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Town Roads & Right of Way Committee
> Mission Statement
Mission Statement TOWN ROADS & RIGHT-OF-WAY POLICY It is the PURPOSE The purpose of this policy will be to meet public safety standards and maintenance of the town roads in the most cost efficient manner. POLICY Minimum Geometric Standards Minimum standards will be those as authorized in State Statute Chapter 82, Trans 204 and Automobile Daily Traffic (ADT) guidelines with the use of qualified engineering assistance if needed for any new and/or re-construction of town roads. The Committee recommends that the minimum standards as required in Chapter 82.50 and Trans 204 be consistently followed. Validations of roads Town roads are validated as public roads by use and maintenance of ten years by the Town. The Committee recommends that roads be maintained to the public highway width of 66 feet. However, the Committee does recognize the right of the Town Board to approve the minimum allowed width of 49.5 feet if necessary and/or required. It is recommended that the Town consider traffic count and safety before allowing the lesser width. The Road Committee recommends that the town should aggressively pursue abandonment of roads that do not serve the interest of the town. The Town should also pursue abandonment of roads where the cost of upgrading to meet current geometric standards, and/or adequate right-of-ways and turnarounds to meet the requirements for safety and maintenance cannot be justified as a public expense. Safety and maintenance of roads All public Town roads will be maintained within the guidelines of Chapter 82 and Trans 204 to provide maximum safety to users of the town roads and to allow for proper maintenance of all town roads. Highway Encroachments Trees, landscape items, fences, and other hazardous objects shall be removed from road right-of-way as required in State Statute Chapter 86.04. Public Utilities State Statute 86.16 Public Notification Notification of laying, altering, or discontinuing a road or roads should follow current policy with additional procedures as deemed necessary by the Town Board. The Committee recommends that at a minimum the proposed work be posted on the Town of Grievance Policy Statement The Committee recommends that the Town Board adopt a policy procedure for anyone wishing to file a grievance; allowing the public to meet and discuss their concerns with the Town Board. At a minimum this procedure should be made available to the Town Road Superintendent for distribution when warranted. The policy should outline the procedure to file a grievance as well as contact phone numbers. |