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Home > Town Community Center Committee > Committee Determinations

Committee Determinations

Town Community Center Complex Committee


Objective:   To provide direction to the Town Board in determining the feasibility of creating a Community Center Complex and to provide the Town board with facts needed to make a determination whether to remodel the current Town Hall or construct a new building.


Phase I:  Current Facility -


Inadequacies of current facility:

            Office Space – Too small, 2 offices are shared by the Clerk-Treasurer, Board Chair, Board members, Constable, Deputy Clerk, Zoning Administrator, Assessor, Plan Commission members and others.

            Storage – Public Records storage and basic office storage – inadequate and not secure.

            General Public Area Space –in need of updating and remodeling. Large hall area is adequate but needed are additional rooms for media center, reading, scrapbooking, card playing, senior meals, board closed sessions, private areas for nurse and other health related duties, assessor. The building was constructed in 1937.  There were no records found on any major update.

            Civil Defense-Incident Command CenterNot structurally sound for Civil Defense center. The Hall is a designated center for people to come to for safety in case of a catastrophic event such as a tornado. 

            Parking- Problematic and Hazardous, parking in front of the building should not be permitted; it is an accident waiting to happen. Highway right-of-way ends approximately 6-8 feet from the steps at the entrance to the Hall.


Maintenance Costs of Current Facility

Rising gas prices are out of sight.  This will only get worse.  We need to build efficiently with energy savings in mind.  New, larger building would not cost more than what we pay now in utilities.  Maintenance costs for 2006 were $19,036.97.  Costs for 2007 were $23, 546.85. Projected costs for 2008 are $24, 573.00.


Use of the Current Facility –Declining use because of the inadequacies of the facility.

WHAT WE HAVE LOST -  Community health fair, groups who need technological facilities such as computer hook-ups, DSL, PowerPoint, more electrical outlets for presentations, Groups who want a more comfortable atmosphere, updated furnishings, updated kitchen facilities, Youth group activities, WITC classes, hunting courses, Weddings, funerals, dances.

What we currently use the facility for: Town Board Meetings, Committee meetings, Potawatomi annual meeting, DNR meetings, Property Owners meetings, senior meals, craft group meetings, card players, Mason’s,  VFW Auxiliary, and the Garden Club. Which will we lose next?


Current Needs – Media and technology facilities, private rooms for health nurse, Assessor, updated kitchen, more friendly and comfortable atmosphere, energy efficient building and appliances.


Future Uses/Needs  Current population growth is approximately 2% per year.  Census approximation as of 2007 is 693, which is low.  Current registered voter number is 674.  The number of children in the Drummond School system is approximately 74, so a better estimate of full-time population would be closer to 950 to 1000.  Using these figures would project a population in 2020 of 1230.  Future demands would be more computer related, more efficient use of heating and cooling systems and larger area of space.


Comparison with other Municipalities with similar population and tax base  Barnes has the largest Equalized Value in the County, with fourth largest Town’s full-time population according to the census. We’ve been the LEADER in the past, the most PROGRESSIVE municipality in Bayfield County.  


Public views of current building (Historical Significance, location etc)

We have not heard from anyone viewing the building as a historical building. I would think there are some in the community who feel that way.  The location of the building is too close to the highway.



Office space is about 50% of what is currently needed.  The Hall area is sufficient size although it needs updating along with the kitchen.  There is no Technology Center, Library or Reading room, no separate eating area or separate meeting rooms. There is no separate room for a display of historical Artifacts. The bathrooms are not in a private area.  It is lacking adequate electrical outlets, there is no wiring for computers or cable, and lighting is fair to poor, very drafty and cold in winter.  The handicap accessible door in the hall has no outside handle so cannot be considered handicap accessible.    





Objective:  To provide direction to the Town Board regarding possibility of building an entirely new building.


          Identify Stakeholders  

Those who have a vested interest in various functions within the new Complex.


Full insulation in the new structure will save on heating and cooling expense.  Selection of energy-efficient units for heating and cooling would also realize a savings on energy costs.

Lighting fixtures and light bulbs used would be more energy efficient

Building to LEED specifications would cost approximately 4-5% extra but savings in energy would be recouped easily. We would be a leader in the area to become LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) registered.  Leed considers building orientation, location, storm water control, energy systems and more. 

Better layout will create more convenient use of the offices and multi-purpose rooms.

Careful planning and landscaping will keep the “Up North” flavor

Planned off-street parking

Single ground-level footprint would mean all entrances would be handicap accessible as our population continues to age.

More secure storage of the Town’s records

Privacy for town functions such as Open Book and tax payments

Secure building for safety of the employees and property





            Identify Separate Areas Needed for Specific Use


Media Center with 2-3 computers for use of the residents.  School aged children and young adults would be able to do research papers online, take online college courses, and check emails while away from home. 

Reading Room/Lending Library with comfortable chairs and good lighting.  Computer access could be made available for citizens with NWLS library cards to order books to be delivered to the Center where they could pick them up the next day.  A T-1 line would be needed for this purpose. 

Exercise Area with equipment for residents to use instead of traveling to Hayward.  Equipment could be donated.  A separate locker area would be available in this room. Future classes in Yoga, Pilates and other exercise could be held here for residents.

Kitchen with dining area for senior meals to be served in a warm and inviting atmosphere, encouraging friendlier meal-time conversation.  The kitchen area would be much smaller than the current kitchen with updated appliances for energy-efficiency.  The dining area could be used also for smaller banquets, parties, meetings, and craft club.

