OF JULY 20, 2004



Chairman Gene Ratzel called the meeting to order at 6:35PM.


The Pledge of Allegiance was said.


Chairman Ratzel read the July Amended Agenda as follows:

Amended Agenda

Call the Meeting to order

Pledge Allegiance to the Flag

Approve the July Amended Agenda

Approve the Minutes if the Last Regular Town Board Meeting

Treasurer’s Report

Voucher’s Approval

Clerk / Correspondence

Liquor License Applications -1 and 2 year Operator’s Licenses

Public Comment Session

Department Head Reports

Nelson Lake Association-Bill Wilcox

County Clerk Election-Candidate Sue Misun

River Road Bridge Resurfacing / Repair Damage to Denver Road

Rustic Road Issue for Cranberry Lake Road-1.Bill Patza, Bob Hammond, 2.Jon Harkness and 3.Art Smith

Zoning-1. Cleo Marshall 2. Dan Silver 3. Joyce Nelson 4. Jim Clements

Amend Budget for Fire Department New Equipment

Policy Handbook Updates

Highway Garage-Fabco Scheduled Maintenance Agreement

Snow Plowing for Town Residents-Discussion on continuing this service

Replace 1987 Disabled Ford Truck and / or Loader (contingent on snow plowing issue)

Assessor Contract-Maintenance or Full Time

Ambulance Elections-Board to Ok the Election Results

Comprehensive Land Use Planning Committee

Centennial Committee

BADC-Barnes Area Development Corporation

Board Member Reports

The board will adjourn the regular session to go into closed session pursuant to State Statute 19.83 (b) and (c) for the purposes of discipline, considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility. The board will then reconvene immediately to the regular session.

Motion (Webb / Meinke) to approve the July Amended Agenda. Motion carried.


Motion (Chermack / Scharlau) to approve the minutes of the last regular Town Board meeting. Motion carried.


Treasurer’s Report-Treasurer Debbie Sesko gave the Treasurer’s Report as follows:

                           Checking Balance from last meeting                                              $             104,036.51

Receipts # 16098 to # 16146                                                                                    $             107,311.30

Check # 18035 to # 18154                                                                                       $              (69,698.37)

June 2004 Service Charge                                                                                        $                     (18.90)

June 2004 Interest                                                                                                                  $           52.51

June 2004 EFTPS (Federal Tax Payment)                                                                $                (3,323.40)

Wausau Insurance Payment                                                                                     $                (4,211.10)

Transfer from BES Sinking Fund                                                                              $                 5,000.00

Transfer from Tax Savings                                                                                      $             265,500.00

                           Checking Balance                                                                        $             404,648.55

Ambulance Department Investment Fund-Receipt # 16132 $5.28                               $                 2,831.44

Highway Department Sinking Fund-Receipt # 16133 $159.70                                     $               85,599.86

BES Sinking Fund-Receipt # 16134 $42.51                                                                $               17,784.96

Park Savings-Receipt # 16108 and # 16136 $481.20                                                  $                 9,247.95

Ski Trail Savings-Receipt # 16135 $.48                                                                     $                    302.98

Parade-Event Calendar Fund-Receipt # 16137 $4.13                                                 $                 2,213.38

                           Balance all Accounts                                                                    $             522,629.12

Motion (Webb / Meinke) to accept the Treasurer’s Report as given. Motion carried.


Motion (Scharlau / Meinke) to approve the vouchers as presented. Motion carried.


County Clerk Election-Candidate Sue Misun Introduction (Moved from original agenda location to accommodate Ms. Misun)-Sue Misun, one of the candidates for the County Clerk’s position introduced herself and gave a brief statement of her qualifications. Ms. Misun said that because all candidates are running on the Democratic ticket, the results of the Primary Election in September would determine the winner of the County Clerk’s seat. She urged everyone to come out and vote on Tuesday September 14, 2004.


