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Home > Aquatic Invasive Species Committee > AIS & EWM Committees Meeting Minutes > 2008 Eurasian Water Milfoil Committee Minutes > April 21, 2008 Meeting Minutes

April 21, 2008 Meeting Minutes

EWM Committee meeting

Monday,  April 21, 2008    6:30 p.m.

Barnes Town Hall


Ingemar Ekstrom called the meeting to order. Members present: Ingemar Ekstrom, Barb Romstad, Gerald Gustafson, David Pease, Mitch McGee, Lee Wiesner, Jim and Patti Joswick


Absent: Stefania Strzalkowska, Pamela Toshner


Also Present: Dick Conklin, Tom DiPlacido, Scott Bell


Agenda items:


1.      Minutes from the March Meeting

Minutes from the last meeting were reviewed. A motion to accept the minutes as submitted was made by Dave Pease, seconded by Gerald Gustafson; approved.


2.      Volunteer Appreciation Lunch

Barb has organized the volunteer lunch for Friday, May 2. It will take place at 11:30 am at the Barnes Town Hall. An update on the activities of the EWM committee will follow the lunch and training of volunteers and staff employees will also follow. Jack and Stefania will handle the training and Lee will help in regards to the VHS and the new Bayfield County ordinance. Jack will check on the status of the kits and what materials we need. He will also see if there are changes to the materials. Gus will provide recording sheets to Jack.


Lee Wiesner updated us on the new guidelines for controlling the spread of VHS.


3.      Employees for 2008

Charles Corlett, Tom DiPlacido, Scott Bell and Hanna Krivinchuk have been hired as boat landing monitors for the summer. Jack is returning as the coordinator.



4.      Slow No Wake Ordinance

Getting the slow, no-wake ordinance is not a real easy thing to do. We will not have an ordinance in place for summer of 2008. We will have a sign encouraging boaters to observe slow no-wake activities, advising them of the DNR containment efforts on the lakes.


5.      Recent Mailing to Tomahawk and Sand Bar Lakes residents

Ingemar reviewed the mailings that were sent to the lake residents. The mailing went out on April 14, 2008.


6.      Record Keeping

Gus will provide everyone with time sheets. We will have a sign-up sheet at the volunteer lunch so we can log everyone’s time as volunteer time. Gus discussed how he will be completing the required forms for the EWM grant.


7.      The Northwest Wisconsin Lakes Conference, June 20

Lee promoted the Northern Lakes Conference to the group. He encouraged everyone to come. He talked about the 3 for 1 deal and how the POA is working to as many as possible to the conference. POA will pay admission for one person and be able to send 3 people for that one admission. Lee reminded everyone that there is a water quality testing training session at the Barnes Town Hall on April 28 at 6:30 pm.


8.      Other Business

An ad was placed by the DNR in the Bayfield County Journal advising the public of the Tomahawk Lake research project. The notice does advise people that up to five days prior to the start of the treatment, anyone can request a hearing for more information. To date there has been no request.


Lee reminded everyone about the upcoming Riverfest on June 13 and 14. There will be information published in the Northwoods Shopper.


9.      CBCW Watercraft Inspection Signs

Jack showed us the signs that will be placed at the boat landing when there is a monitor on duty. Jack had 4 signs made. Everyone agreed they looked great. Cost was about $46 each.


10.  Next Meeting Date

Next meeting date is May 19, 2008 at 6:30 PM at the Barnes Town Hall.


Motion to Adjourn: Lee Wiesner, seconded by Dave Pease; approved.


Meeting adjourned at 7:30 P.M.




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