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Town Roads & Right of Way Committee
Road Committee Meeting Minutes
2007 Road Committee Minutes
> March 7, 2007 Minutes
March 7, 2007 MinutesMINUTES OF THE TOWN OF TOWN ROADS & RIGHT OF WAY COMMITTEE MEETING The meeting was called to order at Those present were committee members: Mitch Mcgee, Jack Meinke, Dick Webb, Greg Martin and Jerry Witt. The agenda was read and approved. Agenda was posted in accordance with State Statutes. Minutes of meeting held A general discussion was held regarding Mission Statement as far as adding, or making changes, etc. for fluid presentation to the Town Board. Discussion on safety and maintenance of road issues regarding the public use of town roads was held using State Statute 66.1037 for reference. It was determined that policy will be followed within the guidelines of Chapter 82 to provide maximum safety to users of the town roads and to allow for proper maintenance of town roads. Highway Encroachments: It was determined that State Statute 86.04 will be followed for highway encroachments. Hazardous objects shall be removed from town road right-of-way. A general discussion was held as to the role of utilities and road right-of-way, referencing State Statute 86.16. Public notification of roadwork: normal policy should be followed and/or additional procedures as deemed necessary by the Town Board. Public input will be allowed at meetings of the Town Roads and Right-Of-Ways Committee, limiting input to five (5) minutes per individual. Motion by Dick to adjourn the meeting was seconded by Jack. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at Respectfully Submitted Dick Webb, Secretary |