveway issues. Webb said that if it is
that poor of a job, Scott should get a letter saying that we aren’t happy with
it. Schiller said he had never seen a bumpier road job. Ratzel said that there
had been a lot of negative feedback on that section that was done. Motion
(Webb / Chermack) to close the floor to discussion. Motion carried.
122-1 Road Issue-The clerk read the letter
from the attorney as follows:
Dear Mr. Coe:
Enclosed you will find a
copy of the title search that was performed on the parcel of land at issue. The
title report and accompanying deeds indicate that the Town of Barnes has never
held any interest in the parcel. In discussing this matter with Chequamegon
Bay Title, the gas tax map obtained from the Wisconsin Department of
Transportation does not show the Town having any ownership in the said parcel.
Accordingly, I will
recommend to the Town Board to take no further action regarding this matter at
their next scheduled meeting on December 21, 2004.
If you have any questions,
please advise.
John R. Carlson
(Spears & Carlson
Attorneys at Law)
Motion (Webb / Chermack) to approve the letter from the town’s
attorney on the Road 122-1 issue and to approve having the town’s attorney send
the letter to Attorney Coe. Motion carried. The clerk will
contact the attorney on this decision.
[At this time the Ambulance Director was available
for his report-was on a run] See Ambulance Report page 2.
Issues Timeline- Supervisor Chermack went
over the Timeline spreadsheet for the items that the board is working on.
1. Driveway and other Ordinances-Chermack said that Schiller had
contacted several other towns to see what their driveway ordinances read. The
board has a copy of the Town of Drummond’s ordinance. Ratzel said that the
board members had also picked up information at the WTA meeting that they
attended on December 14, 2004. Webb said this should be put on the special town
board meeting agenda to review along with ordinances for Town Meetings and
Parliamentary Procedure, Hazardous Waste and Alternates for the Board of
Review. There are boiler plate ordinances available that we can adapt to our
own needs. These would be reviewed by the attorney. The board would like to
take one ordinance each month until they are completed. There was discussion on
what date should be set for this meeting. The date will be January 10, 2005 at
5:30PM at the town hall. The Employee
Policy Handbook and Weight Limits will be added to the agenda.
2. Ambulance Department Issues-Webb said that she and Del Jerome will
get together in January to review these issues. Chermack said two other issues -Litigation and Road 122-1 were now completed.
The Purchase Order and Voucher System
will be worked on this coming spring. The LZ
Zone is still awaiting the OK of the FAA. Dave Scharlau is working on
getting the permits and locations set for the “Welcome to Barnes” signs. The Web
Page is on the agenda for tonight’s meeting.
Web Page Issue-Updates-Webb asked how much
was paid to CCS as of tonight. The clerk said that we have paid nothing yet.
Chermack said she had spoken to CCS and told them that nothing has been done
and that we need to have information going out and nothing is available-only
excuses from CCS. Chermack said she gave CCS until the 21st of
December to get back to her. The
information that Chermack received said that CCS would need more money to
complete the project. The Dane County system for minutes and agendas was
suggested by CCS. The clerk said she had been in contact with CCS several times
and no mention of the data entry problem was brought up. The clerk said that
CCS had contacted her about the web page and Chris Johnson from CCS said that
the town would have to pay an additional fee of over $800.00 over the agreed
upon amount to do the data work. Motion (Webb / Chermack) to open the
floor to discussion. Motion carried. Gene Miller said it has been
at least 7 months and we still don’t have a web page. If we are having this
much difficulty getting things done now, what does the future look like. Gene
Miller said that his son’s business would be able to provide the kind of web
site that the town is looking at-one that is interactive Miller said that he
had told the board that he would even volunteer a lot of his time for this. He
said he was not promoting this business, but was offering it as alternative if
CCS does not come through. Dick Collyard suggested calling Dane County to see
how they like their program or get their data base cheaper. Ratzel said it
required a data base. It was decided
not to call Dane County. Webb said if the original conditions are not being
met, we should stop and look elsewhere. Webb said we want something that we are
proud of in the end. Motion (Webb / Ratzel) to close the floor
to discussion. Motion carried. Ratzel said he would go down to CCS
and talk with them, as that was one of the conditions of the agreement, that we
would be able to enter our own data. We should not have to pay any more money.
The clerk will continue to work with CCS to get the web page up as soon as
possible. This will be on the January 10th agenda.
Snow Plow Issues-Ratzel asked the town board
members what their expectations were as far as snow plowing of the town roads was
concerned. Webb asked what time the crew got started in the morning? She said
she had come by on a recent snowy Monday and two of the rigs were just getting
out at 6:45AM. A big deal was made this summer about getting the bus routes and
mail routes opened. The school bus routes and the mail routes have to be
cleared and the bus routes have to be done early. The first child gets picked
up at 6:40AM. If the crew has to go out at 3:00AM then maybe this is what has
to be. If the town is going to spend all of the money to upgrade these roads,
then we have to plow them in the winter. Schiller said that it wasn’t possible
to get all the routes done by the time the buses get out. Sometimes it snows in
the night and we don’t know it until morning. There was discussion on how the
crew could coordinate the routes to the best advantage of the bus routes and
the major town roads. This will be looked at further. Ratzel said it was
complicated. Webb said that the county plows (both Douglas and Bayfield) go out
early. There has to be some sort of compromise on getting the main roads done
as well as the bus and mail routes. Webb said the residents are upset that
roads that are snowmobile trails and unused roads are being done before the
main roads. Ratzel said that this was not true, but there does have to be
dialogue with the crew on what needs to be done. Ratzel said that the crew has
done a good job for the most part. Webb said that some common sense has to be
applied as to when to plow. The issue of having another plow operator called in
was also discussed. Meinke said the town is responsible to see to it that all
residents that need to get out to go to work or get to appointments are able to
do so, not so much as having someone get in to the town. An earlier start was
recommended. This would be Schiller’s call. The crew has been requested to use
a wider band in sanding also.
