OF JUNE 15, 2004


Chairman Gene Ratzel called the meeting to order at 6:30PM.


The Pledge of Allegiance was said.


Chairman Ratzel read the Amended June Agenda as follows:

Amended Agenda

Call the Meeting to Order

Pledge Allegiance to the Flag

Approve the June Amended Agenda

Approve the Minutes of the Last Regular Town Board Meeting

Treasurer’s Report

Voucher’s Approval

Clerk / Correspondence

License Applications- (for Renewal Class B Beer and Class B Liquor, Originals Class B Beer and Class B Liquor, Renewal Class A Beer and Class A Liquor, Renewal Class A Beer, Temporary Picnic Licenses and all operator’s licenses.)

Public Comment Session

Department Head Reports-Cemetery, Ambulance Department, Fire Department, Constable and Garage

Zoning-4 issues

Residential Utility Lines

Cranberry Lake Road

Purchase of Special Cold Mix Gravel

Transfer Site / Recycle Issues

Use of Town Park Property

Assessor Contract

Ambulance Elections

Comprehensive Land Use Planning Committee

Centennial Committee


Board Member Reports

Motion (Scharlau / Chermack) to approve the June Amended Agenda as read. Motion Carried.


Motion (Chermack / Scharlau) to approve the Minutes of the Last Regular Town Board Meeting. Motion carried.


Treasurer’s Report- Treasurer Debbie Sesko gave the Treasurer’s report as follows:

                          Checking Balance from last meeting                        $                        149,832.34

Receipts # 16063 to # 16097                        $                        14,657.24

Checks # 17925 to # 18034                        $                      (57,128.31)

May 2004 Service Charge                        $                             (17.50)

May 2004 Interest                        $                               59.74

May 2004 Federal Payment (EFTPS)                        $                         (3,367.00)

                        Checking Balance                        $                        104,036.51

Ambulance Department Investment Fund                        $                          2,826.16

Highway Department Sinking Fund                        $                        85,440.16

BES Sinking Fund                        $                        22,742.45

Park Savings-Receipt # 16067 $157.42                        $                          8,766.75

Ski Trail Savings                        $                             302.50

Parade-Event Calendar Fund                        $                          2,209.25

                        Balance all Accounts                        $                        226,323.78

Motion (Meinke / Scharlau) to approve the Treasurer’s Report as given. Motion carried.

Motion (Meinke / Scharlau) to approve the vouchers as presented. Motion carried.


Clerk / Correspondence:

  1. Intent to cuts-Scott Swift for Meteraud Forest Products; Plum Creek Timberlands by Plum Creek Timberlands Land; Rachel Smith, Birch Lake Road, by Jesse Melton-Misfit Logging of Springbrook
  2. Northwest Wisconsin Lakes Conference to be held on Friday June 25, 2004 at Cable.
  3. Notice of Public Hearing / Meeting for Bayfield County Zoning to be held on Thursday June 17, 2004
  4. Letter from the Town of Delta on a rescheduling of the Public Hearing on the Comprehensive Plan for June 26, 2004
  5. Statement of Fire Dues from the state. We are getting $5,380.63 this year. This is up from $4,354.70.
  6. Letter from Tim Kane UW-Extension Agent on the results of the Clean Sweep that was recently held in Barnes. Barnes had 18 people respond to the survey. The survey results are available in the clerk’s office.
  7. Letter from Fauerbach and Martell, S.C. regarding the issue of the town’s recommendations for the Board of Adjustments. The letter stated that the town’s input was not binding to the Board of Adjustment, but that it was very important to them and that it was highly regarded by them. The town should get the recommendations back to the Board of Adjustment prior to the date of the public hearing. The board usually meets the last Thursday of the month.


