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Special Committees
Aquatic Invasive Species Committee
> AIS Projects
AIS ProjectsGeneral Notice to stakeholdersEfforts to control aquatic invasive species in our lakes includes the use of a diver-assisted suction harvester (DASH) to pull plants from the lake bottom. The AIS Committee named the dash boat, Barnes Aquatic Invasive Species Sucker (BAISS). The BAISS is manned by two certified divers, and a volunteer driver who assists in collecting the plants and preparing them for on-land disposal. Volunteers pick up the bags of collected plants at the end of the day and disposes them in designated off-water sites. Permits are required annually to operate the BAISS boat on area lakes. The project includes harvesting curly-leaf Pondweed (CLP) in the Eau Claire Chain of Lakes and Eurasian watermilfoil (EWM) in Tomahawk Lake and Sand Bar Lake. |
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