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Home > Aquatic Invasive Species Committee > AIS & EWM Committees Meeting Minutes > 2009 Eurasian Water Milfoil Committee Minutes > June 22, 2009 Meeting

June 22, 2009 Meeting

EWM Committee meeting

Monday, June 22, 2009,  6:30 p.m.

Barnes Town Hall


Ingemar Ekstrom called the meeting to order. Members present: Ingemar Ekstrom, Barb Romstad, Mitch McGee, Stefania Strzalkowska, Gerald Gustafson, Dave Pease


Absent: Patti Joswick, Pamela Toshner, Lee Wiesner


Agenda items:


1.      Minutes from the May Meeting

Minutes from the last meeting were reviewed. A motion to accept the minutes was made by Dave Pease seconded by Gerald Gustafson; approved.


2.      Jim Joswick memorial and obituary – Ingemar

Ingemar passed around Jim Joswick’s obituary and talked about attending Jim’s memorial service. 


3.      CBCW Program – Pat

The shirts and caps we ordered in May have still have not come in. Ingemar asked Stefania to follow up. The effort to find a cell phone that works at the landings isn’t too fruitful. Pat met with Jim Hardy and the Potawatomi Board concerning the Island Lake landing. Pat is spot checking the landing and is supplying the concerned property owners with materials for their volunteers. Pat is struggling to get volunteers, same as other years and he has trouble at times getting the data sheets from volunteers on Robinson. He has been told that sometimes traffic can be heavier on Monday than Saturday. There has been a dog issue at the Lower Lake landing. Calling for volunteers for the 4th weekend.


4.      Lake Stewardship award and news article

Ingemar, Dave and Lee were present at the Northwestern Lakes conference last week to be recognized for our award. Barb missed it by 4 minutes.


5.      Sand Bar Lake landing maintenance

The rock has been placed on the landing, stabilizing it for use by the research team and any future treatment of the lake.


6.      Shoreland monitoring

The form will be distributed at the POA annual meeting. The POA will fund the gift certificates.


7.      Research outcome on Tomahawk Lake

The minutes from the meeting on Saturday 20th will be posted on the web site in a few days. We reviewed some of the topics that were covered. All the specifics of the meeting, including the future plan for Sand Bar Lake, are covered in detail in the minutes. Two key points discussed were; the DNR is committed to creating a plan for Sand Bar Lake, another grant may be necessary to fund any proposed treatment. 


8.      Other Business

Tomahawk Lake Landing – a property owner voiced a concern at the meeting on June 20th that the public landing is still open. She felt that there should be a landing monitor. Gus stated that he watches the landing all summer and sees very few people launching a boat. Some discussion followed. Ingemar brought up the concept of the shore land video monitor.


Stefania brought up the idea that maybe there should be a sign between the two lakes, Sand Bar and Tomahawk…Gus and Ingemar indicated there is a sign in place.


Gus distributed expenses to date for the 2009 program. Some discussion followed concerning the cost of the program, specifically the cost of the unemployment insurance.


Stefania is conducting a field trip for the county AIS committee next Tuesday, June 30. She would like to have a pontoon boat available to take the group on the lakes if possible. Ingemar can get a pontoon on Sand Bar. On Tomahawk the dock is out so her group can see the lake pretty well from there. Stefania will coordinate the time with Ingemar.


10.  Next meeting date – Monday, July 20, 2009


Motion to Adjourn: Gus, seconded by Dave Pease; approved.


Meeting adjourned at 8: P.M.


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