Liquor Licenses-Application for Renewal Class B Beer and Class B Liquor Alcoholic Beverage Licenses for the following: Boulder Lodge, Mike’s Sportsman’s Saloon, Sage’s Saloon, Downtown Barnes, RC’s Decoy Inn, Enchanted Inn, Traut’s Resort, Buck N Bass and Northwoods Tap. Original Class B Beer and Class B Liquor Licenses to Alibis Resort, PJ’s Cabin Store and Barnes Community VFW Post 8329 (all change of agents). Temporary Picnic Licenses to The Barnes EMS for July 4-6, 2004 and for the Barnes Lions Club for the Women’s Softball Tournament August 14-16, 2004 (Note correction of dates). Motion (Chermack / Ratzel) to approve the liquor licenses as listed above. Motion carried.

Operator’s Licenses- All operators have completed the Responsible Beverage Server Class and have had the background checks done where needed. 2-year Operator Licenses to the following: John Draganowski, Ted Hubert, Donald and Jean Scheer, Viola Friermood, Sam Kurth, Elaine Britten, George F. Barnes Sr. Michael Barnes, Debbie Sesko, Jess Burnham, Barbara Lockhart, Anne Wikan and Harley Cornes. 1-year Operator Licenses to the following: Jessie Arseneau, Gary Bergman, Jim Nieckula, Nancy Loughren, Kevin Murphy, Todd Walsh, Marie Hughes and Kathy Gatzke. Motion (Meinke / Scharlau) to approve the operators listed above. Motion carried.


Public Comment Session-5-minutes for those not on the agenda-Cindy Patza from Cranberry Lake Road spoke on her opposition to the roadwork that has been proposed for that road. She indicated that this road should not be widened and the trees should be kept as they are. She did say that some gravel might be needed, but that the whole road does not need to be done. There are divisions in the people who live on this road. Some want the road done and some do not. There are issues with the land being considered wetlands. Ms. Patza remarked that there is adequate room for emergency vehicles to get through. Bob Hammond, also a landowner on Cranberry Lake Road, said that he too, is in favor of not doing the road. He said that the only real issue is the first .4 miles. Every spring this section gets ruts and holes. He felt that with the proper grading, the road would not be an issue. Lois Storlie, mother of Ms. Patza and neighbor to Bob Hammond, said that she has had the property there since 1962. She said the only need for improvement would be some gravel on the road, as you come in, and she opposes any more work. Lee Wiesner asked what was going on with the Mike Marshall issue. He said that when he attended the church across the road on Sunday, the dogs barked during the service. He said it would only get worse with more animals there.


Department Head Reports-

Cemetery Committee- Bud Pease reported that the Cemetery Committee had held a meeting on May 19, 2004. The following officers were elected: Bud Pease, Chairman and Nancy Loughren, Secretary. The committee

looked over the grounds at the possible expansion site for the future and what improvements needed to be done. The only other activity at the cemetery was the interment of Ira Kofal on June 12, 2004.


Ambulance Department-Vi Friermood gave the following Ambulance Department report: there were 8 runs since the last meeting. 2 runs were to Hayward; 2 were to Duluth; 1 was an intercept with the helicopter; 1 was an intercept with Gold Cross; 1 was to aid at a wild fire in Highland; and 1 was a false alarm. The Ambulance department is working on the Fourth of July festivities.


Fire Department-Tom Renz said there were two fire calls since the meeting-1 was a wild fire in Highland and the other was a fire caused by downed power lines on Birch Lake Road. Renz said that he had attended Hazardous Materials Training on June 10, 2004. Several other firemen have completed training also. John Melin and Tom Kman have completed Level I. The new fire truck will be coming on June 26, 2004. It will be on display at the National Chief’s Convention in La Crosse, WI June 23, 24 and 25, 2004 and then Elite will bring it up to Barnes on the 26th. Renz read the ad that will be appearing in the papers for the Fourth of July festivities schedule. The fire truck will be dedicated at the Barnes VFW on Lake Road, at the end of the parade. Renz asked if the board members could be present when the fire truck arrives at the fire hall on Sunday the 27th, at 11:00AM, as he would like to have a picture taken with everyone when Elite hands over the keys to the new truck.