Clerk / Correspondence-

  1. Notice from Bayfield County Board of Supervisors for the meeting that was held on June 29, 2004 and for the Budget Planning Session held on July 13, 2004.
  2. Letter from Waste Management on possible rate increases for our waste pickup.
  3. Letter from Bayfield County Zoning stating that they would not take on the administration of the Uniform Dwelling Code program.
  4. Notice from the UW-Extension of the Hazardous Waste Clean Sweep to be held on July 31, 2004 at Iron River and Washburn. There would also be a special electronic equipment recycling collection at the same locations.
  5. Notice from the Wisconsin Department of Revenue of the Shared Revenue payment for July. The balance would be paid in November.


Liquor License Application-All applications have been checked out and all have their Responsible Beverage Server Class completed.

1-year Operator Licenses to the following: Joan Bullard, Courtney Baringer, Jayce Marshall, Jim Freese, Claudine Hoover, Tracey Roehr, Edwin Roehr, Mardy Zentner, Sandy Pederson and Janice Cunningham.

2-year Operator Licenses to the following: Larry Lois, Jenneane Lois, Nina Krob, Bobbi Michaud, Karna Kiggins, Kathy Miner, Clarence Rushman, Christine Trapp, Pam Musha, Gladys Krob, Judy Krob, Sharon Wright, Derek Hughes and Carole Peterson.

Motion (Meinke / Scharlau) to approve the 1-year and 2-year Operator Licenses as presented. Motion carried.


Public Comment Session-5 Minutes for those not on the agenda. Dawn Pittman wanted to thank the town board on behalf of the Potawatomi Property Owners Association for the cooperation and work done to transfer the parcels of land. She gave a brief discussion of the June 30, 2004 court proceedings and said that everything went well.


Department Head Reports-

Cemetery Committee-Bud Pease said that there had been no activity at the cemetery, but that there would be a cremation burial of Mary Contes (relative of Joe Cerney) on Saturday July 31, 2004.


Ambulance Department-Del Jerome reported that the Ambulance Department had responded to 10 runs since the last meeting- 2 were Gold Cross Intercepts, 2 were to St. Lukes, 2 were to Hayward, 2 were helicopter intercepts and 1 was an intercept with Great Divide to go to Ashland, that went very well, and 1 no transport.


Fire Department Report-Tom Renz, Fire Chief, reported that there were no fire calls since the last meeting. The fireworks went exceptionally well and the only bad comment that he had received had been rescinded. On July 6, there was a combined training session with the Town of Highland with the new fire truck. On September 11, 2004 there would be a training session with the Town of Gordon and the DNR for a mock wild land fire drill. Renz said that he had put ads out for the sale of the old fire truck. The bids are to be returned by August 31, 2004. The bids would be opened at the September town board meeting. In the meantime Renz would like to request that the board allow the Town of Highland to use our old truck while theirs is out of service. They would supply their own insurance. Webb asked if our equipment has been removed from the truck already. Yes. They would have to use their own equipment.  This would be a loan until their equipment is back in service. Motion (Meinke / Webb) to allow the Town of Highland use of the old fire truck until theirs returns to service. They would supply their own insurance and equipment. Motion carried. There was discussion on the old fire hose. Renz said that the old hose, approximately 800 feet of it, was dry rotted and would be disposed of at the dump. It is made of canvas. The clerk would also call our insurance company and cancel the insurance on the old fire truck.


Constable Report-The Constable Mike O’Keefe was out of town. The clerk gave a brief description of the report turned in by the Constable. (Copies were on the back table available for the public) The Constable responded to 20 calls since the last meeting. Some of the calls were in reference to ATV complaints, fireworks complaints, car-deer hit, residential alarms, an attempt to locate, personal watercraft violations, stranded boaters, a domestic disturbance call and the 4th of July parade and fireworks duty.  The Constable put on 920 miles and spent 25 hours on the water.


