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Special Committees
Aquatic Invasive Species Committee
AIS & EWM Committees Meeting Minutes
> October 21, 2006 Minutes
October 21, 2006 MinutesEurasian Water Milfoil CommitteeEWM Committee Ingemar Ekstrom called the meeting to order. Present were: Ingemar Ekstrom, Barb Romstad, Stefania Strzalkowska, Pam Toshner, John Kudlas, James Joswick, Patti Joswick, Lee Weisner Agenda items: 1) Introduction of Members· Chairperson – Ingemar Ekstrom · Communications – Barb Romstad · Stefania Strzalkowska · John Kudlas · Dave Pease · James Joswick · Mitch McGee · Patti Joswick · Lee Weisner · Gerald Gustafson (possible) Pam Toshner was present at the meeting in an advisory role. This committee is an “arm” of the town board. There may be some funds available for this program. There had been funds budgeted for 2006 summer but none of those funds were used. There is speculation that those funds have been rolled over for use in summer 2008. · Lee Weisner made a motion to nominate Ingemar Ekstrom as committee chair. Seconded by Patti Joswick; Passed · Ingemar Ekstrom made a motion to appoint Barb Romstad as the committee’s communication person. Seconded by Lee Weisner; motion passed. 2) A synopsis of John’s lake survey was distributed to the members. Briefly: All lakes with public landings were checked for presence of weeds and information access. He checked on reports of milfoil and found it to be northern milfoil. Seems to be no presence of EWM on the checked lakes that had previously been recorded as free of the invasive species. 3) Observation of Affected Lakes, On Pam outlined various funding options for EWM projects and advised the group that an Aquatic Plant Management Plan for the area is a good initial project, which is required at certain steps of funding requests. 4) Communication process with the property owners of the two affected lakes; Tomahawk and Sandbar – Ingemar Ekstrom We need to begin communication as soon as possible; a letter should go within the next two weeks to include: · Cover letter outlining the problem and announcing the establishment of the committee. · Minutes of the initial meeting · Maps of the presence of EWM on the two affected lakes. · Response request o Who is the principle property owner and/or person with the future interest in the property? o Were you aware of the problem prior to receiving this mailing? o Are you in support of containment and in-lake management efforts? o Would you like to receive more specific information concerning the area lake conditions and containment and in-lake management options? 5) Clean Boats Clean Waters grant – Lee Weisner Need to have this grant request in by · Ingemar made a motion that we intitiate a Clean Boats Clean Waters grant for the upcoming two years. Seconded by James Joswick; passed. John Kudlas gave a brief recap prepared by Gerald Gustafson of the Clean Boats Clean Waters efforts of previous years that was forwarded to the DNR. 6) John will present the Barnes EWM project at this event. Pam suggested that John write an article on the Barnes project for the WAL newsletter. 7) Next Meeting date – Monday November 20, Motion to adjourn: Lee Weisner, seconded by Patti Joswick; passed. |