Museum Display Area similar to the Drummond Library Museum display, which could be changed periodically to allow residents to see new samples of our rich history.

Large Hall for use during Board meetings, other large group meetings and training sessions.

Restroom facilities located in a more private area.

Town Offices would be double the current size and have 4 separate offices with twice the current storage.  A counter with work area at the entrance would separate the Clerk-Treasurer’s area.  A separate office for the Clerk-Treasurer would ensure privacy when she is speaking with Townspeople on private matters.  One office would be a designated “conference room” for use by the Town Board during closed sessions and also for individual Town Board members while working on Town business.  Individual file cabinets would be available for each Board member.  One office for the Chairperson to use for daily activities.  One multi-use office for Constable, Zoning Administrator assistant, Assessor and other personnel as needed.  Storage area would have shelves and locking file cabinets to store the historical files of the Town.


            Alternatives for the current building- Tear-down, move back at least 100 feet to incorporate into the new facility or find a possible buyer or donate it to a needy organization that will pay to have it moved off-site.  BAHA has indicated they would still be interested in the building and would move it to their location. 


            What other Towns have incorporated into their newer Town Halls

Each community has different needs and most have put a greater emphasis on energy-efficient lighting, heating and cooling sources.


            Location of new building – Ideally the Quonset hut and ice-rink should be moved to another location to allow the new building to be set back off the right-of-way of highway N.  In this location the new building would have excellent views of the town Park and plenty of room for off-street parking.


            Size needed-  The current facility is approximately 3200 square feet.  The Committee recommends a minimum of 6000 square feet now with a design that could be added on to at a future date if needed. 


            What is the public’s feeling toward a new community center – Most people feel a new facility will be too costly and taxes will increase dramatically.  A one-time levy of $600,000.00 using 2007’s mill rate would increase the mill rate by  $1.86 per thousand dollars of value. The tax bill on a property assessed at $150,000.00 would be increased only $279.00.  If a loan was obtained for $600,000.00, the payments could be structured to whatever the townspeople wanted, up to twenty years in term. Cash needed to finance a new Community Center would be close to the same amount as the $600,000.00 loan obtained 3 years ago for roadwork that met with very few objections.



In addition to remedying the many deficiencies and inadequacies of the current building mentioned above, a new facility, with its many improved features could be the catalyst for renewal of a healthy sense of community that once blessed this town.





Objective:  To provide the Town Board with alternatives based on size, needs, pricing, etc for presentation to the voters at an Annual Meeting.


          Remodel current facility or build a new facility

A major block in remodeling the current facility is the extreme closeness to County Highway N.  To move the building would be a major expense.  Remodeling is close to the same cost for new, therefore it doesn’t make sense to endure the expense of moving the current building and remodeling it once placed in its new site unless the public feels it necessary to keep the building for historical value.   Current construction costs are between $140-$150/per square foot.  Remodeling would cost around $134/per square foot.  The new facility based on those figures would cost approximately $850,000.00 to $900,000.00.  Construction costs will only increase with time.  The Committee does not recommend trying to save all the monies necessary to build the facility, with construction costs rising so rapidly. The town of Barnes would be eligible for a Community Development Block Grant.  The maximum grant under this program for any single applicant is $750,000.00.  Few grants in this area and anticipated amount needed would exceed $250,000.00.  USDA Rural Development will make loans to Municipalities for this type of project.  The Board of Commissioners of Public Lands also has loans available for this purpose.  This program is used most because of the minimal information and qualifications needed.  Current rates for either program is 4-5% depending on length of time.

In the interim, the committee would recommend at least starting a sinking fund in addition to the funds currently being deposited for the Community Center from timber sales.


            Combination of Town offices, hall, library, technology center  With rising energy costs it makes sense to combine all facilities under one roof.


            Preliminary design, architect, and plans for surrounding grounds –If approval by the Town Board and Townspeople is obtained for a new facility the committee would be happy to support the Board in finding qualified people to prepare preliminary designs for the new facility, and updated design for the surrounding grounds. The committee generally recommends having a building that would preserve the “Northwoods Flavor” we all so enjoy here in Barnes. Placing it back off the right-of-way of County N within the park area on the east would also provide an aesthetically pleasing area for the new “Center of Town”.


            Preliminary Operating Costs General maintenance costs would be low due to the building being all new.  Operating costs such as heating, air conditioning, lighting would be similar or lower to what the costs are for the current building.  The committee would recommend doing everything possible to guarantee energy efficiency.  We recommend building to become LEED registered to let our citizens know the Town is doing its part to preserve the environment.  


            Preliminary Policy for use of Building

This would be developed once construction is underway, in the meantime the current policy would be in force for general use.



Remodeling of the current facility would be too costly if the building has to be moved.  A new facility would cost approximately $850,000.00 to $900,000.00.  A grant could be obtained for about $200,000.00 to $250,000.00, but in order to apply for a grant the balance of the funds needed for the project would have to be obtained.  A one time levy based on 2007 taxes would increase the levy amount by $1.86 extra per thousand.  A loan obtained for the same amount would be felt much less because the loan payment for that particular year would be the only amount added into the budget.  Loans can be structured for a payout of up to twenty years.  The committee recommends building sooner rather that saving the entire amount because construction costs will only increase with time.  Maintenance costs on the current facility since it is not energy efficient will increase at a faster rate also.  The committee feels it is necessary to better educate the public on the needs of a new facility.  As Chairperson of the Committee I would recommend starting a sinking fund of $25,000.00 to $50,000.00, budgeting monies for preliminary design of a new building so townspeople could see the concept of an actual building and would recommend building new within five years. 













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