Garage Department-Len Schiller reported that the Moore Road / Little Island Road work was done as far as the town crew’s work was concerned. It is awaiting the gravel to be done. South Shore Sand and Gravel would be out when they are available to do this. There is no date set yet. The prep work is all done. All of the gravel from the Kraemer Company is crushed and is sitting at Del Jerome’s pit to be used as needed. The crew has fixed the drainage issue by the boat landing off Lake Road.  We did some shoulder work and have trenched both sides of the road. The crew also put some gravel down on the shoulders on Birch Lake Road, Bony Lake Road and Lake Road locations. Witch’s Bay Road is near completion on the prep and is awaiting the gravel. Del Jerome will do the hauling. Hans Road prep will be done also. The mower has been put on and the mowing will be started this week. Pease Road would be done first as the Scott Construction crew would be in shortly to do the preparation for the cold mix. The town grounds are being maintained also.


Nelson Lake Association-Bill Wilcox spoke. He said that Dale Anderson, vice president of the association, had sent copies of the Nelson Lake Association plan to Dixie Chermack. Mr. Anderson then spoke and said that they are in the process of applying for a Lake Management Planning Grant and they need a letter of support from the Town of Barnes. Mr. Wilcox said that because a significant part of the watershed for Nelson Lake was in the Town of Barnes (the other large part being in Cable), they need the OK from the town. Chris Webb asked if Dixie had sent this information on to Tim Kane. Yes, and Mr. Kane thought that it was wonderful of them to contact us and that it was a good idea and that this represented good intergovernmental cooperation. Maps of the watershed area were presented. The Nelson Lake Association would like for the Town of Barnes to put a prepared letter from them on our letterhead to show our support of this project that would help keep Nelson Lake good for the next generation as well as for the generation here. Motion (Meinke / Chermack) to show our support for the Nelson Lake Association grant project and to put the letter of support on our letterhead for the Nelson Lake Association grant project. Motion carried. The clerk will insert the letter on town letterhead and return it to the Association by Wednesday July 21, 2004


River Road Bridge Resurfacing / Repair of Damage to Denver Road- Len Schiller said that 4 Star Construction finished the work at the River Road Bridge. After the construction, there were places on the surface of the bridge itself and also several areas on the road on either side of the bridge that needed to be repaired. Schiller said that he would like to have Scott Construction put down some colds mix there, while they were in town doing the Pease Road. Schiller had asked Scott for a quote on the price and they said it would be $1,840.00 for repair of the bridge aprons, cutting blacktop to make butt joints, paving and shaping aprons and paving over

the bridge deck. It would also cost $1,540.00 to pave the 4 bad spots on River Road, for a total of $3,380.00. Both Scharlau and Webb said this has to be done.  Webb said that something has to be done with the sides. The rains are washing the sides into the river. There was discussion on where the money would come from. Because Cranberry Lake Road was not done, there were funds available for this. Motion (Webb / Scharlau) to approve the work to be done by Scott Construction for the River Road Bridge area for $3,380.00. Roll call vote was taken: Scharlau, yes; Chermack, yes; Meinke, yes; Webb, yes and Ratzel, yes. Motion carried. There was discussion that there should be something done with the edges to make them higher. Ratzel noted that some time in the future the town would have to think about putting guardrails at the bridge also.