Constable Report-Mike O’Keefe had given the Constable’s Report to the board members prior to the meeting. He said that he had 16 calls since the last meeting. The report is available for review at the clerk’s office. O’Keefe said that he had located the markers for the low water and put them in (after several close calls by boaters). ATV use is up and so he has received more contacts with them.


Garage-Len Schiller reported that Four Star Construction started on the River Road Bridge on Tuesday. They expect to be done in one long day. The garage work has been routine-road maintenance and grounds maintenance. Schiller said that he had a comment on Cranberry Lake Road and that was there would be no construction by the point, only south of there.


Zoning-1. Cleo M. Marshall 3055 CO HWY N-Update on application. Dixie Chermack was at the Bayfield County Zoning meeting where the Marshall’s request was heard. She reported that: 1. Marshall’s have to construct a fence 2. There will be a reward system for the dogs not to bark 3. All complaints are to be made to Dixie Chermack in a letter and also to the sheriff’s department. The applicants said they would only have 2 ponies and no beef cattle. They have until July 20, 2004 to comply with the order. 2. Joanne Salveson-1875 Smart Road-Shore land grading. Scharlau said that he had called Mike Furtak on this. The people are filling in holes due to construction. Furtak had no problem with this issue. It will be monitored. Motion (Scharlau / Meinke) to approve the shore land grading application for Joanne Salveson on Smart Road, with monitoring to be done. Motion carried. 3. Torger Cornell-2955 Bony Lake Road-Put a movable canvas / vinyl garage (hut) next to property line on east side (after the fact). Mike Furtak informed the board that fines had been imposed after zoning discovered this. Furtak said that if there had been complaints from the neighbors, this would have been an issue, but the neighbors did not object. Meinke said that the placement by the lot line was actually the best location for the structure. It has a pad. Chermack said her biggest problem with this is that it was “after the fact”. Mr. Cornell had gotten a permit for the first structure, but not the second. Chermack said the residents have a problem with this sort of thing. Chermack did say that the Cornell’s had a beautifully kept property and take care of it well. Motion (Scharlau / Meinke) to approve the “after the fact” application for Torger Cornell on Bony Lake Road for placement of a moveable canvas garage structure one foot from the east lot line. Chermack voted “No”. The other three board members present voted “Yes”. Motion carried. 4. Buck N Bass-1805 Buck N Bass Road-The clerk read a letter addressed to the board from Mr. Murphy. He expressed regret at not being at the meeting this evening because of a death in the family. He said that Mike Furtak from zoning had been out to inspect his property. Chermack said that Kevin Murphy has until June 17, 2004 to comply with all of the issues for zoning. This is when the zoning committee will meet. All of the issues

are not completed at this time. Chermack said she would be going to that zoning meeting and urges anyone interested in this issue to go also.


Residential Utility Lines- The board has been approached by a resident on Circle Road about putting a 1” water line under the town road. Len Schiller from the highway department said that this was the first request of this type he has had since he had been here. He didn’t feel that it would present a problem for the town. The one issue was if there would have to be work done on the road, is there going to be information on file saying that there is a water line there. All of the other utilities have to notify Digger’s Hotline to let them know what is buried. There was discussion if the work had to be done by a contractor of if a resident could do the work himself. The board has to look into this. Ratzel said he would like to have something in place as general procedure for this. He would investigate the issue and that the issue would be postponed until the July board meeting.


