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Town Roads & Right of Way Committee
Road Committee Meeting Minutes
2007 Road Committee Minutes
> April 26, 2007
April 26, 2007MINUTES OF THE TOWN OF TOWN ROADS & RIGHT OF WAY COMMITTEE MEETING April 26, 2007 The meeting was called to order at 1:00 PM by Chairman, Greg Martin. Those present were committee members: Mitch Mcgee, Jack Meinke, Dick Webb, Greg Martin and Jerry Witt. The agenda was read and approved. Agenda was posted in accordance with State Statutes. Minutes of meeting held April 21, 2006 were presented. A motion was made by Jack and seconded by Mitch to dispense with the reading of the minutes. Motion carried. The committee took a road tour to review problem roads. The committee then reconvened at the Town Hall at 3:00 PM. Developing “Standard Policy” for Town Roads was discussed. Actions taken at previous meetings were reviewed regarding Mission Statement, Minimum Geometric Standards, Validation of Highways, Safety & Maintenance, Highway Encroachments and Public Notifications of roadwork. Discussion was held on Chapter Trans 204, Existing Town Road Improvement Standards. Copies of State Statute 82.50 and Chapter Trans 204 were given to members for review and discussion. Also given to committee members was a copy of case law George & Cecil Johnson vs. City of The next meeting will be held on Thursday May 10, 2007 at 2:00PM at the Town Hall. A motion to by Dick to adjourn the meeting was seconded by Greg. Motion carried. Respectfully Submitted Dick Webb, Secretary |