Schiller then discussed the Denver Road problem. He said that when Plum Creek Timberlands logged off land on the Denver Road, they caused serious damage to both sides of the Denver Road from Cranberry Lake Road to Highway 27 with their heavy equipment. Schiller has contacted the representative and the company has agreed to have their insurance company work on getting the damage paid for. There are also some line cracks (about 10% of the line cracks noted) that were also created by this heavy equipment. This should be included in the repair work reimbursement. Schiller said that he had gotten an estimate from Northwoods Paving for filling all of the line cracks and for repairing the edges of the road. Whether or not the town gets reimbursed from Plum Creek’s insurance, the work has to be done to keep the road in good condition. The town can’t wait for the money to come in. Webb said that the town should get the statement in writing, from the company (Bergman Company) that would do the line crack filling, about the 10% that was caused by Plum Creek, so that can be given to the insurance company. Schiller said that he had gotten an estimate on the line crack seal. Meinke said that the road had to be kept up so it wouldn’t deteriorate further. The cost for the line crack sealing would be $2,887.50. The repair of the edges by Northwoods Paving would be $4,500.00 for a total of $7,387.50 for the whole repair project. Hopefully most of this would be reimbursed by Plum Creek’s insurance. In the worst-case scenario, the town would have to pay for the complete project, but it has to be done. Schiller said he had gotten good cooperation from Plum Creek. Motion (Chermack / Scharlau) to approve the line crack seal repairs to the Denver Road by the Bergman Company for a cost of $2,887.50 (with 10% of this cost turned in to Plum Creek for insurance reimbursement) and for Northwoods Paving to repair the edges of the blacktop on Denver Road from about the Cranberry Lake Road to Highway 27 for $4,500.00 (to be turned in to Plum Creek for insurance reimbursement in its entirety) for a total project cost of $7,387.50. Roll call vote was taken: Chermack, yes; Scharlau, yes; Meinke, yes; Webb, yes and Ratzel, yes. Motion carried. Schiller will contact all of the people involved.


Rustic Road Issue for Cranberry Lake Road- Bob Hammond introduced himself and Bill Patza. Hammond said that he has been a landowner on Cranberry Lake Road since 1962. Patza also has land on the road and is also a member of the fire service from La Crosse, Wisconsin and is well aware having a good road for emergency vehicles. The object of the discussion tonight was to give the board an overview of the state’s Rustic Road program. He gave the board the petition that they had put together to designate Cranberry Lake Road as a Rustic Road. Several handouts were also passed out to the board members. Hammond went over some of the criteria for Rustic Roads. He said that these criteria were just guidelines. He said that it would be up to the board to recommend or not recommend that the road be designated as a Rustic Road. Chermack asked Patza and Hammond why they wanted the road designated as a Rustic Road. The reasons were to keep it a country lane and not have it widened. It would also serve hikers and bikers as a path through pristine wooded land. The road does not meet all of the qualifications of a Rustic Road as it does not come off of or loop to a major road, but is a dead end road. It is about 1.9 miles long and is close to the recommended 2 miles in length. There could be a turn around area. These are guidelines only he said. There was discussion that this designation might result in more traffic down this road. Mr. Hammond said that the Rustic Road program was excited about getting some Rustic Roads in this area. Hammond said that Jane Corolla was the coordinator for the Rustic Road program. Another contact is Beth Shipman. There is one Rustic Road in Bayfield County and that is part of the road by Lost Land Lake. The rest of that road is in Sawyer County. Douglas County and Ashland County have no Rustic Roads. The presentation has to be made to the state board.  In conclusion, Mr. Hammond said that Cranberry Lake Road met most of the criteria and should be designated as a Rustic Road.  The board accepted the petition from the persons for review. There are 23 signatures from 12 of the 16 homes on the road. Bill Patza spoke next. He said he had

been in the fire service for over 20 years. Patza said he and his wife bought a place on Cranberry Lake Road in 1986. His wife’s family has been here since 1962. In 1998 the Patza’s bought more land here and hope to retire here. He hoped that the town would consider Cranberry Lake Road as a Rustic Road. He spoke on the standards for roads according to the DOT Patza said it was possible that the state could reject the petition. He said there are always loopholes though. As far as the issue of more traffic, he said that the people at the end where the turn around would be, are aware of this possibility and don’t have a problem with this additional traffic. He discussed road widths and what the different widths could be according to the state codes. He said that there could be deviations to these recommended widths. If the public doesn’t want the road to go out to these widths, they can ask not to have it go out that far. He cited various codes in reference to this. Patza said the overwhelming response from the residents on Cranberry Lake Road was not to widen this road. Patza said he felt that the road was wide enough for emergency vehicles as it is now. There was discussion on possibly having a hearing on the matter. He said that tonight was not the night for a debate. They are just presenting the idea for it. Ratzel said that it would not be debated tonight. Patza did say that the last time the grader had been down the road it was crowned better and that the grading had improved. He thanked the town for that. Jon Harkness spoke on the Cranberry Lake Road. He has been coming here since 1945 and is a permanent resident. He gave a copy of his prepared statement to the board. He said his statement only applied to the 1.6-mile segment from Art Smith’s driveway to the intersection of Denver Road that was scheduled for improvement this summer. He was not referring to the .2 mile part of the road area commonly know as the point, since this has already been completed. He encouraged the board to consider doing the roadwork as it was proposed, as soon as possible or by summer of 2005. The residents would have to suffer through another spring of bad road conditions. He said he had traveled some of the roads that were recently completed. They were very good, he thought. He was for taking of trees along the roadway only as needed to create a safe and good road. He quoted from Jack Meinke’s statement that the roads have to done according to what the state says and he agrees. Art Smith spoke on the issue. He agreed with Jon Harkness that the road needed to be improved. He spoke on the turn around issue of the Rustic Road. He said that the turn around had to be done with out backing up. He urged the Town Board to read the Rustic Road Guidelines. He had spoken with Jane Corolla and she said that unless the board felt very strongly that the road meets the criteria for the Rustic Road program, that the board should not submit the application for Rustic Road status.