Cranberry Lake Road-At the Special Town Board Meeting of June 1, 2004, the board approved the Cranberry Road project provided that there was enough money in the budget for it. Len Schiller said that because the board voted to go with the cold mix on Pease Road, the town would have to purchase additional special cold mix gravel. The cost would be about $25,000.00 to $35,000.00 depending on how much the board authorizes (need at least 5,000 to 7,500 yards at $4.75 a yard). This would take most of the money designated for Cranberry Lake Road. Schiller said that Cranberry Lake Road is not the highest priority for roads and it could be postponed for a year. Meinke said that there were several other roads that are projected for cold mix work-Point O Pines Road and the Hall Road. The special gravel would be needed for these projects also. It is uncertain how much more gravel would be available from the pit. The town should get it while it is available. There was discussion on the concerns of the residents on the road. Meinke said that if the roadwork was done, it had to be done in accordance to what the state says. The town can’t let the residents dictate how the roads should be done, like what happened on some other roads in town. The rating now is not that bad on that road. There was discussion if the town should remove this road from the contract. Motion (Ratzel / Scharlau) to remove this road from the list of those roads to contract out this year and let the town crew do any necessary work. Motion carried. Ratzel said that beginning next year the state statutes on roads would be changing. There was discussion on getting the Cranberry Lake Road into Rustic Road status. There was discussion on the issue of vehicle damage due to the bad ruts, etc. on Cranberry. Meinke said he had traveled down that road many times and did not see the issues that were brought up by some of the residents. There were just a few “potato “size rocks. Chermack said that at the bid meeting this road was the one that would have been dropped due to budget constraints. The main issues of the bad sections are on the first .4 of a mile. Fire Chief Renz stated that he had driven down the road also and that he could see no bad problems with getting emergency vehicles down there. The clerk will contact Ashland Construction as to the board’s decision, as they had been awarded the bid.


Purchase of Special Cold Mix Gravel-There was discussion on getting the special gravel for the cold mix work to be done. It was decided to get the 7,500 yards, as there would be other projects needing this kind of gravel in the future. Motion (Scharlau / Meinke) to approve the purchase of 7,500 yards of ½” special gravel for cold mix use at $4.75 a yard. Roll call vote was taken: Scharlau, Yes; Chermack, Yes; Meinke, Yes and Ratzel, Yes. Motion carried. Len Schiller would see to it that the contacts are made.


Transfer Site / Recycle Issues-There was discussion on restricting the amount of building materials or other demolition materials that could be brought to the transfer site. This is supposed to be for residential use, not contractors or commercial concerns. This means that truck loads are not to be brought in The transfer site attendant would have the authority to reject any materials or loads coming in, as well as what would be charged for the loads accepted. Schiller said that he had the opportunity to work the transfer site recently and got to see first hand what was being brought in. Ratzel said some recent issues have come up where it would be dangerous to the employees to handle some of the materials, such as large sheets of tin siding type materials. Chief Renz also said that items such as asphalt shingles could pose a hazard for the community when water run-off occurs. The town should not accept such items. Renz asked to have the floor opened up to Lee Wiesner, former DNR man, to see what he had to say about this. Ratzel asked Wiesner instead, to be the one to help look into this

issue. Wiesner said he would do this. Action on this issue would be deferred until the July meeting. A list would be made of the acceptable materials taken at the transfer site. Scharlau said that there were places to take these kinds of building materials, within 25 miles of Barnes, for approximately the same cost.


Use of Town Park Property- There was discussion on the fact that there has not been anything put in writing about this issue in the past. The board, a few years back, passed a motion to not allow the tables and chairs from the hall to be lent out. The issue of the picnic tables had not been a problem until the past year.  Picnic tables had been removed from the town park area without proper authorization. Motion (Chermack / Scharlau) that town property would not be taken from any town sites for personal use. Motion carried.


Assessor’s Contract-Ratzel spoke on the assessor’s contract. Right now all the town has is a “maintenance only” assessor. This means the assessor only re-assesses those parcels that have had improvements made to them, or those that have been sold or have changed hands. Every 3 to 4 years the residents get a big jump in assessment. Having a full time assessor would be more costly and there are not that many assessors out there that do full time assessing anymore, Ratzel said. The state requires the town to be in compliance. The board needs to meet with the assessor ahead of the mid July deadline for signing the new contract to discuss the issues. There was discussion that in the past, the board did the contract without any input from the residents. The people should have a say in what happens. Ratzel said he was tired of handling the complaints and phone calls on this matter. The board could meet ahead of the next meeting on July 20, 2004.Meinke said information should be gotten out on this subject. The town may have to send out a letter to get the feelings of the town’s taxpayers or have an ad in the paper. Scharlau said that there has to be a cost estimate.


