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Aquatic Invasive Species Committee
AIS & EWM Committees Meeting Minutes
2008 Eurasian Water Milfoil Committee Minutes
> October 20, 2008 Minutes
October 20, 2008 MinutesEWM Committee meeting Monday, Ingemar Ekstrom called the meeting to order. Members present: Ingemar Ekstrom, Barb Romstad, Mitch McGee, Pamela Toshner, Stefania Strzalkowska, Gerald Gustafson, Patti Joswick Absent: David Pease, Lee Wiesner, Jim Joswick Agenda items: 1. Minutes from the September Meeting Minutes from the last meeting were reviewed. A motion to accept the minutes was made by Gerald Gustafson, seconded by Mitch McGee; approved. 2. Water Chemistry Pamela asked if we have the latest results on 3. Clean Boats Clean Waters Program Gerald Gustafson distributed information on the Clean Boats Clean Waters program for the last season. It is a record of volunteer hours, expenses, paid monitor and coordinator hours. It also listed the data collected at the landings, number of boaters contacted, boats inspected, etc. A second report also capsuled the Barnes AIS control grant volunteer hours. Some discussion followed and it was noted that the donations from the POA also need to be included in the amount submitted. Getting the paperwork completed and submitted to the A summary of the 2008 CBCW program is attached. The annual reports of the 4. Musky tournament Boat Landing Coverage On the Musky Tournament weekend, October 3rd, 4th and 5th, all the boat landings were covered though there wasn’t coverage at Lower on the afternoons. Traffic was heavy at Middle on both days; Upper was heavy on the first day. The weekend went well overall and many local property owners were using the landings as well as the tournament participants. 5. Well Testing There were a few problems with the well testing project. Ingemar went door to door on Labor Day weekend advising residents about the process of having their wells tested. The week of September 15 the well testing was supposed to be done, but due to a problem the testing was not done until the week of October 7-9. Eight samples were collected and have been sent to the lab for testing. 6. Winter Schedule of the EWM Committee The October 20th meeting will be the last for 2008. The next meeting is tentatively scheduled for Motion to Adjourn: Mitch McGee, seconded by Gerald Gustafson; approved. Meeting adjourned at Summary of Town of |