Amend Budget Amounts for
clerk asked for a motion from the board to amend the 2004 budget to more
accurately reflect the expenditures for 2004. The budget itself would not be
increased, just amended in the different departments. The clerk also asked the
board to adjust the figures for the Road Salt, Sand and Gravel expenses so that
$20,000.00 could be paid out to Kraemer Company on the outstanding gravel bill
for this year. Kraemer has allowed the town to hold off payment of the bill
until January of 2005. This bill is for $148,125.00. Motion (Webb /
Chermack) to accept the amended budget for 2004 and to pay Kraemer Company
$20,000.00. Roll call vote was taken: Chermack, yes; Meinke, yes; Webb, yes and
Ratzel, yes. Motion carried. The clerk will send $20,000.00 to
Kraemer Company as partial payment on the gravel bill.
Comprehensive Land Use Planning
Pease said that the committee had not met this past month of December and had
no report.
Pease wanted to note at this
time that the Calendar of Events for
2005 that was sent out with the taxes had an error on it and a correction was made to it. The corrected version
is available at area locations and at the town hall. This error was on the 4th of July date. PLEASE NOTE THIS CORRECTION!!!
Barnes Area Historical
Association-Centennial Committee Updates-Dave Pease also reported on this committee as
there was no one else in attendance from the committee. He said that the
historical association now had access to the Bayfield County Historical Society
files. There were no other updates.
Barnes Area Development
has been no activity. There will be a meeting on January 6, 2005 at 3:00PM at
the town hall.
Board Member Reports:
Jack Meinke- Meinke had nothing more to
Chris Webb- Webb said that in regards
to the road name changes, the board should notify the residents on those roads
of the proposed changes and be given a chance to speak. Webb asked how the new
clerk was doing. Clerk Peet reported that Elaine Brustad was doing fine.
Brustad has a good knowledge of finance and is catching on quickly. She works
about 20 hours per week, although she worked a few more hours during the time
the taxes were being sent out.
Dixie Chermack-Chermack had nothing more
to add.
Gene Ratzel-Ratzel reported that there
had been a waterline break in the kitchen area and that Rasmussen had been out
to repair it. There was also an electrical failure at the Recycle and Transfer
Site. This caused the compactor not to work. Ratzel said he had sent Tom
Pieters home early that day. Dave Rowe had been over to repair the problem.
Ratzel spoke on the road issues. He has had a lot of dialogue on these issues
and has presented a copy of the most frequently asked questions for the board
and the public to read. These were questions brought up to the WTA attorney
Carol Nawrocki.
Motion (Webb / Meinke) to go
into closed session pursuant to State Statute 19.85 (b) and (c) [as stated in
the agenda]. Roll call vote was taken: Webb, yes; Meinke, yes; Chermack, yes
and Ratzel, yes. Motion carried. The regular session was adjourned at 9:01PM.
Chairman Ratzel called the closed session to order at 9:10PM.
Only issues pursuant to
State Statutes 19.85 (b) and (c) were discussed. No decisions were made in
closed session.
Motion (Webb / Meinke) to return to the regularly
convened open session. Motion carried. The closed session
was adjourned at 9:38PM.
Chairman Ratzel called the reconvened
session to order at 9:40PM.
There were no decisions made or any
further discussion.
Motion (Webb / Chermack) to adjourn the reconvened
regular session. Motion carried. The reconvened regular session
was adjourned at 9:42PM.
Members of the Town Board in
Chairman Gene Ratzel; Supervisors Jack Meinke, Chris Webb and Dixie Chermack.
Also present was the clerk Lu Peet. Absent: Supervisor Dave
Scharlau-Health concerns and Treasurer Debbie Sesko-Out of town.
Department Heads and
Committee persons in attendance-Cemetery Sexton, Bud Pease; Ambulance Director, Del
Jerome; Constable Mike O’Keefe; Dave Pease, Barnes Area Historical Association
and Comprehensive Land Use Planning Committee.
Members of the community in
attendance: Jon Harkness, Buzzy Harkness, Dick Collyard, Earl Gregoire, Elaine
Brustad, Mike Brustad, Gerald Gustafson, Gene Miller, Donna Porter, Fritz
Barnes and Marcia Wellnitz. There may have been others present but not noted or
signed in.
Respectfully submitted,
Lucille J. Peet
Barnes Town Clerk
Dated this 28th
day of December 2004