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Town of Barnes Plan Commission
LUPC Meeting Minutes
2007 Minutes
> Meeting Minutes May 7, 2007
Meeting Minutes May 7, 2007Minutes of the Town of Of Planning Commission members present: Gene Ratzel, Donna Porter, Dave Pease, Dick Webb. Member absent: Diane Rupnow Alternate absent: Duke Martin Also present: Carol Kulpa, Jean Steitz The meeting was called to order by Chairman Gene Ratzel. Agenda read. Roll call to establish quorum. Motion (Webb/Pease) to approve agenda. Motion carried. Motion (Pease/ Webb) to dispense with the reading of the minutes from the last meeting and to approve the minutes. Motion carried. Public Comments: Carol Kulpa spoke regarding the Swan request to build a walking bridge across the bay on Zoning, Land Use Applications: 1- Mike Kubult: Operate a home based business and converting a room to an office. Motion (Porter/ Pease)to accept. Discussion followed. Motion amended (Porter/ Pease) to include stipulation of no outside storage of materials or equipment on site. Motion carried. 2- William Wolf: RV extension on lot for 3 years. Plans to then build. Has a well and septic installed. Motion (Webb/ Pease) to approve. Motion Carried. Gene discussed that we should consider and work on a no wake ordinance and education on small lakes or waterways as in our Land Use Plan. Motion (Webb/ Porter) to adjourn. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at Respectfully submitted, Donna S. Porter On behalf of Diane Rupnow Secretary- Town of Barnes Planning Commission. |