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Home > Aquatic Invasive Species Committee > AIS & EWM Committees Meeting Minutes > 2008 Eurasian Water Milfoil Committee Minutes > September 15, 2008 Minutes

September 15, 2008 Minutes

EWM Committee meeting

Monday, September 15, 2008, 2008    6:30 p.m.

Barnes Town Hall


Ingemar Ekstrom called the meeting to order. Members present: Ingemar Ekstrom, Dave Pease, Mitch McGee, Stefania Strzalkowska, Gerald Gustafson (Gus), Patti Joswick, Jim Joswick, Lee Wiesner


Absent: Barb Romstad


Agenda items:


1.      Minutes from the August Meeting

Minutes from the last meeting were reviewed. A motion to accept the minutes was made seconded; approved.


2.      Clean Boats Clean Waters Program

Jack Conklin, Boat Landing Coordinator, handed out a brief summary of the 2008 program year, including recommendations for the 2009 year. The follow up discussion also included the recommendation that the volunteer luncheon should take place a week before fishing opener; that nine volunteers will be needed for each weekend; that it would be best to try to schedule weeks in advance for volunteers; that Scott Bell and the Higgins family are interested in working next year; and Jack Conklin would want mileage reimbursement from Spooner if he were to work in 2009.


Gus handed out a very detailed summary of the project summary hours and the town expenses. He is working with the town clerk for a final report to be sent to the DNR.


3.      Musky Tournament, October 3,4,5  

Ingemar is continuing to sign up volunteer monitors for the weekend tournament. This project will end our program year for CBCW.


4.      Plant Monitoring Results in Tomahawk and Sand Bar Lakes

Pamela Toschner, WDNR, sent us a summary of the department’s survey of native aquatic plant growth in both lakes. This survey was a comparison of plants in July of 2007 and 2008. It appears that the native aquatic plants in Tomahawk are surviving quite well. It has also been very important to have Sand Bar Lake as a reference lake since the ice out conditions were later in 2008. The water temperatures being cooler slowed the onset of the growing season in 2008 affecting the aquatic plants.



5.      Communication to Property Owners on Research Lakes

A letter from the EWM committee and a progress report from the DNR and the Army Corps of Engineers has been sent to all the lake property owners. Douglas Schultz from the DNR is to pick up well water samples from property owners the weeks of September 15.


6.      Other Business

Letters were sent supporting NR40 and NR198. Ingemar has been working with John Spangberg of the DNR for permission to stabilize the landing on Sand Bar Lake being used by the research project.


The committee discussed the possibility of changing our grant to a higher match from the State of Wisconsin. Pamela Toschner will be asked to attend our next meeting for discussion on the subject.


The committee is interested in updates about water chemistry results on Tomahawk Lake.


7.      Next Meeting Date

The next meeting is scheduled on October 20th, 2008, 6:30 PM at the Town Hall.


Motion to Adjourn: approved.


Meeting adjourned at 8:30 P.M.




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