Zoning-1. Cleo M. Marshall 3055 CO HWY N-Update on application. Marshall’s have withdrawn their request for a home- based commercial business to raise and sell dogs. They are also only requesting permission to have 2 ponies and not a hobby farm with up to 5 cattle and 3 ponies. Chermack said that she had requested all of the dog complaints from the sheriff’s department for Barnes and not one of them were for the Marshall’s. Mike Furtak has been out to the property and said that the request can be amended to read as no longer applying for a hobby farm permit or a home-based commercial business to sell dogs, but to allow for 2 ponies. The town would review the situation in 1 year and animal containment (fences) would be taken care of. The county zoning is coming back to the town for a recommendation. The Marshall’s have 10 acres of land and Chermack reported that there have been no current reports of horses in the road. The county zoning meeting is Thursday night. Motion (Chermack / Scharlau) to amend the original variance for Cleo M. Marshall to read that the home-based business for a commercial kennel to breed and sell dogs is no longer a request and that the hobby farm be amended to read from 3 ponies to 2 ponies and beef cattle from 5 to 0. The town would review the situation in1 year. There was discussion on the fencing and corral. There is a partial fence there now. There should be some sort of privacy fence for the dogs, as the Marshall’s still have a kennel license and can have up to 29 dogs. Webb said that the town should make the Marshall’s improve some of the property. Next year a review of the dog issue should be done. Perhaps by then the town will have a dog ordinance. Motion carried.

2. Dan Silver 5190 Call O Wild Road-Shore land grading to create a turn around and extra parking space. Mr. Silver would be doing 1800 square feet of grading and needs an OK from zoning. Mike Furtak had said that zoning does not have a problem with this. It is to create a turn around and additional parking area not nearer the lake. Motion (Webb / Chermack) to approve the variance for shore land grading to create a turn around and additional parking space. Motion carried.

3. Joyce Nelson CO HWY N (Jack Pine Lane)-Build a residence with an attached garage in Forestry (F1) zoning-There were no issues that the board felt needed to be addressed. The zoning is not right there anyway. Motion (Scharlau / Meinke) to approve building a residence with an attached garage in F1 zoning. Motion carried.

Page 6.                                        MINUTES OF THE REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING OF JULY 20, 2004


4. Jim Clements State Highway 27-Reduced side yard setback of 10’ to allow emergency and other large vehicles to travel between the proposed house and garage. Mike Furtak had said that zoning has no problems with this request. Notices were made to the adjacent landowners and no one had any issues. Ratzel said the board was concerned about the requests being brought to the board, but that each situation was unique. The land would be used for something that will generate taxes on it. Motion (Chermack / Scharlau) to approve the reduced side setback of 10’ (normal setback is 75’). Motion carried. All zoning papers were signed and the clerk will write a note on the amended variance request for Cleo M. Marshall and return all papers to zoning.


