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Aquatic Invasive Species Committee
AIS & EWM Committees Meeting Minutes
2009 Eurasian Water Milfoil Committee Minutes
> July 20, 2009 Meeting
July 20, 2009 MeetingEWM Committee meeting Ingemar Ekstrom called the meeting to order. Members present: Ingemar Ekstrom, Barb Romstad, Gerald Gustafson, Dave Pease, Lee Wiesner Absent: Patti Joswick, Pamela Toshner, Agenda items: 1. Minutes from the June Meeting Minutes from the last meeting were reviewed. A motion to accept the minutes was made by Dave Pease seconded by Gerald Gustafson; approved. 2. CBCW Program Ingemar tries to visit the boat landings occasionally and overall feels the workers are doing a good job. The Middle Eau Claire landing seems to be kind of busy. No problems so far this year with people at the landings. 3. Gus investigated the unemployment expenses and verified that the Town of 4. Shoreland Monitoring Ingemar handed out the shoreland monitoring forms at the POA meeting. 5. Financial Support Ingemar indicated that some POA board members questioned the money that is going to the Town of 6. Other Business Lee updated us on the crayfish study, which is also an invasive species topic. Ingemar indicated that the 7. Next meeting date – Monday, Motion to adjourn; Gerald Gustafson, seconded by Lee Wiesner; passed. Meeting adjourned at |