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Home > Town of Barnes Plan Commission > LUPC Meeting Minutes > 2007 Minutes > Meeting Minutes August 14, 2007

Meeting Minutes August 14, 2007

Minutes of the Town of Barnes Planning Commission

Of August 16, 2007



Planning Commission members present: Gene Ratzel, Dave Pease, Diane Rupnow.

Alternate present: Duke Marten

Member absent: Donna Porter, Dick Webb


The meeting was called to order by Chairman Gene Ratzel. Agenda read.

Roll call to establish quorum.


Motion (Marten/ Pease) to approve agenda. Motion carried.

Motion (Rupnow/ Ratzel) to dispense with the reading of the minutes from the last meeting. Motion carried.

Motion (Pease/ Marten) to approve the minutes from the last meeting. Motion carried.


Public Comments: None


Zoning, Land Use Applications:  

1- Joe and Maxine Coder:  Placement of a recreational vehicle on property year round .  Motion (Rupnow/ Marten)to approve.  Discussion followed. The request does not have much information. Nothing is listed as to how long they want to keep it there. Motion denied. Reason for denial: Need more info as to the size of the RV, the length of time it is being requested, if there is a privy.

2- Troy Guider: Residence (cabin) in F1 zoning district on Cranberry Lake Road.  Motion (Rupnow/ Ratzel) to approve. Call for discussion. This meets county zoning requirements and fits in with the Land Use Plan.  Motion Carried. 



Gene attended a meeting in Ashland recently. The officials there are looking for support from the Towns to obtain a grant for preparation of Land Use Plans. 4 towns out of 25 in Bayfield County have a plan in place. They are asking for Towns to sign a resolution in support of Comprehensive Land Use Plans and for public participation. Northwest Regional Planning would write the plans and there would be 2 types; brochure type or a complete plan. This would not affect Barnes as our Plan is completed.



Motion (Rupnow/ Marten) to adjourn. Motion carried.  Meeting adjourned at 4:40pm.


Respectfully submitted,


Diane Rupnow

Secretary- Town of Barnes Planning Commission.



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