Amend Budget Amount for New Fire Department Equipment-The Fire Chief Tom Renz has requested that the amount of $5,000.00 from the BES Sinking Fund remaining from last year (approved by both BES departments), the $5,097.00 from Elite Power Products as a rebate on the new fire truck and all donated funds left from the VFW benefit and any other donated funds be added to the amount budgeted for new fire equipment for 2004. This would come to $14,320.00. Renz said that new hoses, air packs, radio equipment and other needed equipment for the new fire truck have been installed. There are still items to be added. Motion (Meinke / Scharlau) to amend the 2004 budget amount for new fire department equipment by $14,320.00.  Roll call vote was taken: Scharlau, yes; Chermack, yes; Meinke, yes; Webb, yes and Ratzel, yes. Motion carried. The clerk will amend this budget item.


Policy Handbook Updates-The board hasn’t had a chance to review these issues. There was discussion on the amount of weight a person would be expected to lift on the job. This has not been addressed in the handbook. Chermack said that the different jobs would have different requirements. Also the issue of continuous employment as criteria for added vacation time should be clarified. Also any bridging of employment should be addressed. Ratzel will do some changes and bring this back to the board at the August meeting.


Highway Garage-Fabco Scheduled Maintenance Agreement-Schiller said that this agreement would save us quite a bit of money. The crew does normal maintenance. The hour maintenance has to be done by Fabco, as our workers do not have the knowledge to do that kind of maintenance on the heavy equipment. With the projected usage costs, this agreement could save $400.00 to $700.00 on each call. The loader will need a 1000-hour servicing soon. The agreement is not binding. There is no prepayment required and the town can opt out of the contract at any time. Motion (Scharlau / Webb) to go with the Fabco Scheduled Maintenance Agreement contract. Motion carried. The papers will be signed by the Chairman and returned to Fabco.


Snow Plowing for Town Residents-Discussion on continuing this service. There was discussion on the issue of the old truck (1987) being put out of service due to major mechanical problems. The town has to replace the truck either way. Last year the town plowed about 115 driveways. Of these 8 were free for EMT / Fire personnel. If the town continues to do snow plowing, it will have to get a new truck. The driveways are done with the truck, 2 graders and 2 loaders. It depends on the driveway. The old truck’s rear end went out after one use this summer. It also has other major mechanical concerns. The newer truck is a 1997. Scharlau said that the board has to make a decision on the snow plowing issue this year. It held off making a decision last year. The driveways take a lot of time and this reduces the time that can be better spent keeping the town roads plowed. The town crew will also be down one person this coming winter. Webb said that there are plenty of private plowers to do the work in town.  Getting rid of snow plowing would let us have the option of getting rid of one of the loaders. We still need the new truck. Motion (Webb / Scharlau) to discontinue plowing driveways. Roll call vote was taken: Scharlau, yes; Chermack, yes; Meinke, yes; Webb, yes and Ratzel, yes. Motion carried. The clerk will send out notification to all of those who had the town plow them last year. A notice will also be put in the newspaper to this effect.


Replace 1987-Disabled Ford Truck and / or Loader- (Contingent on snow plowing issue)-Len Schiller said that he had priced some new trucks. The town should be able to get one with everything that is needed on it such as a wing, plow and sander for under $130,000.00. There is a little over $85,000.00 in the Highway Sinking Fund kept for such purchases. The board and the highway department will start looking into the truck issue.


Assessor Contract-Maintenance or Full Time-Chairman Ratzel said that only 2 couples showed up at the Open Book and no one appeared before the Board of Review that was held on July 13, 2004. Ratzel said that this must indicate that the people are not unhappy with the assessor and that he was backing down from his past stance on getting a full time assessor for the town. He then recommended that the town continue with the maintenance only contract with Mike Hoffman for 2004. The clerk said that Hoffman indicated that there would be a slight increase in the fee, probably to about $14,000.00 from $12,500.00. He will get a new contract to us. Motion (Ratzel / Meinke) to accept the maintenance only contract with Assessor Mike Hoffman for 2004. Roll call vote was taken: Scharlau, yes; Chermack, yes; Meinke, yes; Webb, yes and Ratzel, yes. Motion carried. The clerk will contact Mr. Hoffman. The Assessor did bring back our property card records.


