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Aquatic Invasive Species Committee
AIS & EWM Committees Meeting Minutes
2009 Eurasian Water Milfoil Committee Minutes
> February 16, 2009 Minutes
February 16, 2009 MinutesEWM Committee meeting Ingemar Ekstrom called the meeting to order. Members present: Ingemar Ekstrom, Barb Romstad, Absent: Lee Wiesner, Patti Joswick Agenda items: 1. Minutes from the October Meeting Minutes from the last meeting were reviewed. A motion to accept the minutes was made by Dave Pease seconded by 2. Well Sampling Outcome Pamela distributed a letter from the Testing of the lake water in October of 2008 indicated there was no residual 2, 4-D in the lake water. 3. Clean Boats Clean Waters Program Pam brought some maps that showed the presence of different aquatic plants in Tomahawk and Some discussion followed concerning what will happen to both lakes in the study in the future. John Skogerboe will be giving a progress report soon. Pamela indicated that we should reconvene with Jane and see if we can transfer some of the funds from the research project to the CBCW program. 4. Volunteer Appreciation Barb will organize the volunteer lunch, which is scheduled for 5. March/April CBCW Hiring Process Barb will take care of getting the job postings and advertising done for the 2009 positions. We will use the same job descriptions and postings that were used in 2008. Dave Pease, Jim Joswick and Coordinator will start working to prepare for the opening weekend, May 2, Paid staff will be trained in Cable on Thursday evening, 6. Other Business Pam reminded everyone that the Stephania will follow-up on getting us the newest boat inspection form. Ingemar thanked Gus for responding to Stephania’s request for project costs. 7. The next meeting is scheduled for Motion to Adjourn: Dave Pease, seconded by Meeting adjourned at Summary of Town of The Town of The Town began the 2008 program year with a training session for volunteers and staff. A light luncheon was provided by an anonymous donor for this session. It was very well attended and all totaled we had 63 volunteers registered in our program this year. The paid staff consisted of three landing monitors and one project coordinator. The three landing monitors were assigned to the busiest landings which were the Upper, Middle and Project Coordinator, Jack Conklin, determined the weekly schedule for the staff and volunteers. He also monitored their performance, collected their daily records, maintained their supplies, provided training when needed and sometimes monitored a landing when necessary. He also regularly visited the boat ramps which gives access to 25 lakes as described, in this project area of Bayfield and
The Town’s Eurasian Water Milfoil Committee met the third Monday of each month. The Project Coordinator gave his up-to-date report at these meetings. The Committee and Project Coordinator always supported each other as needed. One member of the Eurasian Water Milfoil Committee, Gerald Gustafson, continues to work very closely with the Project Coordinator and the State The success of this project can be summarized with a few statistics, they are: 3,377 boats and trailers were inspected, 7729 persons were contacted, and 496 volunteer hours were provided. Our final project for the CBCW program year was to provide landing monitors at the Summary of Tomahawk/Sand Bar Lakes Research Project 2008 The Town’s EWM Committee has also been involved with a second very important project this year. This is the EWM Research Project on Tomahawk and The EWM Committee has been very involved in this project. Our efforts have included: · Communication with the lake property owners to make them aware of the date for treatment in their lake · Taking necessary water chemistry samples for the Corps after the treatment process · Installing a temporary fences on the sand bar separately the two lakes · Posting signs which encouraged slow-no-wake behavior on · Placing two buoys on · Assisting the · Organizing the necessary arrangement for the Corps and · Sending out additional written communication about the progress of the research project to the property owners · Posting information about the research project on the Town of
The WDNR and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will submit a report on their findings for the first year of this research project. We will post these findings on the Barnes web site when they are completed. Right now, we are finding no EWM in Ingemar Ekstrom Eurasian Water Milfoil Committee Chairperson Town of |