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Home > Aquatic Invasive Species Committee > AIS & EWM Committees Meeting Minutes > 2008 Eurasian Water Milfoil Committee Minutes > Meeting Minutes June 16, 2008

Meeting Minutes June 16, 2008

EWM Committee meeting

Monday,  June 16, 2008, 2008    6:30 p.m.

Barnes Town Hall


Ingemar Ekstrom called the meeting to order. Members present: Ingemar Ekstrom, Barb Romstad, Gerald Gustafson, David Pease, Mitch McGee, Patti Joswick


Absent: Stefania Strzalkowska, Pamela Toshner


Agenda items:


1.      Minutes from the April Meeting

Minutes from the last meeting were reviewed. Jack Conklin’s name was corrected. A motion to accept the minutes as corrected was made by Dave Pease, seconded by Mitch McGee; approved.


2.      CBCW program –

Ingemar indicated that sometimes Jack has had some problems getting volunteers. But overall it is going very well. Once in a while a volunteer may not show up, usually because he or she has forgotten. The paid monitors are doing well. Upper and Middle landings have been pretty quiet this year…Lower Eau Claire has actually been busier. The weather and gas prices may be impacting the numbers of people on the lakes. The volunteers have been doing a good job. Ingemar expressed concern that we maintain a good pool of volunteers.


3.      Clean Boats Clean Waters Data Reporting

Gus had data that showed our expenses are currently about $500 higher than last year to date. Gus reviewed the volunteer hours to date and the dollar amount they represent. He also reviewed the number of people contacted at the landings, number of boats launched, etc.


Gus is documenting the Tomahawk Lake/Sandbar lakes project data and expenses in case it is needed in the future.


Any ambiguity with the new CBCW form has been fixed with a revised form.


Ingemar reminded everyone to submit their hours, and even and mileage to and from meetings, to Gus.


4.      Tomahawk/Sandbar lakes research project

Gus pulled some milfoil from in front of his dock…most of it was black but Gus thought there was some new growth on it. John and Pamela told him that was not unusual; the new growth maybe had not yet reacted to the chemical. The Tomahawk boat landing is clear enough now to launch boats without getting weeds on the trailers. There are signs of broad leaf vegetation growing in the lake where they have not been for many years.


5.      Other Business

Ingemar had promised information about well testing to several residents on Tomahawk Lake. Ingemar is suggesting that anyone interested can go to the DNR site and get more information in the form of a brochure about water testing. There is water testing done by private firms; the cost of testing chemicals by one of these firms is about $225. The DNR suggests water testing for all homeowners once per year.


Pamela contacted Frank Koshere and the testing lab about the issue. She communicated to Ingemar that if the Town of Barnes co-ordinates the testing, the lab would be willing to conduct ten well testings at Tomahawk Lake home sites. We need to determine where and when the tests could be done for the best overall measurement of results. Some discussion followed and it was determined that perhaps the wells at the Gustafson and Lowry properties would be good samples on opposite ends of the lake, with different elevations and conducting numerous tests on the same wells would give best data.


Ingemar and Gus will work with Pamela and Frank on the testing.


6.      Next Meeting Date

Next meeting date is July 21, 2008 at 6:30 PM at the Barnes Town Hall.


Motion to Adjourn: Dave Pease, seconded by Gerald Gustafson ; approved.


Meeting adjourned at 7:30 P.M.




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