Ambulance Department Elections-The election of officer results were given as follows: Ambulance Director: Vi Friermood 4- Del Jerome 7. Del Jerome will be the new Ambulance Director. Assistant Ambulance Director: Vi Friermood 7-Peg Kman 4. Vi Friermood will be the new Assistant Ambulance Director. Ambulance Department Secretary / Treasurer -Unanimous ballot for Donna Porter. Motion (Scharlau / Meinke) to approve the latest Ambulance Department election results. Motion carried. The elected offices will take effect as of July 20, 2004. There was discussion on the pay issues. Pay will be prorated for the positions for the month of July. The election was held on June 22, 2004. June salary was already paid out. The ordinance should be reworded to fine-tune this pay process for the future.


Comprehensive Land Use Planning Committee-Dave Pease reported that the last meeting was held on July 14, 2004. The committee is working on water use, drainage, water tables, and forestry practices, processes directly related to the Nelson Lake issues.


Centennial Committee-No one was here from the committee. The clerk noted that the committee meets the 3rd Thursday of the month at Downtown Barnes at 9:00AM. They are coming along well with the plans. The Centennial buttons are out and are for sale around town. The committee has also hired Norie Norego as the Centennial Coordinator. Everything is on schedule.


BADC-Barnes Area Development Corporation-Ratzel said that the chairman, Art Smith, had left already, but that there were no new updates.


Board Member Reports:

Jack Meinke-Jack had nothing more to add tonight.

Chris Webb-Chris had nothing more to add.

Dave Scharlau-Dave had nothing new to add.

Dixie Chermack-Dixie asked about the issue of getting a list together of what could be brought to the transfer site. This issue was discussed at the last meeting. Lee Wiesner and Tom Renz and Tom Pieters were to have worked on this. Evidently Lee Wiesner had not wanted to do this. He just wanted to bring this issue to the board’s attention. There should be a list of materials for Tom Pieters to have at the transfer site. Tom Renz felt that no asbestos shingles or insulation should be brought in. There hasn’t been enough information gathered yet. Dixie asked the clerk if she had turned in the salary survey. Yes, it was completed immediately upon receiving the letter. Dixie said she would like to go to the WTA Fall Workshop on local finances and budget to be held on September 21, 2004 at Cable. She recommended that other board members should also attend.

Gene Ratzel-Gene had nothing more to add, except that he would like to go that WTA session also.


Ratzel read the closed session statement as follows: The board will adjourn the regular session to go into closed session pursuant to State Statute 19.85 (b.) and (c.) for the purposes of discipline, considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any employee over which the governmental body had jurisdiction or exercises responsibility. The board will then reconvene immediately to the regular session. Motion (Scharlau / Webb) to adjourn to the closed session for the purposes stated. Roll call vote was taken: Scharlau, yes; Chermack, yes; Meinke, yes; Webb, yes and Ratzel, yes. Motion carried. The regular meeting was adjourned at 8:45PM. There was a 10-minute recess between the sessions.




Chairman Ratzel called the closed session to order at 8:55PM.


Present at the first part of the closed session were Chairman Gene Ratzel, Supervisors Dave Scharlau, Dixie Chermack, Chris Webb and Jack Meinke. Also present were the Clerk Lu Peet and Mike Collins.


The concerns were heard by the board, as set by the statutes listed. There was no action taken in the first part of the closed session. Mr. Collins left the meeting.


Fire Chief Tom Renz and Ambulance Director Del Jerome came into the closed session for their concerns dealing with the statutes listed. Their concerns were addressed, but no action was taken in closed session.

Motion (Meinke / Chermack) to adjourn the closed session to reconvene to the regularly called session. Motion carried. The closed session adjourned at 10:05PM.


