OF NOVEMBER 8, 2007




Chairman Dick Collyard called the budget hearing to order at 6:00PM. The Pledge of Allegiance was said.  Collyard said the levy amount was 2%, the same as the last year.  The State was allowing 3.86% for towns but that wasn’t determined until after our budget had been prepared.  The two large increases in expenses were due to a purchase in the budget for a fire truck and for a tractor for the highway department.  Collyard then asked the members of the audience if there were any questions.  Gene Ratzel asked if there was a contingency amount in the budget.  Collyard replied there was.  Ratzel asked how that figure was determined and if the BADC needed any funds during the year would they be able to request the amount from the Board to be taken out of the contingency funds.  Collyard said that would be possible.  Collyard asked for any additional questions from the audience.  There were no other questions so he then asked for a motion to adjourn the hearing.

Motion (Jack Meinke/Donna Porter) to adjourn the budget hearing. Motion carried. The budget hearing was adjourned at 6:10PM.




Chairman Dick Collyard called the Special Town Meeting to order at 6:10PM.

Collyard asked if there was any additional discussion on the budget. There was none. The request was made for any resolutions.  Clerk-Treasurer Brustad presented three.

Chairman Collyard called for two tellers and two counters from the audience. Viola Friermood and Carol Pease volunteered to be tellers and Tom Renz and Gene Ratzel volunteered to be counters.


The Clerk-Treasurer read the first resolution as follows:


Resolution # R07-08

BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the qualified electors of the Town of Barnes here assembled in Special Town Meeting this 8th day of November 2007 that the sum of $15,000.00 be continued to be levied to the Highway Sinking Fund for the year 2008.


Signed: Elaine Brustad


There being no discussion a ballot vote was taken.

Yes: 12  No: 0

The resolution passed.


The Clerk-Treasurer read the second resolution as follows:


Resolution # R07-09

BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the qualified electors of the Town of Barnes here assembled in Special Town Meeting this 8th day of November 2007 that the sum of $346,160.00 be levied to the Highway Fund for Operating Expenses for the year 2008. 


Signed: Elaine Brustad

There was no discussion. A ballot vote was taken.

Yes: 12 No: 0

The resolution passed.



The Clerk-Treasurer read the third resolution as follows:


Resolution # R07-10

BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the qualified electors of the Town of Barnes here assembled in Special Town Meeting this 8th day of November 2007 that the sum of $306,160.00 be levied to the General Fund for Operating Expenses for the year 2008.


Signed: Elaine Brustad


There was no discussion.  A ballot vote was taken.

Yes: 12 No: 0

The resolution passed.

Collyard asked for any additional Resolutions from the floor.  There was none. 


Motion(Tom Renz/Donna Porter) to adjourn the Special Town Meeting. Motion carried. The Special Town Meeting was adjourned at 6:20PM.


Members of the Town Board present: Chairman Dick Collyard, Supervisors Chris Webb, Donna Porter, Jack Meinke and Mitch McGee. Also present was the Clerk-Treasurer Elaine Brustad.


Members of the community present:  Dave Pease, Carol Pease, Viola Friermood, Tom Renz, Roberta DeLizio and Gene Ratzel.  


Respectfully submitted,



Elaine J. Brustad

Barnes Town Clerk-Treasurer

Dated this 9th day of November, 2007.