Ambulance Elections-Ratzel said the item on the table is to approve the results of the Ambulance Department elections. According to the Ambulance Ordinance, the board must OK the results. The issue on this election was that 3 members of the ambulance department were on a run when the elections took place. That particular ambulance call came just before the ambulance meeting was to start. Ratzel said he did not feel comfortable with this. The vote should have been deferred to a time when as many members as possible could be present to vote. Meinke said he felt the same way. He had no problem with the slate of candidates. Motion (Meinke / Scharlau) to reject the results of the first election and have it redone, not because of the slate of candidates, but for having more members get a chance to vote. Motion carried. Ambulance Director Vi Friermood will reschedule the elections.


Comprehensive Land Use Planning Committee-David Pease reported that the committee would meet on July 14, 2004. The committee would be meeting with the special Citizen’s Advisory Committee. He would like to see all of the Citizen’s Advisory Committee at that meeting as well as the regular members. Anyone is invited to attend these meetings.


Centennial Committee- There was no representative from the committee at the meeting. The clerk noted that the next meeting would be held on Thursday June 17, 2004 at 9:00AM at Downtown Barnes.


BADC-Barnes Area Development Corporation-Gene Ratzel and Jack Meinke both reported that there was nothing new to report.


Board Member Reports-

Jack Meinke-Jack wanted to thank everyone for coming tonight.

Dave Scharlau-Dave said that he had checked on the condition of the South Shore Bridge. It has changed very little since last year.

Dixie Chermack-Dixie said that she had several issues of concern that she would like to see addressed at the July Town Board meeting. One of the issues is the Personnel Policy Handbook. There should be an amendment to this for how much weight a person can be expected to lift on the job. This was overlooked. It would be for all employees. Perhaps the board should look at what other towns are doing. Gene Ratzel said that he would do the research on this issue. Dixie spoke on the Lake Conference that will be held on June 25, 2004 at Telemark in

Cable. She would like to see a board member attend this meeting. She went to the one last year and said that it was very informative. Dixie has also been looking into getting a car for the constable’s use or possibly utilizing the current vehicle belonging to the constable. Mike O’Keefe spoke on this at this time. He said he would be willing to sell his vehicle to the town for a $1.00, but didn’t know what the insurance and other issues relating to this would involve. There was a question on what would happen with the vehicle if he retired or lost an election. He would like to be able to use the vehicle as he has been. He also reported that buying a used squad or other type of used vehicle was just asking for trouble. Those vehicles are driven pretty hard. The town has put money aside for a vehicle this year. He would like to see this money kept in the budget and more added next year, to go towards a new vehicle in the future. Dixie then said that the board would look into the issues of insurance, liability and the feasibility of this plan with the attorney.


Gene Ratzel-Gene reported that the state has been working on the bridge on Highway 27. They started June 8th and should be done by July 7th. There is a vehicle count of 1,300 cars per day on this section. This work is in preparation of the state repaving Highway 27 in the future.


Motion (Meinke / Scharlau) to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 8:08PM.


Members of the town board in attendance: Chairman Gene Ratzel, Supervisors Dave Scharlau, Dixie Chermack and Jack Meinke. Absent: Chris Webb (Prior commitment). Also present were the Treasurer Debbie Sesko and Clerk Lu Peet.


Department and Committee Heads present: Cemetery Committee Bud Pease, Ambulance Department Viola Friermood, Fire Department Tom Renz, Constable Mike O’Keefe, Garage Supervisor Len Schiller and Comprehensive Land Use Planning Committee Dave Pease.


Members of the community present: Pat LeVoir, Rosanne Ratzel-LeVoir, Marcia Wellnitz, Janine Watts, Daryl Shemwell, Torger Cornell, Richard Collyard, Lee Wiesner, Bob Hammond, Judy Hammond, Cindy Patza and Lois Storlie. There may have been others present, but not noted or signed in.


Respectfully submitted,



Lucille J. Peet

Barnes Town Clerk

Dated this 24th day of June 2004