Motion (Webb / Scharlau) to call the previously adjourned session back to order. Motion carried. The regular reconvened session was called to order at 10:07PM.


There were several issues that were dealt with in the open session.

1.       Del Jerome said that the department might have to check the capabilities of all of our AED’s (defibrillators)-we need to see if any of these are pediatric capable. We have to make sure that they are or as of January 1st, there’s a new grant program for Bayfield County Emergency Government and they will be getting will be getting some pediatric capables. The department could switch with one of our old ones for the pediatric model.

2.       Starting not this next month, but perhaps the next month, Dr. Schultz will be giving 1 hour of training before each session of the Bayfield / Ashland Council meeting.

3.       The rates should be set for training to make it worthwhile for the people to attend this training.

4.       Jerome reported that he might have 4 new persons interested in joining the department.

5.       The town should use the bulletin board to advertise meetings and also to promote the departments. Del said his and Tom’s mission is to build up the forces.

6.       John Prohaska and Sherrie Craft, from Douglas County Town of Highland, want to take the classes. What is the procedure on paying them? Do we share the costs? If we accept them on our department, we should pay for them. Webb said that Highland doesn’t have an Ambulance Department and would be working for our department. We should pay them. Del said he would get that message to them.

7.       Del Jerome also asked for any information on the history of the Barnes Emergency Services. Perhaps the Centennial Committee has some of this information. The BAC is looking for this information as a link to their web site. This should be on our web site as well. There was discussion as to when the BES services were started. Ratzel thought we had an ambulance here in the 1950’s.


As to the closed session items, there was discussion on what would be done. Motion (Webb / Scharlau) to send a letter to the unauthorized personnel involved in several ambulance runs recently. The board members would all sign the letter. Motion carried. There was discussion on who would write the letters. This will be a group effort perhaps. Captain Webber of the sheriff’s department would be the one to contact about getting a copy of the tape of the 911 calls as evidence.

There was discussion on the safety issues and the handling procedures of the Ambulance Department of incidents on July 6, 2004 and July 18, 2004. Motion (Chermack / Meinke) to send a letter to the party involved to notify that person that there would be a suspension with pay, upon receipt of this letter until the matter is fully investigated by the board. Motion carried. The letters would go to the attorney for approval first. The letters would be sent by registered / signed return mail.


There was discussion on the return of all articles such as keys, passwords and other documents, etc. that should go to the new Ambulance Director from the old one. Motion (Webb / Ratzel) to send a letter stating that as a result

of the latest Ambulance election making Del Jerome the new Ambulance Director, the Town Board of the Town of Barnes is requesting that the previous Ambulance Director turn over all keys, passwords, records and any and all documents and items that pertain to the Ambulance Director position. Failure to do so will result in appropriate action taken by the board. Motion carried. The date for this to be completed will be in the letter.


No action was required on the other personnel issue in closed session.


Chermack asked what action the board was going to take on the Rustic Road issue. There was discussion on what routes the board could take. This would be on the August agenda.


Motion (Chermack / Meinke) to adjourn the reconvened regular session. Motion carried. The reconvened regular session was adjourned at 10:30PM.


Members of the board present: Chairman Gene Ratzel, Supervisors Dixie Chermack, Chris Webb, Dave Scharlau and Jack Meinke. Also present were the Treasurer Debbie Sesko and Clerk Lu Peet.

Department, committee, other heads present: David Pease, Del Jerome, Tom Renz, Bud Pease, Len Schiller and Art Smith.

Members of the community present: Lois Storlie, Bill Patza, Cindy Patza, Bob Hammond, Judy Hammond, Dave Thorson, Myndaal Silver, Bob Ambrose, Janine Watts, Sue Misun, Sherrie Craft, John Prohaska, Joyce Nelson, Colin Nowaczyk, Josie Clements, Jim Clements, Jon Harkness and Dawn Pittman. [One name could not be determined]. There may have been others present and not noted or signed in.


Respectfully submitted,


Lucille J. Peet

Barnes Town Clerk

Dated this 25th day of July 2004