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Home > Town of Barnes Plan Commission > LUPC Meeting Minutes > 2007 Minutes > Meeting Minutes July 17, 2007

Meeting Minutes July 17, 2007

Minutes of the Town of Barnes Planning Commission

Of July 17, 2007



Planning Commission members present: Gene Ratzel, Dave Pease, Dick Webb, Diane Rupnow.

Alternate present: Duke Martin

Member absent: Donna Porter

Also present: Jerry and Marcia Thompson, Mike Furtak.


The meeting was called to order by Chairman Gene Ratzel. Agenda read.

Roll call to establish quorum.


Motion (Pease/ Webb) to approve agenda. Motion carried.

Motion (Pease/ Webb) to dispense with the reading of the minutes from the last meeting. Motion carried.

Motion (Ratzel/ Pease to approve the minutes from the last meeting. Motion carried.


Public Comments: Mike Furtak, Bayfield County Assistant Zoning Administrator, spoke regarding his willingness to assist with any questions the Commission has. He also stated he believes it is a good idea to allow the applicants to speak regarding their applications.


Zoning, Land Use Applications:  

1- Mary Krook: After the fact shoreland grading/ filling permit.  Motion (Webb/ Ratzel)to approve.  Discussion followed. Mike Furtak explained the situation, how it happened, and the fines that had been imposed. The applicant must do shoreland restoration and is willing to do that. Had she applied before the work was done, the permit would have been granted. Motion carried.

2- Arthur Martorano: Sleeping area garage loft, deck on garage, privy.  Motion (Webb/ Martin) to approve. Call for discussion. This meets county zoning requirements and fits in with the Land Use Plan.  Motion Carried. 

3- Jerry and Marcia Thompson: Remove existing cabin, build new cabin. Motion (Webb/ Pease) to approve.  Call for discussion. Mike Furtak provided background information on the history of the lot in question. One owner had 2 adjoining lots that got fused when zoning came about. The owner was then unable to sell one of the lots, so he created a small 2 unit condo. The current owners of one lot want to remove the existing cabin and put in a new cabin that would meet all setbacks. They are asking for a smaller footprint than would be allowed by zoning and they will be having a new septic. Motion carried.

4- Patrick Wilkinson: Residential garage in a commercial zoning district. Motion (Pease/ Martin) to approve.  Call for discussion. The garage does meet all setbacks and is consistent with the Land Use Plan. Motion carried.


Mike Furtak mentioned that the Commission should be thinking about the Town’s driveway ordinance. It is not a County ordinance. Adding it in as a condition to the permits allows it to be more enforceable.



Motion (Pease/ Martin) to adjourn. Motion carried.  Meeting adjourned at 4:35pm.


Respectfully submitted,


Diane Rupnow

Secretary- Town of Barnes Planning Commission.



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