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Home > Aquatic Invasive Species Committee > AIS & EWM Committees Meeting Minutes > 2009 Eurasian Water Milfoil Committee Minutes > Meeting Minutes May 18, 2009

Meeting Minutes May 18, 2009

EWM Committee meeting

Monday, May 18, 2009, 6:30 p.m.

Barnes Town Hall


Ingemar Ekstrom called the meeting to order. Members present: Ingemar Ekstrom, Barb Romstad, Mitch McGee, Stefania Strzalkowska, Gerald Gustafson, Dave Pease, Lee Wiesner, Pamela Toshner, Patrick Vanderhoof


Absent: Patti Joswick, Jim Joswick


Agenda items:


1.      Minutes from the April Meeting

Minutes from the last meeting were reviewed. A motion to accept the minutes was made by Dave Pease seconded by Gerald Gustafson; approved.


2.      Update on the CBCW Program

There was a good turnout at the CBCW education program in Cable on May 7th.


We have decided to locate a kit at Jim’s Bait Shop for volunteers to access. Patrick has been trying to schedule volunteers 2 weeks in advance and has been successful.


We are going to order more shirts and caps for the volunteers.


There was some concern expressed at the appreciation lunch that the lakes at Potawatomi are not being covered. Ingemar has addressed the concerns with the individual.  The coordinator will spot check some of the smaller lakes and the coordinator will also meet with the caretaker of Potawatomi.


Gerald Gustafson gave a report on the methods and frequency of reporting expenses. He distributed the CBCW volunteer hours and expenses and the Research Project volunteer hours and expenses to date for the AIS Grant.


Ingemar asked Stefania about the status of the “sandwich boards” advising that there is an inspector on duty. She is still researching the best sign.


3.      Lake Stewardship Award

Barb sent the information to Susan Amundson at the Bayfield County Journal for an article on the Town receiving the Lake Stewardship.  We are hoping the article is in the next issue.



4.      Tomahawk –Sand Bar Lakes Property Owners Meeting, June 20

There will be an informational meeting held on June 20, 2009 for the property owners on Tomahawk and Sand Bar Lakes. John Skogerboe, Frank Koshere, Tim Asplund, and Bob Korth will be present to present and support the speakers.


Pamela is proposing that the meeting will be about 2 hours long, one hour updating the group on the Tomahawk project, the second hour dealing with the possible treatment of Sand Bar Lake in 2011. Lee indicated that the people will be particularly interested in the results of the well testing.


Barb and Ingemar will take care of notifying the owners of the date and time through a letter. Gerald will try to find the database of names for Barb which will help significantly in the mailing project.


5.      Other Business

·        The POA has agreed to fund the gift certificates we will be giving out at the drawing of people who submit their shoreline vegetation monitoring.

·        The Town Board will be addressing the maintenance of the Sand Bar Lake landing tomorrow evening at the board meeting.

·        Stefania is requesting some feedback about the Musky tournament last fall and other multi lake tournaments. Some discussion followed. No one really felt there was a problem but if the organizers wanted to make a contribution we’d accept it.

·        Stefania advised that Butch Lobermeier, Bayfield County Land Conservationist, will as a matter of routine, request people remove their private landings. Stefania reported that he is usually met with a positive response.


6.      The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, June 22, 2009, 6:30 pm at the Barnes Town Hall.


Motion to Adjourn: Lee Wiesner, seconded by Gerald Gustafson; approved.


Meeting adjourned at 8:00 P.M.






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